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1Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:53 pm



Eyes fluttered open at the first touch of sun rays caressing them, revealing a pair of russet brown gems. Glancing across the room, spotting a clock on the furthest wall and seeing what time it was, Razan groan in slight annoyance. It being too earlier to start his day yet due to him having to hit the road once more, it was a must. The temptation of staying wrapped in the pleasant sheets for a little while longer was there, and he so wanted to. But, he couldn't, even if he didn't have to leave this earlier, he had made it known to management of his early departure, and surely the maid would be displeased if she came in and saw him still present. Who knows what might happen if that came to pass.

Squashing the lure, Razan rolled out of bed, bare feet lightly hitting the wooden floor, and thought about his plans for today. If the clock was an indication, it's fairly early in the morning. Not that many shops or vendors would be open around this hour; only a few who served shinobi and others who had worked this early. Though not much of a problem, it's going to be a hassle in finding shops that sold what he needed for the journey ahead of him. After being in Kumogakure no Sato for almost a month he still hadn't figured out where most of the shops were. The ones frequently visited by him weren't open this early therefore he couldn't go to them. Meaning he would have to go to unfamiliar ones, after asking around, of course.

Moving across the spacious room, Razan disappeared into the bathroom with a towel in hand, only to appear twenty minutes later. His hair being wet and the towel wrapped around his lower body. Clothes laid out the night before, consisting of black slacks and a dark gray shirt were put on and complemented by footwear matching the slacks. Having pulled his hair up in a low ponytail being held together by a tribalistic looking clip, Razan looked at the scrolls on the dresser. Unrolling each one individual, checking the contents of them individually, making sure all his belongs were there, before rolling them back up and stashing them on his person. With everything in order, he headed out in search for the last of what he needed to get before he heads to Sunagakure no Sato.

Surprisingly enough, it didn't take much effort in find vendors that sold what he was after. Razan having bumped into an extremely helpful civilian who offered to show him to some of the better shops along with giving him much needed knowledge of others location for any future endeavors. The man, Kyousuke being his name, mentioned he understood the struggle of not being a native and having to learn where everything was at. And after watching Razan wander around aimlessly, he decided to step in, offering his assistance. Razan was immensely grateful for Kyousuke's generosity.

Having gotten everything he needed and now heading towards the Northern gates, Razan stopped. The sound of someone crying reaching his ears, and urging him to investigate. Moving towards the sound, passed some vendors, he came upon a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties crying. Black hair, that probably under known circumstances would look lustrous, was disheveled about. Tears rolled down puffy cheeks, leaving streaks amongst her make-up, as she cried without care. A black dress clung to her body, designed in a way that left a diagonal opening starting from her left shoulder, across her breast(none which was viewable) and stopping between the valley. Matching pair of pumps finished her attire. If it wasn't for her crying, Razan dare to say she looked beautiful.

"Is everything alright?", soft green eyes, red from all the crying, stared up at him in surprise as he waited for an answer. If her jumping a little when he spoke was any indication, Razan assumed he had startled her.

"Yes, everything is fine.", she spoke between sobbing, trying to wipe away her tears and stop her nose from running while in the presence of another.

Sitting on the bench beside, though not close enough to intrude in her personal space "Doesn't seem like it. What could have a beautiful woman like you crying?", he spoke. Ignoring how she made a 'tsk' noise at his compliment, and how anger flashed across her face briefly.

"Beautiful? Tell that to my husband. He. . ." Razan silently watched as choked sobs racked the woman's body, tears flowing more freely as she tries to get her words together. A comforting hand was placed on the woman's shoulder, she jerking her head towards him, her eyes staring into his searching for something only to be met with reassurance "That bastard. . .he . .cheated on me with my . . . sister! "

Unexpected, but yet, he didn't say anything as the woman continue to speak about what happen. It was good for her to let it out. . .

"Me, my husband and sister had went out to a local club last night. And I had to use the bathroom, cuz you know. And when I got back. . .I that bitch grinding up against my husband and he was enjoying it too! I stood in shock, not believing what I was seeing, and watched as they did things that should only be done in the bedroom. How could my baby sister do that? She knows we have a child. . ", a look of realization and horror flashed across her face, the woman getting up from the bench in a frenzy only to stumble "Oh god! The babysitter, we told her we would be back by now. Oh god. .. my baby!"

"Come on. Where do you live? I will walk you home.", Razan offered. He having caught the woman before she fell and was now being used a crutch.

"It's this way.", she pointed, Razan walking in the direction.

"I'm sorry. . ." those were the last words the blacksmith heard as everything turned to black.

The woman, a frown marring her face, looked down at the crumbled body of the stranger and nodded. No sooner had she did that three people appeared with two of them leaving with Razan.

"Didn't think you could do it. . ." the distorting voice of the remaining member said.

"I did what you ask. Now give me my daughter!" the woman said angrily. These bastards had taken her child and force her into doing these jobs for them. They said this would be the last job, and if she did it, she would have her daughter back.

"Sure, a deal is a deal.", was the last thing the woman heard as she was knocked out.

"You will see your daughter in the asylum. . ."

[[1149 words]]

Crying Female Dress:

2Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:05 am

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari


Mari sat up in bed, stretching out her arms. From the window, she could hear birds chirping their usual wake up morning melodies. There was no particular reason in saying out loud that she was yawning, just something she could do. She was alone so no one could really say anything about it either. It was one of the perks of traveling solo, being able to say whatever one wanted when alone. It always seemed slightly empty when there was no response. It was no concern to the girl for she was quite accustomed to the silence. Yet Even then, she couldn't help but find it a slightly different silence from the one back in her home of Suna.

Kaze no Kuni... Just the name made the girl long to be back in the desert. Her time in Kumo had been one well spent, it it was now just time to return home to her books. The archives had been left empty for just a few weeks but that was more than enough time for dust to accumulate and packages that needed to be sorted. Sometimes she wished that she wasn't the only Masayoshi to live in Suna, while she enjoyed her work it was still work that wasn't getting done every moment she had been away. She swung her legs to the beside and stood up, her black night gown reaching her ankles. It was time to get a move on, yet this trip required one final detour.

Mari made her way through town to the gates, adjusting her  white bow that adorned the side of her head. She had decided to wear a hooded black frock that she could freely move around in. Clasped with large silver button on the front and below the hood. Black tights and simple black boots matched her outfit to make it simple and streamline. It was so dark to fit her destination, the so called Haunted Asylum. Today she would be heading to such a macabre place to draw some inspiration for her writings. As with her time in Kumo, Mari had discovered that places with such a unique atmosphere often provided good material for journal entries. Plus the girl just enjoyed going to spooky places, they were always interesting. It wasn't that she believed or didn't believe in ghosts, she hadn't run into any personally so she couldn't really say, but she liked to keep her mind open. Thinking of running into a spirit reminded her of her encounter with a man in Kumo's graveyard. He was a Suna shinobi as well, and perhaps one day Mari would see him again.

The girl walked slowly, noticing little of the other few people that walked around her. The day was nice enough, though a little on the cloudy side. She was she that it would provide that mysterious grey ambience when she arrived at the asylum. Out of the corner of her eye she saw an individual in a unusual dress, black with an opening on the shoulder that opened with orange ruffles to the center of her chest. Black pumps and dark brown hair, and make-up to complete a striking outfit. Mari always took notice in unusual fashion, she was a lover of the gothic lolita style herself but always admired what other fashion she was able to see. Besides the sideways glance at her choice of dress, Mari thought nothing else of the passerby, still making her way to that Haunted Asylum.

Ah... I seem to be forgetting something?

So, here she was at a bordered up and abandoned building once home to the mentally ill and/or insane.  The vegetation seemed as dead as the crumbling walls and as inviting as the boarded up broken windows and doors. It was only the entrance and not another soul seemed to be around. The girl was simply standing and staring at the building, her pencil tapping the edge of her chin and her notebook in her right hand. She was thinking that she was missing something. Was there... Another reason as to why she was here?

The atmosphere here is just as I predicted. Gloomy and forlorn, the dark places where the window glass has broken seem to be glimpses to a long forgotten world of insanity. Fitting, since it was once a home for such people...

That was how her journal entry began, yet she couldn't quite focus on writing anymore. The fact that she was forgetting something made her worry. She was so forgetful, just what was it this time?  She had come here for herself hadn't she? Just for the sole reason to explore and to see just how Haunted this place truly was... It wasn't like some ghost was going to jump out of the building and chase after her, possibly capturing her and then she would never be seen again.

That was it! Mysterious disappearances, apparently people had been wondering a little too close to this place and were never seen again afterwards. The girl could hardly believe she had forgotten something so obvious. It seemed like nothing but some sort of crazy myth, yet people were really disappearing so there had to be some explanation behind it. Mari also had hear that the screams from the patients long dead could still be heard if when inside. She shivered at the idea of encountering ghosts once again, but perhaps it was all just myth. Likely some pranksters wanting to scare the little kids and... Everyone else. If it wasn't however... Mari shivered again not  wanting to think about the consequences of such ghosts being real.

I... should investigate.  Even her own thoughts were hesitant as she put her journal back in her coat pocket. Mari adjusted her hood around her head in a sudden fit of anxiousness. She sighed aloud, unsure if anyone would hear her, and then decided to simply find out for herself. She was a shinobi, not a simple skeptic or easy believer. She walked around to a broken out window, the dead grass crunching under her feet. She tentatively climbed inside, finding it just as dark and as abandoned as she expected.

It is just an empty building. That is all that is here... Mari thought to herself some words of reassurance that there really wasn't anything supernatural about this place. She remained quiet as she walked down an empty hallway, unsure of what exactly she was searching for. See... No ghosts here...

1097 Total Words

Here's Mari's Outfit For The Day:



First encounter. . .

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Razan' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] 67316

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

First Encounter ~

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Masayoshi Mari' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] 67316



Evil. As much as humans want to deny it, in the grand scheme of things, nothing in the world is truly wicked. Many of these atrocities acts like murder, rape, genocide, etc. is only seen in a negative like by victims or bystanders. Those committing the acts, or have something to gain from making them occur, doesn't connect their actions with a negative word like evil. To them, it's an act of goodness or righteous, never would they say it was evil. Yet, to those not involved, viewing it from the outside, they would see the actions as anything but evil. Therefore, evil doesn't truly evil; it being nothing more than a subjective opinion influenced by one's own personal beliefs and morals. . .

"What does boss want with this kid anyway?", a distorted voice inquired from their fellow colleague while unceremoniously dragging the limp body of Shimura Razan behind them. Recently and unexpectedly kidnapped, Razan's body had obliviously seen better days. While there weren't any life-threatening injuries, there were a number of bumps and bruises, cuts and scrapes and other minor injuries that were more of a nuisance than anything else. The causes of these insignificant would be how the unconscious man had been and currently is being handle: that being without care.

There wasn't must distinguishable about the colleague asides from their ankle length buttoned up trench coat with a high collar with the symbol of a full moon and two half moons on either side. Just like the one who had asked the question, they too had a nondescript black mask and their hands were bandaged in black medical tape with the same symbol on the collar covering them. "Don't need to worry 'bout what the boss want. Leave all the details for those who matter, ya' know? Boss just orders and we deliver. Keeps it simplistic. Now come, lets get this one to room the docs should be there. . ." ending the discussion then and there,  just like the colleague their voice also came out distort with a distinct robot sound.

Moving through the dimly lit corridors of the Asylums, ignoring the ravages sounds of other occupants and wails of victims, the pair continues trekking onward. Shadows cast on the walls by the little light present, danced and swayed, playing tricks on the minds of any who stare into them too long or allowed paranoia to sit in. However, for the individuals walking through the halls, passing by rooms that held some ghastly things, this place had been their home for the past six months and they having gotten use to it.

Coming to a pair of white double doors with the number seven written on each door, the two of them walked in dragging the unconscious body. An ordinal person could easily tell something was off about the medical room that was equipped with everything one exected to find in a standard hospital. From blood both wet and dried smearing the floor, forming or leaving the imprint of a crimson puddle. Some of the surgical equipment seemed rusty and not properly taken care of. There was an uneasiness in the air that made one's hair stand on end. A single hunchback male, from the looks of it, moved about the room with a noticeable limp.

Hearing the doors being open, said male wearing a lab coat, looked in the direction, smiling as he saw what the two had for him "So, she actually mannered to do, hmm? Didn't think such a fragile minded human could pull it off. ", he spoke, seemingly to himself before gesturing the two members to follow him.

"Come. Come. Place him on the table. . .", the table being occupied by a cadaver was soon vacant when it was tipped - the dead body sliding off and hitting the floor with a thump, "Boss will surely be pleased by this. Well, off you go. You have done what was asked and now the rest is up to me.", the two men didn't say anything - just walked out of the room.

"Such a fine specimen. ", the doctor murmur to himself, looking at the prone body with some keen to excitement as his skinny hands touched various places. "It's so exciting to have a new body to play with. ", he spoke lustfully, rather his thoughts were sexual or else, was unknown. So, focused was he on admiring the body that he tripped over the cadaver on the floor, having forgotten about it and promptly fell, knocking over some stuff.  Swearing up a storm and scrambling to his feet, he sneered at the body before grabbing it and dragging it behind some closed as he went to dispose of it "Stupid body getting in my way .. ."

Drugs. A combination of two different sleeping agency was used to knock Shimura Razan out. Nothing truly special, the ingredients used are readily accessible in most drug stores and herbal vendors. Used primarily by those who suffer from sleep deprivation, the two agencies were never attended to be used together. The reason being instead of threatening the effects, like one might aspect, they counteract each other, overall weakening the effects. When used separately the drugs last anywhere between eight to ten hours within the body system, however, the time have been drastically cut down due to each counteracting one another. And it was because of that reason why the body on the table was stirring.

Confusion and a killer headache were the first things to greet Razan as he slowly came to. Eyelids fluttered open only to immediately shut due to the glare from the light above. Pain from the bumps and scrape began to register with his mind causing him to groan. Ever so slowly, he opened his eyes once again, being mindful of the light now that it was known.

"Where am I? What happened?", were his thoughts as he tried to remember how he ended up in this place while taking stock of the room he was in as he sought up. His throbbing headache persisted as he tried to recall anything that could lend him clues of where he might be. "Now I remember. I was helping that woman. And. . . she. . .did something and then said, 'she was sorry', I think. Could she have?", before he could continue that train of thought he heard a noise coming from the door adjacent of him that sounded like humming?  Who could it be? Could be the ones responsible for kidnapping him? Those thoughts chaotic swirled in his mind as he frantically searched for the scrolls on his body, praying to any deity willing to listen that they weren't taken off of him. By the time he had located the scroll with his weapons, peculiarly his batons, the doors already opened, and unknowingly revealing the doctor from other.

"Having dispose of that. I can get back to more pressing matters. Like that fine specimen. . ." the doctor said to no particularly, licking his lips as he thought about what was brought in, and also to savor any leftovers on his person. Remember kids, never let good food go to waste. Imagine the good doctor's surprise when he saw the thing of his desires sitting up and looking at him in confusion. Instead of being angry or anything, he just smiled and clapped his hands together "Well. Well. Seems like someone is awake. Pity, I thought I had more time. Oh well - - -"

"Who are you? Did you bring me here? Why am I here?", Razan rapidly asked, having stood up on other side of the table, his batons clutched in hand. The weapons were simply a safety precarious and a means to combat the doctor if things went south.

"Oh, where are my manners. I'm Fraxineus, the Good Doctor.", the now identify man said, bowing before returning back to his righted position and continued speaking. "No. No. I didn't bring you here. That is a waste of time. As to who brought you here? Who knows. Maybe it was that woman you helped, hmmm? Ah, but any case. The reason you are here doesn't matter. So, be a good boy and get back on the table for the good doctor, please?", he asked nicely.

"No, I will not. Tell me why I am here.", none of this made sense for him, Razan, and the man didn't seem to be very forthcoming with the information he was seeking. Any musing was stopped when Fraxineus began speaking again, a frown marring his face.

"Tsk. Tsk. Children these days. So disrespectful to their elders. This is why I hate delivering with humans.", the last part came out distorted and only caused Razan to tighten his grip on the batons - something Fraxineus notice right away. "Ah! A rebellious one. The boss said I couldn't kill you, but never that I could beat you!", he snarled as he lunged at Razan, clearing the gap between them rather quickly.

Rolling to the left, Razan dodged the incoming attack, as his opponent crashed against the wall behind him and quickly righted himself soon after. "So, you can dodge. Good. . .", Razan found himself on the defensive, batons flashing out, blocking the strikes from a pair of pipes all which were aimed at a lethal area. It was clear as day that the doctor was trying to kill him. Ducking under a wild swing, he surged forward,  the baton is his right hand connected with the man's ribs, bruising already forming.

Spinning around, to hit the doctor with the other baton, instead he was kicked in the chest causing him to slide back soon.

"Seems like you actually got some skill. You managed to injury. Well, I guess what about to happen can't be helped.", Fraxineus spoke as his body began to change. His skin melted, revealing a green-ish muscular structure. Once normal length arms elongated with the webbing between each finger more pronounce than before. The same could be said for his feet; they having gotten bigger and webbing more prominent. However, the most prominent thing was his mouth. It having widened to large portions and full to the brim with razor-sharp teeth. Overall, Fraxineus didn't resemble anything like he did before. "Do you like?"

Afraid. That what Razan felt at first upon laying eyes on the monster before him. Where the hell is he!? How could something like this exist? Those were his thoughts and him spoke them, only to receive a less than comforting answering.

"You people call things like me demons or oni. However, I am much worse. " Fraxineus spoke while making the tiger hand sign, kneading his chakra, and firing two condensed water bullets, one aiming directly for Razan and the other to the left of him "Water Release: Gunshot (水遁・鉄砲玉 ~ Suiton: Teppōdama)!"

"Shit!", Razan swore, having seen what the man had planned, and promptly rolled to the right. Slamming his hand onto the ground while channeling chakra, rocks flew towards Fraxineus who substituted with a nearby instrument to dodge the barrage.

Dragon → Rat → Horse → Tiger "Ninja Art: Tile Shuriken (忍法・瓦手裏剣 ~ Ninpō: Kawara Shuriken)!", the monster exclaimed, after ending on the las hand sign. Tiles, scalpels, and anything else within a four-meter distance of him was compressed and sharpened before fired at Razan.

Seeing the danger, the incoming attack imposed, Razan slammed his hands onto the ground once more while exclaiming "Earth Release: Earth Shore Return {土遁・土陸返し ~ Doton: Doroku Gaeshi}!", a wall of earth, fifteen feet high and seven feet wide, rose up a front of him, shielding him against the attacks. Once the attacks stopped, Razan dispersed the wall and blocked two strikes from Fraxineus, the monster having used the cover provided to get closer. "Ain't you a persist one. I admit you have some skill, but do you think you can escape this place after defeating me? I ensure you that you can't. There are things far worse than me hidden within these walls. ", Fraxineus spoke in an attempt to dishearten the young man.

Unfortunately for the monster that wouldn't work on Razan. Maybe it was because of the stress brought on by Maigo's genjutsu a day prior, or from all the shit having happened today. But, whatever the case was, his heart had steeled itself as he planned to do what was needed to surprise.

Survival. At the core of all existence, everything wants to survive. And when placed in a situation where that is threatened, they are capable of doing remarkable things. Jumping back to dodge a wild swing, Razan used a burst of speed to get within the monster's guard, batons coming from the side, aiming for the base of Fraxineus neck. The monster crumpled having been hit full force with both batons, they doing major damage to his neck. Not wasting any time, Razan swallowed the lump in his throat as he hostler one baton and reversed the grip of the other. Now holding the blunt weapon like an ice-pick, the blunt end pointing downward at Fraxineus, Razan's body dropped like a stone. The weight of his driving the blunt end of baton into the monster's skull - killing him instantly.

Swallowing the bile threatening to come up as he laid eyes on brain matter that was oozing out of the gaping wound, Razan made his way through the double doors. . .unknowingly exiting the room the same way he came in.

There was nothing else he could do besides press onward.

Monster Type -> Normal
Required Words -> 1600
Ep Worth: 2

Fraxineus Monster Appearance:

Unused Words:  [1149 + 2269] -> 3418
Remaining words: [3418 - 1600] -> 1818
Current Ep: 2


((Will roll after you post. You don't have to keep track of your chakra.))



Been over 48hrs since last post. . .so

rolling. . .

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Razan' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] 67315

10Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:59 am

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

This is not that bad. Just a little dark, but overall not as scary as many would say… Silent, very… silent too.  

Mari kept those positive thoughts in her head as continued down the dark hallway. Silence was the only sound that filled the air, she was accustomed to silence. Yet again, it seemed that this type of noiselessness was something that only unnerved the girl. It wasn’t the sound of no one being there, or of just being alone, it was the anticipation of seeing someone, or rather, something, there that would prove that she wasn’t alone. Of course, they were just rumors on people disappearing. It wasn’t to say that they weren’t disappearing, but the reasons themselves, ghosts and monsters and those somethings had to be left up to debate. Mari surely hoped it was something less supernatural, she could handle a criminal or two. Just not a ghost.

As these thoughts barraged the girl’s mind, her silent walk in the dark didn’t seem to have an end. She could hardly see. Save for some ambient grey light from was in front of her, which came from the broken windows in small rays. Dusk particles reflected in what little light there was, overall the place seemed very well abandoned.

If only those faded lights weren’t just shining down in front of her, but instead upon the walls, then the girl would have been able to spot some giant stains of red and black that covered the peeling surface.

Mari kept her head down, straining her eyes to see what could have been there, keeping her ears alert for any sounds of actual life. For every second she was relieved to not notice anything, the next only made her extremely anxious to see something. Taking back on her own thoughts, the girl decided it would be fine if she saw a ghost. Ghosts weren’t generally malevolent unless they were provoked, so she just had to keep herself from doing just that. Yet, she wasn’t exactly sure how.

She internally sighed to herself, just as she reached the end of the hall with the outside wall. It turned to inside the building, away from the windows, to an even darker void. She considered not going any further, hadn’t she investigated enough? She could only think that a criminal, because that was the only non-supernatural explanation she could think of at the moment, would have his or her base further in this creepy building. So, it was only logical for her to go in further. Sometimes she really disliked herself for thinking so rationally.

She looked up and then down the hall. The ceiling was missing a few panels, the doors leading down were all dirty and broken. The entire building retained that musty and molded smell. And there remained no signs of life. Mari simply willed herself to take more steps further in.  At first nothing was different, until Mari felt something hit her foot.

The girl tripped, nearly falling to the ground, at first thinking it was just piece of the floor that was uneven. When she looked back, she saw that was the shape of a limb. A detached arm to be exact.

The girl gasped, only barely holding in a scream of fright, covering her mouth as she felt a little queasy. She hadn’t been expecting this type of thing. She looked around further to find there were more body parts lined along this hallway, arms and legs, torsos and feet, all chopped up with dried blood covered the walls. How could she have not noticed this before? She couldn’t help but take a few steps back, her entire body nearly jumping at the sickening sight. It was then she finally noticed too, that she was no longer alone.

”Urrraaahhhh… Ahhh!”

It was an odd moaning sound. Like that of wounded dog or other animal, surely not human nor anything that could be considered so. The thing took shape of the darkness, nearly touching the ceiling in height. Its stomach bulged with its unproportioned muscles, heaps of flesh barely contained by stretching skin. The arms dragged to the floor, covered in red, along with its feet and odd apron, which was its only article of clothing. A strange metal mask covered the bottom of its face, giving it a look of teeth, and metal wire stuck into its neck. The eyes were a blood red, crazed at the sight of the girl.

Mari didn’t have the time to be scared anymore. She simply ran as fast as she could down the hallway. Thankfully, she happened to be a lot faster than the creature. To avoid having to run a top the pieces of corpses, which she could only guess was of this monster’s doing. She ran along the walls, and eventually made her way to the broken ceiling. She could feel the vibrations of the building with each step from the unnatural giant. She had to stop it somehow!

Glancing back, she scanned the ceiling for its weak points and then punched down onto a crack on the surface. The ceiling came down in pieces, forcing Mari to jump down the ground too, but as the tiles fell the creature caught up with the girl and the rubble fell on top of the monster. There was a loud scream and then silence.

Mari looked around the rubble, now a mix of body parts and parts of a building, but nothing seemed alive. Suddenly, the ground began to shake beneath her as the lumbering giant shot up from the ground and grabbed the girl’s leg. It tried moving her, but the girl was back to elbow the creature in the head and tore herself away from it. The monster, now out of the ground, screamed out in pain from both the debris of the ceiling falling on top of it and from the girl’s hit. At the inhuman sound, Mari cringed.

Shaking off the unnerving factor, Mari charged at the thing. Concentrating some Raiton chakra in the center of her palm, she thrust her hand forward, making contact with the creature’s distended stomach. A spark of electricity lit up the destroyed hallway briefly, before the beast was knocked back by the force of the girl’s hit. There was another bloodcurdling scream as the monster fell backwards onto the rubble. Mari saw it flail around helplessly, filling the dark void with its cries of death, before its entire body stopped moving.

Keeping her steps light, Mari came close to inspect the monster’s body. Sure enough, it had a small burn mark on the area where Mari had hit it on the stomach and its metal mask was half broken and hardly holding onto its face from where she had elbowed it. The finishing blow however, had to have been the rather jagged rock that had pierced through its neck, by pure luck she had knocked it backwards onto the particular piece of rubble. Mari could only let out a small sigh of relief, her heart beat finally slowing at the defeat of such an unnatural thing. Could this have been the monster that was making people disappear? It had been in the hallway with all those severed limbs and other body parts, and its hands and feet were covered in blood, but the brute force of the thing didn’t exactly point to something that was intelligent enough to lure people into its lair.

Perhaps it might’ve been the one to tear apart the bodies or even kill the victims, but that begged the question as to why and how the people were there. It only left the answer that others were indeed involved, and Mari had already decided that she would stop them before any others came to the fate of “disappearing.” It all some sick plot that made Mari burn for justice against such disgusting criminals. She was glad that it wasn’t something entirely supernatural, however unnatural that monster had been, but now something she knew she could physically stop.

”By the teachings of the Masayoshi Clan, I swear to bring vengeance upon the souls of these innocent. Your death was inevitable by the judgement of justice, for which I serve as her mission…” It was likely pointless to speak aloud her reason for killing the monster, especially to the monster itself, for it was already dead and it would have never cared to know why it was killed. But it was to Mari’s formality that she felt the need to do so. It also helped her clear her mind to find her true goal in coming here to this awful place and to how she was going to do it.

That goal… To bring justice to those unjust. It was her clan’s teaching, her philosophy, the Masayoshi clan and her raison d’etre. These were nothing but vile criminals, meaning nothing to society except only to cause chaos and ruin. Justice was the order that brought balance to such criminals. Mari was destined to become that justice.

I’m going to kill him.

Nothing but a side thought from her current mission, yet she knew that one day she would kill that genjutsu user who killer the Masayoshi clan leader thirty years ago….

She backed away from the giant’s corpse and the rubble. The hallway was coming to an end once again, and the girl had nowhere to go but further in this insane asylum. The building reverted back to its tense silence as she continued her way in the dark, this time making sure to check twice for stray body parts. The girl was coming to a stairwell, she looked up to see much the same dark void.

Suddenly the girl heard thumping and yelling coming from the direction. Yelling, not as in those animalistic sounds from a monster, but instead something like speech… A survivor?! She couldn’t make out the words, but it also could have been one of the puppeteers of this horrid place. It didn’t quite matter either way, as now the girl knew which way she supposed to go. She started up the stairs, taking two steps at a time, hurrying to that second floor.

I will… bring you all to justice!

1738/2835 Total Words

Normal Monster - 1600 Words [2 EP]
This Ugly Thing:

1235 Words Left~

Last edited by Masayoshi Mari on Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:02 am; edited 1 time in total

11Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:01 am

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

Rolling for 2nd encounter~

12Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:01 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Masayoshi Mari' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] 67315

13Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:15 pm

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

Mari rushed up the stairs, though as carefully as she could. She didn’t want to have a repeat of what happened in the hallway. There didn’t seem to be any stray body parts lying around, and she hoped there wouldn’t be any. She kept herself on edge in case it happened to be true. The stairs themselves seemed to rather solid, though the railing itself was peeling and the entire corridor seemed too cramped for comfort. Not that anything in this building could be considered welcoming in any way. The thumping and yelling seemed to have stopped just as the girl was about to reach the top.

She stopped as she sensed something behind her. Taking a deep breath, she turned around and looked down the stairs, nothing but a dark void like the rest of this awful place. The anticipating silence returned, this time the girl could hear her fast beating heart in her ears, pumping so hard from the run up. She was sure that nothing had followed her up, right? Her head darted across, searching for something that wasn’t there. She wasn’t even sure what to watch for. Another monster like in that hallway? A person? A survivor? A... ghost?!

Ghosts… would not need to walk up stairs… Her edging shivers returned. Only moments ago she had been sure that this plot had been executed by physical criminals, living people, definitely not dead ones. Yet it had to have been the atmosphere of the place that kept the girl doubting. She didn’t like being here alone one bit.

She scanned the darkness again for any sign of… something. Once again making sure nothing was there, she turned and took one more step up the stairs. The floorboard creaked loudly underneath her foot, echoing down the stairwell, making the girl hesitant to move forward. It worried her that the simple sound would indeed cause some monster to come for her. She needn’t worry, did she? She had just run up the stairs, surely causing enough commotion to wake even the dead. Wait, she didn’t want to wake the dead!

The loud creak from the floor summoned no such monster. She sighed, relieved for the moment, taking another final step up to the second floo—


Mari gasped as she jumped back from the figure that crashed down from the ceiling. White and ghastly, it was as thin as a skeleton, ribs showing throw skin with veins showing through its limbs and skull. It stood tall, its posture slouched back, while raising one of it disfigured hands toward the girl. Long dirty fingernail-claws, stretched out with want toward the monster’s next decided victim. Its blood shot eyes glared from black voids of sockets.

It lunged forward, jumping down from the top of the stairs to the girl below. Mari braced herself, and then kicked her leg high to make contact with the creature’s face. It screamed another inhuman noise, similar to that of the giant downstairs, Mari had kicked the thing so hard it hit the wall with a giant thud and was practically embedded in the plaster with a large crater.

Badly injured, the creature struggled to find its footing, it limbs flailed around as if it could escape, but Mari flipped out a kunai and stabbed the creature in right in the neck, through its jaw. As she pierced it, black blood shot out from its mouth, causing her to quickly move back from its body. It gasped for air as it choked on the black liquid, but slowly fell still.

Mari lifted swiped her kunai in the air to shake off the black blood, splattering it on the stairs. She breathed in and out once to calm herself from the sudden encounter. She wasn’t quite sure of this creature’s purpose, was it like the one downstairs? Did it rid the bodies of victims? Or perhaps was it there to keep too curious passerby away from the second floor? The way it had attacked her on the stairwell likely meant that it did not want her going up, or it could have meant she had encroached on that monster’s territory. Using an element of surprise to attack her out of the blue, it had displayed slightly more intelligence that the giant, yet it proven significantly weaker, being taken out with a single kick and kunai. Speculation would prove useless at this point, Mari could only deduce that those monsters were simply there to kill.

If she ever were to find the criminals behind this, she would likely encounter more of those abominations. Again she felt the strange relief that this wasn’t in relation to anything dead, but living monsters that could be beaten. Just like the humans who were plotting the disappearances. Exactly why these these people (or perhaps it was a single person), were making people disappear was a mystery to her. But she was sure the monsters were there to protect this dirty enterprise, killing off any intruders there were getting onto these criminal’s plot. It just so happened that they weren’t able to fight off a shinobi.

Mari continued up the stairs, finally reaching the second floor. It was only a differed a little from the first floor, this time the dark hallway was lined with doors. It was in slight disrepair, but not as bad as the first hallway, it could have been evidence that it had recently been in use.

Another major difference was the girl saw a light. A pair of double doors near the end of the hallway had light silhouetting its edges. The doors suddenly opened, the sudden flash of light caused the girl to shield her eyes, but she caught sight of a figure running out and down the hall. She hadn’t the time to call out after it before it got away, but she was sure that it wasn’t a monster like her previous encounters.

Mari ran down the hallway to those open double doors, what she saw greatly confirmed her suspicion of the figure being a survivor or now perhaps, an escapee. In the room there was something like an examination table and the body of some monster with a rather large hole in its head, Brain matter oozed from the gaping wound.

Mari felt the queasiness return to her stomach, she quickly backed away into the hallway to save herself from continuing to stare at the corpse. She looked down the hallway where the figure had run, at this point she knew she had no other options. Mari began running after whoever had just killed that monster, now practically certain that it had to be a victim of this awful place. Thankfully they too had been strong enough to fight off the creatures, but she knew she would have to reach them before anything worse could happen.

1161/2398/2996 Total Words

Basic Monster -1200 Words [1 EP]

This Ugly Guy:

1198 Words Left~

Last edited by Masayoshi Mari on Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

14Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:17 pm

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

Rolling for third encounter~

15Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:17 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Masayoshi Mari' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] 67316

16Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:56 pm



Stepping through the double doors and walking down the hallway. The previous actions and consequences of them hit Razan hard. "I just killed someone. . .something." he realized, suddenly feeling woozy from the realization sprung upon him. "It wasn't human, so I shouldn't feel bad, right? He, no, it tried to kill me. Kami only knows what would have happened if I didn't wake up! No telling what that thing would've done to by body. It was either me or it; my justification for killing the thing was value, right?", he thought, struggling to comprehend the happenings up to this point, " But what if it isn't? But, wait. The thing, Fraxineus, was its name if I remember correctly, said something about the boss not wanting me dead. What did that mean? Is someone out there targeting me? Why? I haven't done anything to earn the ire of others, at least I don't think so. How did Fraxineus fit into all of this? Was he a willing a participant or forced into servitude?" As the inner musing continued, he stumbled a little, catching himself against the wet wall.

"Why is the wall wet? What the - - -", looking at the wall, he caught sight of dripping blood swears along it, crimson red drops rolling down like some macabre crying. However, what gave him pause wasn't the blood but rather the stuff clingy onto his hand: gray matter. Brain tissue, obviously from Fraxineus, clung to his hand, and it only serve to re-illustrate what conspired behind the doors to his back: he had killed someone. "Oh Kami - - ", that is as far his thoughts got before he felt incredibly sick and wretched alongside the wall. A combination of last night snacks, this morning(at least he thinks it's morning. Too hard to tell.) and blood splattered on the floor and painted the wall. Gagging from the prudent smell of the vomit and the horrible aftertaste of bile on his tongue, Razan tried to upheave the rest of his stomach's content. Key word being: tried. The sounds of the attempts echoing down the hallway and undoubtedly heard by anyone else who might be occupying this building. Kami, he hoped nothing gave into their curiosity and investigate the noise, at least nothing with ill intent, he could do without that.

With nothing else coming up, no matter how hard he tried, Razan stopped the action. There being any need to continue it, he was just going to cause more damage to himself if he did. Wiping any lingering unsavory substance from his mouth, using the hand that didn't have brain matter on it, to do so, he took deep breaths to get his breathing under control. The shock of seeing gore, no matter how mild it might be, also knowing it came from him killing an individual, moved him worse than he thought it could.

Prior of starting his own adventure, Razan's parents never were the type to sugarcoat the darkness of the world around them. They told him countless of times of the horrors witness and was a part of during their own travels. And how, even now, some of the things seen still shook them to their core when they were remembered.  Advice on how to handle the atrocities was limited and vague with them saying each person copes with things differently. And it was up to him to find what coping mechanism works the best for him. Telling him how they managed would only lead him into trying the same things and dismissing alternatives, potentially looking overs suited for him.

"Outside of killing for food or when an animal occasionally gets to my camping ground, I never kill before. This is my first time killing anything without a solid reason to. And yet when it came time to kill the monster, there wasn't any hesitation from me. I simply did what needed and it was now, after the fact, did I physically react. Why? Why didn't my nerves show themselves during the fight?", he thought, thinking about everything that had transpired, looking for anything to give him an insight on what caused him to act like he did. "Didn't do anything special. After waking up, Fraxineus appeared and attacked me. And I was. . .that is it! It makes sense now.", the reason why he didn't waver in killing the monster, dropping down and burying the baton in its' skull without pause, he did it to survive. Even though the beast said that the boss wanted him alive, Fraxineus still tried to cause him serious harm. Emotions were running high during the fight, Razan remembering his thoughts had drifted towards the what ifs. What if he fail at defeating Fraxineus? What would be done to him? Would he be killed? Or would his fate be worse than that? It was those thoughts driving him forward, compelling him not to lose against the monstrosity. And from those ideas came that answer that he was seeking. The reason why he didn't hesitate was because, Razan wanted to survive.

Yes! Surviving is the reason why he didn't lose his stomach contents when he killed that monster. And it would be the reason for him press forward. Motivations now clear, he composed himself, flinging off any gore on his hands and batons, sheathing the latter once done. Breathing having settled, he took a moment to take a look at his surroundings; something he hadn't done till now.

"What is this place?", he thought, eyes squinting to see down the long corridor. Light were sparse down the hallway. With a few streams coming from between the cracks of the floor board and filtering and fraction in from the broken windows and overhead. Speaking of the overhead, looking up, Razan noted the sun were out, meaning it was still day.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of something hitting against a hard substance drew his attention to the right, and only then did he notice numerous of doors. "What is there?", he thought, unsheathing both of his batons and gripping them tightly in preparation for a surprise confrontation. Floor boards creep with each step he took and - - - -


Something fell down further down the hallway. Whatever it was causing splinters and dust to be kicked up that was only visible due to the light refracting off of it. The sound of something or someone fighting urged him forward. Could others like him been within this place? Or was it another monster like Fraxineus? "What the hell!?", jumping back just in time, having heard a hissing noise, dodging a lunging strike that came from something above.


Looking up, noticing rafters, his eyes stared into a pair of beady red ones that similarly glowed in the dimly lit light. "A snake?", he thought, having to squint his eyes to get a better look at the create who attacked them.

Indeed, coiled around one of the low-hanging rafters were dark, hunter green snake roughly five meters in length. What unique about the animal were the fact it had a pair of lengthy arms, each having three fingers at the end of them. Coming from the side of its head were a hood, similar to that found on King Cobras.

This snake once again lung downward at him, only this time it also sprays, what Razan could only presume, venom. Jumping floor, the floor where he once standing having melted from the intensive of the monster's venom, he thought about how to hand the beast.

"Seems like it's not coming for me. Guess I got to go to it.", dodging to the right, chakra channelled to the sole of his feet as he became adhesive to the wall. Using what were taught to him, Razan scaled the side of the wall, being mindful to dodge any attacks made from his adversary. Taking out a pair of Kunai, futon chakra were channelled in them as Razan each closer to the snake. Once in range, he threw both of knives at the monster, both hitting their mark, the center of the thing's body and bursting, sending shrapnel everywhere. Having been hit, the monster shriek in pain, blood dribbling from wounds caused by Razan's attack, curling itself from the rafters and falling down.

Hanging along the wall, he watched the snake crash through the floor board and continue downward, losing sight of it, but hearing a solid thud. "Either it's dead or dying. . .", he told himself, jumping over the places where the snake's venom was still eating away at the floorboard.

"What is that?", he thought, having the sound of something running from the direction he just came from. Gripping the batons, Razan spun around and prepared to fight whatever was coming to his location. Closer. Closer. Closer it came. . .only when the light hit the thing did Razan spoke. His tone being full of surprise and slightly cautious.

"Masayoshi Mari?"

What is she doing here?

Basic Monster - 1200 WC - 1EP:

Word Count: 1514
Previous Thread WC:  1818
Total Word Count: 3332
WC After Monster Defeat: [3332 - 1200] = 2132

Razan's Total EP:  3
Team Total EP:  6

17Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:57 pm



Rolling 3rd encounter. . .

18Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:57 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Razan' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] 67312

19Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:59 pm



Niffy. . .rolling again.

20Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:59 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Razan' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] 67314

21Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:41 pm

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

Mari rushed down the hallway as fast as she could, her mind racked with worry over the possible survivor and what state he or she could have been in? Was this person scared too? Likely. Could this person fight these monsters off by themselves? Maybe. Would Mari reach them in time? She had to! Whoever it was could only be in a similar situation to her own, alone and frightening and constantly barraged by monsters in this god awful place.  Mari realized that her own reasons for coming her originally might have been considered selfish, if not just entirely odd, but she was inside the building now. There was no turning back, not from the gory sites downstairs or those ugly monsters, and now the chance to help someone in dire need.

She had the doubting feeling that she would be the one in need if she remained in this place much longer.

The girl didn't have time for thoughts like those. Suddenly she heard the sounds of thumping and... Hissing? From just down the the dark hall. It lasted only a few moments before silence and then Mari came up to a lone figure in the hallway, he likely had heard the girl running up to him. She stopped, catching her breathe in near disbelief of the person she thought she saw in the dark. Gripping his batons with carefully, it was tall man with dark hair and matching eyes.

"Masayoshi Mari?"

His voice aired of caution, but it was unmistakable. The girl may not have remembered everything, her time in Kumo had been a result of her not remembering to sign up for the exams. But it was because of her forgetfulness that she had the time to meet so many others that had gathered in Kaminari no Kuni. One of them being an interesting civilian blacksmith, whose opinion of shinobi had once been dark, but soon had opened up to the kunoichi of Suna.

"Razan-san...! I promise you, it is truly me, Masayoshi Mari, shinobi of Sunagakure no Sato."  Taking her hood down so he could see her face as well as he could in the dark,  she said her words in earnest, with the hope that he would believe them. She didn't quite know how she could prove she was indeed herself. She suddenly remembered that she wasn't wearing her forehead protector on her arm. Out of all days, it had to have that day should would forget. Would such a detail be so significant? She still wore her white bow, and her fashion, now just with a hooded cloak, wasn't too different. What could a physical appearance mean to him? She couldn't be sure he would trust her, but did she have any reason to trust him? Mari immediately shot down the thought.  She was certain he was the victim that had killed the monster she had seen in the room earlier and the sound of the hissing and banging likely had been another one he had fought against. She had her suspicions her first meeting with him that he had some sort of tricks up his sleeve despite being a civilian.

"I—!" Just as the girl was about to say something more, she stopped with her words abruptly. She sensed something behind her in the darkness. Mari turned her eyes just in time to see a large, twisted hand reach out for her shoulder, it formed a fist and slammed down on the girl. Mari tumbled forward, dodging barely in time. As the fist slammed down on the floor, cracking the wooden underneath.

From the dark a deformed figure took shape, now on all fours it crawled like a spider, its hands twisted awkwardly at the wrists, its skin laced with odd marks and ridges. Its face however was the most frightening thing, four black circles arranged like an arachnids and a huge gaping,  slobbering jaw with canines angled inward towards its mouth. It black hair trailed to the ground as it crawled, looking like it was bent over backwards. It swayed back and forth, its long purple tongue hissing out shrieks of puzzlement at the fact its prey was suddenly out of its reach.

Mari rose to her feet slowly, holding her arms up and taking her stance against the freakish thing. Her back now turned to the man of russet hair. "Please Razan-san, forgive me for not finding you sooner, it was of my own ignorance that I did not realize the evil of this place until it was too late." She wasn't quite sure what she was apologizing for, but she felt that the man needed to hear some sympathy. There was obviously no way of knowing that he would be the one she would find in the  asylum, it was of destiny's chance that they happened to meet again. Yet in such a place, Mari felt it could have been under better circumstances. Fate however, never was a kind soul. She wanted him to know that she genuinely cared and that she wanted him to safe. He was innocent, a good man, and to be trapped in a frightening place like, attacked by vicious monsters, it was injustice she could not forgive.

"I know this is only our second meeting but concerning the situation, If you would, allow me to protect you from now on!"

She didn't wait for his response and charged toward the spiderlike being. Kunai in hand she reached the monster in a flash and stabbed through its hand to pin it to the floor.  It shrieked with pain and surprise at the girl's speed. Its scream released a large gust of  wind, blowing Mari back against the to wall, her boots dragging across the floor as she was pushed back.

The beast pulled at its arm screaming at the pain from its bleeding hand, the black blood spurted out as it finally pulled the kunai out. Taking the blade for its own use, it threw it toward the girl. Unable to dodge in time, the kunai sliced her on the arm, Mari herself winced at the pain. It was only a minor injury, and the girl came charging again, this time leading with a kick at the distracted creature.

It made contact with its side, throwing it against the wall. It flailed from the wall and scattered to its four limbs. Roaring once again, it slashed with its good at the girl. To counter, Mari raised her arms in a guard position, fending off the beast's attack. Just as it jumped away from, Mari kicked her leg high again, slamming her foot down directly below the beast's neck. The beast's head shook and mashed itself against the floor, forcing itself back to consciousness. Suddenly its hind limb, something that resembled a backwards reaching leg, and hit the girl on her arm, right where the kunai had hit her earlier.

Mari gasped aloud at the pain, forcing herself to go through the injury she forced chakra through the center of her palm. Taking a deep breath once, she slammed her palm down upon the creatures back, a burst of electricity ran through its body, causing it to spasm on the ground, shrieking for a final time before going silent. The black blood leaked from its hand in a puddle surrounding the corpse.

With her deed done, Mari turned to Razan the subtle signs of exhaustion. She suddenly felt something trickling down her arm. She looked down and was reminded of her injury, the pain suddenly returning. Her right hand went to put pressure in the wound. She felt regretful that she had continued using her dominate arm, her left, after it had been injured for her final attack against the monster. She needed to conserve her  energy and her body, three monsters in a row and later who knew how many more. And now she had someone with her. She knew she couldn't let him down or get hurt.

"Razan-san, may I ask how you found yourself here?" She ignored her injury for the moment, right now she needed to understand the plot behind this place. And she believed that Razan might hold a few answers. "Under of the daimyo, this place has been reported to the origin of several dissappearances. I had come here to investigate them, but I hardly had expected that I would find monsters here or... You." She looked at him earnestly again, hoping that he would trust her words.

1434/2595/4430 Total Words

Norml Monster -1600 Words [2 EP]

This Really Ugly Thing:

~995 Words Left

22Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:22 pm



In the dimmest of hallways where light is sparse and, shadows dance along any surface, playing tricks on one's eyes and mind. Monsters of different shape and sizes lurking about, opportunistic predators waiting for their prey to make a mistake, to slip up, to lower their guard, before taking advantage of such mishap. It is incredibly hard to distinguish normal people from the things wanting to make a snack out of you. One had to be cautious in the situation they found themselves in, even when it comes to meeting another person because they could easily be a monster in human skin. It is those reasons why his guard didn't become slack, tighten more than before, when he proposed who the figure a front of him was.

While the answer he got confirmed who he thought the hooded person was, it didn't mean he believed the words so readily. Eyes snapped when Masayoshi Mari's hands moved to remove her hood an attempt to prove her identity to him. "Could it really be her?", he thought, having taken a stepped back at the figure's sudden movement, though move back to where he once stood when the figure didn't draw a weapon or anything. Eyes squinted in a vain attempt to get a clearer look at the person assuming the name of the Suna Kunoichi who he had met during his time in Kumogakure. "If they truly are Masayoshi Mari then where is her headband?, eyes narrowing in suspicion when not seeing the piece of metal that identified her as a Suna-nin adored on her arm or forehead. "Could she had forgotten it? She did mention her forgetfulness when it came to the Chuunin exams. So maybe?", having remembered her speaking on how she forgot to sign up for the exams. "Or could this be some trick by the bastards who kidnapped me?", there was always the possibility of whoever had kidnapped him known about his connection with Masayoshi-san, and somehow found a way to use it against him. If they were shinobis than the idea that being the case is highly likely. Just as that notion was a possibility so was the woman being who she said she was.  

"Are her words truthful? Is she really who she says she is? Should I believe her?", he thought, his eyes looking over the woman, trying to find anything to valid her claim of being Masayoshi-san. Only thanks to the light shooting up from the cracks of the floorboard did notice a white bow and her clothing attire. While not the same thing she wore during their first meeting, he still saw some similarities this outfit had with the other. So, maybe, just maybe, the person before him was her. Is it crazy to trust someone based on their words and clothing attire? Yes, however, people subconsciously do it all the time, and he isn't an exception to the train of thought.

"I will believe her.", having come to a decision, he were about to voice his these beliefs but abruptly stopped when he sensed something lurking within the darkness. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who sensed it, for apparently Masayoshi-san did also. Appearing from the void a large, twisted hand towards her shoulder, before balling into a fist and attempted to slam into her. Warning her about the impending attack were unnecessary for she dodged it, if just barely, in time. Wooden floors groan in protest of the strain placed upon them from the limb slamming down, having missed it's intended target. From the darkness, the owner of said limb emerged. Grotesque could be used to describe the spider-like being stalking out of the shadows. Hands freakishly twisted at the wrist, leathery skin marred with odd marks and ridges. A terrifying thing being the four beady eyes arranged like arachnids staring unblinkingly, and the large gaping mouth full of teeth with four canines-like fangs obliviously used to shove food in, aligning the four corners.  

Seeing this creature appear, Razan gripped his batons tighter in preparation for a confrontation with the thing. However, before he could act, Mari moved in his line of sight, blocking the beast from his view, her words being heard clearly over the hissing of thing.

"Why is she apologizing? She didn't know I was here.", he thought, voicing his enter musing loud enough for her to hear "You didn't know I was here, therefore, you don't need to apologize." He hoped she understood her apology, while grateful, wasn't needed due to neither of them knowing that the other were somewhere within this building. He heard her words. She wanted to protect him.

"If there any doubt that this wasn't Masayoshi Mari then it had been erased with that statement.", he mused, now believing the woman a front of him, protecting him from this monstrosity,  was who she said she was. From what he gathered in their first encounter, she had a strong sense of justice and willingness to protect others. Something he secretly admired and respected. However. . ."I can't not on good conscious allow you to risk your life for me. Let me help yo - - ", the sound of screaming coming from down the hallway, the opposite way they were facing, caught his attention.

Giving another glance in the direction of where Mari were fighting the beast, his attention turned down he hallway, eyes squinting to see whatever could have been screaming. From the darkness a red hair woman, clothing torn at various places and blood covering the majority of her body, ran straight into Razan. Her arms wrapped tightly around him, body shaking as she cried hysterically while mumbling incoherently.

Prying her arms from around his waist, after a minute or so, Razan spoke, while looking over the lady for any serious injuries she might have "Who are you? Are you okay? Who or what did this to you? Where did all this blood come from?"

Lilac color eyes stared into his russet brown ones as she spoke, her voice trembling and words being fumbled "Yoshihara Suzuko. No. No. No. Me and my sister. . .oh god. She. . .she. . .-" he had just enough time to pull her behind him as a long black thing shot out from the darkness and pierced his right should, lodging itself within it. Wincing in pain, his hand grabbed the wiggling object only to be covered in a thick mucus!? "What the hell?", he thought as he yanked. whatever was lodged into his shoulder, out, though he maintained a solid grip on it? The owner of, what he could assume, appendage didn't particularly like this because raiton came surging through it, threatening to electrocute Razan if he hadn't let go of it.

Eyes watched as the appendage retreated back into the darkness followed by a gluttonous growling. "Stand back.", he spoke to the lady who was hidden behind him, eyes looking into the void, waiting for the owner of said appendage to show itself. He didn't have to wait long.

Skulking from out of the void, moving on all fours, a quadruped, came forth a monster. There weren't anything specifically horrifying about the beast. Skin, black as the shadows which birth it, covered the beast entire body. Extending from the center of it's back were a pair of arms, they being slightly shorter than the limbs used to walk on, however, each human-esque hand was tipped with razor sharped claws that glinted menacingly whenever the light hit them. A long serrated tail lazily dragged behind the beasts. It's oval shaped head sweeping back and forth, gaping mouth filled with lamprey-like teeth dripped thick saliva as it's long black tongue tasted the floor ahead of it. If one weren't paying attention, they would've thought the shadows had moved and taken shape. An interesting thing is the beast had no eyes, seemingly blind. How did this thing move about, Razan didn't know.  

The lady behind him let loose a piercing scream and shakenly pointed a finger at the beast "It. . .it. . at my sister.", her words were jumbled, but Razan understood them. Only when he squinted his eyes, looking at exactly where the woman was pointing at, did he noticed a grisly detailed that was overlooked.

The beast's stomach was bloated.

Looking over his shoulder, noticing Mari had just finished up with that monster, Razan spoke loud enough to get her attention "Mari-chan, can you please watch over Yoshihara Suzuko while I deal with this?" Looking at the woman shaking behind him, he smiled reassuringly "Go over there with Masayoshi Mari. She won't let anything happen to you.", watching as the woman did what was asked, Razan turned his attention back to the.  .  . beast?

Mentally cursing himself from losing track of the monster, his eyes swept across the narrow hallway looking for where the monster could have disappeared to. From the shadow on the wall to the left, a black tongue shot, attempting to pierce the side of Razan's neck. Jumping back, dodging the attack, he came face to face with the creature who seemingly appeared from out of the wall. So close they were together that he could smell the stench from the monster's breath.

Not have enough room to strike the beast with his batons, his foot subtlely tapped the floor boards, doton chakra being sent through it. Spikes burst from the earth puncturing one inch into the beast's body in every direction. Using this as a distraction, he jumped straight up into the air, using chakra to stick to the hanging rafters. Seeing the monster struggle, Razan flash through a set of hand seals, holding the monkey sign and spat out five marble-size chunks of earth at the pinned thing. Each marble, aimed for the top of the beast's head, found it's marked, causing more damage to the wounded thing.  Black blood could be seen seeping out the numerous wounds on the beast's body as it thrashed about. The spikes from early pinning it down. Banishing his batons, Razan cut the flow of chakra from his feet and dropped downward. Body twisted to dodge the strikes from the limbs on the beast's back as both batons found their mark, cracking the beast skull.

Landing near the beast, Razan went through another set of hand seals as the spikes from before got thicker and started to grow. Unlike before, these spikes pierce three inches deep into the flesh, breaking any bones they came in contact with. It was the spike that had pierced through the monster's chest, hitting its heart, that ultimately cause the thing to expire. Once he knew the monster was dead, Razan tapped the ground, watching as the spikes recede back into the floor boards, returning them back to its original state.

"I might be a civilian, but my parents taught me how to survive.", he spoke, answering a question that undoubtedly might be asked. Making his way over to Mari, batons having been sheathing back into their holsters, Razan spoke once more "I was kidnapped. I was leaving Kumogakure no Sato this morning when I saw a distraught woman. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me how she caught her husband with her sister, making and doing other things on the dance floor. I offered to walk her home after she realized the babysitter might have already left, therefore, leaving her young child home by themselves. We took a short cut and the next thing I know I was in the room back there.", pointing towards the double doors behind Mari "On a table with this doctor about to go Kami knows what to me. Come to find it, the doctor was a monster who were under the orders of someone else, their boss,  to do things to me. I don't know what these things entail or who this boss is. Only they that wanted me alive. And well, you can guess the rest."

Allowing them to digest what he told them, Razan thought about what he learned from Mari. Several disappearance had happened within this place, and apparently the Daimyo wanted them to be investigated. Could these disappearances be tied in with his own kidnapping? Or were they separate events?  Dismissing those thoughts for now, Razan spoke once again "Care if I help you investigate this place? Maybe I can find out who exactly wanted to kidnap me?", he asked.

Advance Monster - 2000 WC - 3 EP:

Post WC: 2113
Previous WC: 2132
Total WC: 4235
Remaining WC: [2000 - 4235] = 2235

Razan's Ep: 6(+1)
Team Ep: 10

23Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:31 pm



rolling my encounter

24Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:31 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Razan' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] 67315

25Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Empty Re: Escape! Rescue! [Mari/Plot/Nk/Private] Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:49 pm

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

Rolling encounter ~

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