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Day 8-

The sky was still black as the moon in the sky was setting in the horizon. The forest became much darker as the trees whistled with the wind and the grass swayed in the direction of where the wind blowed as Jurou walked into the windy training grounds of the small south forest, wearing a different set of clothing for his training session. Wearing a sleeveless black shirt, and some loose fitting shinobi pants, Jurou made sure he had compiled of all of his weapons together, with his wakizashi in place on his lower back side, his dagger -Aaasra Barshun- above the wakizashi sheath, and his two kunai in his jounin flak jacket pouch. Jurou needed to train to become stronger, his current strength was nothing and it felt like everyone around him was surpassing him; Kenjutsu-wise. He felt useless compared to everyone so he’d try out a new training method that he had been working on developing to help his specialty become more effective. Utilizing one more training of Kenjutsu after 5 days of it already was going to be difficult. But it was worth the difficulty if he wanted to become strong.


Simple, yet excruciating. Sounds hard, but really it's not. Still a little hard, though. Depends upon the work ethic he puts in. Jurou thought this, many times. As his father told him: "Quiet your mind; yet, calm the storm. Drown out all disturbance. Put your body in an eternal resting. Then when you are done resting, open your eyes." He remembered every word, every phrase, every sentence. His father and grandfather were true mentors when it came to Jurou's training, simply removing one's body from all else and stay in one place, relaxing the mind and stay true to what your movements predicts. The Osada were meant to be shinobi's that kept things at a mellow pace; both hot and cold (water at freezing temperature, 32 degrees Celsius.) That is why Boil Release was created, to let off steam when the emotion of anger is at a high rate. All of this talk and thinking about the past had Jurou in a state of mind; a state of mind that precedes to be stated, If you train in silence, everything will commence perfectly. That was the life lesson learn from his father and his father' father: Calm your body and free your actions.

Jurou was still thinking the same thing his father told him after the training with the clone, his father in his dream, and with Isshin. But now, he wanted to train alone this time. He wanted to master certain jutsu that were made of Kenjutsu; since having the specialization of Kenjutsu at A-rank would be good for him. He still remembered what his Grandfather told him at a young age before the massacre:

"Listen closely my boy, training with the arts of the sword is called Kenjutsu."

Grandfather went on to explain that Kenjutsu was pertaining to techniques that entail the use of swords, whether the users be shinobi or samurai. Kenjutsu can be used in combination with taijutsu, ninjutsu, chakra flow and even genjutsu in order to achieve more devastating techniques. There have been many practitioners in the arts of Kenjutsu. Jurou could only name the most important people in his village; 7 Swordsman of the Mist. There was: Zabuza Momochi, Mangetsu and Suigetsu Hozuki, and Kisame Hashigaki. Jurou wanted to be just like them, strong in Kenjutsu to where he can wield almost any sword. Time to get started with this training.

"First; practice dummies."

With that being said, Jurou concentrated his chakra into fire, the flames started to ascend upward from his feet, disappearing from the lower half of his body. As the flames reached toward his mid-section, they picked up a little speed. His body was engulfed in flames and in a matter of time as his body was fully engulfed by the flames, he disappeared from sight. In a matter of seconds, Jurou reappeared into the Small South Forest with a set of three practice dummies, good for performing one jutsu with two dummies and one jutsu with one dummy. He aligned the three dummies shoulder to shoulder but decided to separate them in faraway distances; placing one dummy on the far right, one on the far left, keeping the other dummy in the middle. Perfect. He started to visualize these dummies as clones of himself or clones of his father. Or even clones of Isshin for great practice. Sheathing his wakizashi from his lower back side, he held the handle in a reverse-hand grip but decided to do something different for a change. Putting the sword down on the ground, he closed his eyes. Utilizing the chakra and concentrating it on his legs, he felt the tingling sensation of chakra displacing in his legs. A sudden burst of chakra racing all around his legs. Picking up his wakizashi from the ground, he set his target on the first dummy up ahead; straight distance.

"Target acquired. Commence destruction."

A sudden burst of speed was initiated.It was but a blur then. He set his eyes on the dummy in a straight distance as he motioned his body upward, taking the blade of his wakizashi and slashing upward, pushing the dummy upward above him. As they both were in the air, Jurou gave the dummy nine precise, elusive slash attempts, holding his sword in a reverse hand grip as he threw his Fire Release infused right leg upward, kicking the opponent into the air. The dummy went high into the air as Jurou landed on the ground then jumped above the dummy in amazing velocity. He attempted to slice the dummy 3 more times and then finally kicking the dummy into the ground.

"Burning Ash Technique."

Jurou said the name of his techinique. Chakra swelled up inside his mouth as he released a chakra infused gun-powder from their mouth up to 11 feet from them which surrounds the region. As the gunpowder is composed entirely of ash, it stays in the air around the victim like a cloud, which can be used like a smokescreen, hindering sight up to 60%. The gun-poweder surrounded the dummy as Jurou moved his hand signals at a fast pace.

"Small Fire."

Jurou said the name of his new technique. Jurou spewed out of his mouth a small fire ball the size of a baseball. As the small fire ball raced to the gun-powder, the fire ball touches the gun-powder as the gun-powder made a huge explosion. The dummy itself was in flames to the point where it was reduced to ashes itself. Jurou was somewhat impressed to have yet another collaboration jutsu in his premises. Now to focus on the other two dummies. But that will be done on another day. Jurou landed on the ground as Void Walk was still in effect. Guess all of this training literally paid.

Void Walk chakra; 20
Burning Ash chakra; 20
Small Fire chakra; 10
15 Hit Kill chakra; 20
Total chakra used; 70
Chakra remaining; 180

Jutsu used:
Word Count:



Day 9-

The forest was giving little light when the sun were rose from the bottom of the sky, giving off a good amount of heat around the small south forest as the trees continued to their rustling; obviously because of the wind blowing, but giving off a feeling that someone else is there. Jurou could careless about the trees to be honest, he just wanted to finish his training. Jurou was found meditating - sleeping on the warm grass of the Small South Forest. He had been sitting there all night, thinking; then finally putting his body into a deep sleep while keeping himself in that position. He remembered the sack of food he had brought with him from when he left the village to go to the cave. At least he wasn't starving himself to death. A little snack break would not hurt anyone.

Pulling out a rice ball with cooked fish in the center (he had plenty more) and a cold bottle of water, he consumed the rice ball slowly, letting the sweet, sugary goodness settle inside his stomach as he favored the food, feeling the sweet flavor of sugar inside his body. He slurped the cooked fish downward as he drank his cold bottle of water. His stomach made a low growl as it stopped, indicating that it was full from the luscious breakfast. With much of the water bottle, he put it where his other stash was and felt his stomach digesting the food. He took a bite looking around the Small South Forest. It was pretty empty from the bottom and that was something that Jurou needed right now. He didn’t want to be distracted from his training by anything. Now he was full and ready to go.

Jurou scanned his surroundings, seeing only two dummies still in their position. As for the third one, if he remembered correctly, was reduced to ash from his Burning Ash Technique. Two more to go, but he needed a plan. He needed to figure out how is he going to pull of these two. He utilized Void Walk for a speed boost. Unleashed 15 Hit Kill and took out the third dummy, reducing it to ashes with Burning Ash Technique and Small Fire. He still did not unleash Infinity Slice and used Great Dragon Fire Technique. Looking at the two dummies, he went into his thinking mode and tried to establish some sort of plan in order for all of the jutsu to work simultaneously.

"The first dummy."

His first glance was the first dummy to the far right. It was standing still. Unarmed. Perfect target. Utilizing his Kenjutsu to be far superior in all aspects, only jutsu revolving around Kenjutsu was the idea, but he needed a live training partner in his premises. Walking over to the two untouched practice dummies, he picked them up with each hand as flames of chakra started to rise from his feet to his head as he disappeared from sight. He then appeared back to the small forest and looked around at his surroundings; it was daylight. Good. He then closed his eyes to concentrate. Clones. That would be a good idea. But how many? One was good. Two would be better. Two heads are better than one.

"Katon: Bushin no Jutsu."

Jurou said as two clone jumped from behind him as the appearance of black figures at first, but seeing that they were Jurou Osada in the sunlight. Jurou #1 unsheathed his dual-kunai as Jurou #2 unsheathed his dagger, Aaasra Barshun. The original Jurou unsheathed his wakizashi. With just a swift draw of the sword, he held the handle in a reverse style hand-grip, better for defenses and swift offensive maneuvers. The clones took a few steps backward, knowing the chakra and power of the newly appointed Mizukage. The two clones looked at each other, nodded their heads, and sprang towards Jurou. A small smile crept on Jurou's facial features as he saw the two clones on each side.

First clone.

Jurou concentrated on the first clone as the two seemed to be planning a tag assault. The first clone was Jurou #1; the dual-kunai one. Jurou #1 swiftly slashed both of his kunai to Jurou as Jurou deliberately used the blade of his wakizashi to block the incoming attacks. Jurou ducked and slid on the grass, kicking his leg out to trip the clone. The clone was surprised yet caught off guard as Jurou #1 was airborne. The original Jurou saw this as an opportunity to end the clone. Using his natural speed to disappear from the clone, Jurou appeared above the clone on his back as he kicked his clone to the ground. The clone crashed to the ground and popped back airborne a couple of inches. Jurou performed one precise slash in a diagonal direction. The clone dispersed into a flames as Jurou quickly put the flames out.

Second clone.

Next was the second clone, the dagger clone. Jurou #2 swiftly dashed towards the original Jurou, slashing at its creator from different angles in quick, fluid movement. But Jurou was faster than that; much faster. Analyzing his clone's movement in the arms, Jurou sought that the clone always switched his the hand grip of the dagger's handle and held a slight 5 second pause before attacking again. Jurou wanted to catch him at a bad moment, then strike. And that's exactly what Jurou did. While dodging a left uppercut by swaying to the right, Jurou, with Void Walk still in effect, swiftly moved under his clone and ascended, aiming the butt of his wakzashi to his clone's chin. The clone was slow to react and caught the hit on the chin, leaving the clone airborne. Jurou saw this as an advantage and took it into action. As the clone was airborne, Jurou moved under the clone. While moving under the clone, Jurou placed both hands on the handle of his blade and slice upward in a stabbing motion. The clone poofed into flames as Jurou quickly put them out.

Another day; another training for Kenjutsu. He was up there almost. A few more days and he will master it eventually. But for now,it was time to take a break and get something to eat. He still kept his lunch box with him just in case: Riceball with a ham sandwich and cold water. Today was a good day for training.

Katon Bushin no Jutsu chakra; 15
Total chakra used; 85
Chakra remaining; 165
Word Count:



Day 10-

"The final Day. The final training session."


Simple, yet excruciating. Sounds hard, but really it's not. Still a little hard, though. Depends upon the work ethic he puts in. Jurou thought this, many times. As his father told him: "Quiet your mind; yet, calm the storm. Drown out all disturbance. Put your body in an eternal resting. Then when you are done resting, open your eyes." He remembered every word, every phrase, every sentence. His father and grandfather were true mentors when it came to Jurou's training, simply removing one's body from all else and stay in one place, relaxing the mind and stay true to what your movements predicts. The Osada were meant to be shinobi's that kept things at a mellow pace; both hot and cold (water at freezing temperature, 32 degrees Celsius.) That is why Boil Release was created, to let off steam when the emotion of anger is at a high rate. All of this talk and thinking about the past had Jurou in a state of mind; a state of mind that precedes to be stated, "If you train in silence, everything will commence perfectly." That was the life lesson learn from his father and his father' father: Calm your body and free your actions.

Jurou was still thinking the same thing his father told him after the training with the clone, his father in his dream, and with Isshin. But now, he wanted to train alone this time. He wanted to master the specialization of Kenjutsu. But what makes Kenjutsu so unique?


Pertaining to techniques that entail the use of swords, whether the users be shinobi or samurai. Kenjutsu can be used in combination with taijutsu, ninjutsu, chakra flow and even genjutsu in order to achieve more devastating techniques. There have been many practitioners in the arts of Kenjutsu. Jurou could only name the most important people in his village; 7 Swordsman of the Mist. There was: Zabuza Momochi, Mangetsu and Suigetsu Hozuki, and Kisame Hashigaki. Jurou wanted to be just like them, strong in Kenjutsu to where he can wield almost any sword. Time to get started with this training.

Waking up from the blinding sun of Konohagakure and the beams of the ball of hot light, Jurou feels the breeze of the Konohagakure wind beneath his nostrils as he inhaled the smell. It was warm, yet refreshing. He thought he would be done with training but he was wrong. Sheathing his wakizashi from behind, he held the handle in a normal-style hand grip. He utilize the sword's grace, cutting the air with the blade as it made an eerie sound to it. He switched from horizontal slashes to vertical and sometimes diagonal in a matter of 3 slashes, picking up speed with switching from normal-style hand grip to reverse-style hand grip. He would add various kicks at the end of the combo of slashes from vertical to horizontal in swift movement, some kicks such as a roundhouse, heel drop, 360º kick, or even kicks that when Jurou sticks his blade in the ground, uses the weight on his legs to jump and rotating while keeping his grip on the handle and kicking his leg out, returning to his feet and picking the sword up by the handle when finished.

He would slash at various angels using his finesse and agility to certify his movements, making them much faster. Depending on the opponent, he would stay with either normal-hand grip or reverse-hand grip, or simply switch off from one grip to the other, using reverse-hand grip defensive style as an offensive maneuver. He would also move in different directions, being very versatile with his movements in both his feet and/or slash attempts. He decided to add a little bit more to his last bit of training. Now it was time to see what Infinity Slice was made of.

He felt a growling sound inside his stomach and automatically knew that he was hungry. Wouldn't want to train on an empty stomach; although he ate yesterday before he fell asleep. He went into his lunchbox to find what he had left; half-eaten Riceball, another Riceball, Ham Sandwich with Mayonnaise, and a cold bottle of water. Jurou chow down on his lunch, feeling his strength and stamina up to par and back in action. It felt good on a full stomach. He let out a small belch and a wiped away the gas from his breath. Now it was time to train.

Infinity Slice was the next jutsu and Jurou did not utilize the jutsu just yet. "Katon: Bushin no Jutsu." Jurou softly spoke as a figure did an aerial above Jurou as the clone landed near his creator. "Defense. Go." Jurou quietly demanded. The clone did as it was told and moved away a few feet away from Jurou. The clone knew Jurou's intentions and what he was trying to do. Jurou then summoned 3 other clones to complete the defensive maneuver. Perfect. Good training targets. Focusing chakra control on his legs, he utilized Void Walk into action and took one step. With the one step, everything else was a blur of pure velocity.

Sheathing his wakizashi, Jurou targeted the clone on his far right. He held his sword in normal-hand grip, utilizing fluid and precise slash attempts in an offensive manner. When getting close to the clone, the clone attempted a diagonal slash to the right. Seeing this attack, Jurou took it to the ground as he slid in between his clone's open legs and quickly got back. When getting back up, Jurou swiftly targeted the clone's back side with a precise slash horizontal to the left. The clone felt the slash from the from and dispersed into flames. It was onward to the other three clones. Jurou did the same procedure to the two other clones: swiftly dash, dodge, retaliate, kill. The last clone however, Jurou completely stopped. The clone was confused why and decided to defend itself.

Jurou swiftly went for the vertical slice. The clone then dodged the vertical slice. Jurou swiftly then disappeared out of sight with just a blur of speed. The clone was confused as to what happened but quickly took a vertical slash downward as the clone dispersed itself into flames. Jurou saw that the small grass was catching on fire little by little. He put them out with his feet by stomping on them. His training was complete. 10 days; 10 long, hard, yet good days. It felt good to be the Mizukage with no paperwork. He can now finally rest. His job was done. He training was now and finally over.

Infinity Slice chakra; 25
Void Walk; 20
Fire Clone; 15
Total chakra used; 60
Chakra remaining; 105
Word Count:
Infinity Slice/Void Walk:

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