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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Special Rules:

May only use D-ranked Jutsus

You have until Friday (11-3) to finish. Staff may step in at any moment and declare a winner. Report all rule violations directly to senior staff.

Keep it clean, keep it fun.




It seemed the time was upon them and now Sero was to enter the battlefield. He held no weapons on his person but the rules set for the match picked at him a little. With those rules he could not use his ace in the hole. Still his grey eyes look towards his surroundings. He was within a forest so any fire could end disastrously. Nor did he really have room for his whip technique. The fight seemed heavily weighed against his Ninjutsu. But that did not truly bother him. He lets his hood fall and checks the bottle of water at his hip just in case. A 2 liter bottle of water for his technique. His grey hair blows in the wind as his grey eyes calmly look around. It was still cold out and also with the cold the morning dew was sticking around a bit more. That would be to his advantage. He waits silently for any sign of his opponent. His expression seemed like it was lacking any sign of true emotion. And that was just how Sero thought. Cold calculation was all that was needed.

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra entered the battlefield with a huge grin on his face, hands in his hoodie pockets and a skip in his step. The morning was cold but Ezra’s body burned with excitement. He couldn’t wait to begin his match in this beautiful forest. He had never fought in one before so he decided when he found out that this was to be his stage he would milk it for all it’s worth. He would find ways to use the trees to his advantage just like any good shinobi would. He listened for the sound of his steps on the grass as he approached his opponent. The sound was nothing like stepping on sand but Ezra liked it just the same.

Ezra stopped straight across from his opponent about five meters away. He wanted to say something to him but wasn’t sure what to say. Ezra was too nice of a guy for trash talk and he doubted the enemy would like to exchange pleasantries. He did the only thing he could do which was smile. That was the last smile that would release before the fight’s end because when Ezra began to fight he was nothing but serious. He scanned his opponent seeing no weapons but the male did have a bottle of water. ‘He is from Kiri.’ Ezra thought as he spotted the metal plate on Sero’s headband. ‘That bottle is probably not for drinking.’ he thought connecting the village with the norm for its shinobi. Ezra took his tan headband and removed from his right bicep over his tan hoodie and tied it around the kunai holster on his right leg which contained two kunai and two senbon.

Ezra planted his feet firmly on the ground but kept his body loose. He was going to be ready for anything whether his opponent decided to do some talking or attack him head on.



Sero quietly observed his opponent a moment. An individual from suna. It could become a little frustrating. His grey eyes watch a moment as if uninterested. The fighting stance showed he was also a hand to hand style. And he was tall which meant the advantage in reach was his. Perhaps he should test any weaknesses before charging head on or revealing any abilities. His head tilts as the boy covers his weapons pouch with his head band. Tossing out his advantage. Was he cocky or was he honorable. Either way Sero was feeling a little underestimated now. So approaching a stance he wasn’t familiar with was out of the question. Pulling up a mist would be a waste if he didn’t know any weaknesses. For now he lets a cold smile slip and then jumps backwards scooping up a fallen thin branch as he launched backwards, this solved the reach problem. Now he needed the high ground. His feet plant on the tree as he focuses his chakra running backwards up the tree watching his opponent. Force him to fight in the tree’s. Suna’s habitat didn’t have tree’s but Kiri did and Sero spent a lot of time in the forest there.

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra removed once again the headband from his kunai holster and put it back on his right bicep. ‘What a stupid place to put it.’ he smirked to himself realizing how indecisive that made him look. He turned his attention back to the boy who now had a stick in his hand. His opponent ran backwards up the tree keeping his eye on Ezra. ‘Is this the start of the fight?’ Ezra thought feeling no immediate danger. Ezra decided to follow his opponent’s example he walked up the tree backwards and kept his eyes focused on the male but Ezra decided to stop on the side parallel to the ground. Ezra noted how the trees were a little difficult to stand on as their trunks were cylindrical, Ezra was more used to running and walking up walls but still it wasn’t anything he couldn’t manage. Ezra had always been a quick learner.

“Are we fighting?” Ezra shouted to his opponent. “Because if so, you can have the first attack.” He added not knowing why. Maybe it was because he already had some confusion as to what exactly they were doing at that point.



Sero Raises an eye brow at the offer for the first attack and smiles to himself a little. The little motions of moving the head band around seemed to prolong his assessment of the individual. Still the other seemed to move comfortably up the opposite tree and backwards to as if to show he was just as capable. But that just made it opportune for Sero. Sero unstableness his chakra on his feet breaking the looser bark as it launches him across to the tree the Suna nin was on. He did not know his name but the boy was in need of a lesson on tactics. Though the launch would give his opponent time to turn and face him as Sero lands above him and refocuses his chakra. Sero now had the high ground and the range. Sero moves down the tree quickly trying to focus a strike in first and jabbing the stick at the left abdomen. Hoping to poke him there with the dull end of the stick and plow him straight into the ground. All this is done with minimum changes to expression and no sounds.

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra watched his opponent as he landed on the tree. Ezra’s face turned stone cold serious as his opponent ran down the tree. The feeling of danger meant the fight was on now. Ezra ran toward his opponent as well and attempted to catch him in his doujutsu. The Stunning Eyes now activated would hopefully create an opening. The second they did Ezra would frontflip upward into a dropkick to send his frozen opponent back into the sky just to fall to the forest floor. Even if the stunning eyes failed Ezra would still go for the dropkick, after all legs are longer and stronger than arms and hopefully longer and stronger than that flimsy looking stick. This all would go down with the most austere face anyone could have.

Jutsu Used and Chakra Left:



Sero was the type of fighter to watch the subtle movements of the shoulders. The way the arms and legs moved. It alarmed him however when his target moved towards him. The kick got his attention but he was completely unaware of how lucky he was that the opponents eyes where not where he was watching. Truthfully had the technique been used point blank eye to eye he would have lost right then and there. However instead he back peddles his feet to move back from the fearless kick and decides to test the strength of the blow. Sure he could not get past the legs for a body shot but getting hit in the ankle had its disadvantages. Still a bead of sweat was forming and soon if he could not land a blow he would have to retreat and reassess the threat. For now he grabs the branch at the bottom for better swinging power and swings up and the ankle so intent to harm him even as he dodges backwards. Still his expression remains the same.

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

The Stunning Eyes were wasted but Ezra still had the dropkick going for him. His body still traveled up from the force behind a combination of his run, flip and kick. Sero backpedaled but Ezra was still sure he’d land a pretty solid blow. Before Ezra’s kick could connect Sero shifted the branch in his hand, the reason why possibly for more power. He aimed and swung upward at Ezra’s ankles. Ezra didn’t flinch because his style of taijutsu focused on the legs and a thin stick like that wasn’t going to stop it. Upon contact with Ezra’s ankles the once fallen stick now turned weapon snapped in two but not before sending a small sting like that of a bee through his ankle. Ezra still traveled upward, kick unconnected yet, not minding the sting. Hopefully it’d land, if not it would just be wasted energy along with the already wasted chakra of Ezra and his clan’s doujutsu.



The stick had snapped as if it had been swung at a steel nugget. Still he noted the pain the other showed and the show he put on to perform more power in his legs. The frontal momentum along with the spin of the front flip just adding to the speed of the trained kick. The stick had broken and not even slowed the blow so instead Sero crossed his arms. The weight of the blow was enough to send him further up the tree and leave the arm that had taken it heated with pain but still Sero relaxed his body and let it send him upwards. The loss of the stick not meaning much to him. He was not a kenjutsu user anyways. For now he rubs his arm back to health as he regains his footing and nods.

"kicking. a very interesting talent."

he says while jumping over to the next tree to maintain distance and height. however his expression does not change as he uncorks the bottle. the water rises to his hand and encompasses halfway up his arm. it looked like just flowing water and hand about the length of a staff and as thick as his arm. he then plants his feet and launches back at his opponent swinging outwards and letting the club unwravel to about half the width of his arm and twice the length to lash out like a thick whip. the only warning his opponent had to dodge it was the thin branch getting decimated as it flew at him.


70/80 10 spent

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra grew glad his kick had hit but his battle face wouldn’t allow it to be known. Once it had hit he planted his feet on the tree using a little more chakra to balance out the bit of inertia that was still present in his movement. Ezra leapt to another tree at least three meters away this time standing upright on a hefty and hardy branch. He looked back to Sero as he jumped over to a tree opposite the side Ezra had leapt to away from the tree that they conducted their initial showdown on. Ezra in unison jumped backwards with a back flip, changed his center of gravity just a bit while in midair and watched his opponent uncork their water bottle. He performed the back flip with the center of gravity in his chest so he could greaten the distance of his jump to almost five meters. He had at least seven meters between him and his opponent which Ezra thought was good news as he looked at the thick long flow of water that was now enveloping his enemy’s arm. It was reminiscent of a whip because of its length and how it handled but simultaneously a club because of its thickness. His opponent jumped in his direction smashing a thin tree branch. Ezra certainly did not want to end up like that tree branch. He hopped back to another tree and would keep this strategy for as long as that whip was out. To be safe he wanted to maintain at least a six meter distance from his enemy as the odd water justu being used didn’t seem to go past five.




Sero smiles and continues the chase the water whip just barely not keeping up with his opponent. It was the first sign of emotion he had shown since this began and now it seemed like he was enjoying himself. He continued giving chase maintaining just enough distance between them and then suddenly he flicked his wrist and the water doubled in length rapidly and whipped around as thick as a pencil and sharp as a bull whip. The whip was massive in length as far as he could safely extend it and it cracked like a whip too as with the sudden range it snapped at his opponents left eye. If connected it would cut the flesh enough to blind the eye. This was why he let the range stay so close but not close enough. A feint for the limits of the jutsu just to catch his opponent off guard.


Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra’s opponent continued to purse him even though Ezra showed no intention of him getting any closer. His opponent smiled and that worried Ezra. ‘He’s up to something’ Ezra told himself. He grabbed both Kunai out of his holster setting up for the unexpected. Ezra maintained vigilance and tried not to fear his opponent’s next move because once fear is involved in a battle that’s when mistakes are made. His opponent flicked his wrist all too quickly and the thick whip shot out changing shape into danger itself. As far as Ezra was concerned at that moment that whip was death. It was coming straight for his eye. A low blow if Ezra could’ve thought of one. This attack was not just against him, this was against the pride and future of his clan. As the heir to the Karisuma clan he would never let anything happen to his eyes. He sliced at the water with his left kunai in urgency yet with precision; he severed the whip only a couple inches from his face. He saved his eye and got rid of the water’s whip like form any where beyond where he had severed. The severed water splashed and he threw his right Kunai at the base of the whip looking to sever it almost completely. Ezra exhaled with a look of relief on his face realizing what kind of situation he had just got himself out of. It was the first time his austere face had changed during combat besides in moments of pain. He continued to jump back expecting the unexpected. 'This is going to be hard.' He stated the obvious.



Sero watches as the Kunai get drawn and slay his water whip with a slash just in time. However the slash forced the entire whip to fall and the blow to miss. For a moment it was as if Sero where pouting that he had missed such a critical blow.
He clicks his tongue to his teeth as the kunai sails at him and reaches to his waste pulling the now empty bottle up to let the kunai stick into it with a thick thud. Sero drops to the ground level his smile gone now as those cold eyes watch the other. Quick reactions and perceptive. Impressive at least. He would have to go a little further then he was before. He taps his chin as if contemplating another move while tossing the bottle to the side with a heavy thud. A weighted bottle made an indent in the dirt. Those cold grey eyes watching as he twirling the kunai in his other hand. If the person was that good then surely he could survive another technique. Sero tosses the kunai to the side somewhere into the forest as if it where in his way. And awaits his opponents move. A plan forming behind the cold wall that he was. taking a deep breath from the physical effort in following the other through the tree's and using so much chakra. he felt a little more tired then he suspected the other. but he assumed the other was taking him seriously now.

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra watched on his final jump still 6 meters away as the kunai he threw was wasted. His opponent had held his bottle up and used it to catch the kunai. He then dropped to ground level and tossed away the now known to be weighted bottle and Ezra’s kunai into the dirt. ‘With that bit of weight off it should give him back a small amount of speed. I should still be in good shape though. I think I’m the faster of the two.’ Ezra thought to himself now unsure of the opponent’s true speed.

Ezra examined his opponent and wished to reassess the situation. There was no doubt his opponent was doing the same. The male took a deep breath which was contagious as Ezra took one right after. The seriousness had escaped Ezra’s face and he smiled. “Wanna’ take a break?” Ezra called out in a friendly tone. “We never really exchanged words. That’s something I would like to do.” Ezra added keeping his body loose and ready in case his opponent didn’t quite like his ideas. He gave up the high ground “advantage” and walked down the tree to show him that he was serious about what he’d said.



Sero quietly watches his opponent. More time to think and to let his muscles readjust. He nods slowly and takes of his sweater and his belt. if he was going to relax then he should do it without the weight of the even common fabric. Hoodies where kind of heavy and the belt was too.. He drops both to the ground with another two soft thuds. and with the awkward weight of the 2 liters of water gone. Now he stood there in a tank top and his pants and boots. His headband hanging around his neck . He watches as now it was apparent that his own body was toned to speed combat. Slim muscles flex as he stretches watching the other. Before speaking in a rather monotone voice.

"speak away but if you use a trick. I will end you."

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra mentioned a break and his opponent started to strip. 'Uhmm… Okay I guess that’s one way to relax.' Ezra thought as he holstered his kunai and walked toward his opponent trying not to judge. Maybe his opponent had the right idea though. Ezra looked to the sky as the suns rays started shining down through the branches and leaves. The temperature was starting to rise and soon the tan hoodie Ezra had on would be a bit much. He decided to remove that but only that. He tossed his tan hoodie to the side and underneath had a red t-shirt that dawned the Karisuma clan logo on the back. He tightened his Suna headband around his bicep once again and this time swelled with pride. He felt he had done his nation and his clan justice so far but he wanted to keep going. That feeling disappeared upon hearing Sero’s words. “A little too intense, don’t you think?” Ezra responded rhetorically. “I’m Ezra Karisuma by the way. What’s your name?” He added wanting a formal introduction and taking a seat four meters away from his opponent. He waited for his opponent’s response if there would even be one. He didn’t exactly seem like he wanted to talk. “You have a clan back home?" Ezra would ask wondering whether or not he felt he was doing them justice.



Sero pauses and tilts his head watching the other. Trusting wasn’t he? That was almost amusing. But at the same time some grace was needed. They where being watched. Still Sero listens to the speech and request for response. He shakes his head and looks to his opponent. Sitting there within range of all of Sero’s techniques. It was almost disappointing. Still Sero quietly nods and begins to circle around very slowly studying his opponent as if a test subject where before him. Grey eyes prying for any scars or physical hindrances he could exploit. Before speaking in that same Monotone voice.

" My name was announced for our match. If you did not pay attention it is not I at fault. My place of residence is burned to dust now and i prove myself to..myself. my Clan is feared as Monsters so honestly. we don't have any family reunions. I am rested. can we continue?"

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra didn’t mind Sero’s words or his most insufferable tone. Ezra stood up from the ground and patted the leaves off of his butt. “I did hear your name earlier. I was just being friendly, is all. I’m sorry to hear about Kirigakure… I never knew.” Ezra clarified and said with a pause. ‘So he is his only motivator. That’s no way to live. I hope he can find others who support him soon. What am I saying? He already has one supporter, well he will once this fight is done.’ Ezra’s thought swung by rather rapidly and was rather odd as he announced to himself he would be a supporter of his enemy. “Before we begin can I ask why you guys are feared?” Ezra adjusted his body to his usual bouncy and more agile stance than the one he was in earlier. He needed to be ready because his opponent seemed to be and he also didn’t seem like the type to want to answer questions.



"because we melt everyone around us."

Sero concentrates on a combo he had been planning on saving jumping back as combat begins again. he raises a hand and spends the chakra while appearing to remain just outside of striking distance. a thick mist comes flying up all around them and quickly cuts off vision. as soon as the Mist was thick enough Sero shudders with the effort of the three part jutsu while preforming his now hidden hand seal jumping straight up silently. typically the mist was used to attack those within and it was growing to the full 60 meters. still he was moving up while remaining within 10 meters of his opponent he finishes the hand seal and breathes out. the color of the mist between him and his and hopefully around his opponent changing color feintly.. he was quickly feeling exausted but he could not let the situation slip out of hand. so far it was 10 seconds since he first jumped back and stayed above to avoid not only the damage but any sound. now the final jutsu in the third breath. he spits out a tiny fireball into the gas infused mist creating a chain reaction of a small gas explosion. 12 seconds... damn it was too slow. he could only hope his opponent was not quick enough to completely avoid the complex combo. for now.. he felt too exausted for more jutsu.



Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Melting was a pretty scary concept and Ezra was well aware of that. Sero jumped back and with the possibility of melting Ezra felt some pressure to end the match. Ezra jumped to the left as the mist common to Kiri-nin arose. Ezra heard about this before and most of the stories involving mist usually ended in death. ‘I should’ve guessed.’ Ezra doubted his judgment in attempting to befriend Sero for a second. Ezra’s face was colored a stone seriousness as his long stride was put to action. ‘I have to get out of this mist.’ Ezra focused on the distance he ran. He hit almost thirteen meters as an explosion went off behind him. It sent him flying or flipping to be exact. Ezra caught himself on his hands before crashing into the ground. His shirt and pants were burning and so was the skin under. Lucky for him he caught himself in an ideal position for one of his favorite techniques. Ezra used the beginning speed of his spinning top kick to create a mini vacuum. The small vacuum made the fire on Ezra’s body disperse after the third spin but that was not the end of Ezra’s worries. Some of the mist around had also dispersed letting a nearby tree be known. Ezra couldn’t stop the spinning top technique and his left leg slammed right into a tree. A sharp pain rang through his shin as the tree brought Ezra’s movement to a halt. He dropped his arms in pain and landed on his back which was now burned; only to the first degree nevertheless it stung a good amount as he hit the ground. Ezra had a little room to see around him thanks to the spinning top kick but he was against the tree and it wasn’t good to be pinned down. He got up, took his last kunai out of its holster and took off in the direction that the mist seemed to be fainter. He hoped he would reach clear air soon because his shin hurt more then when it made contact with the tree. ‘Could it be broken?’ He thought as he limp-ran and looked up hoping to see clear air. Things did not look bright for Ezra he had some physical wounds but he had stamina on his side, his opponent was bound to be a little exhausted from using such jutsu in succession so maybe he still had a chance but he’d have to be smart. “Save the friendliness for after the fight.” His body seemed to say.

Jutsu and Chakra Amount:



for a moment his ears rang with the explosion as he landed on a tree and stood there searching for his target. then he spotted him off to the side as the mist cleared as he spun right into the tree to put out a fire. he appeared to be in pain but something about it struck a cord in Sero. it was just like before. when he was a kid and his opponent was to strong to be beaten by just a little bit. he took a deep breath and finally that ice cold creepy smile seeped over him. Killing intent rolled off of him like a flood as ice grey eyes watch his prey. true he was tired but the adrenaline pumping in him now. the sweat on him felt foreign to him as he moved above the mist like a phantom in silence. it was then that he made his move from above. his prey was injured and now as Ezra looked up expecting clear sky he would only see the grey form of the phantom of Kiri descending on him the killing intent so evident the moment he saw him that it was if the kunai in his hand where only a toy to Sero. instantly Sero spun for a downward swinging kick with his right foot to the top of the head and a jabbing throat kick with his left foot. Sero's taijutsu speed was much faster then he had let on earlier. and kickboxing was his specialty. and he intended to do some serious harm.

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra looked up and felt a feeling he had never felt before, killing intent, and it made tears dart down his face. How could someone make another feel like this? Fighting should be art or fun, nothing like this. The feeling was way too intense but Ezra had to fight it. The dark shadow in the faint edge of the mist was coming down fast. Ezra’s shin pain and the unknown killing intent that radiated from Sero was too much to bear. Ezra picked up his arms to at least guard his now crying eyes and dropped to the right onto his wounded leg’s knee as Sero’s boot came down making the kick that was on its way straight down to Ezra’s head miss. What pure luck. That was not the end of what Sero was bringing to Ezra. Sero aimed for Ezra’s throat. Judging by the speed and the angle it was hard to believe that a blow like that would not kill someone. Ezra however hit the jackpot again in having his arms up to block his eyes as his neck was not by any means far from that point. Either way Ezra had successfully guarded the throat kick but his arm would suffer. Kickboxing was a rather destructive art which Sero had a knack for. Once he blocked the kick Ezra would make his final attempt not at winning but at making his country and clan proud. He would use his other arm to grab a hold of Sero’s returning leg and give him a shock with use of his Lightning Rod Technique. It didn’t matter if Ezra’s jutsu worked or not he would quit right after by speaking the words “I forfeit.” Sero was a little too smart for Ezra and definitely not as freindly.

Jutsu and Chakra Amount:



Sero was in the flow of things for a moment lost in the ecstasy of it. An opponent able to survive everything he threw at them. for a brief moment he intended to keep going until his moment was dead. however his blows where missing anything critical and then one of his legs was caught. an intense pain broke him out his trance like state with a pained intake of breath and then moving away. he could not feel his leg. it was entirely numb. if the battle continued...but then his opponent quit? Sero noticed the tears first and then the ruined state his opponent was in as he leaned against a tree. odd. it was then that he realized he intended to kill his opponent as the Mist lifts entirely. it was a bit of a shock to him but he shakes his head and then begins limping past waiting for his leg to uncramp and wincing as he went. heading for his clothes. speaking in that monotone voice.

"my apologies. you drew out my excitement."

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

“It’s Ok.” Ezra smiled with tears in his eyes and snot dripping out of his noise. Ezra pushed himself against a tree wanting to rest his leg for a bit. He used his shirt to rub the tears from his now puffy eyes and wipe the snot off of his red nose. “Disgusting.” He laughed at something so small even though he had some bigger problems to attend to. “Hey Sero. Can you grab my hoodie for me and while you’re at it don’t lose to any of the other genin in the exams.” He said combining two things that had nothing to do with the other. He waited for Sero’s response, if any. “Thanks for the fight. Can you help me get to the hospital? I think my shin is broken.” He asked as if Sero was not the reason why that happened.

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