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1Rag Tag Kekkaishi Team [Maikeru/Misao/NK] Empty Rag Tag Kekkaishi Team [Maikeru/Misao/NK] Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:35 am



Never would Suutei see the day where Misao and himself actually would have time alone together.  It gave him the chills just thinking about it, but the only reason for this was the mission the two of them were sent on together.  It was to investigate a random village that appeared out of thin air, and reports of  missing civilians in the village.  With 3 specific areas under suspicion a Academy, a large astounding Mansion, and a very eerie Asylum.  Of the three locations Misao and Suutei were assigned to explore the Asylum.

Originally it was Misao who was to come and investigate the village.  Her grandmother Hana planned on sending Misao and Shinji as her guard on the venture.  Yet the boys condition wasn't up to even basic standards, and this caused Suutei to volunteer himself.  Which she surprisingly agreed upon and Suutei was actually humbled.  The elderly woman did inform him of the Sunagakure shinobi who will be tracking her.  Fearing that she would attempt to escape or search for her mother.  Hana instructing him to not engage or act against them should they come in to contact with them.

During their travel to Onigakure the small reindeer Chopper, and the beautiful priestess Misao spoke with one another as if they were old friends.  It was strange that the two of them got along so well, but it must have been due to the fact that they both had shy personalities.  Suutei believed Chopper was worse though, due to the fact that it took him a full 7 months to stop being spooked by his own shadow.  The two were inseperable and it was as if Misao now made it her duty to carry the small reindeer throughout the trip.

Arriving within the village the two went in search for the Asylum.  With little to no luck the two found a stranger who to was sent to investigate the strange and barren village.  Though Suutei was beginning to regret asking for help from a complete stranger, but anything to get this over with.  The strangers name was Maikeru and there was just a sick feeling he left in his stomach.  Though he could never prejudge a person, but it still was odd that someone would need to investigate an Asylum.  Especially someone of his stature.

Upon their entrance into the Asylum Chopper was on ends, the very essence of the Asylum caused his hairs to stand.  Though Misao's comforting and coddling slightly unerved him, but to Suutei this was mere child's play.  Try almost being ravaged by a bunch of men, and still stuck in the Transformation technique.  Suutei however could never share this information to Misao, and so rather present it he kept it hidden.  The stranger Maikeru seemed to calm in the situation, and this allowed Suutei to take precaution.

"Misao-chan you stay behind me no matter what, and I'll protect you.  I was told that there are also civilians trapped here that thought they would explore an abandoned place like this.  Maikeru-san I am sure you can hold your on, but if you'd like feel free to accompany us.  Chopper stay on your toes I am going to need that keen nose of yours more than ever."

Chopper dangling his legs until Misao let go of him, saluted Suutei.  The feeling of being important was all it took to motivate the small reindeer.  Adjusting his large red hat, and rummaging through his backpack he provided everyone with illuminating arm bands.  The bands illuminated white in Chopper's hands, and he handed one to Suutei which instantly turned a light blue.  Suutei was fascinated by this piece of fabric Chopper invented.

"These are special bands that glow in the dark with colors according to our personalities.  Mine is white because well I am just a pretty blank personality making me creative.  Suutei is blue because he is a big thinker and his mind is as vast as the big blue ocean.  Haha try yours on Misao-chan and you to Maikeru-kun.



Maikeru was having regrets about Onigakure. He made the trip all the way here, after hearing about it from a stupid stripper in the Sand Box. He was curious about it, what the underbelly looked like, and maybe find some business here that would be easy to create and manipulate then his home town of Suna. He thought that maybe the people here would be ignorant, and he wouldn't have to work as much as he would in Suna.

The trip to get to Oni was grueling. Maikeru ran into a whole bunch of muggers on his way here. Not to mention the different terrains he had to go through to get here, including lakes, mountain, moshes, and beasts filled forests. By the time he was half way through, he even contemplated if it was worth it. But Maikeru didn't know what could be lying in the mysterious Oni. So he took his chances and kept moving forward.

He had his thoughts of his goal to make him motivated. All of the power, in the possession of one man. All of it starting at the one place known as Onigakure. He wanted it all. He wanted all the trades, killing all of the competition, having the monopoly he so deserves as his birthright. He wanted all of the puppets playing to his fingers, the henchmen, the underlings, and the women working to serve him

Speaking of which, he looked down at the young girl he was walking next to. She was obviously inexperienced. But Maikeru didn't care about that. There was very little difference in age when it came to the sex trade. Maikeru practically towered over he. This could be used to for those who want to feel powerful during intercourse.

Uh there I go again, analyzing everything. Though it wasn't bad, Maikeru found himself doing it almost too much. He then stopped his thought as he looked between Suutei and Misao. There was a connection between them. Maikeru could feel it. Maikeru hasn't been brushing up on how to manipulate people, or sever their bond by sabotage. Maikeru then looked at Misao's butt. Misao softened his throat, and put his mouth closely to her ear, with a confident smirk. "You, my dear, have a cute butt." Maikeru winded his arm, and came down with powerful force on to Misao's bottom. This will be easy.



Misao carried Chopped in her arms, his small feet - hooves? - dangling freely as she walked. They made small conversation, catching up on the time they had spent apart. It was a nice distraction from the environment that they were in. Though Misao wasn't exactly comfortable in it, she had more of a tolerance to the eerie and dark atmosphere brought about by the sudden emergence of this abandoned village. Because she got along so well with the tiny bipedal reindeer, she knew Suutei-sama had trusted her with takign care of him while he presumably did most of the fighting. She was there to purify the place after the spirits were gone and in doing so, make sure that they wouldn't emerge again.

"We ran into your mom when we were in Kumo a few weeks ago," he chimed as they walked around the village, trying to find where it was, exactly, that they were supposed to be going.

"Y-you did? How is she?" Misao asked, trying to keep her composure, but not managing to hide the fact that she was both hopeful and excited to hear news about her mother. The small reindeer, however, only shuddered at the memory. Ah, so they'd gone through a training session together. She didn't need more of an expmalation than that. It told her all she needed to know. Her mom hadn't changed. The thought made Misao smile.

The young priestess knew that she shouldn't stray away from her mission, no matter how much she wanted to take the opportunity to search for her mom. Hana-obaasama had been strict when she said that she shouldn't go off on her own or leave Onigakure. Misao knew what she had meant by that. As much as the rest of her siblings tried to hide it from her, she was aware of what the situation was, for the most part. They were under house arrest, even though they were allowed some freedoms, as long as they were closely supervised. She didn't know much beyond that. It was what she had gathered from odd behaviors and hushed conversations.

Misao giggled at Chopper's reaction. "I hope she wan't too hard on the two of you," she said, instead of pressing him for answers.

It was around that moment that they had met a strange boy - older than her, maybe a little older than Suutei, by the looks of it? - who offered to guide them to the Asylum. It was rather nice to have added company. After all, there was strength in numbers and she didn't know what to expect behind the closed doors of the old and not to mention blood covered building. All she knew was that some sort of supernatural creature dwelled within. The young priestess could feel a chill run down her spine. Yes, she was used to talking to the undead, but this seemed to be something else entirely. She talked to friendly spirits of Uzumaki ancestors. From the reports, these were... more tangible and violent, to say the least. Misao only hoped that she could reach as many civilians an possible. That was her main goal with this. Or at least it should have been.

Part of her young teenage mind couldn't get over the boy standing only a few feet on front of her, leading the way into the Asylum.

"Oh my god, I'm spending time with Suutei-sama!"

The phrase repeated in her head several times and at the strangest of moments. For instance, right now as Chopper hopped down from her arms and pulled out a set of three bracelets. They didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. And of course Misao had zoned out when Chopper was giving the explanation because of the aforementioned jumbled thoughts. So could this be a present? Was he giving her a gift to prove that they were in some way connected? Her brain was going off the rails in a fantasy that went something along the lines of:

"Su-Suutei-sama! What is this?"

"Misao, ever since we met, I can't stop thinking of you. I want you to have this,"

"I feel the same way! But what for?"

"So that no matter how many times we part ways, you'll always have a part of me with you and I'll have a part of you,"

"Oh Suutei-sama!"

... or you know, whatever. A bracelet to keep track of each other while in this place was also fine. Misao placed hers on her wrist and it began to glow a soft purple - a color often linked to spirituality, femininity and royalty. Misao supposed that it suited her quite well. Suutei began to walk ahead once again, this time with Chopper by his side. Before Misao could follow him, she felt someone's warm breath on her neck. She instantly tensed. But the comment that followed only made the blood rush to her cheeks. The slap to her rear made her let out a soft and startled yelp. The young priestess thought it was impossible to blush even further, but alas, she was proven wrong. She was shocked and had no idea how to react to this. There were no words, really.

Should she tell Suutei? No, no, this was likely an accident, a one time thing. Yeah, no need to make a fuss. Besides, they needed to work as a team. It wouldn't quite work if Suutei and Maikeru were at each other's throats during the whole mission. So when Maikeru went ahead in front of her, she simply snapped out of it and began to walk behind the group, trotting ahead so that she was next to Suutei.




One for the Money, Two for Misao-chan, Three for punching Maikeru-san, GO GO GO

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Suutei' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Rag Tag Kekkaishi Team [Maikeru/Misao/NK] 67316



I always hated D&D

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Maikeru' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Rag Tag Kekkaishi Team [Maikeru/Misao/NK] 67316



Here goes nothing >.<

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Misao' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Rag Tag Kekkaishi Team [Maikeru/Misao/NK] 67315



Suutei heard from behind him a low pitch yelp, but ignored as he assumed it was Chopper getting the jitters from the building.  As the party of three made there way through the dungeon Suutei still had to keep his wits about himself, and made sure Misao was safe at all times.  It was then that he noticed after exploring the building for almost 10 minutes that Misao was right be his side the whole time.  It was really funny how he overlooked things like that, but it was also dangerous for him to be as careless as he was.  Especially in a time of crisis and utmost importance, but Suutei's main focus was the male he willingly allowed to accompany them.

This kind of thing enticed Suutei though the very sense of danger, and whether or not this danger was that from the unknown made it all the worth while.  The scariest places to explore are in fact the Asylums and the stories that they leave behind.  Often revered as scenes human suffering, is it any wonder that Misao be responsible for putting these poor souls to rest? Tales abound of former residents who still walk the halls and frightening echoes of the past still heard upon the grounds even after these types of building are demolished, or decayed.  Suddenly a loud scream could be heard from above, and Suutei flinched as he reacted by gripping the fuma shuriken attached to his back.  Yet when he looked above nothing could be seen, and the midnight blue haired boy calmed himself.

We aren't going to make it out of here in one piece...

The urge to investigate these hospitals is very tempting, but it is also extremely dangerous and often illegal.  For instances as such as now, where three shinobi must investigate and rescue any lost civilians trapped within the Asylum.  Thus which proves Suutei's views on regulating the populous to not freely roam where the noses do not need, but that would make Suutei a hypocrite as he loves the fore mentioned experience.

Believe it or not Suutei was very well familiar with Onigakure and it's horrific history.  In fact this exact Asylum was one he and Chopper (more so him) planned on investigating for quite sometime.  Their were rumors of a family being trapped here one day during a temporary power outage, but the lights of the 'hospital' flashed and the family and seventeen other people were never to be seen again.  Though the story is extremely vague in these times anything is possible with a flash, but Suutei could do nothing except pity the poor fools.

"Misao-chan are you feeling okay?  You are a bit redder, than er...normal."

Suutei could sense Misao's lower chakra level as and could tell she wasn't prepared physically for whatever they may face.  Though in actuality it was his responsibility to make sure he handled the physical encounters, but then a question arose for Maikeru.  Suutei knew why him Misao and himself were there, but again the question arose what did the male seek in this quest.  From his earlier analysis it was obvious the boy claimed no allegiance to a Village, but neither did Suutei .  Asides it was impossible to know that especially since he wore his old forehead protector right above his glowing armband.

"Ahem, so Maikeru-san.  Where are you from, or what village were you born in."

Suutei could sense a stange stir in the air as he sensed an aggressive chakra signature coming full speed in their directon, and Choper could sense it as well gripping Misao's hand pulling her backwards.  Within a couple of seconds three omnious figures appeared, but before he could react they each sized him up.  One after the other lashed at him before he could react, and their final attack sending him flying back towards Misao.  

They didn't manage to cause any significant damage other than a few scratches and here and there, but other than that Suutei was going to enjoy this.  Chopper knew how the young boy could get once he got is blood pumping.  Standing up on both feet after giving the worried Misao a reassuring smile, and eyed the 3 figures again as they came into finer view.  The first was an agile built enemy that flipped about the area, holding blades in each hand. It appeared vaguely human, wearing a tattered tasset around its waist and a pale grinning mask.  The next enemies were identical and bore masks similar to that of samurai, and wielded a fine crafterd katana.

Taking charge at the first samurai impersonator, and was immediately surprised when only the one he targeted charged him.  It's first move the thrusting forward of it's blade, and Suutei ropped to his knees sliding beneath the blade.  Connecting a strong punch to the creatures abdomen, and striking again by doing a spin on his hand connecting his foot with it's side.  The creature went flying thorough the wall of an infirmary, and he quiclky followed to finish the creature while it was down.  

The samurai got to its feet in a hurry and caught a punch targetting his face, but Suutei quicly vanished before the Samurai could react.  Coming from above Suutei performed a downwards spin kick directly over the head of the creature.  Causing it to collapse into nothing but, a mask a simple Yokai style mask.  Suutei held onto the mask, as he quickly stepped out into the hall where his companions were located.  More importantly he left Misao out of his sight, and she could be in trouble.

"Misao-chan!?  Look out!"  

Charging after the girl who was unaware of the smaller creature attempting to pounce on her.  Suutei left the ground and delivered a flying kick into the creatures face midair.  Though he was sure all that he had was not in that kick, and wished he could have done more damage.  This made him remember what exactly his Sensei meant, and how he unnecessarily holds back his power.

Don't worry Gin-sensei I won't let anything happen to Misao-chan, I gave you my word...

Jutsu Used:  Tempest Barrage



Maikeru snickered. She didn’t say anything. This  going to be fun. Maikeru’s snickering immedietly stopped. When he started to look around. He walked through the asylum with the two younger people, feeling anxious, which is new to Maikeru. Maikeru took a peak inside one of the asylum cells. Most of them were the same. They all had blood, bones and fecal matter. There was obvious signs of torture. Grievous torture. He spotted a little book that Suutei and Misao seemed to overlook. He picked it up, and opened it. It was a journal. It was filled with claw mars. The words even more suggested that there was torture in these asylum walls. "Kill....... Doctors......... Did to me ........ Others........... Pain........... Experiments”
The final words in the text was “KILL ME!!!!!
!” with patters of blood and dried tears. Maikeru threw the book on the ground. He continued to quietly investigate the place that seemed like hell. He looked inside another cell. There was nothing but a human skeleton. But it was grotesque to the point where bones weren’t even in the right place, or some bones Maikeru didn’t even recognize, and others were disproportionately sized. Maikeru felt something dark in the air. This place was obviously used for some horrid things. This also intrigued Maikeru greatly. He felt the urge to learn more about this ghastly and hellish place. Maybe this place would be useful to send those who disobeyed him, or to even extract information. Maikeru continued to search for what other gruesome things he could find. Maikeru had no idea why would Suutei and Misao would over look this. Maikeru couldn’t have them backing down so he decided to keep this information from them. Maikeru looked into another room that appeared to be an office. The warden was still end there. Yet he was much more preserved than the other bodies. But still, Maikeru could smell him from on the other side of the door, and it was a strong odor of the rotting flesh. Nothing less was to be expected. Though rats, flies and grubs crawled out of him. The warden must be at the mid stages of the 26 stages of death, while most of the others are way past that time. Meaning that the warden didn’t die too long ago. Well yeah long, but most defiantly not as old as the others. If his analysis is correct, these inmates were used for awful experiments. And judging by the way some of these skeletons look, their bodies mutated do to whatever these people did to them. Or maybe the mutations were intentional. Maikeru struggled to keep up with Suuei and Misao. But despite the fact that the place made Maikeru uncomfortable, he was having fun investigating the place. It was intriguing to him.  "Ahem, so Maikeru-san. Where are you from, or what village were you born in." Maikeru ignored Suutei's question. He countunued down another hallway. This particular hall was much had dim lights on, which gave it a much heavier eerie feeling. He opened the door to reveal a large mess hall. It was no different from the cells. Blood, bones, fecal matter. Maikeru found so many documents spread out on the floor, most in separate piles. Maikeru looked at each one. Most were old records of check ins. One specific pile caught his eye. It was a full of rap sheets and cases of the inmates. "Stangesest thing is that they were mostly former shinobi who suffered extreme cases of PTSD and Schizophrenia. There was other cases of extreme violence. Maikeru read the cases. How could this not be suspicous to anyone? They have no past experiences of any of these disorders, yet how can so many of them have this happen out of the blue?"

Maikeru stopped when he heard swiftness behind him. He looked left then right. What the hell was that. He saw more and more movement. "If you wanna kill me its best to do it like a real man, since you have the balls to jump me anyways!" Nothing. Maybe it was in his head. Maikeru turned around to assist Suutei in his fight, Until he heard something coming at him outright. Maikeru instantly ducked, seeing something fly over him. He looked up to find what appears to be a eyeless, skinless dog, a pit bull to be specific. Maikeru left another smile on his face. He waved his finger at it. “Bad dog.” It growled at Maikeru, deep and low. “You know what they say, if you have a mad dog, you put him down.” The dog rushed at Maikeru with ferocity. “Bring it, bitch.” Maikeru ran from it to think of a plan. There seemed to be no distance closing between them. Now what do I do? Maikeru jumped into the, with the dog moving a head of him. Now what am I going to do. Maikeru landed on his feet. The dog stopped chasing him. Instead it just pasted back and forth. Maikeru had no idea what it was up to. He didn’t loose his guard. Maikeru noticed what was going on. The dog was doing what any other predator did. He was smelling Maikeru for fear. “He isn’t going to find it.” Maikeru threw a kunai at the dog. It dodged it and headed straight for Maikeru. Maikeru was stunned by this, and held out his are. The dog clamped down on it with much force. Maikeru threw the mutt off him. He looked at his arm. “Well that going to hurt in the morning. Lets see how you like it.” Maikeru lunged, at the dog with another kunai. The dog wasn’t so stunned and instantly moved to the right. Maikeru was anticipating this. Maikeru swiftly threw the kunai into his left hand, and held it out, cutting the dog on its side, letting out a deep howl of pain. “I am beginning to like this dog. To bad I’ll have to put it down.” The dog once again let out a sharp and menacing growl from its maw. “Don’t you ever shut up?” The pounced on Maikeru. He was able to grab a hold of its neck to keep it from munching on his face. Saliva left its teeth, landing and Maikeru’s cheek. Its warm breath moved in stronger and stronger as the dog came closer to Maikeru’s face. “Fine. You wan’t my face? You can have it!” Maikeru head butted the monster, knocking it off of him. “Where is animal control when you need it?” Maikeru and the beast charged one another once more, the dog clawed Maikeru a bunches of times over. Maikeru stabbed and slashed it with the kunai. Maikeru seized the opportunity when the monster lunged its maw forward. Maikeru moved out of the way. He noticed the lag in its movement, and stabbed it through the eye, going through its brain. Maikeru yanked the kunai out. The mutt fell to the floor, shaking violently, until going limp. Maikeru had only miner bites, but he had a lot of them. Maikeru continued his investigation. He walked in the kitchen to find two more of those dogs munching on a corpse. They looked at Maikeru and growled.

WC= 1221



Misao looked up at Suutei once he pointed out how red her face was. She pursed her lips reflexively and her eyes widened. She soon regained her composure and waved her hands in front of her. "I-it's nothing, Suutei-sama! I'm probably just a little nervous, is all," she said. It wasn't necessarily a lie. She did feel somewhat uneasy about this whole situation. Their surroundings in and of themselves were enough to scare the living daylights out of any normal person and Misao was barely getting used to acting as a true shinobi.

It was time to get serious now. Closing her eyes for only a moment, Misao could feel the energy of the demons that filled the area. It was a toxic presence that made someone with spiritual sensitivities such as herself. It made her somewhat queasy before she remembered what Haruka had taught her a while ago to keep her from being influenced by such things.

"Put up the block in your head, clear your mind and have it extend to the rest of your body. Feel the chakra flow inside you."

When she opened her eyes, they flashed a light color of green for a brief moment before returning to normal. Yes, that felt much better. She could still have a vague sense of where they were and whether they were approaching, but their suffocating energy was no longer something that she had to  worry about. She was confident in the meantime that she could lend proper support to both Suutei and Maikeru if they needed it. She would remain defensive if not and would try not to get in their way so that the mission could run smoothly. She reached into her pouch of items and pulled out a simple white mask that covered the upper half of her face. It was small and plain, with two ears sticking out at the top, which made it loosely resemble a cat. She tied it to the back of her head with a black string in order to keep it in place. Its purpose was in no way related to combat, but the abilities the mask gave her allowed her to purify the area with her chakra once the spirits were weakened. That would keep them from emerging once again.

She gripped her staff in her hand now, figuring that she might as well be ready in case any of the spirits bypassed Suutei and decided to go after her personally. She felt a slight dip in the pit of her stomach. She was nervous about this. During the missions she took back in Suna, she always knew what she was going to be facing. Not only that, but she usually preferred to take the ones that were more administrative and errand-based than the ones that involved actual fighting. She had been gradually working herself up to take them, but she was still far from confident about these sorts of things. She took a deep breath, knowing that it was just a matter of time until their enemies appeared.

The young priestess watched Suutei and Maikeru fight, making sure to stand several meters behind them. She heeded all of Suutei's warnings, albeit somewhat clumsily. She wound up knocked agaisnt a wall nd bumping her shoulder quite hard, but it wasn't anything that would put her out of commission any time soon. It only made her a little sore. She was thankful that the older boy was able to avert anything further from happening. Once she was sure that both monsters had been completely dissipated in terms of their physical forms, she began to concentrate. She knelt on the ground, leaving her staff by her side momentarily. She placed her hands together as if in prayer and her chakra began to flow outside of her body. A series of lines carved themselves on the floor below her, forming a circle that began to shine brightly. Her energy flowed throughout the area, channeled thought both the mask and the circle.

A moment, later, the light disappeared. The air around them became much easier to breathe in and the uneasy atmosphere was gone in the nearby area. Those demons wouldn't return. She sighed in relief. A small layer of sweat glistened on her forehead, making her long brown locks of hair stick to the side of her face. It would be fine, she would recover soon enough. She was an Uzumaki, after all, which made her chakra particularly strong and resilient. She shook her head standing up and dusting herself off. As she reached down to grab her staff, she felt something hard make contact with her back, throwing her off balance and sending her skidding forward a few feet. She winced, having hurt her sore shoulder further. She looked at the creature that had appeared. She had been much to distracted by the ritual to sense it coming.

It looked small and the damage that it had done was quite minimal despite having caught Misao by surprise. She could make herself useful by taking it out on her own. She stood up straight and used the momentum to turn towards the fanged beast - it looked like a wolf made out of smoke and shadows, its demonic essence floating into the air and mingling and mixing with the pure energy that Misao had released only moments before. It had likely sensed the source of what it considered vile energy nearby and decided to attack in order to make it stop. Misao would have to take that into consideration. Releasing energy that purified the area was going to alert other demons of where she was and they would without a doubt try to stop her before she could ruin their territory any further. The demonic beast charged blindly towards Misao a moment later, aiming its fangs at her throat, but she parried it with her staff, using its energy and speed against it. She launched it to the side and pressed it to the ground with her staff. She made a hand seal with one of her hands and encased the being in a black box of chakra. What could be heard inside were only cries and whimpers before the room felt silent once again. It had dispersed. Fortunately, the energy the Misao had used to purify the room was still lingering in the air. She wouldn't have to repeat the ritual, fortunately.

"Should be keep going?" She asked, once again catching her breath and waiting for Suutei and Maikeru to decide where the group wold go next. If things kept up this way, maybe they wouldn't be so bad. Misao would gain some much needed experience and with Suutei there, she was sure that everything would be ok in the end. She didn't know why she trusted him so much. After all, they had only met a couple of times. Nevertheless, they had grown close quite quickly. It made Misao happy that she could call him a close friend - the first one that she had ever made outside of her immediate family. It was rare occurrence since she was usually reserved and had trouble getting along with people around her age. Looking at him as he walked a few steps in front of her, she smiled and quickly caught up so that she could walk by his side.

[Defeating a Basic Monster: 1200/1200]
[Left Over: 1006]



Hey Dicemaster? Do you think Suutei can beat me?


No? You don't? Me Neither! XD.

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Maikeru' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Rag Tag Kekkaishi Team [Maikeru/Misao/NK] 67315



*Grabs the Dice that Roll in front of them and Throw them Behind his Head*

Stupid Dice...

*Continues working on Jutsu*

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Mako' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Rag Tag Kekkaishi Team [Maikeru/Misao/NK] 67314



:3 Give me a good one!

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Misao' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Rag Tag Kekkaishi Team [Maikeru/Misao/NK] 67315



Suutei suddenly could feel the atmosphere of the room lighten up, and he didn't need to keep his chakra flared to withstand the spiritual pressure.  Putting his hands on his hips he sighed as he kept on, and looked around for his tiny reindeer companion.  For some reason he was nowhere in sight, and that was until he noticed the wheelchair in the corner that was over turned.  If anything the reindeer was extremely resourceful when it came to hiding, but combat...not so much.  Though he couldn't blame the poor  thing it was Suutei's own fault for not teaching him to fight.  Approaching the wheelchair as he gripped the back of the seat, and flipped it over to the side of them.  The Reindeer was bent over with his head down and holding on to his hat for dear life, and Suutei tried his best not to laugh.

"Please don't hurt me!"

"Chopper relax buddy it's just me.  The fight is over and everybody is okay."

The tiny reindeer looked around the room shifting his head from side to side, and faced Suutei rubbing the back of his head.  He proceeded to dust himself off and regained his composure.  The reindeer had no idea what it would be like from here on out, and would have to buckle himself down to assist his friend.  Inhaling deeply poking out his small furry chest he beat on it like an ape, and ran towards Misao.  Leaving Suutei to shake his head embarrassed, but what else was to expect from Chopper.

Suutei began stretching to prepare himself for the further dangers of the Asylum.  Removing his overcoat to reveal his training gear designed by Chopper himself.  Simple black harem pants fastened to his ankles tucked in his black sandals.  Underneath his blue and black shirt, he wore was a black high raise shirt with yellow trim, and for dazzle two gold metal band wrapped around below the crevice between his bicep and forearm, as well as a gold metal waistband around his waist with the Kimura symbol engraved on the center.  This was his original outfit worn during the Chunnin Exams, but Chopper insisted he wear it for training rather than let it go to waste.

Now dressed more comfortably he regrouped with Chopper and Misao, but only to discover that Maikeru was missing.  This quickly raised suspicion of his whereabouts, and he could not recall spotting him during the fight.  Giving Chopper his discarded clothing to put away, but made sure to grab his necessary tools.  Suutei's hand began to radiate a flaming blue aura as he reached down into Chopper's bag.  Pulling out his box of Senbon and two fuma shuriken.  He released the lock on both of them, and fastened them to his back.

Looking back to Misao who seemed to be as eager to move on as he was.  The navy haired male pressed on, but still needed to know what happened to Maikeru.  Though he was of no concern to him, if he happened to run into the tracker nin it would be trouble.  It would be best to find him as soon as possible, but also allow Misao to purify as many areas within the Asylum.  Suutei channeled his chakra and could feel his Fuuton chakra release as he began to float a few inches from the ground.  A technique he still hadn't given a name, but eventually he would.

"If you two are ready I believe we have a lost companion.  Though no matter we'll find him as we progress through this place.  I just hope he isn't hurt or anything...Misao-chan take my hand were going to move through this place a little more smoothly."

Once the girl took his hand the two of them would make their way to the next floor by flying through the hole up above.  It was just big enough for the three of them to fit through, and  he would simply have to hold Misao in both arms.  While chopper held onto his leg, and they'd proceed to the next floor.  Where hopefully they'd find Maikeru, but Suutei didn't care to much for his attitude.  It would go against his shinobi code if to leave a fallen comrade, but it sure sucked to be so modest.

"Don't be scared Misao-chan flying isn't bad after you get used to it."

To be able to go through this hell, it was impossible for Misao to actually be afraid.  Though she was a very timid girl when they first met back in Sunagakure, but he sensed something within her.  Not sure exactly what it was, but it was something he sought to bring out.  The boy actually had gotten quite fond of her company, and her essence gave him strength.  Which was a motivator to ensure her safety, and he owed that to her mother Gin.  Whom he promised to protect Misao-chan with his life, and to let no harm come to her.  A big job to take on, but he was willing to accept the responsibility.  Yet there was something more to it than just protecting her, and it could be the unrequited love they had for one another.  The boy tried to get his thoughts together, and return to his norm.

As if she could love someone like you...

Jutsu Used:  Tempest Barrage, Glide

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