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Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu wanted to slap Giketsu. He really did. Someone blindly going in without any prior knowledge. At least learn something about your enemy before charging in. He saw Ezra go into the ground and hoped that the damp ground wouldn't conduct to much electricity if the man decided to strike the ground. Then the man pulled out a sword. It was wider, taller, thicker, sharper, and just plain better then a kunai.

Aki had to think for a moment. Currently, there was a lot of water in the ground. That was both good, and bad. If the man used a thunder move, it'd probably fry Ezra. Maybe... if he somehow started to move the water away from them all. It was a long shot, but he could use his water spike jutsu, take up some of the water in the ground and use that as an attack, and to move some water away. So that's what he did. Hand sign here, a directional fist there, and a line of spikes was on its way towards Rajin's left side. If Aki couldn't do anything from close range, at the very least, he could poke the man from a safe distance.

Akimitsu Chakra=70/80:

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra at this point was now a little more than 6 feet away from the earth’s surface. He was safe, for now; as long as his hiding like a mole technique was in effect the once damp earth that surrounded him would change and stay in the form of fine sand for as long as the jutsu was active. Fine sand like most sand cannot conduct electricity so he was safe from the opponent’s lightning release jutsu and to top it off Ezra could also keep tabs on what was going on above. It was a pretty sweet jutsu but still Ezra felt a little uneasy thinking maybe he should’ve stayed and kept to the surface with the others. ‘No.’ He told himself trusting in his plan. He did a good job so far and the others were counting on him. If everything had gone right Raijin should not have been aware that Ezra was in the ground due to his tactics with the clones. Both clones were safe as of now so there was no real way to know if his plan was working.

Ezra took a breath of air there wasn’t much being underground but he had enough. Ezra could feel Raijin topside, it seemed he brought out some swords and switched his stance as Giketsu and Ezra’s clone charged at him. Ezra’s clone pulled back just behind Giketsu to follow in his shadow. Since Giketsu most likely took the most wind resistance Ezra’s clone leapt out from his shadow at a significantly higher speed, at least significantly enough to most likely make a difference, when Giketsu broke away to the left. The clone then attempted to close and do a low sweep kick to get Raijin off balance and if it didn’t hit at least the opponent’s speed would be tested.

The real Ezra readied himself because he would soon have to enter the fight topside once again, at least this time he had a'while to fully acknowledge his whole plan.

Already Active Jutsu:

Last edited by Ezra Karisuma on Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total



Sero feels the connection of the bullet to his hand before it fades away. it stung like catching a fast pitch throw barehanded but honestly. Nothin. Not even a slight shock honestly. Pathetic. to underestimate them this much. Did he honestly not expect more from them? Or was he like Sero and was unsure what wouldn't kill every one of them. He lands back on his rock and shakes his hand to rid the pain as his grey eyes watch. See if the melee monkeys could do any better.



As the clones rushed before Giketsu out of his shadow, he had only one thing in his mind...' Damn leeches! ' Anyhow he this was a team fight so he had to put up with it, especially since everyone else were just standing there doing pretty much nothing. Seriously? Where they waiting for the opponent to show his power? What where they on? Anyone high ranked could bring them down in a single jutsu. Or maybe they where afraid? Anyhow it was time to act. Raijin had pulled out swords. Quite interesting. Well the had to be lightning elemental so clash of metals would zap Giketsu before he twitches a muscle. As he slightly hesitated and went left the clones initiated an attack and went for a sweep. Excellent, simultaneously with them Giketsu attempted to land a full body bash. Technically he just jumped up slightly on the left from Rajin and then attempted to throw his body at him. Flying sideways with his hands on Raijins left ( or forth if he doesn't turn) and his legs on Raijins right ( or behind him). Any how aiming to hit him chest to chest. Obviously there was a reason to go this recklessly against swords like that. 1st he had 2 hidden kunais crossed on his stomach, so naturally a blow that would seem to slash him in half would be blocked or even nullified. Since he had the 3rd kunai in his hand a blow to head, arms or chest could still be blocked. 2nd if Raijin focused on the sweep his bodyslam would have even better chances of succession. And 3rd... Giketsu had a trick up his sleeve ( not literary).



Hnnn... really? Well; at least they where trying. Rule number one.. never try to out speed a swordsmen that used Raiton. It doesn't end well. Ever. Specially one like Rai that lived one by dodging lightning bolts on a near daily basis. The other kid wasn't moving from his hidey hole yet, so Brotherhood could be redirected if he needed it. Hell, he should prolly be slightly worried about the ones that where smart (cowardly) enough to stay far away from him. They might just be the problems here. Well; tight confines and exploding clones would be fun; maybe. More likely a quick blinding and then some fuckery. Hah.

Brotherhood was stabbed clean into the dirt as he brought his knees towards his chest to avoid the sweep. Slow as that, no point jumping. Plus, well; clone and he was heavy enough to break it by falling. His freed hand extended two fingers and began to glow softly while seeming to write on they air itself; leaving behind a single seal that would have translated to 'no element', if they could read the sage languages. A quick flick of said seal had it breaking; which released an instantly blinding flash of light and a screeching tone that would easily deafen them all. Anyone with eyes closed would just lose their ears for a few moments; but oh man was that a dozy of a flash bang to take right in the eyes. Seconds to full minutes, everyone was different, but if you saw it, you where blind.

It was in the same moment when the light was most blinding that he seemed to split into 5 people. Usage of his Fuuin Clones without a placed marker wasn't normally a good idea; but hell; with how close together half these kids where; the bang would be good enough. And give how each clone carried a basic copy of both his blades; awesome. Brotherhood was retrieved as he swung around towards where the idlers where hanging out. He'd made sure the three of the four clones would hang back for the giggles while one would follow him for effect purposes. The things where so stupid they couldn't really follow orders or act on their own; but a screaming, dual blade wielding psychopath running at you is always a fun image. Those kids where far enough away to not have been outright blinded, so they'd get the treat of seeing the incoming pain.




Takao's eyes narrowed as he watched the others begin their attacks, though some were seeming to be more... effective than the others. He stood himself up from the crouched movement-ready stance he had been holding and prepared himself for an advance. He had determined all that he needed to about Raijin and his skills, so now all that was left to create was a plan of action. Running head first at him would be crazy and suicidal, so the first thing he'd need is a distraction. The other genin in the pit would suffice, but maybe creating a cluster fuck to overwhelm him would be a bit more efficient.

His thoughts and planning were interrupted as Raijin made a seal of some kind, though it wasn't easily recognizable as ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu perhaps, or maybe just a genjutsu to trick them. Then a blinding light and screeching noise occurred, though Takao seemed far enough away from the sudden burst of light to not be affected. He'd still raised his arm to shield his eyes, and he could hear a distinct ringing sound in his ears. As he reassessed the situation, a series of clones had appeared from the light.
Both his hands were brought together for a short series of hand seals and in front of him a total of six clones had appeared, all imbued with his fire nature chakra. But on the outside, they just seemed like normal clones, aside from having a slight impact on the environment. Said impact could be recognized by noticing that their feet left footprints in the soft soil. The six clones all stood in front of Takao, but only for a minute before they charged at Raijin.

Two clones broke off from either side to approach Raijin from both his right and left, leaving four more clones to advance. Another clone broke off and stayed behind the remaining three clones and prepared to launch a counter attack should Raijin attempt to avoid the incoming cluster by jumping. The three remaining clones simply charged, attempting to overwhelm Raijin with their numbers and land a hit or two. Should the two clones approaching from either side get the chance, they would attempt to grapple and hold Raijin as well and provide for a much more open opportunity for the others to attack.

Chakra: 65/80:

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Aki was wondering how the kid who dived into the ground was doing. Did he have enough air down there? Anyway, it wasn't for Akimitsu to try and guess how a jutsu that was way of of his element range. He didn't have much time to dwell on the thought though. It was interrupted by a flash. The flash itself didn't really hurt Aki's eyes, but he soon realized that he couldn't hear. He also realized by that point that his first jutsu had totally missed. That was fine though. He didn't expect it to hit at all.

That's when he saw Takao, or rather, multiple Takao's jump at Raijin. Aki decided to act fast, and he ran as fast as he could with Takao. If Takao missed, then maybe his Wind pulse jutsu would create an opening for the others. Quick hand signs were once again made, and a quick palm slam to the ground sent out a pulse of wind.

Akimitsu Chakra: 60/80:

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra took out his holstered kunai and senbon, kunai in the right hand and senbon like a tooth pick between his teeth. ‘Wow he’s fast. As to be expected of a test proctor. Probably Jounin level if he is taking on all of us at once.’ Ezra thought as his clone was out maneuvered and easily destroyed by Raijin. Ezra hoped Giketsu had faired better than his clone. Raijin used two jutsu but the first didn’t matter to Ezra as he was still in the ground but the second jutsu did. Ezra could see the amount of clones piling up as Raijin’s appeared and then Takao’s. ‘These clones could make for some difficult situations on the surface.’ Ezra noted.

He trusted the others to do their jobs while he did his so Ezra didn’t think much on the other’s movements for now. Ezra’s brought his clone forward ready to back him up. Ezra, still in the ground made sure to keep almost directly under Raijin in hopes of creating an opening and exploiting one that was already present. ‘It’s now or never. It’s time to get my ass in gear.’ Ezra thought as he charged for the surface. He would undoubtedly get to Raijin before Takao’s clones did, at least judging by the distances they held. Once Raijin touched the ground Ezra jumped out aiming at his fastest speed and his closest distance with fine sand spreading through the air. Since Ezra had been almost directly under Raijin in the ground the space between them at the surface should have been just a couple inches. Raijin wouldn’t be able to swing his swords in such tight confine which was an opening that Ezra would exploit to its fullest, assuming everything went right.

Ezra attempted to stab his Kunai in horizontally at a point over Raijin’s pelvis and attempted to keep his body perpendicular to Raijin’s as he traveled upward from his jump. This would turn a simple stab in the pelvis into a stab and slash combo across the body. Raijin was fast and Ezra knew that so Ezra made sure to move at his fastest. Even if Raijin was able to avoid it or not Ezra also had another little trick up his sleeve. It wasn’t anything big but it was sure to be a surprise.

Chakra: 50/80:



Sero begins contemplating supporting moves. Raijin seemed to let clones get close before dispatching them at close range. This gave him an idea. however the seal in the air alarmed him. some sort of attack? The moment it was finished he moved back bringing his arms up and rolling backwards to avoid some sort of blast wave attack for worst case scenario. covering his heart, throat, and eye's. there was a flash and then he was deaf... damn. no communication. He uncovers his eyes to watch as he rolls onto his feet. everyone seemed marginally OK only now there where clones attacking clones and he had no idea who the real raijin was. It was best to avoid that for now and innact his plan... or not. He watches Ezra pop up out of nowhere at point blank range. His attacks would do more damage to the team then not. So for now he calmly retreats avoiding the action and reserving his chakra and his options.



Giketsu was easily outmanevoured? by the opponent. No surprise. His assault was meant to be a delay, delay that proved to be way too short. Anyhow without much harm he was left on the ground, he recovered his senses and looked up just to be blinded and deafened by the blast. Crap. He wasn't sure of whats going on, left there a bit disoriented. He did, however, remember where he was. The battle ground was quite small so orienting in ti was quite easy. Orienting by touch Giketsu rolled to the side, he supposed should position him behind his opponent and then just kept on rolling till he hit the wall. The ground was moist and therefore quickly attached to his clothing and body. The crush against the wall wasn't unpleasant. As any shinobi he was fond of recognizing his surrounding so he already approximately could determine how close it was. Now that he had something solid to orient by he rapidly seated up and ducked by the wall. Then he gently stabbed the edge of a kunai into the ground. The kunai was left barely balanced and due to the soft soil could fall down because of a gentle breeze. Luckily these were practically no wind conditions. As he placed his fingers on the kunai he decided it would be wisest to recover his sight or least hearing first. It was now up to his team to keep their opponent busy.



Ears told him the missing genin had appeared; it was just too bad that he was no where near him anymore; it was a clone that the boy was attacking. Given said clone was too stupid to dodge; the kunai would hit. This would normally be a good thing; only, well... his Fuuin clones explode on contact. And they exploded haaaard. The kid was about to get a face full of explosion seal and dirt. Given the other two clones where so close to the attacked one; there where about to be three good explosions going off. Maybe he should have stuck to two clones versus four. Tight spaces. Oh well; no time to worry about that just yet. He'd been noticing something very wrong happening outside the pit; his sense of the area told him there where too many people nearby.

He might not be a Kisame; but at his rank and ability, he had the starts of electro-sensory perception forming; one of the hallmarks of the high lightning sages; something he'd been groomed to be his entire life. Ability was there; he just had to get the attitude before he could truly move to that level. Anyway; it was getting to the point that he couldn't ignore it anymore. He'd seen enough; really. He could make his recommendations to the Hokage; if the bastard would even listen. He skidded to a stop while his remaining clone charged the outliers. Hnnn... he should be doing this near the center of the pit; but given how clumped everyone was; he was better off centering over here. He'd take some of the wall with him; but meh. Wasn't a big deal. Caladbolg was gunna be one hungry blade when this was done; but Brotherhood wouldn't survive the power of the seal. Shit, it was iffy if Caladbolg could; but it would make it long enough to finish before shattering.

Said blade was shoved into the ground between his feet; used to project both his Barrier Web and act as the focus point for another seal; one he was normally forbidden from using. And for good reason; the seal was dangerous, and needed a solid object to act as a focal point. In this case... it would have to be Caladbolg; it was the only thing around beyond himself that could handle the power. The Barrier was nothing special; the same one he'd entered with; but this time it was projected over the ceiling; acting it's purpose as a trap. Keep them inside; hold them while the seal finishes charging. Gods, he could hear Caladbolg crying already, and the seal was just starting to drain it's power. He could almost hear a cry from Brotherhood; but that was ridiculous, a figment of his mind. Brotherhood was just a blade; it lacked the inherent abilities that gave Caladbolg it's seeming awareness. Still... they where his blades, and in that aspect brothers. It was almost soothing to think that Brotherhood would respond with sympathy and concern for it.

"Sorry kiddies.~ We're gunna hafta cut this short.~ Baibai!~"

It was easy enough to leap to barrier and stick; it was his chakra, so he could easily walk along it. More to the point, it was a simple as a thought and a shifting of his weight to send him swinging around the lines like they where monkey bars until he was standing on top; outside the pit and where he could see. Shit; he was right. Two more then should be here; unrecognized and naaaaasty looking. The male... whoa. That guy looked... wow. He was suddenly not sure if he was burning or freezing; just the aura coming off him. And the woman... he could taste it. Suiren. Uuugh. Lovely. This would not end well at all.

The cries of his sword hit a screeching level; causing the male to flinch and almost fall back through the barrier. He couldn't stand it; his sword was screaming and he couldn't leave it like that; he wouldn't... but the genin where more important. He had to hang on to that thought. Caladbolg... he could replace it... he could... but the lives of the kids... Those where sacred. He'd keep them alive; even if it meant loosing something precious to him. And then the flash of light; the seal had formed and broken. The sound reached painful levels and then was gone. The barrier was only holding because of his feet; his blade was gone, the genin where gone; Caladbolg was gone. If he was as good as people told him he was, the genin and a slice of the pit wall where gone; dropped right outside the Administration Building where the rest of the exam proctors and the people that would recognize the seal where. They'd know shit was going down; if Raijin was using a seal that could get him arrested and hanged. At worst; his aim was a few blocks off and they'd land on top of a building. Or in a river. Or something. The good part about the seal was; if they landed inside a structure; it would pre-clear the area of non-organic material to keep them alive. So even if they landed on a group of people; everyone would be safe.

Now was the time to focus in the here and now. Brotherhood was in his hand; but he was relaxed for now. No reason to attack just yet; far as he could see there was no reason; even if the urge to run and kick the Suiren was burning in his blood. He just had to walk over and talk; nothing more. The Suiren couldn't hurt him without physically attacking. The other guy? Well... he'd risk it.


special note inside:

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