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1Another One [Kuroame/Private] Empty Another One [Kuroame/Private] Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:44 pm

Uchiha Atasüke

Uchiha Atasüke

The last few days of Atasüke's life had been relatively event free. With the first stage of the Chunin Selection Exams concluding, many of the squads and spectators who had gone to support their Village's participants had left Kumogakure no Sato and the Land of Lightning, for what, most likely to return home. There wasn't much else for them to do in the Hidden Cloud, other than watching the rest of the Exams, but Atasüke was certain that a participant who had lost and who would probably be in bad shape would not like to watch the rest of them. At least, that's how he would react if he was in a loser's position.

However, it was no doubt a good idea to see who was actually capable of getting to the Final Rounds. It would be a way to judge the potential strength of the other Ninja Villages. Plus, you'd be able to investigate into whether a certain Village had a kekkei genkai or not. He viewed it as something along the lines of him beating someone from the Hidden Mist Village but due to him being an Uchiha, those from the Village that were defeated would remain to see what else this potential threat to their Village could do. He supposed it was a good way to get a shinobi's name out into the world early on in their life, but he doubted it was a good idea for someone with a kekkei genkai to be displaying it openly, even if it were during the Chunin Selection Exams and their lives were in danger. Wasn't it better to simply sacrifice yourself for the good of the Clan to not reveal yourself to a potential future threat? He wasn't entirely certain, especially since he had never been in such a situation, nor had he unlocked the Sharingan.

I've got nothing to hide technically. He pushed a lock of hair out of his face as his body swayed in the bed to take him to the edge of it, glancing to the window through eyes concealed fairly well by the ebony hair that cascaded down, and over his face. His hair was long enough to reach the top of his nose. He shook his head, bringing the messy mass of hair out of his face as both of those muscular arms of the taijutsu user were shoved to the bed that he sat upon. Once both palms touched the sheets, he pushed downwards and got off of his arse and to his feet, slowly trudging towards the window with a determined pace.

A pale hand rose upwards and opened up the window, pushing the curtains to the side and allowing the fresh mountain air to flow into the room behind him. The air was... Fresh, almost as if it were fresher than he had ever smelled it in his last few years in Kumogakure no Sato, and glancing across the room, he headed towards the dresser and pulled out fresh clothes, and with those clothes he strode towards the bathroom in his temporary abode. Normally he would wake up early, before the sun was even up and entertain himself with training, but this day he didn't feel like doing such a thing. It was bad of him he knew, but he didn't want to push himself to the breaking point for nothing. As of recent times he had been more inclined to practicing and developing numerous taijutsu techniques, and neglected his skill and talent in ninjutsu.

Tomorrow I'll resume my Ninjutsu training, he decided as his shower began. Slowly but surely the water carved countless paths over his head as he rested underneath the shower head, and soon enough his hair was pulled into his face again, forcing him to be incapable of seeing and he went through the rest of his shower with closed eyes.

It's best to take a break from physical training once in a while, but he didn't know if that was true.

Within a few minutes he was dressed in his clothes for the day, clothes that hardly differed from his other ones. A dark blue shirt with the Uchiha Clan symbol in the dead centre of his back, something that he had had made recently for his soon to be journey back home, or so he hoped. He wore a pair of white shorts that trailed a few inches past his knees. At the top of his right thigh was his ninja pouch that he had carried with him for as long as he could remember, but his amount of weapons still remained as meagre as ever. A kunai or two with a handful of senbon right? He didn't bother checking as his upper body tucked downwards to give him a better ease of access with his arms to tie it, and once he was done he straightened up in front of the mirror in his bathroom.

Brushing a hand through the mess he called hair, the ebony mop was formed into how it was day to day with the use of a comb, his hair covering the scar on his forehead, and the rest of his hair pointed towards due to it's dampness, he knew that once he was in the sun and his hair dried, he'd be able to fashion it better, but until then it was time to go.

Grasping his black cloak, he threw it over his shoulders as he strode the doorway to his home, locking the door behind him, despite his thoughts of it being useless. We are in a ninja village, is there even a reason to lock the door? I mean, if someone really wanted to... He let the thoughts continue as he walked out and into the Village, this time his ragged ebony hair shone to the world as well as that pale face of his. It was about time those parts of his body got some sun, right?

From his home, he headed towards the Marketplace, but instead, he took a shortcut through a park. Once he had met another male there, someone who had been around his age, perhaps he'd be there again and they'd actually be able to converse without their previous caution and reservations... And if not, maybe he'd encounter someone he knew already or someone new.

His ebony eyes gave off the appearance as if they were reflecting the sun as he walked, and he shoved his hands into his pockets, allowing his arms to drop, and his pace to slow as he entered the park. There was no rush today.

Today was going to be easy.

WC: 1140

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