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Shibirin had come out to the hills for one main purpose: he needed to create a jutsu that he can use to quickly block attacks from behind without moving from his spot. It’d need to be kenjutsu, for jutsus would just take out most of his chakra and wouldn’t be as accurate as using a sword. So, he walked towards the hills because there was enough space there to practise his sword dance, in an attempt to invent a new way for kenjutsu users to block incoming attacks from behind in an instant.

His first idea was to jump and do a 360 spin in the air with the sword sweeping under his tucked in feet, but this didn’t protect him from attacks that came in the air. He’d be a sitting duck to any incoming weapons such as kunai, senbon and shuriken. He thought and thought for a while, then he saw two squirrels fighting, high up in a tree branch not far front he hills. It was amazing, the other was trying to run away but the offender kept scratching its back. Then something happened, the victim turned its hips around and clawed the other squirrel’s face. They were trying to tell Shibirin something. He then looked at his sword and drew it out. He looked behind him, but remained his posture facing forwards. He twisted his upper body around in a 180 degree spin, sliced the centre of an invisible opponent’s body and then quickly returned to their first position. That was it! He had invented a new kenjutsu move he called, ”Blinded slice: back slash”.

Word count: {269/100}

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