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~ Of all the people, why did it have to be her? ~

Message wrote:
Rendevous south end of Cumulus st on the 13th, 2pm.

That was all it said. Fukai had managed to intercept this message before he had passed it on to his elderly supervisor. He had steamed open the envelope and reattach it without damaging the paper. He had then delivered it back to Kudaru without suspicion. This had been on the day that he had met the young man by the name of Jiongami and shared that lovely meal. In the days to come, he had begun to fret over this message. It was a little presumptuous that this could involve him in some negative way but he was a suspicious man by nature and was uneasy that the one who had been closest to him over this month was to attend some secret meeting. Fukai was still in the middle of participating in the Chuunin exams and he was due to begin the next round soon. If he did not take action here he knew he would remain distracted for his fight. No, he was not going to let this itch go unscratched. He had decided that he will be proactive and take action from now on, he will go to this meeting and find out what he could.

Earlier in the morning, he had slipped out of his accommodation under the pretext of his usual escapades. Kudaru was used to his behavior by now and had pretty much given up on his tight leash approach. This gave him a little bit of time to get there before the stated time and set up camp.

The large figure walked down Cumulus st at twelve past one on the 13th of the month. Observing the whole street, he noticed that it was a rather small off-road and mostly urban residential. At the south end was a cafe that jutted out at the corner. This would be the place, he was almost certain. Nowhere else could two people meet while remaining relatively inconspicuous. The purple eyed male strode towards the building. He was hoping that nobody was already observing the spot and that he could just walk straight in without being noticed. He was not a subtle individual and not very ninja-like but he would do what needed to be done to finish the job. Fukai walked past the front of the cafe while peeking with his peripherals to see if anyone was watching. It was a quiet day today, everybody was no doubt out at their day jobs. After he was happy that nobody was watching, he engaged the supernatural walking practice, jumped and clung to the balcony of the cafe above. The owners inside would not see as it was off to the side of the building. He vaulted over the railing and squeezed his way into the upstairs living quarters. He listened intently for the busy-bodying of the pair below him. He was satisfied that they were not going to discover him. If they did scale the stairs, he could slip back out without notice.

From here, he could not see the tables and chairs that were on the ground floor, but they could not see him. He would still be able to hear them as there was not too much wind around. He grabbed a cusion to sit on and made himself comfortable. And now for the waiting game...

--- 45 mins later ---

A man of almost seventy strode towards the cafe. Although he was old, he still had a reasonably nimble body due to the many years of conditioning it had received. He was small in stature but exuded an aura of authority. Kudaru was a no nonsense man and he would be here for only as long as it took. He had finally received word of the meeting that he had been anticipating. He stoutly waved to the owners and took seat in one of the tables outside. He smoothed out his graying hair and massaged his eyes before settling his gaze on the entrances to the street. He was here to meet someone.

Above him, Fukai was alerted to the presence of a customer. He slowly concentrated and exerted fuuton chakra from his pores. He controlled it so that it would slip over the balcony and remain to the side of the building. This was is mirage orb jutsu that allowed the reflection and refraction of light within it's radius. He opened a small mirrored circle no bigger than an apple to the side. There he could look at the circle and see the reflection of the cafe beneath it. There he spotted his supervisor. So he did show up.. Thankfully Fukai was right in guessing the meeting place, now he just had to wait for whoever else would show up.




The Pros and Cons of Being An Informant

With a soft purr the woman left the comfort of her steamy shower into the suite she was staying at. She did not care nor bother to cover herself up with the presence of a rather suspicious older man in her quarters. He had already seen everything and she wasn't exactly shy. With a quick sweep she dried her rosy skin off with a fluffy towel and tossed it aside as she searched her dresser. "Has everything been prepared?" she questioned casually

The man struggled to keep his cheeks their normal color but it was hard to get used to this. He had been around the block and seen his own share of women but around a client, one that he was tasked with protecting and proved to be disturbingly unhinged, was new luckily his voice did not waver as he gave his report "Affirmative. Location has been secured to the best of our ability"

The Jester chuckled softly as she pulled on a pair of undergarments and applied some light but alluring makeup on herself "Oh? Well then we won't need too many men then. Just bring yourself and one other along will you"Personally she would prefer to bring just one but it was always good to have a backup. You certainly can't trust men of high stature no matter where you were or what the circumstances may be. However it seemed this didn't bode well for the guard as he asked for permission to speak.

She decided to humor him "Granted however don't take too long. Oh and pass us that shirt over on the chair"

Coughing he kept his wits to himself as he tossed the woman a lavender crop top with hanging bell sleeves whom pulled it over her frame as she cleared his throat "I disagree with your order. Despite the lack of hostility in the village right now with the Chuunin Exams, you are not totally safe. Furthermore you are still recovering fr-"

Crash. A vase crashed against the wall, a shard narrowly scratching the man's rugged cheek. He met with stormy crimson eyes that promised the most undesirable of circumstances imaginable should he press on. Her sugary sweet empty smile made his heart race as she spoke and he had to remind himself once more she wasn't any old brat "Listen here soldier" She dragged out the word as if in mockery, for as if she did not see the man as more than a lowly servant despite his higher ranking. "Our orders are absolute. That was what you were told upon accepting the contract. You work for us so remember who keeps the power here" She turned away from him to pull on tight black leather pants but that did not tame the chill in the air "We have been doing this for years. Sure the potential threats are high but its the same as it's always been. Besides" She paused as her feet slipped into a pair of strapped heels giving her another two inches in height "If there is any trouble, we got the two of you don't we kukuku"

The man became humbled and gave a discreet handsign for another man to head out to the area ahead of them whilst the yuurei stocked her outfit with weapons and wrapped her sealing bandages that house her more obnoxious weapons underneath her clothes showing just the slightest for easy access though she doubt she would need them but you can never be too prepared. She grinned seeing he accepted his position and silently thanked her partner for them however annoying they can be, having a pair of hands, lethal ones at that around were useful in any situations however temporary they may be.

Alas the peace cannot last as she stuffed some flies enclosed in seal sensitive scrolls into a small purse then hopped out the window and onto the ground floor, staying close to the shadows just as the man, wait what was his name? She couldn't be bother to remember. Oh well let's call him Tora and the scout Mizu. Anyway Tora and her hardly needed to hid their presence, no one would give the yuurei more than a passing glance while Tora keep a reasonable distance from her dressed in casual work clothes. His job was to be a stand in waiter at the cafe, a position he secured more than a week ago after the rendezvous point was secured so in case of an emergency he was already well acquainted with the staff and general area. Mizu on the other hand was a master of disguise, one of kendoin if you will, so his job was to don the look of an ANBU undercover patrol officer whilst completely suppressing his presence as he oversee the exchange.

She was just a few minutes late but it was enough to get Kudaru's blood boiling. Tora went into the back, checking in for work and dressing himself up before grabbing a couple menus and escorting a couple inside the cafe only a few tables away. Hardly a soul was in the cafe but it was populous enough o give off a warm cozy atmopsphere. The woman smiled warmly as she saw the elder and waved to him, apologizing for the wait. The wave gave off a silent message asking if there were any hostiles/ overly suspicious characters in the vicinity. A soft breeze told her everything was fine but it was a bit cold on this rather hot day so she made sure to but her guard up because a rather odd man was spotted earlier in the vicinity but his current location was unknown. No matter she could always flush out the rat later. For now she had other business to attend to. Jet sat down at Kudaru's table, crossing one leg over the other and her chin rested on the palm of right her hand. "Kudaru-san, how lovely it is to see you again. Tell me how is the misses? Does she still spite me for the incident at that last party?" Her ring finger slid to the corner of her lip as she gave a closed eyed smile silently asking if he had the payment.

*Note: Didn't know if you wanted me to write the whole exchange or we go back and forth so I'm stopping here




Fukai had never been much of a stealthy ninja, his lumbering body poked out from many concealments. He had never trained in the art of hiding, his natural disposition was usually one more upfront and direct. Although this was the case, he did recognise that in times such as these, the front door was not the right entrance. To get the job done, he would have to remove himself from his comfort zone and remain in the shadows.

He was uncomfortable in his hiding spot but sat with forced patience. The ball of fuuton allowed him to peek over the edge while remaining well out of view from inside the building, on the second floor and above the cafe. The bustle inside the building somewhat masked the faint footsteps that approached. The clop of heels on stone approached from the side of the street, Fukai redirected his little mirror slowly so that he could see what was coming without making it noticeable. A peculiar flash of green hit his eye and his heart sunk as he focused his lens. It was none other then that scary little girl named Yuurei Jet. This issue just grew a little more interesting.. They had first met when he literally ran into her while he and Karumo went on that mission together, it was not a stretch to say that she had cleaned up their mess. He had been initially grateful to her but when he attempted to find information on her, there was a disturbing lack of it. Many seemed to recognise the description of her hair colour but failed to front up with any detail as to where he could find her. So with that, he forgot about her. But this was one place where he definitely did not want to see her.

It was too much of a coincidence for her to pick this very shop.. but how was she tied to the old man? He convexed his little lens so that he could get a wider field of view, but made it remain in the dark corner next to the roof. Fukai would watch their interaction from there. He saw that Kudaru had already taken notice of her...

This was an important meeting for Kudaru, a former jounin of the great hidden village of Iwagakure and one that he had been in anticipation for. He had been unwillfully enlisted to supervise the exam attempt of a young man by the name of Fukai of the Fantomusodo. It had taken him away from the village and had inhibited him from easy access to his colleagues. Thus, such events as this became neccessary so that he may still stay in the loop. To keep a handle on the reins would be preferable to letting the others run amok. He should have known that it would be Miss Jet that would delight him with her presence today. He watched her approach over his newspaper. That girl was trouble but he could not deny that she had her uses.

She confidently stepped over to his table and flicked her hand in a question as to whether there were any potential threats in the area. He stared straight ahead at her and did not bother to give a reply. Professional, as always. Young people have too much energy these days. His recent experiences with a certain young man had given him a slight but constant throbbing migrane. One day the kid had managed to startle him so much that he had reflexively cast a balance disrupting genjutsu on him, who knows how long he stumbled around like a fool before it wore off. He had to admit though, he had grown to think well of the larger male, his efforts during the exams had so far been up to the standard that Kudaru expected of his Iwa soldiers. If he continued on like this, the reputation would be polished by his efforts. This trip wasn't all bad, he decided. It had given him fresh air and time to reflect on all that had happened in the last few years. A turbulent time for sure.

Kudaru-san, how lovely it is to see you again. Tell me how is the misses? Does she still spite me for the incident at that last party?
She is doing well, thank you for asking. Now, Miss Jet I hear that you have found out something. Have they set a place and date for little Shiroe's birthday yet?
The little man cut to the chase and asked directly for the time and place of the next round table meeting to be held in Iwagakure. Kudaru looked tired. I am getting too old for this running around but I will not allow myself to rest until things are back to the way they were.

ooc: Yeah, I'll do him.



"Found out something? Why we find out a lot of things? There is always something juicy in the gossip mills these days"She chided playfully to the man not doubt getting on his nerves. Well he already got on her nerves so to her her actions were completely warranted. She was rather annoyed to for he so banality ignored her when she asked if he had the payment. Some form of acknowledge would've be nice or at the very least polite. His manners were so much more quaint at the social gathering they had attended along with his wife. She was hired to kill some would be yakuza who was attending as guest and to be truthful it wasn't her fault his wife witnessed it. She had specifically told him not to let certain people wander but the man simply could not be bother to keep a firm grip on that dog's leash whilst he was attending to his colleagues thus why she managed to walk in and witness the murder. Well not really, Jet was enshrouded by shadows at the time and already planted evidence it was a rogue iwa-nin who committed the deed but she would have preferred not to receive a earful from Kudaru. However it worked out in the end since one of Jet's contacts was adapt in genjutsu and fiddled around with her memories.'Tsk we've always hated nobility'

"Oh but enough of that. We guess that there is no point in beating around the bush" Jet hated being disrespected. Actually hated could hardly fathom it. She loathed it especially from people whom she was working with and had a superiority complex about them. He could probably do away with her with ease but should he try to, well seems the village will have one less piece of wasted space teehee. The very thought of his death sent a gleeful shiver down her spine. Wow the lack of bloodshed has been really getting to her lately. With the security so tight in Kumo right now she couldn't kill or do any underground jobs as she pleased. Perhaps she should volunteer her time at morgue or something hahaha.

"We were planning on sending out the invitations later but since you asked, you can get yours a little early" Pretending to reminisce her slender fingers slid into her pouch, retrieving a pair of scrolls. One with the information he payed for and another a message one of them paid her to give him. Apparently it was pretty important and she didn't, wasn't oh well she did know about and it was necessary to give it to Kudaru as soon as possible. The man is lucky she was already paid for this delivery instead of adding it to the bill since it was such juicy information.

"In these scrolls you'll find out everything you need to. Where when, everything. It's not a large party mind you just close friends" she informed the man. Basically what she was saying was the scrolls told when the next meeting was and a date for a raincheck should it suddenly be cancelled along with where, as in whose party to attend as well as that not everyone was attending, just those who were needed for a following up event in the next few weeks not that she knew nor care to dig into. . .yet. Who knows perhaps the information was pretty interesting and she could make a quick buck or even sell out a few people or screw them over and make them own her. Oh the possibilities were endless. "Oh do you have the painting we asked for? Shiroe was so distraught when he realized he had left it at your residence" Basically this can be translated to, where is our payment Kudaru. We are getting annoyed since you usually sent it over first instead of doing it in person. We would like to be on our way. Really she would. She had better things to do today, one of which was cementing a business deal with a local doll maker on the other side of two and the meeting was in a hour so she preferred not to miss it unless there was a valid reason to do so.

Once Kudaru had given her the scroll containing her payment she would pocket it, saying a simple note of gratitude for returning the painting and that Shiroe would be up most grateful for its safe return. She even joked out having the child commission the man something. Not a moment too late would the disguised Tora came out by their table with a warm friendly smile and a pair of menus in his hands. He asked if the two would like to order something but said she was fine for now and to perhaps come by later should they ring him down then excused herself. She would then leave to the ladies room and check to make sure her payment was there and the proper amount whilst the other two kept an eye on Kudaru should she find anything unsavory. Usually they would go for this direct method but he insisted on it as he did not have time to call down one of her various employees. Besides most were not available anyway or rather that was untruthful. Jet knew Kudaru would come for the information and wanted to do it herself as it would be better for an actual iwa-nin to meet up with him to discuss party plans in iwa rather than what would be a complete stranger and a kumo resident at that. And just as she found that everything was in order, while heading towards Kudaru the feeling someone was watching intensified and she looked towards where a jutsu was being used. She felt no hostile intent however so as much as she wanted to she couldn't kill him but simply head back to the table. 'Just wait till we are alone'




Kudaru slumped down in his chair even further as he watched the girl start off in an annoying line of speech. An unneccesary tease was something he was not in the mood for. He watched her from underneath his large unkempt eyebrows. He wished he had never had that meeting all the while ago. He had ended up marrying the woman from the provinces that had taken his fancy fourty years ago and she was no shinobi. To see Jet in that bloody mess was quite the trauma for her. He decided it would be best for those memories to be wiped but even still, he did not like the idea of one of the girls' men tampering with her head. He grumbled from deep in his throat.

He had the look of a boy who had been put in time out. He did not enjoy the semi-hidden glare that she was giving him, it was like a vulture watching a dieing man or a binge eater eyeing the last biscuit. He watched her as she talked about the scrolls and placed them on the table. With a low energy smile he picked up the paper rolls and tucked them into his own jacket. Again, the girl pressed him for her payment. She was very forward about the money but Kudaru was not one to be bullied into putting ryo up front. Yes, I did not forget about the painting but I thought Shiroe could be a little more patient in waiting for it back. He placed a simple art scroll on the table and pushed it over to Jet with his index and middle fingers. The old man was going to leave it like that but this young woman had managed to get ants in his pants and he felt like pressing an issue.

He was about to continue when the waiter walked over to the table and served them. Kudaru continued to look forwards at Jet as she innocently brushed him away. The seasoned veteran did not miss the lingering eye contact that the waiter made with the girl, as he had done when she initially entered. As the green haired female started to rise from her chair with paycheck in hand, Kudaru left her with a sentence. I just don't know what to do with little Shiroe, he acts so entitled all the time. He should really know his place. As the girl walked off to the bathroom, the bracken browed elder stood up and stretched. He decided to take this opportunity to leave without those beady little eyes following him.

He took one step before the waiter appeared beside him. Oh sir, are you leaving now? Tora looked a little uneasy at the development while his boss wasn't in the room. Kudaru turned to him and raised an eyebrow.
Yeah, tell your mistress that I thank her for her hospitality. With that last double entendre he shuffled out, shielding his eyes from the glare of the mid afternoon mountain sun.

Fukai was getting sore knees from his awkward hiding spot. The oversized young man was too focussed on the discussion being had in the shop that he did not notice the pins and needles creeping up his leg. The conversation was just out of earshot for him and he could only work out the odd word with help from the pairing of the mouthing shape. The particular jutsu he was using was hard to control, and was starting to drain him from the longer period of use. Wait- who was that? He convexed his projected lens further as he magnified the waiter. Is that Tora? He remembered the guy from his early teenage years. He was a slight fellow that used to cling to whatever the dominant gang was currently in their neck of the neighborhood. When Iwa changed, he disappeared just like many of the old faces.

He continued to observe as Jet stood and exited the room through the back, it looked like she was going to the bathroom, and then Kudaru stood. Fukai released his jutsu as he did not want the old man to spot him. It looked like the suspicious meeting was over for now. After his concentration dropped, the purple eyed male realised two things. The first was the two beads of sweat that ran down his forehead from his exertion. The second was that he was pissed off. He could not discern any useful information from his spying and all his endeavor did was multiply his questions and curiosity tenfold. His body was having a seething physical reaction to the situation. In that moment he made a decision that he may have decided against if he was in a different state of mind.

He waited until Kudaru had rounded the corner before climbing out of the second story and quickly making his way down the side of the building without notice. He was not near any windows while he did this so he would stay out of sight of the inhabitants of the cafe. He rounded the corner and strode into the building. He grabbed the seat that his supervisor had been sitting in previously and dragged it out to plonk his own bum in it. Tora turned around and did a double take when he saw Fukai. The woman behind the counter ordered her new employee to serve the man. He stepped over and was about to speak but the genin cut him off. I'm not here to cause trouble. I just want a few words with her. He stared straight ahead without acknowledging the waiter. With this Tora tottered away while giving an incredulous look to the cafe owner. He would wait for Jet to come back to the table and then he would speak to her with a stony expression.

Fancy seeing you here, Jet. We have much to discuss.

[988] /2618



'I can see why she doesn't like nobility. Something she and I have in common. They feel so entitled to everything and act like spoiled brats when they don't get their way, especially in the vicinity of anyone they regarded as lower than them' He wondered perhaps if he could use it to his own advantage and almost laughed at himself for it. He knows he could. Heck he has been doing since he was merely a child and does it today. Never does the practice at getting back at those snobbish jerks and kicking them off their high horse dissatisfies him. In fact if you just take a good look around you would find many would find comaradity in this regard for it is a way of life to be envious of thy neighbor who has more than thee. After all the saying goes, birds of a feather flocked together. But more importantly he had not excepted to see a remnant of his childhood today, dear little Fukai of that freaking purple eyed clan. You see dear reader, our precious Tora grew up in the lesser areas of Iwa during its lowest points, the high crime area where it was nothing but a lawless land. He was always attracted to power for it promised protection and something more than being a street rat so he often sided with whatever was the dominant gang in his neighborhood as a child but upon the city's day of reckoning he among others fled into the safety of shadows, too fearful too nip at Akira's heels as he brought the village into a new era. He undergone some harsh times but it molded him into a man he could not be dissatisfied with, even if it meant dealing with a vicious woman such as her.

'Well looks like the money is all here. Now we can send him on his way' Jet pocketed her money, making her way back to the table. She had given Mizu the signal to head out and track Kudaru for a bit, making sure to conceal his presence and obtain whatever valuable information he could get whether it be on the on the man himself or whomever he meets for the rest of the day before ultimately returning back to whether she was staying and relay it to her. After confirming he went she headed to the table but from afar she could see Tora's face looking quite disgruntled.'What is it Tora?' she wondered. He frowned softly and glanced at the table which she chose to finally to take a good look at to see Kudaru not only gone but someone else take his place. Was this a set up perhaps? ' 'Oh well this certainly is a surprise. Maybe it will be a good time to cash in that investment' And regarding Kudaru 'Seems like he went off on his way without me again. Tsk, at least he payed for his drink'

"My, isn't this a surprise to see you here. We thought you were still back in the hotel or some training ground, preparing for your exam" Jet's smiled softly as if greeting an old friend, swinging her hips almost unnoticeable giving her a cool, disarming air then sat across from the white hair lad, one leg over the others as she crossed her fingers together and rested her cheek on the palm of her hands. It wasn't an innocent look nor was it was emotionless as the one he saw many times before at their first and last meeting. No it was completely comfortable and unaware, naive almost but they both knew what really was going on. She purred softly pouting her

'Want me to take care of him' Tora only needed a simple glance to convey his message but she didn't answer, meaning no. No, she didn't need him to but it wouldn't hurt to be ready if things turned sour. She simply raised her hand at Tora beckoning him over. His gait was casual yet taut, ready to pounce at any moment but still retain that ease and naivety you'd find in any newly hired help "Good afternoon mr. and miss, would you care to order now?" he asked in jovial manner, his voice light and polite cratered by a charming smile as he handed them two light menus with today's specials, drinks and what not whilst taking out a notepad and pen ready to write down whatever should the two of them desire. She hmmed to herself, thinking the menu over as she already memorized since this was their regular meeting place with Kudaru, the man enjoying Italian cuisines but never wishes to stay in her company for long. After a few seconds she made up her mind "Hm, oh might as well since we might be here for awhile. Bring us two glasses of Grappe and a cheese platter"He nodded, writing the order down and taking one more incredulous look at Fukai, then dispiriting to the bar.

As they were once more left alone Jet turned her focus towards Fukai eyeing up and down. To anyone watching it may seem flirty if not the slightest bit dirty, as if she were look at a lamb with wolf's thought this is merely an exaggeration. No she looked upon him with scurrility but he needn't know or care if she perhaps. He had showed her some fondness during that one mission she had helped them on that one time, perhaps she could use it to her advantage. "Aww not even a hello or any small talk? Bit rude don't you think? And to have such a sour expression on such a lovely afternoon too? We're not on a mission so we guess there is no need for formalities" she cloyed played with a long stand of her luminous green hair biting her lip as if she had heard a joke and smirked."Plenty of people want to talk to us. And usually we will too but as you can see we are running a bit tight on time so make this quick. We have some important business to attend to you know"




Fukai slouched sideways in the chair with his left arm on the table. He made himself breath regularly to try to quell his intensity. But seeing the green haired girl come through that door and waltz back over to the table, he knew it was no use.

My, isn't this a surprise...
Fukai eyed her warily. Her edgy words reminded him that in fact he had no knowledge about this girl. She talked in a very dangerous manner. It was the sort of english that niggled the large young man, he was always straight and to the point, these winding paths of conversation did not please him. She gave him that look, face in hand... he couldn't quite put his finger on it but it was not a nice feeling. The girl that had helped him on that day, months ago, who was she really? He had assumed back then that she was a 'good' person because she had helped them but could he really be sure of that? Come to think of it, what was a 'good' person anyway? Fukai realised that in the past months he had progressed a fair way. An intense set of events had unfolded which had changed him as a person. That day he had trusted her as a comrade and had offered to repay her in the future. Today he would never be that trusting in someone, bright yellow naivety had turned into grey cynicism. What he saw in front of him was a very different picture of a person then what he had previously thought but realised that she was probably the constant, it was his perception that had changed.

She signalled for the waiter to come and serve them. Not too many faces resurfaced from the old days, it was surprising to see one appear here, epecially under these conditions. Most that he heard about had died due to their circumstance, some made it out and were shinobi of Iwa or owned businesses, but the majority of souls that held a familiar face in his memories simlpy disappeared. The revolutionary era in recent history hit the village like a cultural earthquake, turning it on it's head, people were swallowed in the fissures created. They had no place in a clean and orderly village, no excess effluents that they could tap into, those souls seemed to meld into the shadows. His gaze flickered over to the man, not bothering to hide his overinterest. The biggest surprise was that he had actually become something more than his street rat origins, he was seemingly well trained. His patience dwindled rapidly to zero as the two figures conversed, he started his left fingers tapping rudely on the table as his nonchalant facade quickly dispelled.

The waiter left them and Jet back to him. That cheeky smile and flutter of the eyes reeked of some contemptuous little game that she had in store. To show such a belittling expression and reaction to his obviously displeasured state was nothing more then complete disrespect. Respect was something that he valued deeply, lack of it however, told him more about your character then he ever needed to know. Tap tap tap, Fukai's eyebrow raised half an inch as his annoyance turned into frustration. Aww not even a hello or any small talk? Bit rude don't you- With one last loud tap, the genin interjected.
Spare me your bullcrap, Jet. His weight shifted onto the table and rocked it a little towards him while he maintained the neutral expression on his face. His purple eyes locked into hers with intensity, attempting to see past her guise. He had no intention of letting her take the reins in this conversation, he had no wish to be led around in an infuriatingly verbose maze. Tell me what you and the old man were talking about, now. All this sneaking around, some secret communication in another country. You are going to tell me what's been happening. If she continued to carry on like this, he would get seriously pissed off. He had been trained to beat stuff with a stick, not all this carry on. Fukai wished that the water on the table was something a little stronger. He had never seen any point for alcohol, an expense that dulls your senses. Now he was starting to get an idea.

[745] /3363



Honestly she was getting quite tired of Fukai's nonsense. Did he honestly think that he could just listen in and spy on a private meeting of hers and everything will go his way. That she would bend to his will like a good little girl. Well sucks to be him because this Yuurei was anything but easy. Laughing snidely into her hand she covered her mouth then gestured to the restaurant's occupation who were now giving Fukai a wary look at his sudden burst. If things escalated more than just the business's security would be called to handle these matters something he should avoid if he wants to keep his head and stay in the exams as well. "Hehe, careful now Fukai-san. You're making a scene. Wouldn't want to create a bad image for your dear Karu-san ne?" She leaned back casually, undisturbed by Fukai's rising temper. In fact she welcomed it because for all anyone knew and will know, she was just having a simple meeting and was currently being harassed by a fellow iwa-nin. If the local authorities got involved it would've been so simple to twist the truth of the matter and come out unscathed, him on the other hand not so much. She will be sure of that. So c'mon then little boy just try something she dared him. She had no reason to bend to his will.

Like as if holding an unseen bleeding wound her face scrunched up in pain, sadness and disappointment as she curled into her self and held her heart as if it were stuck a deadly blow by the fatsumodo's hand. Her voice tinged with disappointment and fear of being hurt more, as if the betrayal she felt was too much for her frail heart to bear. "You act as if there is some conspiracy theory going on. Secret communication? Sneaking around? You act as if we were plotting something terrible" Her eyes turned glassy and her lip trembled. Kami was she a good actress. To normal passerby's who had been around to watch the entire spectacle, they felt that the woman had a lot of sorrow in her heart, trying to prove strong against the older gentlemen who very well could've been her father rejected her and left her alone after their business was conducted suggesting a cold home. And now what appeared to be a fellow iwa nin and comrade, someone she thought was her friend and close to was spying on them the whole time, a simple girl who done nothing wrong and was pressuring to confess something, of what the two were talking about however their conversation could be easily overheard so for all the restaurant dweller's knew, this man had betrayed her and was stricken with jealousy and now wishes to ruin her life. Some of their eyes widen with recognition. Why this couldn't been the Fukai of Iwa. He was a contest in the exams and was doing well. Oh my wasn't this going to be a scandal.

Slowly that pain morphed to anger, frustrating anger and the air in the cafe tense in anticipation at the twist in the drama, some feared it would turn violent, others hoped it for it, but everyone had an even lower opinion of Fukai as they listened on, some even relating to her tale."Look we worked hard to become an trusted member of Iwa. Do you know how much bullshit we had to go through to gain our citizenship? No you don't. Now you wish to start something that wasn't there just because you saw the two of us talking. Is this what your clan is reduced to? Suspecting your comrades, sneaking around, stirring up trouble" Her voice was bittersweet and lacked any warmth, she turned slightly pale but red in the cheeks from frustration, at the situation and fukai. My my Jet was really getting into her role, she could even feel herself lose breath and tremble however slightly. She harden her heart and the grip on the table, making it shake slightly as she closed her eyes then reopen them as they burned with determination and regret for ever having a thing to do with fukai."If it is, well, we want no part of it"

However before things scaled she had to remind herself to calm down so she breathed in and out deeply, reeling in her anger and loosening the tension in the air by quiet a bit. The specter looked at her in astonishment as she handle the situation so well and wasn't going to let her emotions control her just as it did him. Now it seemed like the entire restaurant was on her side, none on Fukai. Now she had ensured enough witnesses and testimonies against Fukai should things turn south and he tried to pull something. But try as he might he would fail. "We do hope you'll come to your sentences" Her smile was remorse, kind and sad all bunched in with each other yet blended seamless you would've been to wonder if there was anything but. She leaned in over the table, caressing his cheek as she quietly whispered in the young lad's ear "You want information? Fine, prove your worth to us first then"

After all nothing was free in this world.




He felt his stomach slowly tighten after he cut Jet off, he did not like how this situation was playing out. He had little to no control over this this matter, it was the simple truth that Jet held all the leverage in the palm of her hand and he was completely naked and defenseless. It was uncharacteristic of him to charge into such a delicate situation but that is what his recklessness had lead him to. As soon as he saw that laugh grace her face, a seed of dread started to sprout. He was regretting coming here already. But he had chosen his path, now to try to salvage the situation.

Jet mentioned his good friend Karumo, who was the head of his clan, the young man who had adopted the heavy burden of responsibility at a young age. He was only a year older than Fukai but was much more capable in situations such as these. He wished he was here, the spiky haired Fantomusodian would probably fare much better in this tight crawlspace. This girl in front of him, who was looking less like a girl and more like a demon by the minute, was suggesting that he should keep in mind that he was representing his clan. The point rang very true for this was the first time that a member of his clan was put on such a public pedistal. He would be required to represent the shinobi clan to the best of his ability and any incident could bring disgrace. But if it really came down to it, Fukai would not limit himself because of this. He knew Karumo had his back even if the other clan members didn't. This was another little piece of leverage that Jet added to her arsenal. Fukai could see her side of the board mounting up before him.

He continued to sit there motionless, thinking. The suspect girl started talking about her citizenship but at this point, he did not care about her problems and he was otherwise oblivious to her manipulation tactics. He realised that he didn't know her or understand her. Maybe he never would. He turned his head to the side midway through her emotional rant. Yeah yeah, everyone had a sob story in this world, we do what we do to live out our lives. This was an unusually cold hearted mentality for the young man but he did not sense any warmth by which he could connect to within his acquaintance. His eyes lost focus at the jab about his clan, maybe it was meant to press a button but it failed to do so. His relationship with his bloodline was an unusual one. He held little pride from it but still acknowledged the responsibilty that was required of him. Maybe if he had been brought up in a safe little house courtesy of his clan then he would be more obliged to care but he was more of a lone wolf then many expected him to be. That wasn't to say he did not care for his clan, he infact wanted the best for it but he approached such topics and issues with a certain detatchment.

Jet continued on, her emotional display escalating. Fukai raised an eyebrow and returned his gaze to the girl. What was she doing?.. Even he could tell that she was not one to give this big of a reaction, there was no reason for it. He was oblivious to the effect her words had on the cafe's occupants, he did not bother to care about them.
You want information? Fine, prove your worth to us first then
Fukai's hand intercepted the green haired girl's as it closed in on his face. To try to touch him in this tense situation was nothing less than degrading. This was more what he expected, ofcource she did not want to expose anything or at least not without sufficient compensation. But those words: "prove your worth" worried him. They sounded like a great spiders web that he was about to be caught in. No doubt if he agreed to give himself up to do some sort of work for her, he would be forever trapped. No, he would not go down this path. This was the opposite direction to the new approach to life he was trying to implement. This left him with very few cards to play.

The large genin let go of her wrist and sat up straight, looking at her in the eye with a solemn expression. He mustered all the charisma he could, and spoke to the girl directly. I am strong, ambitious and competent. I will be climbing to great heights, I can promise you that. When I get there, I will be deciding who are my friends and who are enemies. My friends may be open to receiving certain benefits, my enemies on the other hand, will feel the walls start to close in around them. It is time for you to choose which side you want to be on and act accordingly. He was speaking large for sure, but with complete honesty and belief in what he said. Coming from someone else, a statement like this would probably not mean much but from Fukai, you could be sure that he meant it. After his experiences in Kumogakure, his new resolve built determination within him.

[910] /4273
3 EP (last post not counted)


Last edited by Fukai on Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:34 am; edited 1 time in total



Just before she could touch him the fatusumodo caught her wrist preventing her from contact. His voice was hard, fierce and fiery with determination. In his eyes she no longer saw the glow of a newborn babe, no longer did she see a child. No this was a young man, determined to go out and set the world asunder and the woman found herself feeling an inkling of excitement for she was always interested in men like Fukai, those who have yet felt the bitter blade of the world even with his own misfortunes like his mother's passing, something peculiar among the myriad of information she had dug up about him. She wanted to see how he would fair. How much he would change. How much he would prosper. Feeling herself do a sinister grinning, only that cannot be well seen in the close proximity they were in, she chuckled a cold dead laugh "Hehe, you speak big for someone of your stature. You have nothing of worth except being friends with someone of some relevance and a place in the exams. But we are not ones to snuff out potential when we see it. Go ahead and soar to great heights. Prove to not just us but the world your power. Let's of us have front row seats to the rise of the curtain for we shall certainly see it fall"

Come Fukai, come show us what sort of story you'll write. Let us see this so called wave of change you shall bring. Are you prepared to throw everything away to achieve them wholeheartedly, to sink your claws into them for them to never let go. Or will you refuse and keep the at a distance, a so fragile attachment you shall lose it when you no longer have the strength in the grip you have on your humanity. Come Fukai and let us give you your first hint, we care not for that man and his companions. You would learn in due time anyway young man but let us be the first to guide you in the right direction to those who threatened to destroy everything in their pursuit of power. She had her hands down on the table looking up at him as her eyes devoured his being, eyeing his potential and deciding how to play her cards in this gamble. Her voice was melodic, not the slightest fazed by his declaration "But do not mistake us. We are neither friend or foe, simply an a specter exchanging scripts. The playwrights dwell in your homes in the shadows awaiting their chance to see us all dance to their tune, strung along like puppets on a string"

Get out one last laugh she sat back down looking appeased and crossed her legs together getting comfortable again, putting her finger to her lips in interesting as she spoke "A word of advice. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. They may be at your doorstep soon enough" Would he understand her warning? Surely with what just transpired between them there should be enough evidence to suspect his watch dog Kudaru of his less than noble intentions for Iwa. Perhaps he may storm off and question the man himself, wouldn't be the smartest move to make but as it appears Fukai is quite hot head.

Just in the nick of time Tora came to the table with a simple cheese platter and two glasses of wine. He set the food and drink down "Your wine and cheese platter mam. My apologies for the wait. Would you like anything else?"

"No it is alright. We'll take them however we don't know if he will" Silently she waved her hand off but it wasn't completely directed towards Tora who nodded and left to allow them to enjoy the food, but to another man who had been sitting in the back watching their exchange for awhile now, Mizu was the name he was dubbed. He got the silent message and disappeared, adopting another man's face and body as he headed off to the shop were Jet was supposed to have been. He would conduct the business deal in her place then return back to give the information, simultaneously he had created a clone to watch Jet and protect her from the shadows.

END C-C2 [1175/1175]
Kōjō gijutsu: Akire-gun [2000/2000]
Kōjō gijutsu: Kiso gajō [1500/1500]
81 wc left over~


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