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Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju

Taichi had begun the day as he usually would, he woke up, stumbling as usual. As he started his morning, he walked towards the outside of his house, only to start with some normal stretches; just so Taichi was assure that he would be ready for the day. He was wearing his usual, pajama pants and shirtless. It wasn't like Taichi wanted to flaunt any of his body, he just enjoyed being shirtless. It was fun having the wind blow in his chest. Yet, when he leaves for missions, he has to wear shirts and such; mostly due to the fact that being naked isn't the best form of protection.

He began with push ups, as they were the best way to pump ones arms and blood around the whole body. Not only did he do one hundred push ups, but by the time he finished he was sweating like a pig. Sweat was a great indication that Taichi was doing it right, and prepping his body for the soon to be training he had later on today. Today, he had an appointment with Rean Hyuga; a guy that Taichi had never heard of. He was fairly looking forward to the training day, but he didn't want to get his hopes up. After all, he couldn't trust anyone if he didn't want them to be lost.

After his push ups, Taichi swiftly moved to situps. He enjoyed crunching out as many different type of sit up positions as he could. He rapidly reached about 50 sit ups in each positions, while he did about 7-8 types of positions. Taichi loved to train, it was the thing that made great shinobis great shinobis. He smiled as his sweat dripped from his chin, as he rose up to go back into his house. He walked to his shower, as he removed his clothing and began to cleanse himself.

Once he finished his shower, he moved to his kitchen where he prepared a bowl of cereal for himself. As he ate it, he continued to think of how this day could go wrong or how it could go right. There were literally so many possibilities, and he never knew what would happen. Taichi finished his cereal and made his way for the Naka River, which is where they had said they would have their training session. He reached the area fairly early, and decided to sit down and wait till Rean came. After all, the early bird catches the worm.

WC: 417



Rean was walking through the village in non usual Hyuga attire. He came from the opposite side of the village as he didnt stay at home that night due to him falling asleep looking at the stars the night before in his favourite tree. As he made his way to the agreed location to meet with Taichi for some training, he was attempting to recall all he knows about him which wasnt much as Rean generally quite quiet in the academy and left as fast as he got there for lessons.

As Rean got to the place he thought was the meeting area not much to his surprise Taichi wasnt there yet and wouldnt be suprised if he didnt come to begin with. With no time to waste Rean decided to doing laps around the training area just to warm himself up on this mild day. "Alright that should do it" Rean thought to himself believing he had got his blood pumping sufficiently enough for him to train with out getting any injuries.

Rean found an old tree in the field where he begun to practise his taijutsu style "Gentle Fist". After around thirty minutes of practising the Gentle Fist Kata's he deciding to sit with his back to the tree and look around at the wild life "Beautiful" he quietly murmured. However Rean's admiration of nature was quickly interrupted as he noticed someone near him. Considering Rean was not in the safety of the village he decided to hide himself in near by bushes and observe this person. He watched them just sitting in the middle of the clearing almost as if they are waiting for someone. Due to this Rean thought that they must be the person he is waiting for. Rean got up from from where he was observing this person as began to move closer noticing that this boy looked almost the same age as him.

As Rean got closer to the black haired boy, he turned around seeing Rean with his messy red hair and pale eyes. Before he could even speak "Senju Taichi I pressume" Rean stated. "If so, lets get started. I've been here for a while" and with this Rean stretched out his hand with a small grin.

WC: 399

Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju

Taichi was started as he heard another approach him. Taichi knew that someone was there but he didn't want to look at him, he wanted the element of surprise; after all it was the best factor in a fight. Immedaitely as he looked back, he was greeted very rudely by the boy that he suspected to be Rean,

- "Senju, Taichi I presume. If so, lets get started. I've been here for a while"

Taichi smiled as he looked up at the other Genin. Taichi wanted to disregard his rudeness, mostly since he had no friends. Nobody to care for. Nobody to help him in life. It was pretty sad, as he walked down the streets of Konohagakure he saw other Genin having fun with their squad members. This Rean figure seemed distant to be honest, he also confused Taichi a lot. He had been here for a while? Why did Taichi not see him then; he had been here for about 30 minutes and hadn't seen him. He didn't care for liars but something in his gut told him that Rean was telling the truth. Taichi laughed and said,

- "Well I guess you must be Rean. Rean, Hyuga; correct? Anyways, I'll tell you a bit about this spot I guess. I enjoy history of these kinds of areas, especially when it comes to before training. Here come take a seat."

Taichi indicated that Rean could sit beside him, as he patted the ground gently. It seemed like the guy enjoyed nature, after all he sat down without hesitating at all. Taichi looked at him, smiled, and began his speech.

- "This river right here is a  river is located on the land where the Uchiha clan once lived and prospered and at some point, it passes through a deep ravine.  It has a lot of sentemintal values, especially to us Senjus. To be honest, I do not care for the last name Senju since I do not deserve it. I believe that last names should not be given, but deserved and earned.  About 300 years ago Hashirama, one of the strongest Senjus to live, roamed earth and created Konohagakure. Currently, another Senju holds it; but in my eyes he might seem nice and all but he doesn't deserve the last name. Senju, and every other clan name has a history behind it. If the current Shinobi that hold that name do not deserve it they shouldn't have the last name. This is why I preferred to be referred as Taichi, and only Taichi. I'm sure I'm boring you with all this talk about values and such, but I believe a man that aspires to become the Hokage must have certain ideals."

Taichi ,slowly but surely, pushed his body up from the ground and reached his hand out to give Rean a hand up. He picked his hand up and picked Rean up. Taichi smiled and continued to speak,

- " Well now to give you a professional tour of the training grounds. Firstly, over there are the taijutsu tricking logs. I've heard that people from your clan are great with your taijutsu. Over there are the dummies which are used for shuriken and kunai practice. Mostly to boost ones accuracy in general and strength. Of course, in the middle is the main battle area where when I'm with someone we have a small battle. Most of the battles don't get personal, just a way of training and becoming stronger. Right there is the running course. I mostly use that to get faster and boost my endurance. Anyways, I'll give you the decision of what to start with. I mostly do everything in a day."

He smiled and looked at Rean in the eyes as Taichi scratched his head. Taichi was pretty happy with his training grounds in general. He had a bunch of stuff that he had made over the years. Not only did he work hard on perfecting it, but he worked extra hard in making this another home. This is the place where he shed most of his sweat, most of his tears. Training was the only thing that allowed Taichi to get his mind off of things, such as the thought of him being alone all the time. Not only did it allow him to get his mind off of things, but it also allowed him to grow as a shinobi. He believed that one thing every single Shinobi must do is grow. Growing was the only way to actually reach greatness. How was one suppose to expect to become as strong as someone else that actually worked to get to where he was.

The more Taichi thought, the more an idea crossed his mind. Wouldn't it be cool if he had a sensei? Apart from his normal training sessions, a sensei could teach him things up close. Especially if this sensei was a Jounin or higher.  At that moment, Taichi began to praise himself. He thought of a great idea that might result in him one) not having to interact with a lot of people to grow and 2) grow with someone experienced. He enjoyed having fun with people like Rean, and he expected to continue to train with them but he believed if he was training with someone at the same level as him what would he be learning? To be honest, the only hard part was to find someone willing to deal with Taichi. Nobody really cared for the son of a Senju whore, especially when she slept with about ninety percent of the village's men. For things like this he hated his mother even more. He lived in a small apartment, that she use to live with him in, but she left on a "business trip". He really had no idea of where she was, or what she was doing but little by little he worried for her. She was his mother after all. Maybe after all of this was over, or maybe even in about a week he would search for her. Yeah, a week sounded reasonable. Taichi decided that after a week, if she didn't show up he would start looking for her. He still loved her, even though she cause so much pain for him in his life. She was his mother. He continued to walk around the training grounds, awaiting Rean's response.


WC: 1,080
Total: 1,497



Rean listened intensely as Taichi explained the history of the area, especially as he spoke of the founder of Konoha. The thing that intrigued him the most was the believe that Taichi had on surnames. The fact he believed people didn't deserve their surname due to the power that the name carried throughout history, however he didn't agree with all of but still agreed as people shouldnt be judged on their skill based on what clan they are from.

As Taichi showed Rean around the training ground he kept his eye on the taijutsu dummies as he was being shown the other areas. "I definitely want to use those" Rean thought to himself. After he was shown the entire grounds and Taichi stood there almost as if he was waiting for Rean to do something, deciding to speak. "Taichi.. can we go to the dummies?" Walking to dummies with Taichi, Rean wasted to no time to dive into abusing the training dummies. Throughout the area all that could be heard was sound of dummies being struck. "BANG" "BANG" Rean proceeded to continue to striking the dummies untill something unexpected happened, a cracking sound could be heard and before Rean and Taichi knew what happened the dummie was on the grass. Rean looked up at Taichi completely shocked of what had just happened however he just smiled. "Sorry, Taichi.., I.., I didnt mean to do that" Rean quietly murmured going back into his somewhat shell that does when he thinks he has angered or annoyed someone. Waiting for Taichi's response Rean just looked down at the dummie still shocked from what just happened.

WC: 292

Total WC : 691

Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju

Taichi knew that Rean had been listening to him the whole time; he enjoyed having someone to talk to and have fun with.  He enjoyed having people that listened more than they spoke, mostly since Taichi spoke a bunch. Not only did he speak a lot, but he mostly spoke with words that had meaning. He hated when people just spoke to speak. If anyone had to speak, then they must speak with and for a cause. Taichi’s ideals may have been strict, but as strict as he was he actually enjoyed having rules.  Right after Taichi finished showing him around the training grounds, he asked to go to training with the dummies. He gently and shyly said,

  - "Taichi.. can we go to the dummies?"

All Taichi could do was laugh and nod his head. He didn’t like how Rean didn’t trust Taichi yet, he seemed tense towards him. It was the first time someone was actually tense with Taichi. Throughout his life, Taichi was used to being the one who was pissed off, tense, and far from others. It just didn’t feel right when he was the one being loose in the relationship. Yet, he still enjoyed Rean’s company; after all he was one of his only friends. At least he presumed? Taichi wasn’t good with pondering whether or not one was still an acquaintance or actually a friend. He had been search for friends for a pretty long time, after all the people that abused him in the academy all Taichi needed was a few friends that he could trust and love. Not only trust and love but protect. Protecting the people a Shinobi loved was one of the most important things to do, as a Shinobi.  

As he moved towards the taijutsu tricking dummies, Taichi was intrigued in the actual strength of a Hyuga. He heard a lot of rumors, but then again rumors were just rumors. He never really knew how strong they were. After all, he also heard that they trained together and became stronger together; the exact polar opposites of Taichi. Taichi always trained all alone, so the thought of many people train together and actually accomplish something was shocking to him. Taichi started punching the striking dummies, until he heard a large *BANG* He looked up as he saw Rean rapidly going ham on the dummies.  He abused with such force it was actually fun to watch, and he actually preferred to watch how he punched that training for the time being. Taichi plopped himself on the ground, sat down in a criss-cross formation, and stared in astonishment at Rean. He couldn’t help but not smile at Rean’s training session, it was just so entertaining.  

A few minutes later, Taichi heard a crackling sound, which Rean most likely heard as well. Taichi knew what that sound was, after all he heard it fairly often; it was the sound of the dummy slowly breaking apart. When Rean, continued to jab with such force the dummy split in half and was on the ground. He knew that Rean would’ve suspected him to be angry, but all Taichi could do was smile. He was too happy to be mad or angry, after all Rean had split one of his dummies in less than 10 minutes. It was astonishing, as well as formidable in Taichi’s eyes.  Rean seemed shocked as he looked down at Taichi and said,

    - “Sorry, Taichi.., I.., I didnt mean to do that"

Taichi laughed at Rean, as he smiled and said,

   - “Don’t sweat it Rean! But truly what we should be talking about is your amazing speed at breaking one of my dummies! I’ve never seen anything like it. Looks like your clan must’ve trained you well. I have a few questions, if you don’t mind me asking of course?”

He couldn’t help but smile as Rean said yes. He pushed himself off of the ground and asked,

  - “Is it true that you Hyuga train amongst each other? If it is then I’m really impressed. I’ve never seen someone this strong training in big groups. In my opinion, big groups tend to lead to people becoming much more social and less fit. It leads to people becoming more focused and not independent anymore. See, I train alone and I do not need anyone to really help me; at least for now. But I can call in anyone when I want to have a bit of fun. Like this training session. Yesterday, I was training alone but today I’m training with you! To be honest, I’m having a bunch of fun. Umm… So, I would also like to ask if you would like to be my friend.”

Taichi scratched his head, as he asked the question. He hoped for a yes from Rean, after all if he did say yes he would be his only friend.  That sounded cool to be honest. He thought that girl, Katara, would’ve been his friend but last he heard of her she was leaving Konohagakure. He didn’t know what went through her mind, she might have been eager to starting a new page?  Truthfully, he really enjoyed her company in the training session they did a few days ago. Even thought it went completely berserk he wanted to hear again from her soon.

Yet, now he was completely focused on becoming Rean’s friend.  If he was his friend, Taichi would OFFFICIALLY have a friend.  He didn’t know what being friendship entailed, but he was fairly curious. If it was a big commitment, Taichi wasn’t sure whether or not he could commit just yet. It was fairly early, and he didn’t know if he wanted to fully open his arms and accept so much. He really didn’t know anything about friendship. His whole childhood was spent alone, and training. Mostly all of his friends were his grandmother, grandfather, and his mother; but he was sure they didn’t count. After all, they were all his family members and it might have sounded weird if he said that in front of people. He smiled at Rean, placed his hands in his pockets, and awaited his answer.


WC: 1,029
Total: 2,526



As Rean looked up from the ground after hearing that Taichi told him "Don't sweat it". Just those 3 words alone made Rean feel all the while better but he still regretted breaking Taichi's training dummy. As he continued to listen to the rest of what Taichi had to say, the thing that stuck to Rean the most was "Looks like your clan trained you well", if only Taichi knew what he went through on a day to day basis whenever he entered his own clans compound, and yet this only happened to him because of his heritage. In process of his thoughts Rean scoffed at the thought of being trained properly by his own clansmen, however this scoff went unnoticed to Taichi as he continued speaking asking he is could ask Rean some questions. Ironically Taichi had asked a question to see if he had could ask more, to Rean this was funny and thinking how funny it was to do that, as he answered "Yeah. Go for it" with a small smile stuck to his face. He couldnt help himself but smile as Taichi was the first person he enjoyed the company of baring Shimo.

With Reans permission Taichi continued to ask questions and the first one that he asked was to do with his training and his clan. “Is it true that you Hyuga train amongst each other? If it is then I’m really impressed." Whilst this was mostly true it, this wasnt the case for Rean, he wasnt sure if he wanted to share this particular piece of information with Taichi yet, especially with alot of detail but he figured that he might as well tell Taichi a part of it. "Yes, its true that the Hyuga Clansmen train together in groups however I generally train on my own, as I personally like to train solo or 2-3 people" The last part was a partial truth as Rean didnt want to share want happened in the compound as he didnt want it to drag him down or people to see him differently, but there will come a time when Taichi will find out and the longer Rean hang aorund each other the more Taichi will find out about Rean.

Rean listened to Taichi as he was saying he was having fun by just being their with him, and enjoying their training, but Rean guessed that watching someone break a training dummy in such short time is entertaining for Taichi considering he just told him he often Trains alone. The last question shocked Rean the most, after such a short time of Taichi meeting him, he already wants to be friends with him. Inherently Rean is the quiet type of person and doesnt speak much even with his current friends that he sees every so often, but here is this young boy and in the space of 30 minutes or so he was already made Rean smile more so than he has with his current group of friends. So the moment Taichi finished asking his question, Rean had answered "Yeah sure, why not" with a smile on his face, trying not to seem overly eager to have a new friend and someone who he can train with.

WC: 568

Total WC: 1259

Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju

Once Rean answered Taichi first question, Taichi couldn’t help but sigh that Rean trained on his own. He wanted some insight on how the Hyuga do it. Yet, Rean didn’t help him at all in this field. He didn’t really want to use Rean, and that wasn’t what he hoped their relationship would lead to. Taichi wanted them to both help each other grow, since they obviously both weren’t really that strong. Taichi wasn’t that confident, especially when it came to his ninja skills. He wondered why Rean would be training alone. Maybe, because he was like Taichi and didn’t have any friends. If that was the reason, then they would be perfect fits for each other. After Taichi asked him whether or not they could be friend, Rean answered with,

  - "Yeah sure, why not"

Taichi was delighted, but still hide his enjoyment and excitement.  Rean smiled after his answer, maybe showing some kind of joy in finding a new friend. If he was happy, Taichi was as well; but he didn’t want to seem like he had no friends so he kept it cool. He then sat down again, criss-cross style as always. He slowly, and discretly started to analyze Rean. He didn’t look like any of the normal Hyugas that he saw around Konohagakure no sato. He had red hair, nor did he wear the typical Hyuga clothing. Normal Hyugas wore the same thing to show unity between the clan? Yet, Rean seemed very different. Not only was he different, but the good kind of different. As he thought about this further on he looked around the river’s campaign.

He smiled as he saw the beautiful nature around him. Taichi –slowly but surely— started to love nature at its fullest. After all, he was a Senju and he dealt with Doton, Suiton, and Mokuton.  Yet, he didn’t love nature’s best creations at all. Not until today did he realize how beautiful it really could be.  He took a deep breath of air in as he tasted the sweetness of the flowers that were just about to bloom. Even though it could be pretty chilly in this time of year, he still didn’t wear that much. All that Taichi was a pair of pants and his shinobi sandals. That was all that Taichi ever wore. He disliked wearing anything on the top half of his body. He was fairly muscular for his age, due to his rigorous amount of training throughout his whole childhood.  

As Taichi sat down and looked around at the beautiful nature that was around him, he couldn’t help but preach to Rean. He commenced by saying,

  - “Hey Rean? Ever wonder what it would be like to live one with the nature. Like literally, live with nature. Instead of having all these large building and such that we have in our village. We return ourselves back to the time of our ancestors. Were there were no wars, and love for animals was much different. A time where we could there were no large cities, there was only trees and beauty. Don’t you think nature is just so beautiful? Well umm… Oh yeah, well since we’re here, and we’re friends now, I guess I’ll tell you a bit about myself. Hopefully, you don’t take my past and make fun of me out of it; like most people do. Well, I was born as the son of nobody. Literally, I do not know who my father is… Yeah, my mom is the famous prostitute of Konohagakure. Might be bad for me, but you’re the only one that knows at the moment. Once I was born, my mother was too busy umm *coughs* fucking *coughs*, so my grandparents raised me. Not only were they so kind and loving, my grandmother was like my mother and raised me. My grandfather loved me even more, like the son he never had, and trained me as his apprentice. My whole childhood was with my grandfather and him and I training.  Since my birth till my 12th birthday, I was training with my real family. A few days after my 12th birthday, my grandparents both died of a stroke. It was pretty sad, especially for me.  I was left alone, with nobody to help me at all. I currently, live all alone in my house. My grandparents gave me their house and that’s where I currently live in. A month ago, my mother popped back in for a few days just to tell me that she was okay.  She does that a lot; it’s not like I care about her THAT much. She pops in about every two weeks. After she popped in, she left and it’s been a month now and nothing. I’m pretty worried about her…”

Once he finished talking about his whole story, he started to scratch his head wondering where she was. He wishes he knew where she was. Even though that entire bad life she gave him, he still had that natural bond with her. She was the one that held him for nine months. He didn’t know that she wanted to kill him before his birth, but his grandparents stopped her. She was a prostitute first, a citizen of Konohagakure second, and a mother last. That just proved how much she cared about her son, Taichi. Taichi didn’t know how she really felt, but he had guesses about it after all.  He preferred his grandparents over his mother but, now they were gone…  He couldn’t just stop living his life just because the people he loved had died. Taichi decided to lighten the mood a bit, as he jumped up from the ground; happily.  He smiled at Rean and said,

  - “So tell me about yourself. After all you are very, very different from all the Hyugas I see in Konohagakure. Do you have red hair because one of your parents is from the Uzumaki clan? Do you wear different attire as a form of rebellion? Come on Rean, I’m interested."

WC: 1,006
Total: 3,532



Gusts of wind blew through Rean's red hair as he sat next to Taichi on the green grass that stretched as far as the eye could see, minus the fact their was a river nearby, but other than that the lucious green grass was everywhere. One would not be able to even tell that this had once been home to fierce battles between the rival Uchiha and Senju Clans. As Rean listened to Taichi's story, after all he had Reans undivided attention due to the fact that Taichi had asked him a question he deemed very interesting.

- "Hey Rean? Ever wonder what it would be like to live one with the nature. Like literally, live with nature."

To Rean this question was just simply something he couldnt answer. He could imagine being able to watch the way the world works, the way the natural food chain could be affected by the natural elements, the elements that just happened on their own unlike the elements that the ninja use. He began to ponder on whether ninja world was as unforgiving as the natural world. Yes Rean did want live one with nature and yet he was afraid of the uncertainties as well as the unpredictabilities of it. Where in the ninja world one problem with cause one effect where as in the natural world one problem could cause one or magnitude of effects that could build up and affect things in the future. Rean continued to listen to Taichi as he continue about returning to the age of our ancestors with no large cities or wars, just nature with its trees and beauty. Rean decided to add a mental note next to Taichi's description of nature with the addition of natures unpredictabilities.

After Taichi's question of nature he then proceeded to shed some light of who he is. He described himself as the son of nobody and a prostitute which isnt the nicest way to describe yourself or even your parents however Taichi soon made it understandable why he called his mother a prostitute as he was raised by his own grand parents instead of his mother as she was too busy sleeping around with other men. The moment Taichi then proceeded to say that a few days after his 12th birthday both of his grandparents died of a stroke Rean began to feel sorry for Taichi although he seems like one to not liking to be pitied he couldn't help it as it was just such bad luck and a terrible situation to be in since he effectively had to raise himself after his grandparents had died.

Soon after Taichi had got up and smiled at Rean indicating to him that he was ok and he didnt need to be worried about. After getting up he looked down and spoke to Rean:

- “So tell me about yourself. After all you are very, very different from all the Hyugas I see in Konohagakure. Do you have red hair because one of your parents is from the Uzumaki clan? Do you wear different attire as a form of rebellion? Come on Rean, I’m interested."

As he heard this Rean inwardly sighed as he knew this was coming as soon Taichi begun to tell him about himself. However Rean decided to comply and told Rean about himself.

"I seem different from the other Hyuga's?" Rean asked rhetorically not being rude in anyway. "I guess you could say that. You see, I wasnt born in Konoha. I was born of somewhere the border of the land of fire and my father as you know is of the Hyuga Clan. For the first 6 years of my it life was an extremely pleasant one, as young children should I had no care in the world and the only thing he had to worry about was when he was able to go out and play again with my best friend at the time Shimo. Shimo and I played together everyday and as the years past we grew even closer until my mother had died. My mother died when I was at the age of 6 and no one could look after me, Shimo's mother was to poor to look after Shimo and I at the same time. It seems my mother knew about her illness for quite sometime and had prepared an arrangement for Rean to be taken care of. A few weeks after my mothers death her funeral was arranged and an unknown man at the time who turned out to be my father had come to take me to Konoha. I never had a chance to say goodbye to Shimo before I left as my father took me straight away after the funeral had finished. To little me everything was moving to fast for me to comprehend what was happening and before I knew where he was being taken he was inside the village, looking around at the large buildings and the unknown adults and children before him especially those with the same eyes my own. A few days after I came to Konoha my father induced me into the academy to start classes."

Rean paused for a couple of seconds to allow Taichi to sink in all the information that Rean had just shared.

"I dont really know why my hair is red, my mothers as I remember was not red and my father's is not red. However there is another red headed Hyuga in the Clan, although I've never spoken to him."

"As for my clothes,I dont like the traditional Hyuga wear so I dont wear it." Rean stated the one of the reasons why he doesnt wear typical Hyuga clothing, he didnt want to worry Taichi with how he clan treated him whenever he went into the compound and Rean himself didnt talk about it as he remembered one day in the clan compound that stick with him for the rest of his life.

~~Enter Flashback ~~

Rean was on his way home from a boring yet tiring day at the ninja academy and was walking to him room in the Hyuga compound. Rean could hear his fellow clan members talking about him as though he was not there walking by. "God look at him, how could the clan leader let that abomination live in the clan compound" - One of the elders stated loud enough for him to hear. Another lesser member of the clan called over to Rean calling him a bastard. "Oi bastard!" the clan member called repetitively to get Rean's attention whilst throwing pieces of broken training dummies at him. As Rean turned around to tell her to stop calling him a bastard he turned to narrowly avoid being hit by the pieces of training dummies being thrown. Although he had seen her throwing the pieces of the training dummies thanks to his byakugan, he had underestimated the speed of the flying object coming towards him. Seemly spurred on by the act of another clan member more began to re throw the pieces of training dummies that had missed Rean. The amount of debris flying around the air made Rean had to make an effort to avoid them, having enough of this he shouted at them. "STOP IT!" seemly having tears in his eyes for being picked on.

Upon hearing a shout from inside the compound the clan leader stepped out of his chambers along with Rean's Father. "Enough of this!" commanded the clan leader as all everyone stopped what they were doing and all eyes were upon him and then towards Rean's father. Many of the clans people began to muster again, only one was audible towards Rean's father and the Clan leader. "Look, its the bastards father. It seems as if he was having a meeting with the clan leader probably about his pathetic excuse of a son and the shame he has bought upon the clan." After hearing what was said Rean's Father looked at the Clan head and then quickly looked down as being ashamed of what he has done. "Go to your chambers" the clan leader told Rean's father " and take your son with you. We will continue this on a later date." he quickly stated after.

Rean's Father quickly went to where Rean was kneeling due to being exhausted from his day at ninja academy and the recent events of him having to play avoid the debris being thrown at him. "Come.." Rean's father said with little to no emotion in his voice after Rean called up to him " Tou-sa..." only to be cut short by his father. The look he was receiving from his father was mix between disappointment and embarrassment. This was the day Rean was to tired to defend himself from the other clan members and could only act like a child.

~~End Flashback~~

As Rean was remembering his terrible past he hoped that Taichi didnt pick up on the bluntness of his last sentence.

Rean could not help but notice much time has passed when he was just spending time training and talking to Taichi. As he looked up into the sky, putting his hand over his eyes creating a makeshift eye shield to prevent himself from looking directly at the sun. The orange/yellow ball of gas in the sky was directly above them, with almost clear skies as there was the odd small fluff could here and there, making the sky look almost perfect. Whilst looking at the position of the sun in the sky Rean realised that it must be past midday, and he had something he must do then with his father and other members of the Hyuga clan or he would never hear the end of it if he was to be late. Deciding to make a swift exit he told Taichi.

"Later Taichi, I have something I have to do at midday, and as you can tell by the suns position its roughly around that time. Sorry I should of told you about this at the beginning of the session, however this is something I cannot be late for as it involve my father and other members of my clan"

Rean turned towards the direction of the village and headed for the nearest tree to begin his journey back to the village. Rean turned back to see Taichi giving him a wave good bye with a smile on his face. Reaching the tree Rean turned back to Taichi and gave him a two handed wave goodbye. Once finished his goodbye once again turned and darted to the tree branch to begin his journey back to the village.

~~~[Exit Thread]~~~

WC: 1878

Total WC: 3137

Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju

Taichi was very confused at everything that was happening before his eyes. First, Rean started to answer his questions; which he fully answered. Then it seemed like his eyes went into the distance, as if he were having a flash back. Taichi had literally no idea what he was thinking off, so all he could do was analyze the answers he gave him.

"I seem different from the other Hyuga's? I guess you could say that. You see, I wasnt born in Konoha. I was born of somewhere the border of the land of fire and my father as you know is of the Hyuga Clan. For the first 6 years of my it life was an extremely pleasant one, as young children should I had no care in the world and the only thing he had to worry about was when he was able to go out and play again with my best friend at the time Shimo. Shimo and I played together everyday and as the years past we grew even closer until my mother had died. My mother died when I was at the age of 6 and no one could look after me, Shimo's mother was to poor to look after Shimo and I at the same time. It seems my mother knew about her illness for quite sometime and had prepared an arrangement for Rean to be taken care of. A few weeks after my mothers death her funeral was arranged and an unknown man at the time who turned out to be my father had come to take me to Konoha. I never had a chance to say goodbye to Shimo before I left as my father took me straight away after the funeral had finished. To little me everything was moving to fast for me to comprehend what was happening and before I knew where he was being taken he was inside the village, looking around at the large buildings and the unknown adults and children before him especially those with the same eyes my own. A few days after I came to Konoha my father induced me into the academy to start classes."

Taichi began to think about how it would have felt to be Rean in his situation. He began to feel bad, even though he was in no place to think that way. He began to think about how he could help his friend by cheering him up. Maybe he could tell him a fun story about his past? There were always things like these that a friend should tell a friend in order to lighten up the mood.

As Rean finished his first answer he swiftly moved on to his second one, with no pause at all. It seemed as if he didn’t want to waste any time; which Taichi didn’t want to do either. Rean answered with a fairly decent response,

"I dont really know why my hair is red, my mothers as I remember was not red and my father's is not red. However there is another red headed Hyuga in the Clan, although I've never spoken to him."

All Taichi could do was smile, after all this was his friend. Even though he didn’t know how he got his red hair, Taichi always had his assumptions. Maybe, his mother or father held a red hair gene in their traits? Maybe, one of their grandparents had red hair and it skipped a generation? There were so many possibilities, and Taichi couldn’t dumb it down to one.

As he sat there thinking, he realized that Rean hadn’t exited his flash back yet. It might have seemed weird but he was in there fairly long. All Taichi could decide was what to think about, so he chose to think about Rean’s final answer.

"As for my clothes, I dont like the traditional Hyuga wear so I dont wear it."

He wondered if that was the real reason behind it. Maybe he just didn’t want to fit in with them because of how they were. He knew that there were many bullies in Konohagakure no sato, and Taichi had many ordeals with them; especially since he was their main target. Bullies just loved to pick on the nerd, and that was what Taichi was after all. All of this made him think of his grandfather again. As he slowly began to tear up he started to hate himself. Taichi enjoyed holding the whole world on his shoulders, which is why he never let anyone do anything for him. When his grandparents died, he put everything on him. He believed he was the reason they died, and he began to no longer trust anyone. Even before they died, he had a bit of trust and confidence in his mother but after they died he no longer had any. It was as if he ended his social life for good; if he even had one. He didn’t leave the house for weeks, but he still continued his training as usual. Training was the only thing that helped Taichi at times like these, and he wasn’t sure why he wasn’t training now. He believed that sometimes being social resulted in endanger other stuff, like his ability to train. Since he was too busy socializing with Rean, he couldn’t train; at least it would seem rude if he did train while Rean was talking to him.

Instantly, Rean snapped back into the real world. Not only was Taichi confused, but what he said then made Taichi wonder what the hell was happening.
"Later Taichi, I have something I have to do at midday, and as you can tell by the suns position its roughly around that time. Sorry I should of told you about this at the beginning of the session, however this is something I cannot be late for as it involve my father and other members of my clan"

Taichi felt a bit down as he heard the news. He heard that Rean had something to do with his family and clan, Taichi actually began to wonder what it was. As Rean stood up and left, all Taichi could do was smile and wave good bye. He was a good friend, and Taichi believed this was a start to a great friendship.

~ ~[Exit Thread] ~~

WC: 1,050
TWC: 4582

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