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He had been up all night, researching something that had caught his eye; a skill that the ninja of other villages used to great effect for a variety of tasks; something called 'Genjutsu', or Illusionary Techniques. From what Samael could gather, these techniques are employed in the same fashion as ninjutsu, requiring chakra and hand seals. However, the primary difference between the two is that the effects of genjutsu are illusory; instead of attacking the victim's body, like taijutsu or ninjutsu, genjutsu techniques manipulate the flow of chakra in the victim's brain, thus causing a disruption in their senses. An interesting read, if he did say so himself.

Closing the book, Samael sat back and stretched his arms and legs, attempting to work out the stiffness that built up during his reading. A quick glance at the clock would read 2:40 am; had he really been engrossed in his book for over two hours? He had only meant to read a little and wind down before he went to sleep, but given the time, it seemed that sleep was not going to happen tonight. A light snore from his bed would cause him to turn and look back. His latest conquest was peacefully asleep; a young stripper by the name of Xio Mishima. The male had worked in the sandbox for several months before this point, something that he had never planned for more than a week or two. When Sam came in for a small celebration that had turned into a night drinking, with the young stripper betting the blue devil he could drink him under the table. Not one to turn down a wager, the blue devil accepted, and then proceeded to show Xio exactly how it was done. By the end of the night, both were quite drunk and could barely stand up straight. Rather than let the young man walk home at that time of the night, the blue devil offered to let him stay at his hotel room for the night, as it was not far from the bar. Once home, one thing let to another and .. well... a satisfied Samael burned through the alcohol in his system while showing this young man exactly why he was top dog.

Perhaps it was time for a shower? Getting up from his desk, Samael stripped down to his small clothes and fetched a clean pair of underwear from a nearby drawer. Stepping into the adjoining bathroom, he turned on the hot water. He prefered his showers burning, and the bathroom to feel like a sauna. As the water began to heat, and the bathroom began to steam up, he could not help but think over what he'd been reading, mulling it over in his mind. While the prospects of genjutsu were indeed interesting, and he was indeed fascinated by it, it didn't seem like something he would use in battle. He was more of a 'hands on' type of guy. Maybe, he would be better off in learning how to handle a weapon to assist him in battle? Perhaps he would look into it someday.

After stripping off the last of his clothes and ducking under the water, the male could not help but groan softly as the dirt, grime and the scent of sex was scalded off his body. Reaching for the soap, he lathered his body before proceeding to scrub the remaining traces of the scent of sex from his skin. While he was particularly proud of his ability and stamina, he hated smelling like sex for an extended period, and so every inch of his body was scrubbed twice over. When he was satisfied that he was finally clean, Samael stepped out from under the water and grabbed a towel hanging nearby. As he dried himself off, he could not help but admire his body. For a man in his late teens, he still had the physique of a man in his mid twenties. He knew from expirence that he could pass as his father's younger brother; foreign diplomats often mistook him as a mere special jounin or messenger ninja, often leading to plenty of amusing situations when they disbelieved that the 'entirety of the Morningstar Family's militaristic might was controlled by a mere child'. According to his personal doctor, his youthfulness was due to the power of his yang nature chakra, which apparently kept his body in top physical condition. He was going to complain; just another wonderful reason to be him.

Once he'd put on his undergarments, he stepped back into his bedroom to the smell of breakfast cooking. A quick glance at the bed would confirm that Xio was still asleep; so who the hell was cooking? Was it Aisling? Did his 'fun' wake her up? Throwing on an A-shirt and sweatpants, the male made his way to the conjoined kitchen of his hotel room and peaked in.

[818 WC]



Aisling was still feeling a bit under the weather from the sudden flu she had been smacked with damn near a week ago: add in trekking through a forest for some flowers for an elderly woman named Niala and dealing with the wildfires she was back to coughing herself awake during the night despite how long she'd been in Suna. Which, was precisely why even though it was only about three o'clock in the morning she was already awake, fully dressed in a pair of baggy black pants made out of a thin material that kept her from dying in the desert heat and a white tunic styled shirt, and in the kitchen with sausage and bacon sizzling away on the stove. An omelet was in the works in another pan: a huge one stuffed with ham, cheese, and other delicious items to enhance its flavor. In the oven were biscuits: the fluffy delicious kind that were good to eat completely plain or smothered with jams or butter. There was also hash browns waiting to be thrown in as soon as the biscuits were completed.

The timer above the stove dinged, and before it could really get loud she reached over and shut it off – she didn't know if her father and sister were still sleeping and didn't want to wake them if they were. Once the timer was off she pulled the biscuits out of the oven with a nearby pot holder and placed the tray on top of the stove to cool while she slipped the hash browns in and closed the oven door once more.

As Aisling began to feel the particular tickle in her throat that announced a coughing fit she turned her head away from the food and coughed into her arm: violently. She held back as much as she could, hoping not to be too noisy with it, but it was a lost cause.

“Ugh...” All of the other flu-like symptoms she had had were gone, and her cough would have been too, but she had simply pushed herself too hard. Of course, she wouldn't change a moment of it or complain – her friends had needed her and she had stepped up to the plate. It was her duty after all. Aisling reached above her to a cabinet and pulled down a glass before going over the refrigerator and opening it: she removed the orange juice and started to pour herself a glass when she suddenly realized she wasn't alone in the room.

Before she could speak however she found herself unable to stop the next violent coughing fit that was begging to start up she handed over the cooking utensils to her best friend without any hesitation - she assumed he would want them anyway - only to double over a moment later and let the coughing fit roll through her – there was no point in holding back any longer, and honestly she knew it would only make it worse to try. This one thankfully didn't last as long as the last and within about ten seconds it was over – with tears brimming around Aisling's eyes from the sheer force of it. She reached up with a frown, using the back of her hand to remove the tears while she went over to one of the stools on the other side of the counter and took a seat. She leaned forward on the counter with her elbows, trying to ignore the urge to cough again.

"I hope I didn't wake you up. I couldn't sleep since I was coughing so much, so I figured I might as well try and make breakfast... “, she would state before resting her head against the coolness of the kitchen counter in front of her.

Word Count: 627



An eyebrow was raised as he was handed cooking utensils. He knew Aisling was feeling under the weather for a while not, but that did not explain why she was awake and attempting to make breakfast, let alone at this time of the night. Stepping around her coughing frame, he would take her place in the small kitchenette, turning the bacon and sausage in the pan, and  nudging his friend out of the way so that he would pull the biscuits from the oven without burning her and replace them with the hash browns. He didn't mind taking over for her while she was like this; it was a change to practice his own cooking skills. Besides, he really did not want to catch what ever she was getting over. He'd managed to avoid it so far, but still. Better to be safe and take some precautions than be sorry that he did not and catching what ever it was Aisling had.

"I hope I didn't wake you up. I couldn't sleep since I was coughing so much, so I figured I might as well try and make breakfast... “,

Samael would smile as he turned away from the stove to fetch a plate from the cabinets for the omelet; he would set it on the plate, along with the noew done biscuits, bacon and sausage. As he set the plate down on the dining table, he would pull a chair from underneath it, and point at it. “Sit.” Whether Aisling sat down or not, he would turn and continue about, retrieving something light for himself for the moment. His normal breakfast of choice was often something... meatier. He much prefered steak and eggs, but they were currently out of steak. He would  pick some up later from the market and eat then, given how it was only three Ante Meridiem. For the moment, however, he needed something to soothe the beginning of the headache that was forming. It was then that he remmebered something that Aisling had said to him earlier, something bout 'Tylenol is in the cupboard above the coffee machine by the way in case you need some'.

Oh thank the gods for this blessed woman.

The cabinet door was snatched open and the bottle of pain medicine was retrieved in an instant; a moment later and roughly six pills were popped into his mouth and chewed on noisily as he quickly made a plate of food for himself.  Before he sat down to eat, there was something else for him to do. The cabinet was reopened and the the cansister that contained the coffee and filters was snatched out. A moment later, the packaging was ripped open, and the filter was placed into the container and filled with grounds. Turning, the male would take the carafe to the sink to fill with water, after which he would empty this into the water tank. Once he placed the carafe onto the hot plate, he would press the brew option to start the machine along on its process of making the other black gold.

Coffee was a dire necessity for them both to function and pretend that they were normal people; there was just no getting around this. Samael had once tried going with for a month without coffee, starting on a Monday morning. Five minutes later, the decision was already being regretted as he was contantly plauged by thoughts of beating the life out of several annoying diplomats; by Tuesday morning, he'd clubbed someone over the head with thier own walking stick, and on Wednesday he was locked up in his room for holding his elder at knife point and demanding coffee. Safe too say, he was given his coffee soon after, and quickly returned to pretending to be a normal person. From the expirience, he gathered that he desperately need coffee every morning, or else he was not to be held responsible for his actions. Thank fully, Aisling knew this very well; she was his best friend for most of their lives. She knew how he was without coffee, and there fore always made sure there was coffee for the both of then, as she was almost as bad as he was when It came to going without coffee for extended periods of time.

With the black gold brewing in the coffee machine, he would take a seat at the table and pass her a fork and knife so that she could eat, if she had not already retrieved some for herself and started. Figuring it was going to take a few minutes for the coffee to percolate he decided to start on hashing some things out.  It would be a moment before he spoke, blue eyes watching his best friend for a moment, contemplating his next choice of words.  There was something on his mind, something that he wanted to try, but he was not sure how it would be received by Aisling. He was thinking about the strip club he'd visited. The Sand Box. It seemed that it was a profitable place, one that seemed to hide a few secrets; he wasn't sure about the village of Sunagakure and its laws, but the sale of certain drugs was illegal, and he was positive he saw several of them being used as 'party favors' in the club. He'd also seen several of the strippers, both male and female, being slipped extra money, then leading customers into a back room. They would emerge some time later, looking a bit disheveled; this would indicate a prostitution ring of some sorts. Hell, him coming home with Xio was certain proof of this, as he had to slip the male a bit of cash before he agreed to come, despite him being shitfaced.

Prostitution was easy cash; the money was hard to trace as it was not regulated, same with the drugs. He doubted that the Club had it self a lab to make its own stuff, so they would have to have a supplier somewhere, more than likely close by and on call to keep the party favors rolling through out the night. With a supplier like that, the owner was bound to have connections to others. If what Sam wanted to do was going to succeed, he would have to do some serious convincing. But f*ck, it would be worth it. The club had to pull in a few hundred thousand ryo a night, at the very least off the workers dancing and liquor sales alone. Combine that with the other 'services' that they offered, he was sure they were sitting on a pretty penny.

And it was all going to be Taken.

“To answer your question, you did not wake me up dear. I was already awake; I never went to sleep, honestly.” He relaxed his face, grinning at her now. “I brought home a 'guest' to keep me company for the night; I was afraid our playing woke you up.” A light chuckle would follow before he turned serious once more. “But, I'm glad you're awake how ever. I wanted to talk to you about an idea I had, something to make us some much needed money.” He glanced over to the coffee machine when he was done speaking, noticing that the pot was now full. He stood then and wandered over, grabbing down two coffee mugs – big ones, not little tiny cups because they just didn't hold enough coffee in them to satisfy them both. He also removed the creamer from the fridge and pulled out the sugar from the nearby cupboard along with spoons from the drawer; all of which he would set down before Aisling so that she could make her own. Yawning then, he added cream and sugar to his own coffee; a lot of both, and then added the coffee before giving it a good stir. “Let me know when you are awake enough to understand me when I try to explain my idea to you, dear.” He was in no rush; it was still early, and there was plenty of time for them to plan this and hash everything out down to the last detail. As he waited for her response, he would begin making a mental list of some things they would need. He still had money left over from renting these rooms for them for two months; they would need some way to communicat with each other, something that was secure from eavesdropping. The local merchantes often carried wireless radios, but those were cheaply made, and were prone to being intercepted. No, he would see a specialist and get some custom made for him and Aisling, plus a few extra just in case. He would need fake documents to show proof of identification until he was able to get everything set up, and maybe some other supplies. Everything would be easy to get, once he could get tapped into the underground network that this village was bound to have.

818 + 1510 = 2328 WC



Medicine: she needed it. She was pretty sure that if she kept coughing like she was a lung was likely going to come flying out at some point - and even if that didn't happen the coughing was painful in itself and she was tired of her eyes leaking like she was some sort of damned cry baby simply because the force of the cough was making them water. A quick reach into one of the overhead cabinets to grab the medicine she had stashed there and she was out of Samael's way so that he could finish up breakfast. She unscrewed the lid to the liquid savior in her hand and downed a good fourth of the bottle before screwing it back on. The relief was nearly immediate; the substance coating her throat in a sweet numbing agent while the medicine got to work surpressing the last of the nasty cough. After several seconds of relief Aisling chanced a deep breath and sighed happily as she was able to do so without attempting to hack up another lung.

As Samael pulled the chair out for her she sat down in it with a yawn: given the time she wasn't going to go back to bed even if the medicine she took caused her coughing to subside for a while. No, this was definitely going to be one of those days spent running on pure caffiene. As if Samael was reading her mind she watched him go about the process of getting the coffee started which caused her to grin. "Mmm, it's like you read my mind.", she said softly before leaning comfortably back in her chair.

She then took the eating utensils from Samael and stared on her plate of food, noticing as she did so of course that Sam seemed to be paying close attention to her. It wasn't the first time this sort of situation had happened, and Aisling knew it meant he was likely contemplating how to bring something up - likely something that was either a delicate subject or something he wasn't quite sure her reaction would be on. Instead of asking him to just spill it she ate in silence while giving him a chance to think: she wasn't pushy about things like this after all. She knew when to give space and when to hover. The omelet was the first thing she started on since it was likely to be the softest: which was a good choice because it took some getting used to swallowing the food given her throat was entirely numb due to the medicine she had just taken. Still, after a few tries she got a rythem down and picked up a piece of bacon which was quickly started on too while the sound of coffee brewing reached her ears and caused a smile to spread across her face. Coffee was one of the few things that could and would make her happy in the morning: she had given up the majority of her other vices long ago when she had gotten right with God. After her horrendous past it had made sense to simply take her vows and stick with them; her beliefs were one of the only places that she found true peace. So coffee? It was one of the only things she still clung to; and given the way she enjoyed it and needed it it was like her own personsal sin: just one that she didn't happen to hold against her. No, she was a much better, nicer person when she had coffee so it was for the benefit of everyone that she continued to consume it.

“To answer your question, you did not wake me up dear. I was already awake; I never went to sleep, honestly. I brought home a 'guest' to keep me company for the night; I was afraid our playing woke you up." Oh? Well, the heads up was nice. Given her normal reaction to strangers in her personal space was a violent one at least she would know not to beat the person senseless were they to come wandering out of Samael's room.

But, I'm glad you're awake how ever. I wanted to talk to you about an idea I had, something to make us some much needed money. Blinking and quite curious as to what this topic was she watched then as Sam went about getting two giant mugs for them - little cups just wouldn't do with two coffee addicts around - and brought the stuff over. Aisling made quick work of making herself coffee just as she liked: plenty of cream, plenty of sugar, and a good amount of stirring that would have the whole combination a light tan color. Abandoning her food for the moment she simply sipped at the delicious necture in her hands and sighed in a very happy and satisfied manner.

“Let me know when you are awake enough to understand me when I try to explain my idea to you, dear.” Already the coffee and likely the mass amount of sugar in it were causing her to wake up and focus. After sipping down about half of the cup she placed it down on the table and then speared a piece of sausage with her fork, pausing before she brought it to her mouth to look at Sam. "I'm awake enough, now. What's up?" Falling silent she would then pop the piece of meat into her mouth and go about chewing it carefully so that she didn't end up choking and causing herself to start coughing again.

Word Count: 937 + 627 = 1,564



"I'm awake enough, now. What's up?"

Across his lips would spread that grin that she would know very well; the same one he got every time he had what ever he coined as a 'great fucking idea'. Lifting the large cup of liquid black gold to his lips, the blue devil would take a deep draught of it, still contemplating exactly how he wanted ot phrase this grand idea that he came up with to his beloved friend Aisling.  Once he'd taken his momentary fill of the liquid black gold, the blue devil would narrow his eyes at his friend, composing himself before he would allow words to be  uttered from his lips.

“As you know, we are going to need some money soon, Aisling. I know we have several thousand ryo between the two of us and that if we should need it and ask, my father will send us as much as we request, but I would rather not have to go down that route if I can help it.” A small pause, and the elixir of life was lifted to his lips once more for him to sip. She knew what exactly what the blue devil meant when he said this; on the day he left him, he swore that he would be 'the seed that didnt much to suceed.' A declaration of independance, if there ever was one! When he finished, he would set the cup down once more and continue speaking. “That guy I brought home last night to play with... he has given me an idea on how we can make some cash. The place where he works at, its a strip club, and it seems to double as a brothel, as many strip clubs do. It from the looks of things last night, they cater to many high end clients, and profit off of what you would expect from a place of ill repute; the usual run of the mill assortment of flesh, drugs and liquor.” As he spoke, his tail would uncoil and begin to flick in the air, showing his obvious excitement at his idea. “To make a long story short, the place seems like a huge profit, as it is providing a much needed 'service' to the people of this village. What I propose is that instead of it lining someone else's pockets wiuth coin, we take it for our selves.” The blue would click his teeth, a wild expression crossing his face. Surely, his beloved Aisling knew him well; when Samael set his mind to something, he would stop at nothing to achieve it. Even if she did not wish to help with this idea, if he suceeded, he would still line her pockets with as much coin as they would hold. She was traveling with him after all. He would allow the idea to sink in for a moment before he continued on with the second part of his idea to make money.

“In addition to the club, I figure we could do this place village a small favor. That place serves out a myriad of 'party favors' to his patrons. Im sure they have a supplier somewhere nearby; we take that too, and find some people to run it for us. More money in our pockets, and we'll corner the market. 'Give us a cut, or find a new place to sell.' If we can hit every dealer in Suna, we can own ninety nine percent of the underground market in Suna, save for arms. At that point, it would only be a matter of time before we tap into that as well.” He would grin at her, those too sharp canine teeth glinting in the light of the kitchenette. He was very excited about this plan, and no doubt wanted it succeed. He even had a plan to keep his, and Aisling's should she decide to assist him with this plan, face as well as their names from becoming known. They would run the empire through a proxy. Allow that person to be the face off the operation and take the heat of the village if and wen they wanted to shut them down. That person would be well compensated for their risk, no doubt about that. Maybe Xio would be able to do this...? If not, then he would find someone willing to operate for him.

But still, he was curious as to what Aisling thought of this idea. He was not sure if she would agree to go along with it, given her religion. But then again, she was also very loyal to Samael. She was his balance, and would tell him when he was fucking up, or attempting something that would not work out for him. As he would wait, the male got up from his seat, and fetched the carafe of coffee, downing the rest of his cup as he went. After filling his cup, a bit of milk and sugar were added to the mixl slow movement sof the spoon would bring the concoction back to that delious brown color that he loved.

2328 + 853 = 3181 WC



“As you know, we are going to need some money soon, Aisling. I know we have several thousand ryo between the two of us and that if we should need it and ask, my father will send us as much as we request, but I would rather not have to go down that route if I can help it." No, she couldn't blame him for not wanting to go see daddy and request money. Better to do things on their own than have to resort to something like that: even Aisling preferred doing things on their own than that alternative.

"That guy I brought home last night to play with... he has given me an idea on how we can make some cash. The place where he works at, its a strip club, and it seems to double as a brothel, as many strip clubs do. It from the looks of things last night, they cater to many high end clients, and profit off of what you would expect from a place of ill repute; the usual run of the mill assortment of flesh, drugs and liquor. To make a long story short, the place seems like a huge profit, as it is providing a much needed 'service' to the people of this village. What I propose is that instead of it lining someone else's pockets with coin, we take it for our selves. Aisling's left eye actually twitched. There was no denying the reaction. Stuff like this was always a very touchy subject with her given her past and the horrible things that had happened in it. That wasn't to say she couldn't see the merit in the idea of course. Sex sells; it was something that had been going on for thousands of years. In truth, it was going to happen regardless, but with Sam's idea at least it would be going to line their own pockets instead of the pockets of someone else. Plus, they'd be able to ensure certain regulations were in place.

"In addition to the club, I figure we could do this place village a small favor. That place serves out a myriad of 'party favors' to his patrons. Im sure they have a supplier somewhere nearby; we take that too, and find some people to run it for us. More money in our pockets, and we'll corner the market. 'Give us a cut, or find a new place to sell.' If we can hit every dealer in Suna, we can own ninety nine percent of the underground market in Suna, save for arms. At that point, it would only be a matter of time before we tap into that as well." And finally, drugs? Well, if they were hitting a few of the sins they might as well just cover them all. Plus, again, more money in their pockets. Yes, it was definitely a sound idea, even someone in Aisling's position could see that much. Yet, it still caused little goosebumps to break out across her flesh. Not because of the idea of commiting a sin - though that certainly gave her pause - it was because of the idea of even having to enter into such a place. Eyes would be on her; and what would happen if someone fucked up and tried to touch her?

So, Aisling lifted her cup of coffee to her lips, her breakfast having been polished off while Samael spoke. She sipped her coffee for a moment while simply watching Sam. He was genuinly excited about the idea, that much was easy to tell given his various reactions as he had spoken. Yet, she also knew he was likely waiting to see if she said it would likely all fall to shit, let alone if she would go along with such a thing. She knew it was nerve wracking to make him wait for her response but it was one she had to take the time to actually forumlate: it all kept coming down to her past and what had happened in it. Eventually, however, she put her now empty cup of coffee down on the table and folded her hands in front of her before sighing in a thoughtful way.

"I... am with you on this plan: you should know by now I'd follow you into the bowels of hell itself if you asked me to. However, I have a few... demands.." she paused, grinning a bit at the use of the word. "I want to ensure all of those girls who are working there are definitely doing so for no other reason than they want to. I know from experience the kind of underhanded things that could have led to those girls being there: especially the pros." She was sure this was nothing that Sam himself hadn't though of, but she had wanted to voice it nonetheless. "Also. If for any reason I have to go into that building I do so through a back entrance so I don't have to deal with the general public. You know how I am about being touched, and the last thing we'd need is me freaking out and stabbing someone in their throat because some guy was drunk enough to confuse me with one of the working girls and decided to try and get all hands on with me." This was her bigger worry in truth: she had no problem with Samael touching her because he was her best friend and she trusted him with her life. But a stranger? It was enough to cause more goosebumps to break out across her arms and legs and her stomach to feel as if it had suddenly been tied in knots.

To distract herself  she went about making herself some more coffee; adding more than enough cream and sugar to satisfy her and to also help wake her up more. "As far as the rest goes however; I think it'd definitely be best to run it all through someone else. Last thing we want is to end up in some serious hot water. Tell me though... if this idea of yours takes off do you plan on tapping the rest of the villages in the same method?" A simple enough question really, and one she was definitely curious about. Given they tended to travel around as it were it wasn't exactly like it'd be odd for them to go from village to village; a few weeks here, a few days there, and then moving on to the next location; so creating similar set ups in the other villages wouldn't be too out there of an idea. Still, she waited to hear what he said as she brought her fresh cup of coffee to her mouth and sipped the lovely sweet hot liquid.

WC: 1,138 + 1,564 = 2,702


Total: 2,702
Perception E3 -> D0: 2,702 - 300 = 2,402
Perception D0 -> D1: 2,402 - 325 = 2,077
Perception D1 -> D2: 2,077 - 400 = 1,677
Perception D2 -> D3: 1,677 - 450 = 1,227

Reaction Time E3 -> D0: 1,277 - 300 = 927
Reaction Time D0 -> D1: 927 - 325 = 602
Reaction Time D1 -> D2: 602 - 400 = 202

Remaining: 202

Last edited by Aisling on Sat Nov 19, 2016 1:00 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Thread died, exited.)



As he waited for his best friend, Aisling, to speak, he could see the gears turning in her head. He knew his idea would a be sensitive subject for her, and he was prepared to make an accommodations that she deemed necessary provided that she helped out with the execution of his idea. After what seemed like an eternity, her lips parted and from between them spilled forth her words.

"I... am with you on this plan: you should know by now I would follow you into the bowels of hell itself if you asked me to. However, I have a few... demands.." 

Okay, that was to be expected. And he already knew of the depths of her loyalty to him, though sometimes he wondered if his friend here was more loyal to him or to her God. He knew better than to ask her such, but still. One did always wondered. He would have said something at this point in time, but it seemed that Aisling was not finished speaking.

"I want to ensure all of those girls who are working there are definitely doing so for no other reason than they want to. I know from experience the kind of underhanded things that could have led to those girls being there: especially the pros."

This was a given. Any woman or male that was abducted from their family, or sold into this this walk of life would be offered their freedom, as well as their travel expenses paid for at no extra charge to them. He could not imagine a life like this, but he knew of his best friends's past, and it troubled his heart. He could completely sympathize with Aisling's mind set there. If they wanted to go home, they would be allowed to do so; if they chose this life for themselves, then more power to them. If this was really what they wanted to do this for a living, then it would be on Samael to ensure that they were happy with their choice. After all, a happy worker was a productive worker; doubly so in this case.

 "Also. If for any reason I have to go into that building I do so through a back entrance so I don't have to deal with the general public. You know how I am about being touched, and the last thing we'd need is me freaking out and stabbing someone in their throat because some guy was drunk enough to confuse me with one of the working girls and decided to try and get all hands on with me."

As she spoke, Samael's expression changed. Gone was the excited grin, the happiness. In its place was an expression of anger, pure and uncut. His tail flicked in an agitated sort of way, and he looked away from a moment as a fire lit in his eyes. For someone to touch Aisling with out her permission was an act that indicated that the offender had a death wish. If Aisling did not kill him, then Samael would make damn sure that they knew that they fucked up badly. There would be blood – lots of blood and screaming. AS far as her request to use an alternate entrance, he was all for it. IT was not a outrageous request.

"As far as the rest goes however; I think it'd definitely be best to run it all through someone else. Last thing we want is to end up in some serious hot water. Tell me though... if this idea of yours takes off do you plan on tapping the rest of the villages in the same method?"

This... this was something that he did not stop to consider. Would he stop with just Suna, or would he attempt to repeat this process in every village they found them selves in? Would they expand them selves into a global empire, turn them selves into a global criminal organization? Samael did not consider himself a 'bad' person, but he also knew that 'bad' was a matter of prespective. For him to attempt to take over the criminal under ground pf each and every village to build an empire for himself was something incredible. But it was not impossible. Was this what he wanted to do with himself, with his life?


“Nah. We'll stick to Suna for the moment, see how it works out. If it looks promising, or we get paid ridiculous amounts of money, then I will think about expanding. Till then, we will keep our operation small and tight.”
The blue devil would down the last of his coffee, and pour himself another cup, leaving enough for Aisling to get another if she would want it. As he mixed in the sugar and milk, a though occurred to him. “By the way, we are going to need to come up with code names for our selves, so that we do not give our real names and thus our selves away. They do not have to be anything fancy, just keep it simple.” It seemed like a good idea to him; if the wrong person just so happened to be listening to one of their conversations, their actual names would not be compromised, and the could easily pin the names on someone else. The handles would be used by them when interacting with people with whom they did business with; a perfect thing. As he mentally ran through the a list of possible handles, he would return to his seat and sit quietly. He needed something... that was simple, something that would not get him laughed at the moment he attempted to do business with people. Something that showed a hint of power, but would appear to be humble, in a way. After several minutes, he would grin, and set his coffee down.

"I think I got one for myself; Knight. I do beleive I will use the handle of 'Knight'. Not the 'time of day' cliche thing that people who try to seem cool or edgy, but rather those of the western tradition. Those loyal to the leaders, or Kings as they call them."
He sipped at the coffee again, smiling still. "The knights were the protectors of thier lands, loyal only to thier king. In a sense, they were nobles as well."

3181+ 1055 = 4236 WC



Aww. It would seem that his dear Aisling fell asleep on him while he was explaining. That was fine; she was sick after all, and needed her rest. Carefully, the male would slip her from her seat that the table, and carry her to her room within the suite.

Samael would take great care in placing her on the bed, and covering her with the blanket. Perhaps it had been too much to ask her to participate in this strategy; she was sick after all. She would need all her strength if she was to be of help at some point. For now, she would have to sit this portion of his plan out. Sam wasn't sad about it; he knew she would do the same for him if the situation was reversed, no doubt. Whenever she was ready and felt better, he knew she would be at his side, ready to help any way she could.

After placing Aisling into the bed, Sam would make his way back into the kitchenette, and begin cleaning up the breakfast dishes. It was still early as hell in the morning, and there was plenty of time. He would call up a few people in a moment, and get the word out that he was looking for work – a way to get himself trusted enough to get what he needed.

If you wanted to know the truth about a city or village, ask the rats.

Very well. He would do just that.


Total WC = 4487

The Story Continues:

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