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1The Cat's Out of the Box [D-Rank]  Empty The Cat's Out of the Box [D-Rank] Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:18 pm



Rescuing a cat, not the first mission that I was expecting. However that doesn’t mean that it cannot be of use. I took a quick glance to my left, the little girl was calling out to her cat to come down. Oh forgot to mention. Her cat is on top of the KazeKage’s tower, what a wonderful spot for a cat. Her calls were in vain, doubtful the cat could hear the tiny girl’s plies even with their enhanced hearing. We were both outside the first wall of the tower, to me the place looked like giant meatball in a soup ball honestly. “Let’s hope this doesn’t take too long, it would be an embarrassment to spend half a day on such a basic mission.” Causally I walked over to the young girl's side and tapped her shoulder. When she turned to face me I could see the girl was at the brink of tears and was trying to hold them in, with little success. However she had someone restrained herself from sobbing thankfully. I leaned in close to her ear kneeling down to match her small stature. “Hello I’m here to help you today. First, do you have a picture of your cat?” The little girl fumbled around into her left pocket, when she couldn’t find what she was looking for she moved to the opposite pocket. This time she produced a small photograph held in her tiny hands and offered it to the Tkamaru. “Thank you.” The photograph was of a little girl strangling a poor Persian cat, they were either in the living room or the own girl’s bedroom. Focusing more on the cat, I took in what distinguished this cat. It’s seemingly mopey attitude, the way it held itself proudly even when in a crushing hug session with a tiny girl. Counting every stripe, every whisker, even it’s eye color. Hitsuji. Forming the Ram hand seal I transformed into, hopefully, a copy of the wanted feline. Immediately I leaped onto the first wall, the soup bowl, and using focusing chakra onto all four of my paws slowly walked upward. Maintaining the concentration of the transformation jutsu, with such a detailed tiny form, alongside the supernatural walking jutsu was immense with the small amount of training I got from the academy, I had just managed to get over the soup bowl before tumbling over the top. My little cat form rolled along the side of the wall, until I came to a very abrupt stop as I reactivated the Wall-walking jutsu. The action was fruitless, I was already touching the ground, however. Curse my inexperience! That was just practice at least on this side I won’t have people watching my failure. Looking up I felt somewhat irritated. If I cannot manage to successfully maneuver a construct less than half the size of my true goal, I was sure to fail a lot during my climb to the tower. Expressing my irritation by scratching the side of my face. I could undo the transformation and climb up there normally, but the cat might run away if I approach it like that.

   Remember, opposite paws. My progress up the tower was slow but sure. I didn’t dare look down, any sudden movements were liable to break my concentration. I was halfway up the spherical part of the KazeKage’s office. The near-upside-down part of my journey was the hardest part thankfully. Now It was all uphill, in the proper orientation. My cat form began picking up the pace, on the side of the top I could see the girl’s cat looming over with strange eyes on me. Finally after an embarrassingly long trip my cat self jumped of the edge of the building. My target, standing in the center of the sandstone rooftop. With the end of my journey to the cat the real job began, actually getting the cat. Thankfully I had prepared for that. This is where I flaunt my feline charms! The sun’s gaze was behind me allowing for full flair. Before I could move so much as a flick of the wrist. “MeOw-” the cat bounded towards me resting it’s furry head on my shoulder. Well it would seem that I didn’t have to do anything for that thankfully. The cat was warm on me, must’ve been roasting in the sun there wasn’t any shade up here. Letting its guard down I undid the transformation jutsu and grabbed the cat cradling it around my arms. Now it was this body the cat didn’t like. It wrestled and wriggled trying to escape my grasp. Too bad for it I was much stronger than its owner. “Okay now, time to go back home.” Still holding a spasming cat I gracefully waltzed to the edge of the building then breaking into a sudden sprint.  By the end of the ride the poor Persian cat was petrified. “My cat!” The girl from earlier ran towards me happily. I passed back her cat which was “strangled” by the girl’s scrawny arms. No wonder the cat ran away… “Make sure to keep a good hold on your cat next time okay?” The girl was already leaving though going on and on with the cat in her arms. I shrugged and headed back to my house. “Twenty five minutes, I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

(Exiting Thread)

600 Words needed / 600/600
Word Count: 920

(Using 300 of the 320 leftover words to train E rank speed to E-2, and E rank endurance to E-1)

20 words left over

[i]Rescuing a cat, not the first mission that I was expecting. However that doesn’t mean that it cannot be of use.[/i]
 I took a quick glance to my left, the little girl was calling out to
her cat to come down. Oh forgot to mention. Her cat is on top of the
KazeKage’s tower, what a wonderful spot for a cat. Her calls were in
vain, doubtful the cat could hear the tiny girl’s plies even with their
enhanced hearing. We were both outside the first wall of the tower, to
me the place looked like giant meatball in a soup ball honestly. [color=#ff0000]“Let’s hope this doesn’t take too long, it would be an embarrassment to spend half a day on such a basic mission.”[/color]
 Causally I walked over to the young girl's side and tapped her
shoulder. When she turned to face me I could see the girl was at the
brink of tears and was trying to hold them in, with little success.
However she had someone restrained herself from sobbing thankfully. I
leaned in close to her ear kneeling down to match her small stature. [color=#ff0000]“Hello I’m here to help you today. First, do you have a picture of your cat?”[/color]
 The little girl fumbled around into her left pocket, when she couldn’t
find what she was looking for she moved to the opposite pocket. This
time she produced a small photograph held in her tiny hands and offered
it to the Tkamaru. [color=#ff0000]“Thank you.”[/color] The
photograph was of a little girl strangling a poor Persian cat, they were
 either in the living room or the own girl’s bedroom. Focusing more on
the cat, I took in what distinguished this cat. It’s seemingly mopey
attitude, the way it held itself proudly even when in a crushing hug
session with a tiny girl. Counting every stripe, every whisker, even
it’s eye color. [i]Hitsuji. [/i]Forming the Ram hand seal I
transformed into, hopefully, a copy of the wanted feline. Immediately I
leaped onto the first wall, the soup bowl, and using focusing chakra
onto all four of my paws slowly walked upward. Maintaining the
concentration of the transformation jutsu, with such a detailed tiny
form, alongside the supernatural walking jutsu was immense with the
small amount of training I got from the academy, I had just managed to
get over the soup bowl before tumbling over the top. My little cat form
rolled along the side of the wall, until I came to a very abrupt stop as
 I reactivated the Wall-walking jutsu. The action was fruitless, I was
already touching the ground, however. [i]Curse my inexperience![/i]
That was just practice at least on this side I won’t have people
watching my failure. Looking up I felt somewhat irritated. If I cannot
manage to successfully maneuver a construct less than half the size of
my true goal, I was sure to fail a lot during my climb to the tower.
Expressing my irritation by scratching the side of my face. I could undo
 the transformation and climb up there normally, but the cat might run
away if I approach it like that.

   [i]Remember, opposite paws.[/i] My progress up the tower was
slow but sure. I didn’t dare look down, any sudden movements were liable
 to break my concentration. I was halfway up the spherical part of the
KazeKage’s office. The near-upside-down part of my journey was the
hardest part thankfully. Now It was all uphill, in the proper
orientation. My cat form began picking up the pace, on the side of the
top I could see the girl’s cat looming over with strange eyes on me.
Finally after an embarrassingly long trip my cat self jumped of the edge
 of the building. My target, standing in the center of the sandstone
rooftop. With the end of my journey to the cat the real job began,
actually getting the cat. Thankfully I had prepared for that. [i]This is where I flaunt my feline charms![/i] The sun’s gaze was behind me allowing for full flair. Before I could move so much as a flick of the wrist. [color=#ff9900]“MeOw-”[/color] the cat bounded towards me resting it’s furry head on my shoulder. [i]Well it would seem that I didn’t have to do anything for that thankfully. [/i]The
 cat was warm on me, must’ve been roasting in the sun there wasn’t any
shade up here. Letting its guard down I undid the transformation jutsu
and grabbed the cat cradling it around my arms. Now it was this body the
 cat didn’t like. It wrestled and wriggled trying to escape my grasp.
Too bad for it I was much stronger than its owner. [color=#ff0000]“Okay now, time to go back home.” [/color]Still
 holding a spasming cat I gracefully waltzed to the edge of the building
 then breaking into a sudden sprint.  By the end of the ride the poor
Persian cat was petrified. [color=#ff66ff]“My cat!”[/color] The
girl from earlier ran towards me happily. I passed back her cat which
was “strangled” by the girl’s scrawny arms. No wonder the cat ran away… [color=#ff0000]“Make sure to keep a good hold on your cat next time okay?”[/color] The girl was already leaving though going on and on with the cat in her arms. I shrugged and headed back to my house. [color=#ff0000]“Twenty five minutes, I’ve got a lot of work to do.”


600 Words needed / 600/600
Word Count: 920

(Using 300 of the 320 leftover words to train E rank speed to E-2, and E rank endurance to E-1)

20 words left over[/color][/color]

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