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1Train the Academy (D Rank Mission) Empty Train the Academy (D Rank Mission) Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:36 pm



Kaguza woke up to a very calm morning. Today wasn't going to involve his usual training or even leaving the village at all. He was to teach some of the younger academy students basics. It was a common request to have a ninja of usually higher ranks visit and even teach. Grabbing Temper his large war hammer, he set out for the village academy. Though he lived on the outskirts of the village it was a short walk to the school. A several students ran about outside before the bell signaled them to begin class. A larger figure landed next to Kaguza, "Glad you could make it, we'll have you demonstrate a few of the academy jutsu and anything else you'd like." "Alright then." The bell rang out and the kids began funneling to their respective class rooms.

Kaguza waited till the mass of children dispersed amongst the class rooms, before finding the one he was to be in. The school was new to him, as his old one had met with the black fires that destroyed the village. The classroom was easy enough to find however, opening the door the rambunctious students all turned their attention to him as he walked in. It was either the idea of someone new in the room, or his recent skirmish with the Mizukage that now had several sets of eyes staring at Kaguza. A silence seemed to last for a few moments before he introduced himself, "Hello, I am Kaguza of the Myugan clan." "You're the one who fought the Mizukage aren't you?" The kids were quick. "Yes I had a match with her." "I bet you lost!" Definitely quick enough to put him on the losing side at least. "I'm not here to discuss that, regardless of the outcome." "I've never heard of the Myugan clan, what do they do?" "I'll keep that a secret for now." "Class, Kaguza is here to demonstrate a few basic jutsu for you all, as well as a few of his choice." The teacher stepped in to try an keep the class schedule moving. "When ever you're ready Kaguza." With a nod, he began a few hand signs slowly and began with the Transformation jutsu, turning into one of the students that seemed to be mocking him. Next he performed the basic Clone jutsu while retaining his transformation jutsu.

The class watch intensely after Kaguza performed a couple of the academy level jutsu. "Simple enough." With a puff of smoke he cancelled both jutsu and returned to his own form. "I've used those in quite a few battles, they are effective against most opponents. A basic one that helped me recently was this." Holding out his pointer finger, he began to generate what appeared to be a small blue fast moving flame. "This is not fire, but lightning. It doesn't look like much, but it acts as both a source of light as well as a source of ignition, should I need to light something on fire." The class had never seen such a strange looking little jutsu. "Very nice, if thats all we'll begin our normal class routine. Thank you Kaguza." "Your welcome." With that Kaguza left, and the class went about it's own work.

D Rank Mission 541/500

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