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1Tatarakami Clan [Gods of the Iron Forge] Empty Tatarakami Clan [Gods of the Iron Forge] Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:54 pm



Symbol: Tatarakami Clan [Gods of the Iron Forge] Date

Clan: Tatarakami - 神フォ - [God of the Iron Forge]

Kekkei Genkai: Soul Forging

Elements: Katon(if you have a blazing hot soul that matches the forge) or Doton(if your soul is as pure and tempered as the steel you forge)

Specialization: Bukijutsu

Location: Sunagakure and Kumogakure

Clan History: Blacksmiths have always been a part of the world, from the first basic hammering of bronze in ancient times. Blacksmiths were revered as masters of their craft, as armies could not wage war without weapons, and the finer the weapons available, the better off the army or soldier was. Only certain high skilled people of nobility and royalty were allowed to have great swords, which placed those blacksmiths above most other people. In the ninja world, the best blacksmith ever was named Masamune, and from his secret forging techniques came powerful legendary weapons that rivaled the most powerful jutsu and enhanced others. These techniques were passed down through his descendants, and taught to others that shared a great passion for the arts. However, due to the strict entrance to the school to learn the techniques, many members dwindled, and thus the leaders of the school decided to turn it into a clan. New techniques surfaced to mass produce fairly good quality weapons for cheap, so the clan fell from fame and power fairly rapidly over the next three hundred years.

The clan lives on as a fairly small clan that teaches the techniques to a select few who hold the proper element of their clan, and are partnered with very select clans that still appreciate their great dedication to a superb weapon. The clan members are all taught heavy discipline, and to work with the weapons they create as if they were an extension of their own body. This rigorous training from an early age combined with their studies and having the need to go and mine their own materials have made it so there hasn't been a single case of a clan member becoming a fugitive in the history of the clan. This is something the clan prides themselves on, as well as not making weapons for other people without first heavily testing them. The clan has set themselves up in both Kumogakure and Sunagakure, as they are both fairly isolated and have access to great materials. The clan works on a family basis, with the head of each family having a say in how the clan as a whole operates. The members aren't particularly loyal to each other either, but the secrets to their art are more important than their allegiances to their villages.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Soul Forging is an ability that allows the user to take the essence of chakra from a jutsu, and then saturate a weapon they create over several days with the chakra of the jutsu that is captured, essentially giving the weapon the abilities of the jutsu. This can be done in two ways. The first way is by having someone agree to mold their chakra as if they were casting a jutsu, but instead allow the user to take that chakra and create a "blueprint" of the jutsu. The second option is to be directly struck or effected by a jutsu. This would allow the user to absorb a "blueprint" of the jutsu and make it into a weapon.

Because of their inherent blacksmith nature, the clan members naturally can choose between Katon and Doton traits, but can only choose one of the benefits.

If they choose Katon, they have Fire resistance. They take 1 rank less damage from Katon jutsu, and no damage from Katon jutsu 2 ranks below them or natural fire.

If they chose Doton, they have physical resistance. They take 1 rank less damage from physical attacks of their rank or lower, and no damage from basic punches, kicks, and basic ninja weapons such as kunai and shuriken.

Drawbacks: Because of how specialized the clan is, the clan member gets the Hesitant(Specialization) drawback and can't get rid of it in any way.

If the clan member chose Katon, they take damage from Suiton attacks as if it was 1 rank higher.

If the clan member chose Doton, they take damage from Raiton attacks as if it was 1 rank higher.

When using their Soul Forge technique, the user can only have 1 "blueprint" stored at a time. To open up this blueprint slot, the user must create a weapon based on the jutsu.

When creating the weapon using the Soul Forge technique, the user has to pay the price of the weapon as well as write up a 200 word per rank topic detailing them forging the weapon.

To get a blueprint of a Kekkei Genkai jutsu, the user must get hit with it, and the price for the created weapon goes up 10%.

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Soul Forge:

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