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1How'd You Manage  That?[Mission|Trapped] Empty How'd You Manage That?[Mission|Trapped] Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:09 am




Yet another day he was taking a mission that would not improve his abilities in the least. Still, he needed the ryo and the missions completed in order for him to reach chuunin level since he'd not been able to participate in the exams due to unforeseen circumstances. With a heavy sigh, the twenty-two year old genin made his way through the marketing district of the sunagakure no sato, twirling his kusarigama around on the chain, the cuff on the end of the chain being unclasped as he'd already done some research on the well that he was heading to for his next mission. The scroll he'd read before coming out to do this mission stated that the boy had fallen into a well and people were unable to get him out due to their bodies being to large. It was a necessarily deep well, as it was more for show, but it was steep and the stone used to build it left much to be desired when one would think of something with foot holds. That, coupled with the well not being very wide in the least would prevent the child from climbing up at all. The well itself was about ten feet deep, while the child was four feet tall. That was six feet of space left between the child's reach and the opening of the well, and freedom. Sasijimi had already formulated a plan on how to free the child though and smirked to himself as he made his way through a gathering crowd of people around the well, trying to talk the boy down from panicking and ease his mind. Once they spotted Sasijimi they began to hurriedly tell him of how help had come and it was going to be alright now. All that nonsense was unneeded as the boy would still panic but it mattered not to the Sand shinobi and he quietly peered into the well at the young man.

Sasijimi grabbed the handle of his Kusarigama with his right hand, moving his left hand to close the clasp on the end of the chain while it wasn't around his arm, moving to slowly lower the chain towards the waiting adolescent child. This plan was a simple one, but a good one. Essentially, Sasijimi would just lower the chain more and more until the child could grab it and simply pull him up and out of the well, saving his life and finishing his mission quickly. While he lowered the chain, the villagers around told the boy to watch out for it and be ready to grab it and how they couldn't wait till he was out and alright and in one piece. And this and that and blah blah blah. The shinobi was growing a bit tired of the pointless banter coming from the mouths of those around him and opted to finish sooner rather than later. Once the cuff and chain reached the boy, he moved his knee to his chest, putting his small foot through the cuff, standing up and holding onto the chain with his hands for dear life. Sasijimi slowly began to pull the boy up with his weapon, hand over hand upon the chain. The boy was heavier than the shinobi had surmised but it was a small obstacle if it was even an obstacle at all. Soon enough the boy had reached the top of the well and was greeted with cheers from the villagers who had gathered round. His parents rushed forward and began hugging and kissing him, giving a few scolds and warnings about how dangerous such things were. Sasijimi quietly raveled up the chain to his kusarigama, leaving the villagers to what they were doing, as he made his way to the kage's office to turn in another completed mission.

645/600 Mission Complete!

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