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Maikeru walked through the streets of Suna, hands on his head. He was figuring out what will he do to make some money. Dammit. I will never start a gang at this rate. Maikeru hasn't had a lot of jobs that fit his his interest. People haven't been carrying as much money as they used they used to. Maikeru was in fact stuck in a small rut. As he walks through the gutter part of Suna, Maikeru notices a slightly ripped sign. "Whats this?" Need bill collector. Maikeru was interested in this. He ran to the address where the place was supposed to be, carelessly knocking people down in the process. He ended up at a tall building. He walked inside the averaged conditioned building. Maikeru walked in the room on the top floor which had in overlooking of Suna. Their was a middle aged man sitting at the desk.
"Can I help you?"
"Actually you can. I am here for the job as a bill collector."
"Oh thank you so much! I've been looking for some one to collector for weeks." The man took out a piece of paper. Here are all of the targets. Please do NOT start any fights. It could ruin potentially renters." Maikeru begun reading through the paper, seeing the list. Maikeru begun to skim through it...



“So the job is to collect the money but not be mean about it?” a voice came from behind Maikeru. By the time they both turned around, they’d see a young genin standing there, black silk adorning his frame as he walked forward. “Won’t be easy, I’m guessing there’s a reason that they haven’t paid up to this point…” he said cautiously as he started to think.

Nyrax looked up as he realized that likely both of them were giving him an odd look by this point. “Oh right sorry, I’m Nyrax. I heard about the job as well but apparently I’m not the first one to hear about it” he said as he looked over at Maikeru and extended his hand. “Any chance you’d consider a partner in this? Two of us will be better than one…plus I could really use the money” the boy admitted as he glanced from genin to the owner. He had a say in this as well.

“If you don’t want fights, how exactly do you want us to procure the funds? Ask nicely?”



Maikeru looked at Nyrax. He was..... short. Maikeru put his hands in his coat pockets, and smiled tauntingly. He didn't look much, but he could hold some use to Maikeru. "Are you sure you're up for it, small fry?"



Nyrax turned his complete attention back to Maikeru. While he hadn't been facing the genin, he had seen enough to be able to lip read what the guy had said. Nyrax didn't look impressed nor intimidated. "Did you know that just by using my thumb I could drive it through your eye and eventually make its way in to your brain?" the young assassin asked.

"Hell I could do that with a simple kunai, a needle, even a pencil" the boy said again as he looked up at the tall boy in front of him. "So if we're going to work together I highly recommend that you don't insult or belittle my size, I can hold my own as well as you can. If you don't believe that, that's not my problem. Now, can we stop measuring based on appearance and get to work...or are you the kind of fool that needs a demonstration in this age of shinobi? Don't be so fooled by what you see and hear, the senses are easily tricked."

Before Nyrax would even let Maikeru respond, he turned his attention back to the owner. "Now I asked a question. If you don't want violence, how do you want the debt collected? Asking nicely isn't going to do the trick. And if I steal it, that's not going to help you get new renters either now is it?"



Maikeru only stared at the young boy, then a smirk flashed across his face.Poor kid does't realize that I have Magnet Style. Most of his weapons would just end up in his own bodd.Instead of calling Nyraz out on the folly, Maikeru decided to let him believe that he stands a chance. "Whatever ya say, kid. As for the getting people to pay up, don't worry kid, I know my ways around the trade of negotiations. "I've been really successful over the years on how to "convince" people to do certain things." Maikeru could use black mail. Everybody has a secret. Maybe Maikeru can sneak them off to some place for some "convincing". Maikeru wouldn't be too shameful to seduce a female, which a lot of them are, judging by the names of the list. "Yeah, don't worry, kid. I have a few tricks up my sleeves.



"And I'm sure all those tricks are going to work out perfectly" Nyrax remarked as he folded up the list of names and placed it in to his vest pocket. "We'll get this taken care of, more of less by the end of the day. There aren't too many people on the list, even walking we'll reach everyone in no time," the genin added. He pulled on one of his fingers, a loud popping sound filling the air. It was something he had always done for luck before the start of any task. It was just something mental now.

Nyrax was walking down with Maikeru now, both of them heading in the same direction. "Who do you want to go see first?" he asked curiously. He wondered if the other shinobi would go by destination, or just the order that was presented on the list.

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