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1Raiton or Katon Sensei Empty Raiton or Katon Sensei Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:18 pm



As the title says I am looking for someone who might be willing to help me save some ryo and train me in some library Jutsu. I'm looking for a Katon user or a Raiton user or both. I only have one of each of those  elements approved for training at the moment but I can request the others based off what you are willing to teach me.

Thank you very much in advance for your time, please reply here if you're willing to help.

P.S. should probably mention that I am currently in Kumo.

2Raiton or Katon Sensei Empty Re: Raiton or Katon Sensei Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:12 am



Bump. Still looking if anyone is interested

3Raiton or Katon Sensei Empty Re: Raiton or Katon Sensei Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:16 pm



Karumo here is an avid Katon/ninjutsu user but he's currently on a mission in Suna, and will be returning to Iwa shortly thereafter but I'd be more than happy to help if you would like to make the trip over or if you end up in Iwa at some point~

4Raiton or Katon Sensei Empty Re: Raiton or Katon Sensei Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:51 pm



Thank you Karumo as soon as I am finished in Kumo I'll be headed for Iwa.

In the meantime while I am still in Kumo are there any Raiton users that are not busy that could help me with learning some of the Jutsu I would appreciate it.

5Raiton or Katon Sensei Empty Re: Raiton or Katon Sensei Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:37 am



I'm in Kumo atm and I have both Katon and Raiton ad well as most of the library jutsu for both~ I've also got nin and tai if you need help on your specs too.

PM me and start a topic if you want the help!

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