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1The Morning Star {Ninjutsu C to B} Empty The Morning Star {Ninjutsu C to B} Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:52 pm



Dengen has become quite powerful over the days that have passed when you are putting to perspective his water elemental abilities, now what was needed was the average ninjutsu strength being developed to a better state. Sanroku went to the same mountain where he trained his water elemental affinity in order to train his ninjutsu ability. Dengen was half way to climbing the mountain and reaching the top but he turned back when he felt he had enough training but this time was a different attempt and he strongly believes he will reach the top this time. Sanroku can only assume that his Ninjutsu training won’t interfere with the climb as he feels it would be nice to reach the top once again like he did before when he was young. Getting to the bottom of the mountain and the beginning of the path heading up he got ready to run as caught a grip of the ground with the soul of his feet and used chakra to propel himself forward. The time was right and as the Tsuchikage ran he focused chakra and released it in the soul of his feet threw the bottom tenketsus. Dengen was doing what he did in his water training and began focusing a lot of his energy on the manifesting of chakra into the material world. Of course this Ninjutsu training will be complicated for even a Kage level shinobi so most of the effort Dengen thought should be put on chakra molding.

Chakra molding is the ultimate testament to the ninjutsu ability and those who have perfected chakra molding have been known to have perfected the Ninjutsu fighting style. Dengen feels the obligation to master the ninjutsu fighting style if he wishes to protect Iwagakure the way he wishes too so while running he put his hands close together leaving a razor thin space right in between. In that razor thin space in between Dengen began to focus his chakra; closing his eyes to do so Dengen went with pure instinct as he ran up the mountain. Dengen is a wise and intelligent shinobi and he while focusing his energy onto his palm created a bright light type of effect. Sanroku had his eyes closed but it didn’t stop the glimmer from appearing in the cracks of his eyes so he opened them to see what the brightness could have been. Expecting the light to be from his palm Dengen was not disappointed though he was caught somewhat in a surprise as he didn’t think the molding of chakra could be so beautiful. Dengen stopped while still having the miniature star in the palm of his hand, “This is my chakra?” Dengen was surprised to see that the color of his chakra was a somewhat silverish white aura and even more surprised by the star shape he created by accident. The Tsuchikage was stunned to be able to mold chakra in such a fashion to resemble a star and this development gave him another boost of confidence that he used to rush up the hill again after stopping. With chakra running through the soul of his feet Dengen ran with true intensions to get to his destination and by using the chakra he is subconsciously training his ninjutsu abilities has he runs.

2The Morning Star {Ninjutsu C to B} Empty Re: The Morning Star {Ninjutsu C to B} Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:42 pm



While running Dengen feel no need to stop or slow down and because of this he got the tendency to jump over any tree, rock or animal in his way looking at them as an obstacle in his obstacle course. Dengen began using the chakra he was expelling from the souls of his feet in order to boost his jumping prowess and elevate its height. The Tsuchikage was looking like a flash of lightning of better yet a white streak as he used his chakra to envelop around his body to resemble an angel. Dengen Sanroku seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing from the outside looking in but in his mind the Tsuchikage was going through war. Sanroku fought in his own mind on his ability controlling the enveloping chakra and he believed that he could and the reason was because he was doing it, though he believed that this was just an effect do to the cause of him being hyperactive. This would of course not run threw his mind but after creating the star when molding chakra Dengen used that same source of energy to run at a faster speed then that of which he started with. Sanroku decided on something that might hurt his chances of reaching the top, he thought that it would be better if he was to stop so that he could recreate the effects that he was experiencing now. Dengen noticed as he ran that he was nearing the lake where he finished his water elemental training and then he said out loud, “Maybe I could finish this training here. After all it is pretty peaceful and quite, perfect for my meditation.” Turning down the siverlish chakra tone around his body, Dengen proceeded to walk towards the small lake that he considers now his home.

When getting to the lake he saw where he last removed his clothing so that he can jump in the water. Dengen began walking towards the area where he last settled down and instead of removing his clothing he simply took off his ninja sandals and kept on walking and getting nearer to the lake. As Dengen got close he focused chakra to the bottom of his feet again but this time to walk above the water, this training was a simple training but Dengen seemed to have psychological troubles with the techniques. Of course they were done and done well at that but Dengen’s focus to his ninjutsu ability is way beyond just focusing chakra and releasing it in certain areas. The Tsuchikage began training his control of chakra and he began by recreating the star like structure he carried before coming into the lake. Dengen made sure to stand at the center of the lake and when there he simply put his hand together and raised them and created the same start but on a larger scale. The bright chakra nature of the Tsuchikage lid up the surrounding mountain and the reflection off the lake could have blinded even god himself if looking directly at it.

3The Morning Star {Ninjutsu C to B} Empty Re: The Morning Star {Ninjutsu C to B} Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:14 pm



Dengen after lighting up the lake stayed in that position for a few minutes enlightening the whole area. The Tsuchikage was amazed at his own capacity to release chakra in such a way that he gently brought the star down and softly put it on his chest. When the star reached his chest Dengens body began to glow, outlining the Tsuchikage with his chakra. This may be a beautiful array of moves but the Tsuchikage had a lot of mind power put into the controlling and manipulating of chakra outside of the body. This proved to be a harder task then the water elemental training as the Tsuchikage then began to realize the extremity of the Ninjutsu fighting style and the abilities of the legendary Naruto Uzumaki. Dengens put all his focus on manipulating the chakra to travel on the outside of his body, and all of his aspiration came from Naruto’s rasengan training. Knowing that a young man though he was the Jinchurikee, can still create and control a sphere of chakra on the palm of his hand amazed the Tsuchikage. Even with the strength of the Tsuchikage Dengen knows how hard the skill of chakra molding is and he is inspired to master that field of battle. Of course the rasengan is a technique that died with the legendary Naruto but still the Ninjutsu fighting style has more to offer and Dengen believes he could create a technique that will be labeled as his the same way Minato and Naruto have theirs. Right after these thoughts Dengen aura began bursting out with fury.

The Tsuchikage then opened his eyes and looked straight up into the beautiful mid daylight sky. The night was coming soon as and Dengen felt like the flashlight that will light this mountain. He crouched down and prepared himself as he got on a jumping position. Longing himself upward the Tsuchikage looked to have been flying as he reached his highest point in the air. Usually a human being would not have reached the heights that the Tsuchikage reached but the jump mixed with the chakra he built up created a fantastic effect. The time was surely there as Dengen body flickered once reaching the highest point and landed on the ground where he left his sandals and secants after he darted out of the lake. As Dengen ran he’s body was still embedded in the chakra that he released and this made the run a bit faster than what it would have been. Dengen started to like training his ninjutsu, seeing now that training ninjutsu is nothing but training period. Training everything you would do in a normal every day base but try and focus your chakra and realize how the chakra decides to move is the secret to this ninjutsu fighting style. Dengen began noticing this reality and made a pact to himself. “As Tsuchikage, I will take it upon myself to train the water elemental ninjutsu to its highest degree while at the same time training the ninjutsu fighting style.” This pact was a self-told one as Dengen needed to tell nobody but himself not to back down on his dreams and aspirations.

4The Morning Star {Ninjutsu C to B} Empty Re: The Morning Star {Ninjutsu C to B} Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:47 pm



The Tsuchikage finally reached the top. It was a long time since he climbed this large mountain; the Tsuchikage was a young boy at the time of the climb so everything seemed new to Dengen. Using all the chakra in his body Dengen reached the top of the mountain with great speed and when getting here Dengen looked more like a relaxed person instead of someone that wants to train. The Tsuchikage was relaxed because he enjoyed the peace the mountain ranges bring and the quietness in the open space, literally all that is heard is the small animals that barely even make a sound. Dengen may have used a lot of chakra but this calming moment seemed to be more of a rejuvenating moment for him as Dengen felt the chakra within his body build itself up and every secant spent in that mountain was time given back to Dengen’s training. This was incredible; the effect a relaxing moment has on the body. Being at the point that nothing could be better Dengen realized that what he needed was to meditate to get his chakra and thus his ninjutsu ability in more of a balanced state. Dengen took off his sandals once again and sat cross legged right where he stood. When positioned properly the Tsuchikage put his hands on his lap so that he could relax the muscles in his arm.

As Dengen meditated he began to focus on all of his chakra, with every fiber of his being Dengen began to will the chakra that he just rejuvenated within his body and turn it “inside out.” To bring chakra to the material world is a unique ability the only shinobis are fortunate to possess; Samurais nor normal civilians possess the ability to mold chakra and create techniques out of it. As easy as the ninjutsu fighting style may sound Dengen knew that it was harder work then it seems to train it in order to perfect it, but as Tsuchikage Dengen has a duty to the village hidden in the stones. Sanrokus meditation turned into a thought game where Dengen had an internal battle to control his chakra in order to, in his words “Release it at will so that it could be turned into defensive and offensive material.” The Tsuchikage got to the top of the mountain but when he got there he didn’t take more than five steps as he simply enjoyed the view and then he suddenly sat down where he stood. Times were changing and Dengen needed to move with the tide, strong shinobis inhabit this earth and Dengen is now in chare of defending a whole village of them, the ninjutsu needed to be perfected. The thoughts that ran through the Tsuchikages head are the thoughts of a man who is determined in maintaining a stabled peace in Iwagakure even if it takes his life. To become stronger means to perfect everything you already know and the mission for Dengen is to perfect ninjutsu. After that idea came to his head Dengen quickly stood up as he noticed he has been away from the village for quite some time now and it is about that time that he gets back to his home.

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