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1Train The Academy ( Mission ) Empty Train The Academy ( Mission ) Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:43 pm



| | Mission One| |

For a first mission it seemed it was worth it for whatever Burittsu had planned for his future in or out of the village. It wasn't his strong suit to throw himself into a zone which he has never experienced. But it was what it was he himself had sat in a seat in the academy at a point in his life. With the morning mist covering the area to him this mission should be an easy in and out job. All this was racing through the mind of the shinobi until he sighed placing his hand upon the entrance of the door outside he had a calm and composed figure but inside the tension and nervousness raged in anguish. The door opened slightly as he peaked his head in only to hear voices of about at least a dozen or more young students. Giving out a deep breath the figure made his way inside the building silently closing the door behind him as he walked down the narrow hallway. Coming to a stop gazing upon the door as the sound of the voices grew louder and louder to the point he can make out each word being said inside the room. With a grab of the door knob the door pulled open as the room itself grew in a silence that was awkwardly disturbing for the proctor himself this lasted a few seconds until the disturbance was broken by the proctor himself.

"Well.. class this is Yuki Burittsu he is here to show you the basics in beginning jutsu's that you will learn in the academy."

Burittsu gazed upon each individual in the classroom soon after the proctor was done announcing bowing to the students as a sign of respect and as such a greeting to class. The sounds of giggling in the class was to be heard as the proctor himself gave a smirk. Rising back up the class grew in silence as Burittsu gave each of them a cold stare as if his eyes pierced through each one sending a cold shiver down each of their spines. Burittsu thought D-rank missions itself was supposed to be easy but engaging in one such as this hit the shinobi harder than he thought forcing himself to come out of his comfort zone was indeed hard but he only thought about his progress for his future this was nothing to the others he assumed. The proctor once more began to speak after gazing upon the class with intent on wandering why each of the students looked shook as if a demon walked in the room. "Class pay attention today we will be working on chakra focus. This skill allows the caster to focus chakra on the palm of their hands or under their feet allowing them to climb surfaces such as tree's or even run on water. Once you lose control of your chakra you will obviously fall off said tree or be plunged underneath the water hope you learn how to swim." The proctor gave a slight chuckle as he assumed his joke was funny but to Burittsu it was just another way to mask that some may die if they get caught infiltrating. Burittsu gazed upon the proctor waiting for the signal for him to take over in moments after the snickering was over from the shinobi Burittsu received the nod of validation. As he led the class outside to the training yard which consisted of multiple trees that seemed to be bathed in Having the class outside was simple enough as they formed a group upon the command of the proctor. Each crammed directly in front of Burittsu to watch the shinobi himself demonstrate the power of chakra control and show the students themselves how it is used.

"First off place both of your hands together and focus upon your chakra not to much but enough to keep your chakra flow balanced." In doing so Burittsu himself placed both his palms together focusing upon his chakra just a little enough to show the students a good example of how much is needed "Now since have now tapped into it and begin to use a good amount of chakra exert it underneath your feet in which will allow you to walk upon walls, water and trees.." Mere moments after that Burittsu gave a faint sigh as he walked over to the wall of the school simply placing his foot upon the surface of the wall instantly clinging to the building. As such placing the other in amazement the sounds of the children gave Burittsu a reason to grin as he felt acknowledged for what he has done. Standing straight upon the surface he simply gazed at the students in hopes they will learn this technique and use it with great determination. Simply walking around the side of the building itself made them scream in joy an excitement swiftly walking off the building back onto the land the grin upon his face formed a smile."Now you guys try very hard to learn it and other jutsu and one day master every skill you can.."

The students themselves jumped for joy as each of them spread out into groups of two or three each attempting to focus on their chakra flow. Attempting do the exact same thing that was introduced to them walking towards the proctor it seemed that his job was done inspiring the students to push themselves and facing a deep fear he had hidden inside was enough for him to consider it to be a job well done. Shaking hands with the proctor himself was simple enough to show that he mission was completed. With a wave off to the students as they waved back made it seem that this mission itself was never going to brought up. Walking inside the building the shinobi headed for the door once more simply without even looking back at the future of the village his next move was to go report this mission completed towards the kage building and attempt to gain access to more missions.

| | End | |

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