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1MISSION Empty MISSION Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:15 am



Wolfgang sat in his desk, looking over the papers on his desk, he was now somewhat used to the lack of his arm, though he still planned on getting it fixed sometime in the future, the land of the mist didnt have a medic ninja good enough for that, so he was going to wait it out, he mostly used his legs for combat, and he was adept at one handed handsigns at this point, he was wearing a black kimono like garb, lazily going threw his stack of papers, as he was over looking a paper on the weapon orders, Zabuza ran into the room, he was sliced up pretty bad, he had a cut across his face and mutliple puncture wounds on his torso.
Wolfgang stood up slowly as he approached and bowed, standing up wearily, looking his master in the eyes,
What is it Zabuza? Wolfgangs voice was calm and collected, he had no fear about what was said next, it almost excited him,
Murderers at the Nukenin graveyard...they killed Mandi, we were scouting the area for animals, we were following this weird pack of wolves, they had nice pelts...we...they led us to their owners, we fought but we lost, i knew that i had to come here as fast as possible Wolfgang looked at him long and hard, then in an icy tone,
Go find the medic and get healed, come back and follow my get the bodies....move Zabuza knew that tone, it was the same one that he had used that time the hoshigaki had stolen those genin, he was in no joking mood, zabuza left immediately, running to the medic ninja in the hope that he would be quick enough to aid his sensei.

Wolfgang withdrew his kimono, sliding his anbu vest on, it was dyed a set of different blues, as to camouflage into the area, He slide his mask over his head, not his anbu mask, but the mask that he had taken from the hoshigaki, he had had it dyed dark blue, over the mask he wore a cloth black cowl, with a black and blue cape. sliding his kunai, katar into their scabbards, he then wrapped the mist headband around his neck.

Wolfgang then departed, at a full run towards nuke nin graveyard, hopping from roof top to roof top, zooming past the onlookers with barely a side glance, he had a duty to do.
Wolfgang reached the outer limits of the village and entered the nukenin graveyard, he arrived to a trail, the blood of who he guessed was zabuza was on the ground, he also saw three sets of footprints, along with three wolf print sets, their pets, he wasnt brash, he was going to take them out one at a time , starting with the wretched beasts if he could, he saw that the wolf prints went in another direction, probably off to hunt, he quietly started following the wolves trails, after an hour he came into a clearing that held the wolves, there was a much larger wolf flanked by two smaller but still large wolves, Wolfgang made a handsign, forming a yellow gel ball into his hand, he shot the ball forwards as the wolves smelled the citric acid smell, the ball lauched forwards, the large one shot towards him and avoided the blast, as did one of the small ones, but the other caught the brunt of the damage the flesh melting from its bones, and becoming a heap of flesh and acid.
The large Wolf reached him first but he was ready for this, though it moved faster then he thought it was going to, he held his katar out as its mouth came and attempted to clamp onto his arm, and only ended up getting stabbed in the top of its mouth, the small wolf turned and fled towards where he assumed the master was staying, though his hands were currently full. The large beast jumped back at the wound in its mouth, into the clearing, Wolfgang stalked fowards, eyeing the creature, keeping his blade between him and the animal, it was a huge beast, with scars marring its body, pale white fur covering the muscled body, its teeth were like kunais, he couldnt let that thing bite him.
The wolf came at him hard and fast, its large teeth gnashing wildly, Wolfgang barely had time to block the blow, though he dropped the a knee and attempted to flank the monster, he was caught short with the teeth gnashing to his shoulder region, he snarled and rolled backwards, being followed by the beast, he decided to take a risk, the beast came down and clamped onto his shoulder, his armour absorbed most of the damage, but some teeth cut into his skin, he smiled as he knew that he would never feel the damage of that blow, he quickly sliced his katar into the front fore leg of the wolf, cleanly slicing the tendon and making it fall onto its face, letting go of Wolfgang, and letting him quickly spin around and slice the other tendon, making the best completly fall onto its chest, breathing heavily, though not wimpering, this beast knew it had been bested, and was ready for the final blow, though as of yet wolfgang wasnt going to give it, he jumped backwards and into the brush, slowing his breathing down, awaiting the  owners of the wolves to come and find this one, he hoped that the residue from his sunburst acid bomb would mess with the wolves tracking ability, he could hope, as he waited he gathered his chakra into his now empty palm, putting his blade back into its holster.

A few minutes later he heard oncoming steps, first hearing a yell of anguish and anger, and another of concern, he knew that they had found their wolves, he heard another one commend his dog on coming to get them, cursing Wolfgang with as many curses as he knew, they then started looking in the immediate area, though the owner of the big wolf barked some orders and helped her wolf to its feet and disapeered into the mists, probably to heal it, he was left alone with the two others and a wolf, this was managable. The moment one of the bandits got near his brush he activated his jutsu, covering his hand in a thing coating of water, the tip being so thin and hard that the jutsu worked like a blade, he shot his hand forwards, his hand trailing mist, the mist blade slicing into the mans heart with intense speed, shooting out the back of him and making the mist blood red,
Join your pet...scum He then twisted his hand, tearing his heart into pieces, causing him to spit blood and clutch wolfgangs hand, he then suddenly went limp and fell  to the ground, with a thud the other two turned and saw his handiwork,
Face me coward, face someone a little better then a chuunin, face terror...The Demon of the Mists! He launched into the attack, pulling out his weapon and going blade to blade with the ninja, he wielded a wicked katana, their blades met with sparks, the wolf jumped at him, he ducked the blow, and spun around and gave it a boot in the ribs, sending it rolling in the dirt, then the other ninja was on him, swinging well timed blows at him with precise speed, though he kept his guard up and parried them, he then sent his own flurry of stabs and slices forwards, the blade managed to deliver a few small cuts, drawing blood from his chest and face, to his chagrin after a few minutes of locking blades he saw the cuts heal on their own, he knew what clan they came from,
Youre a Fucking Hinode? Havent fought one of them in a while....though the last one i did manage to kill He deliver a wicked stab and drove it into the crease of his elbow, ripping tendons and joints, twisting it and then sending a boot into the ninjas knee cap as the wolf was flanking for an attack, he felt the knee give way at the blow, popping and then cracking into pieces, the ninja fell in a scream.
Wolfgang then turned to the wolf, it was charging him in defense of his master, Wolfgang brought the katar up and spun on his heel sliding around the wolf and swinging his arm up and cutting the throat of the beast, dropping it in a tangle of flailing of limbs, death throes.
He turned to the downed bandit/ninja, seeing that he was already getting onto his feet, the knee going back into place,
Youre going to pay for that bastard... Wolfgang tilted his head slightly at the comment, throwing his katar into the air, the ninja glanced up...that was all Wolfgang needed, that second he was on him, swinging his boot into the mans chest, breaking multiple ribs, Wolfgang was always stronger then most, then his hand shot out and wrapped around the mans throat, lifting him into the air and cutting his breathing off, he gasped and gagged but Wolfgang gave no quarter, seeing that on his tunic he wore multiple headbands, one belonging to his ninja, seeing the pink name written on the blood covered headband, he tightened his hand and looked into the mans eyes, seeing some form of panic...he couldnt heal lack of air.
Hmm? i cant hear you? You killed my ninja you scum, there is no crime worse then murder of a child in my mind, you are already dead...healing factor or not, dont worry you wont choke to death Wolfgang clenched his large hand and crushed the windpipe of the man, then twisting his hand he snapped the spinal cord, and knowing the healing factor of the hinode, he choke slammed him into the ground, smashing every bone in his body, and crushing his skull. He let go of the body and looked around, making sure the other one was dead.
Then the other one met him, she walked out of the mist, wuiet with inner rage, since he had just killed her two brothers, she drew her weapon and he stood ready face to face with a worthy enemy

2MISSION Empty Re: MISSION Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:36 pm



With a flurry of handsigns, the woman breathed in heavily and produced a huge wave of flame from her mouth, swathing the forest in flames, wreathing forth at him. Wolfgang matched her with handsigns with his own, though his were different and less were needed for his jutsu, he breathed in and felt the water chakra fill his body, he breathed out and saw a huge dragon made of water, blasting into the wave of flame in a huge explosion of steam, also putting out the fires that had started in the surrounding brush, blackening the local area.
The moment that the jutsu clashed Wolfgang and The Berserker leader jumped forwards into the steam, meeting blades, pushing their weapons into each other, staring deep into each others eyes, Well she was staring at his mask, but the effect was the same, they stood there for a minute at least testing out each others strength, it showed that Wolfgang slightly had the edge with strength, though not by that much, this woman was very well built, her arms were muscled and she had broad shoulders for a female, they were nearly to scale with his, he was thoroughly impressed, on any other occasion he would respect this woman, and even maybe even end up befriending her, but that wasnt the case here, the case here was different, now it was either him or her.

They broke apart, and went back in, slicing and parrying, matching each other with increased intensity, sparks flying off their blades , they were matched in skill, nearly, Wolfgang was slightly on the more defensive due to the reach of the katana she held, it had a longer bite then his three pronged katar, but his katar was better at defending due to him using the space in between the blades as a pivoting parry, mainly trying to disarm her.
Then they jumped back, almost at the same time, as if they were performing a duet of sorts, and this was a fatal dance.
The female ninja made a flurry of handsigns and then jumped right above him, breathing in deep and shooting a searing white beam of flame at him, thinking that this would be the end of Wolfgang  she was even falling towards him, Wolfgang slapped the ground with his palm and brought up a yellow shield, , the flames seared into the shield, and flew around it, the heat would be suffocating and painful if wolfgang could feel.
Her face suddenly went from triumphant to scared as he let his shield fall and he flew threw a quick set of a few handisgns, it was a simple jutsu he cast, but it worked its magic, from his mouth he shot a wave of sticky syrup, and it would have been okay if the woman was going to come down on her feet, but the force of her flame jutsu caused her to somewhat skew in the air , causing her to land on her side, begin half covered in sticky syrup, sticking her to the ground.
You dont have the balls ninja, to kill someone that is completely helpless ahahaA!!!!!...... She was cut of by Wolfgangs Katar in her jugular, he then twisted the blade , tearing the head off her shoulders, Wolfgang had no quarrel with killing a helpless opponent it honestly made the whole ordeal of killing them easier then it was.
He then walked slowly in the direction where they came from, finding the large injured wolf and putting it out of its misery, it made no noise since it was asleep, he felt no remorse though no joy in killin it, it was just foar to dangerous to keep alive, it was nearly as strong as its master, and blindinly fast, and would probably not take well to its master being murdered.
Around their living area he found a body, a body of a small girl, she had stark blue hair, and one green eye and one blue, she was laying on the dirt by a grave, Wolfgang took his mask off and looked at her, she was missing an arm and a heavy stab wound in her chest, though she was stil breathing lightly, as if breathing was laboured every few breaths she hacked and coughed softly,
She eyed wolfgang and whispered, Wolfgang drew in close and listened to her,
Where...are they...the men, dogs, where? Wolfgang placed his hand on his forehead and felt that it was as hot as a fire, she was not going to make it , there was no way, he couldnt move her fast enough,
They are not worry you are avenged
The little girl, no more then 12 looked at him and said i a quiet croak,
It doesnt fix anything....just more...more dead, when will it end
2552WXC mission complete

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