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1Stop the Fighting (C-Rank Mission) Empty Stop the Fighting (C-Rank Mission) Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:18 pm



The day was still in the early afternoon when the young shinobi left the little ramen shop near the skyforge. He had been speaking with the blacksmith, who allowed Godric to watch and even help out with grabbing things for him. Now after sharing lunch with the kind man the young shinobi bid the man farewell for the day and headed back down the path towards the inner village to walk about and waste the rest of the day away, it wasn't very often that Godric took the day off to rest but the few times he does he found it near impossible for him to stay in the same spot for to long. Even in the company of others he found it best for him to be moving around in some manner to keep himself from insanity, which was why the blacksmith allowed him to help out a little bit. The tapping in his head wasn't quite as bothersome today but the fact remained that it was still there, constantly going, never changing always the pattern of four.

As he got closer to the busier part of the village be over heard some of the gossip going around the village mostly concerning the current Chuunin Exams that were going on and some other rumors mostly about the other villages some about the Hidden Clouds village but not many of them. Godric had a well drawn map in his head of the village between his time training and exploring the village the past several days, he had a feeling he would know more about this village than most of the other visitors, well knowledge one could gain from roaming the streets anyways, Godric wasn't really comfortable with the dealings of politics or anything that would concern more than himself. Most of the rest of the afternoon he spent reexploring the village mostly its noteworthy locations: the Thunder Temple was by far his favorite after having ask the caretakers and noting that he would be taking a risk to himself he was allowed to meditate there for a few hours feeling the strong presence of the electrified air as it seemed to rejuvenate him filling him with positive energy and enthusiasm, spending a little time in the skybar having just a few drinks and enjoying the lively atmosphere and the music he even danced with some girls that were there but not too much considering his two left feet when it came to dancing, he steered clear of the battle plateau and the Arbiters Grounds as he didn't want to be tempted to train on what was suppose to be his day off, although he dared not enter for fear of being arrested for tespassing he did pass Arthos' Keep the Hidden Clouds prison a flying fortress with its only acess a small little wooden bridge, and finally coming to rest under the shade of the Great Durian Tree as the sun started to set in the sky, although the fruit of the tree looked appealing he had been warned many times by different villagers not to eat the fruit the tree bore and although he was not told why he felt it best to just listen to the people that live around it.

After his rest at the Durian Tree Godric stopped by a small little diner for his evening meal, a big ol' plate of spaghetti and meatballs. "Ah so delicious, you have to give me your recipe before I leave the village" Godric said the the hostess as he finished his meal. "You won't find anything better than right here in my shop" she smiled back at him before turning and trotting away. Godric stood up to leave leaving some ryo on the table to cover his bill and a little extra for a tip for the nice young waitress, before heading out the door and setting out towards the inn where he was staying at.

As he headed down the street he watched as the street lights began turning on one by one until the street was a glow from their light. As he neared the inn he heard shouting and swearing in the distance down one of the side roads and his interest was peaked, wanting to see what was going on he headed down the small side street away from the inn and went to investigate the source of the commotion. Rounding the last corner he could not believe his eyes there were a group of people surrounding another smaller group of dive that seemed to be having an all out brawl while the others cheered them on. Godric pushed his way through the crowd trying his best to get a good look at what exactly was going on, as he reached the front of the crowd surrounding the five that was fighting he figured out that he was right they were having a fist fight free for all, and although it got his blood pumping watching it none of them looked as if they were Shinobi. Theres no honor in beating up a bunch of civilians he thought to himself as he was about to turn away, and then he was suddenly pushed back as one of the competitors was shoved backwards right into him, "and there's no sense in letting them beat each other up either" he said to himself as he did a one eighty pushing the guy that nearly fell on him away in the process. Godric entered into the small area that had became this brawling arena ducking and dodging swings from all over, it was clear to him that none of these people had received proper Martial arts training and that they were just waving their fists around in hopes of hitting their mark.

His goal was not to injure anyone simply stop the fighting and send e eryone home in one piece, as he got to the center he dropped into his Guren stance and prepared himself making sure to bold himself back from doing any real harm before he leaped forward delivering a knee to the first man's stomach causing him to clutch himself as he fell to the ground. Two of the others launched at him at the same time, but with a quick side step he avoided them both as the first of the two knocked the other out as Godric popped up behind the first giving him a quick static shock to the neck that brought him down. The last two looked at each other as Godric returned to the ready Guren stance to prepare, he could see the fear in the two men's eyes and decided to fient at them which caused both the fall backwards before scammbling to their feet and taking off.

WC: 1139
Mission Completed
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