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1Chasing Rabbits [Invite | No Kill]  Empty Chasing Rabbits [Invite | No Kill] Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:05 am



“Walking through the meadow~ Gonna find some seeds to sow~”

Tsu hummed her way along the fields area she was in. The area was a large and vast meadow, with rolling hills trees of the dense forest in the distance. The grasses themselves were currently a dull brownish-grey, considering the time of year. It was still winter, with the cold still lingering about. There was no snow that afternoon, however the clouds remained dark white and dense as if the snow fall could begin at any moment.

The Senju had no particular reason to be out and about in the middle of field. Even the song she was humming had little to no correlation to any actual reason to be out in the first place. She was simply enjoying a day out in the wilderness of her homeland, a nice big breath of fresh and cold air. The gust of wind blew across the brown field making the grass sway in the breeze and causing the girl to shiver in her purple coat. She tucked her shinobi forehead protector closer around her neck, as it was currently acting like a scarf for the girl.  

”Brrr…!” Hugging herself and shivering a little bit, Tsu decided running around a bit would make her a little warmer. Her casual skipping soon turned into a full out jog as the girl’s long green braids trailed behind her. With little breath to hum, she laughed out for the simple reason of enjoying the jog to nowhere.

Suddenly, the girl noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. She stopped quickly, her ninja instincts kicking in to be wary of a possible enemy. With her hands next to her boot where she held her kunai, she readied herself for an attack of some kind. The grass in front of her moved slightly, suddenly the movement jumped from left to right and Tsu’s emerald eyes followed rustling grass as best she could. She couldn’t help the feeling that she was suddenly being watched.

Just as she was about to yell out a jutsu, from in front of her, a large brown fur ball jumped from the grass. ”A bunny!” Tsu smiled and laughed again, realizing that all she was worried about was some rabbit. She vaguely recalled a mission some time ago about chasing a rabbit, but it had been a while that she couldn’t remember much about it. Looking at the small animal, Tsu tilted her head before the thing suddenly jumped away into the grass. ”Eh?!" Surprised the girl gasped, looking around the field for a sign of the animal.

As if a lightbulb went off in her head, Tsu suddenly got the idea of chasing the rabbit around to see if she could catch it. An odd form of training, but it seemed like fun to the girl. Cupping her hands to her mouth, Tsu yelled out for the rabbit. ”Bunny! I’m going to find you bunny!” Tsuru ran around haphazardly in the field, searching for signs of movement from the rabbit she was currently chasing.


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