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1Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Empty Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:56 am

Ao Yakushi

Ao Yakushi

The title says it all, preferably an Aisu if possible though I could take really anyone at Spec. Jounin or over ^^

2Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Empty Re: Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:40 am



Although I'm not an aisu or a kiri nin, im in kiri for the mean time and wouldn't mind teaching you some sup specs if you're interested

3Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Empty Re: Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:43 am

Ao Yakushi

Ao Yakushi

Definitely interested for any form of training, I could use some for sure. Do you have a preference as for the place, or will the training grounds be just fine?

4Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Empty Re: Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:59 am



anywhere you want is fine

5Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Empty Re: Looking for a sensei/mentor (Kiri) Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:15 pm

Ao Yakushi

Ao Yakushi

Alright then, I'll PM you the thread's URL when it's posted ;)

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