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1Another Day [Training, No Kill, Private] Empty Another Day [Training, No Kill, Private] Mon May 25, 2015 6:10 pm

Hyuga Reiko

Hyuga Reiko

A twig snapped deep in the trees, broken by the step of a wild fox. Not even a full second later, a rock thumped into the tree behind it, sending the animal scurrying into the trees hurriedly. The thrower of the rock paused, frowning slightly in irritation. Almost, In a way, she was glad she hadn't hit it, but even with her Byakugan activated, she'd never been very good with things directly behind her. Without them in use, as she wasn't now, it was just worse. But, that was the point of training right? Straightening up, Reiko sighed, turning forward once more, back towards the tree trunk she'd begun drilling at. Shaking her head, she brushed her bangs back and adjusted the bandages around her knuckles, used to protect them a bit from the rough bark. She began punching once more, counting the numbers off under her breath, one by one, as each fist hit the trunk over and over. All the while, she kept her attention on the world around her, trying to prepare herself. After all, you couldn't just punch blindly in a fight. Always expect to be attacked from behind, as her father had told her. "One hundred," she muttered, hitting the trunk one final time. There was her arms for now. She immediately began to do jumping jacks, giving herself a small break in the form of a less demanding exercise. A bird flew through the trees to her left, and she glanced over just slightly. A robin. A male, as well, considering it coloring. "23, 24," she continued to count, her eyes and ears open. She continued like this until she hit 100 once again, at which point she turned, kicking out at the trunk with her left leg, not a pause to be taken. The counting began once more, and she took a deep breath in, as deep as she could. Her hand came up to brush sweat away from her brow, pushing her bangs back a moment to do so.

It was at fifty she switched legs, kicking with her other side, not wanting to end up imbalanced in their strength. Having one leg that was stronger than the other would cause all sorts of problems. Smiling slightly, Reiko reached fifty and finally paused, panting slightly, bending to rest her hands on her knees for a moment. Wandering over to her bag, she pulled out a water container and took a sip, revealing in the coolness a moment before returning it to its spot in her bag.

Hyuga Reiko

Hyuga Reiko

Another two minutes rest, and then she was at it again, this time running. From one tree to another, each a clearing's length apart. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. This part of training tended to make it harder for her to properly watch around her, with all the spinning, but she knew that was good. It would help her learn to focus no matter what the situation was, it may even help her senses with the Byakugan training she was planning on extensively going into soon. Slowly, she forced herself to go faster, pressing her limits as much as she could. She want sure when she would have stopped, but she was brought to an eventual stop by the appearance of a rock, sending her flying head over heels onto her face in the dirt.

"Owwww," she muttered to herself, rolling into her back and sitting up, brushing the dirt and pebbles off of her face and chest. Stupid rock, she thought, standing up and running her fingers through her ponytail, catching any few pieces of twigs or such she'd missed. She turned, running once more. Reiko knew, that, if anything, she had to finish the laps. So that was what she did. Back and forth, once more, until she'd reached 100 on those as well. At this point, she stumbled over to her bag and collapsed on the ground, her chest heaving with breath. She was covered in dirt, the fall from earlier leaving a few streaks on her face and any spots of skin on her front that were showing. She was done, for now, anyway. She sighed, closing her eyes. She would get up and go home in a while, probably stuff her face full, but for now, she was tired. So she rested.

Hyuga Reiko

Hyuga Reiko

Topic Finished

WC: 733 Words

Stats Trained: Endurance, and Perception

Endurance E -> E-3
Perception E -> E-2
Nothing else trained.

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