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1A meeting of cousin clans (open/no kill) Empty A meeting of cousin clans (open/no kill) Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:06 am



Boris trudged on through the tree line. He was walking instead of riding his companion because he wasn't so positive he would get a welcome invite from the Inuzuka. They had a pack mentality and such a distant cousin clan might be considered more of an intruder then family. Not that Boris considered himself much of a family person anymore. He had no love for another after his children where slaughtered. Still he trudged on into the open field. Emerging with his companion into the open view of the hills. It was there he paused. His senses where nothing above normal. But he doubted he was alone anymore. After all this is where he told the Inuzuka held lands. He doubted anything could trespass with out being noticed. Especially something like him.

To be clear Boris Kuma was impossible to overlook. He stood at seven feet tall of pure muscle. His messy hair fell down at shoulder length. Over his face was a mask crafted from the Upper skull of a bear.With the two eye holes over his own black eyes. Most of his Form was covered in what looked to be old and partially burnt furs. It clothed him but there was more to it. A reminder of his failure as a father, his obsession with his lost chance as a father. The memories clouded his thoughts a moment. Just as they usually did. After all he was never interested in the life of a shinobi. He never attended any academy. He had been a farmer. It wasn't until the criminal Hao ripped his life from him that he began to learn to fight. So as it stood he was considered a genin in his Identification. But few would assume he was to be trifled with at first sight. He let his thoughts drift back to the present as he rested his hand on his companion ivanov's head. Letting the bear feel his calm.

Ivanov was also very difficult to look past. On all four's the Kodiak bear was only three feet shorter the Boris. But that was on all fours. It's brown fur bristled over its huge muscles and the bear sniffed at the air. Unlike Boris Ivanov was constantly vigilant and willing to fight if provoked. It's where a great deal of disagreement came between them. Still Boris patted him.

"Patience Ivanov. I doubt they would ignore us. We will meet some one soon." His accent was thick. As his voice was deep behind the mask. The accent from the northern most points of the frost village.



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