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1My Inuzuka Nin-Dog Empty My Inuzuka Nin-Dog Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:44 am

Tekuta Inuzuka

Name: Tomoya
Species: Wolf/Dog. Combat Pet
Rank: E
Specializations: Taijutsu, Seijutsu
Elements: Earth, Fire
Appearance: Black shaggy fur, height of Tekuta's knee.
Personality: Obedient and protective of Tekuta. In a non battle situation he is calm and playful like most dogs his age.
Techniques: Can use Seijutsu techniques in conjunction with Tekuta.

Last edited by WraithInPain on Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

2My Inuzuka Nin-Dog Empty Re: My Inuzuka Nin-Dog Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:41 pm



Alright so there are a few things.

1st i need to know what type of seijutsu pet this is... combat or support?

2nd your pet CAN have up to 2 elements, granted you don't have to take elements, but since this is a seijutsu pet, your pet can have jutsu and use them, so elements would be helpful.

3rd, your pet does not need to have seijutsu in order to use seijutsu techniques. Merely the user. Meaning, you can have your pet take ANYTHING else because it's a seijutsu pet :3.

4th, It's already a given that your pet can do seijutsu techniques with you, that doesn't need to be expressed. The techniques section is where your would put your pet's jutsu after you finished apping them and training them. Keep in mind your pet can only learn jutsu if you yourself know the specialization as well as the pet knows it. Collaboration techniques also need to be apped like other jutsu.

3My Inuzuka Nin-Dog Empty Re: My Inuzuka Nin-Dog Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:26 pm

Tekuta Inuzuka

I've made those change however left specs as they are as those are the specs of my character and if I were to give it others specs it wouldn't be able to use them as Tekuta wouldn't have the spec as well

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