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1Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Empty Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:58 pm



The young Hattori boy rested in his temporary lodging. He had recently returned to it after a long day of carpentry and woodworking the entire day. It wasn't as easy as he had first imagined. It was most definitely time consuming and strenuous work. When he had originally quit work as a shinobi and had began to live life like any other ordinary person that wasn't especially taught in the way of the shinobi, he had started in woodworking after his father had gotten into contact with a man that had done work on their house once upon a time. It was a kind thing for his father to have done, but even to present day he couldn't imagine as to why he did it.

It was one year before he had returned to the world of shinobi. He was sixteen at the time, and this happened to be one of his last jobs before he would soon return to Kirigakure no Sato and start working in the city again. The life of a shinobi was still fresh in his mind. Even when he was hard at work, memories of his days in the Academy found a way into the depths of his thoughts, almost as if they were urging him to return. He couldn't however, he had numerous jobs of the years, and he wasn't certain that returning to the world of ninja was his best idea. Sometimes he forgot why he had originally left his duties as a Genin, and it was because he remembered that he had wanted real world knowledge for when the day came he'd decide to return to his original job. He was beginning to realize however that one would no doubt have relatively few opportunities to use carpentry and woodworking to their advantage in the world of ninja.

Just then, he remembered that he was near the Lake, a location that ninja especially liked to train in. Many people in the Hidden Mist Village were capable of suiton techniques. Therefore, training by water made plenty of sense. Right? He thought so, especially since he rarely practiced his own katon and futon techniques. It wasn't as if it was particularly windy and hot in the Land of Water. With a pathetic shrug, he pushed himself out of the bed, letting his legs swing over the side and he raised himself to his full height, brushing those black bangs off of his forehead.

He dressed himself as he normally did whilst in his free time.

He wore cream coloured pants, with a crimson rope obi tied around his waist. On his strong torso, he wore a shirt of the same colour as his pants, this time with a light blue cover on the top of his shoulders and a few inches past each of his shoulders. It was late afternoon, and the sun was already setting at this point, and since it was none that it got fairly cold at the lake on some nights, he took his black cloak with him. It was so dark that he felt that his hand was going to disappear within the depths of it before he found a sleeve for his arm. Once it was on properly, he walked out the door of his new home.

He remembered the perfect spot to relax however, and he headed there. Once he arrived, he rested his back on the only tree that was there for a few meters, and he slumped down into a seated position and rested his sore and tired body. The day was excruciatingly long and painful, and the tools that were at his disposal weren't exactly the best for constructing buildings and chopping wood. Although they were efficient, they took plenty of time and man hours.

"A long day indeed."

He exhaled his pent up breath. When it was released, it felt as if he were holding it for quite some time, as if he had just released a massive load of stress from his shoulders and his mind all at once.

WC: 684

2Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Empty Re: Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:13 pm

Fuyona Aiko

Fuyona Aiko

Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] 2qxte1i
Arc One: Mnemosyne
Episode Two: Days Gone By

Hours upon hours, upon hours had passed. The lake had become a near sacred place to many of the shinobi in Kirigakure, if only for it’s use as a training ground. Where others might have come to train their Suiton based techniques, Aiko on the other hand had not. Given that she did not poses the element it almost seemed pointless for her to be here. However, the water served as an excellent place to practice simple techniques such as Supernatural Walking Practice. Which was exactly what she was doing. Far from the lakes shore, she stood on the surface of the water, forcing chakra through her body and to the souls of her feet. It didn’t come naturally to her like it did other shinobi, perhaps because her body was so physically weak due to her illness. Whatever the case, today she finally was getting the hang of this simple technique.

Now it was time to take things to the next level. Or at least to a technique that was far more difficult for her to accomplish, especially while it was taking so much focus just to keep herself on the surface of the water. Aiko scoffed. At this rate she was never going to graduate from the academy. It was bad enough that she was already so much older than the other younglings that attended, but to have so much trouble with these simple jutsu…

Despite, Aiko performed a short serious of hand seals. An instant later five identical clones appeared all around her. This, of course, was Bunshin no Jutsu. Thus the clones were little more than silhouette copies of the original 18 year old girl. It was the first time she’d done this technique so quickly and she couldn’t help but to jump with a little bit of joy. That jump would be her downfall…

When Aiko landed on the surface of the water again, rather than simply landing she sunk through. Her prior walking technique had been dispelled without her realizing it. This was actually why she’d come out so far though, to force herself to need that technique. Necessity was the best teacher, her mother had said. As much as Aiko hated the woman she couldn’t deny the wisdom in her words. Especially now as she found herself half drowning in the lake. To make matters worse, her five clones were just standing there doing nothing toward saving her life.

Maybe everyone was right, maybe she couldn’t cut it as a shinobi. Maybe she really was too weak. For certain she was already too exhausted to swim back to the shore and the surprise of falling into the lake had caused her to flail sapping what little energy she had to spare. Still, she attempted to manage the flow of her chakra, trying her best to pull herself out of the water — to no avail. Instead she found herself only disspelling clones as she reached for them forgetting that they were not tangible at all. Panic was setting in. She was going to drown in this damn lake for no reason at all.

3Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Empty Re: Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:49 pm



There were a few things in the world that Yasutake paid attention to. For a while after he had left the Academy to be a normal person, being aware of his surroundings was a sense that had only developed further. In his time with such an influx of people always around him, people that were always counting on each other to be helping each other out, the young former Kirigakure no Sato Genin had to look out for his comrades. It gave him an acute sense of what he had to do to help others in almost any situation. Despite his knowledge of woodworking and carpentry, one needed to pay a large amount of attention when one was in danger due to the equipment they were using.

After living for so long in the real world, it just seemed so much more advanced than the shinobi world. The shinobi world was living in the past, something that Yasutake couldn't understand. They were trained to fight and to adapt to almost any situation from the day they start in the Academy, he could only imagine what it'd be like if he had stayed and started down his path of being a Genin. The situations he could be adapting to and learning would be unimaginable... Almost as unimaginable as to how these two worlds were on the same planet, but continued to be so different from one another.

Drawing in a breath, Yasutake started to close his eyes just as he felt he heard the sound of a splash. For a moment he wondered why anyone was out at such an hour, especially when it was around the time the water would start to freeze over. His eyes fluttered open, and in the distance to his right side he saw what appeared to be water flying up into the air. When he drew closer to the water, he realized that it was actually someone's arms flailing in the water and his eyes widened. How did I not notice her before? His eyes squinted, and he started to walk into the water without a care in the world. He waded through the water until the water was just above his waist line, and then he paused, wondering where the ground he was walking on gave out and would leave him treading water.

Though that wasn't the only thought that he had in mind. He remembered years ago when he had graduated from the Academy, his own trial had involved him coming to the Lake and demonstrating his Supernatural Walking Practice technique, and he had passed fairly easily. It wasn't one that involved too much work. Chakra flow and control was easy for him, as was ninjutsu, and for a moment he forgot how to use the ability. His palms were placed on the top layer of water, and when he pushed downwards, his hands went down and for a moment fear and confusion spread across his face. What? Even though he was no genin, the Academy techniques were easy, and whenever he could he would return home and allow his father to put him through numerous drills, always trying to get him to return to the world of the shinobi. Ninjutsu techniques, basic taijutsu, and some weapon training was what he mainly did, but he hadn't done that for some time.

Taking a moment, he looked ahead and gathered chakra to the palm of his hands, his finger tips, and the soles of his feet and as he placed his palms on the top layer of water again, he pushed himself out of the water. His lower body rose fairly easily, and then he was running across the water towards the person that was incapable of swimming back to shore. It could be an Academy student, he supposed as he drew closer and finally came to halt and allowed his hands to wrap around the slender wrists and to pull them up and out of the water as his feet tried to gain leverage on the top layers of water as he bent his knees for more strength.

With a fairly impassive look on his face, he raised an eyebrow in question, clearly asking as to what she was doing all the way out here at this hour, before he voiced another question.

"Are you alright?" He asked, not bothering to set her on her own feet in fear that she slipped through the water again and started to flail. Instead, he held the apparent woman in his arms, one propping up her knees, and the other holding her in the centre of her back as he strode back to the shore.

"Academy student?"

There were only so many possibilities as to how she had ended up so far out into the water. Either she had fallen from the sky, or she had been there already without him even realizing due to him not expecting someone to be out there...

The mind didn't see what it didn't expect, to see.

WC: 851

4Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Empty Re: Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:56 pm

Fuyona Aiko

Fuyona Aiko


Drowning. She was going to die. What’s worse she was going to die before she’d even graduated from the academy. She was going to prove the naysayers right. She was going to prove her mother right. Yet, this wasn’t the worst part about it. No, the worst bit was that she was going to fail herself. She was going to disprove the arguments she’d presented to all those that had said she couldn’t do it.

Aiko’s arms flailed about in a poor attempt to pull herself out of the water, yet it seemed what training she’d amassed over her four years in the academy was lost on her. Perhaps it was the panic setting in. Perhaps she just wasn’t as skilled as she thought she could be. Whatever the case the flailing soon ceased. She was exhausted, her body couldn’t go on any longer. This is what they’d told her would happen, that she’d not be able to keep up with other shinobi because of her frailty, because of her illness.

Yet, as her head slipped beneath the surface of the water those crimson orbs that sat against an ebony canvas saw the shape of a young man not far off. He was headed towards her. With some luck he’d seen her and was coming to help. She scoffed inwardly at the idea of needing someone to rescue her. Yet, still there was a smattering of joy somewhere in the so often melancholy girl. At least she wouldn’t die today.

He grew closer, she knew this, she could see him through the surface of the water even as she sank deeper. Once again panic struck her. What if he wasn’t coming to save her? What if he hadn’t even noticed her? What if she sunk beneath the water and he ran right past? She gritted her teeth beneath tightly sealed lips and mustered what little strength she had left. She’d ensure that he saw her.

A single arm shattered the surface of the water as he came nearer and waved about. It was all that she could do, for even now she was running out the small amount of air she’d managed to gulp down while her head was still above water. It was enough. Her savior had long since seen her and made his decision to help. He came to a stop just above her and grasped at her thin wrist. A moment later she was out of the water and in his arms gasping for air. Thusly, it would take a bit of time before she answered his first question.

“I am now.” She said fairly flatly, which might have given the impression she was not grateful which certainly was not the case; a thing she made known quickly. “Thank you, I was sure I was going to die.” She added as she tossed her arms about his neck, not that the action would have softened her weight any. She was far to weak to offer any aid in carrying her. For now she was little more than a sack of potatoes in his arms. He asked his second question and she smiled. At least he realized that she obviously was not some ridiculous fool that lacked in skill and played at being a shinobi. Nope, she was a regular fool that lacked in skill and played at being a shinobi. “Yes, fourth year actually.” She answered and immediately regretted doing so. She couldn’t bare any more judgement, she’d done enough herself.

There was a pause as Aiko set her gaze on the shoreline and subsequently the surrounding area. She wanted to be sure that no one had seen her folly. If there was someone else around, she couldn’t see them, which was comforting. “I feel like such an idiot.” She mumbled aloud without realizing it.

5Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Empty Re: Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:29 pm



When Yasutake's arm penetrated the water there was little to no hesitation in the action. Someone's life was in danger due to unforeseen reasons. Whether it was due to their own inability at keeping themselves safe, or if it was due to another living being's cruelty in ruining her concentration. Although he doubted it, there had been no one else around as he pulled her out of the water, and he doubted a fish would be able to scare a shinobi. It just didn't seem likely that it'd happen. If it did however, he wouldn't hesitate to laugh in the woman's face, even if he was holding her in his arms. Despite his decision of kindness, or at the very least politeness, he still held a bit of contempt for her. It was almost as if the world had been forcing him to save her, simply because it was the right thing to do.

If she was an enemy shinobi, would he had saved her then?

It doesn't matter, I'm not even a ninja anymore. He exhaled from his mouth as her arms wrapped around his neck. Obviously it didn't actually make her lighter, but it gave the illusion of doing so, at least in that exact instance. It was because her arms being wrapped around his neck made it a little more comfortable, and although she wasn't literally lighter, it felt as such. There had been no complaints beforehand, but he suffered through carrying her towards shore as she spoke, whilst he remained quiet during the entire ordeal. His mind searched for answers as he walked.

At times he felt as if he'd drop her. Not because she was so heavy, but because his entire morning and majority of his afternoon had been intense. Woodworking wasn't an easy job, especially for someone of his age, but it was what he wanted, right? The regular world was a different compared to the shinobi one. The former actually advanced, while the latter did so as well, but by a much slower degree.

Definitely not what he expected when he had joined the real workforce four years ago.

The moment his feet touched dry land, he directed them towards the tree he had previously been pressing his back to, mere minutes ago. And the moment after he set her down a single thought crossed his mind in a flash. It was akin to a bolt of lightning striking across the sky in the amount of time it took your heart to beat, and once he had processed that thought, it became the first thing he said after his fairly long silence.

"Wear this."

Simultaneously he was removing the black cloak from his body. It was made for the already chilly weather, but it wasn't that bad, not yet. Simply due to it's length, even though it had gotten a bit wet before he used the Supernatural Walking Practice, it was still warm enough for the upper part of her body to still be useful. Even though he was loathe to give her his cloak and to make it wet, he wasn't going to let her catch hypothermia and have her go to the hospital because of it. After all, he may as well do all he could to help her since if he really wanted to harm her he wouldn't have gone into the water to pull her out of it.

I was sure I was going to die...

The words echoed through his mind as he wrapped that ebony cloak around her shoulders and sat on his knees in front of her. "You would've died if I hadn't come to help you," he said in a matter of fact sort of way.

Soon after he remembered the rest of the things she had said. She had confirmed that she was indeed in the Hidden Mist's Academy, in her fourth year. He didn't even remember how long it took him to get through the Academy, but he assumed the average amount of time. There had never been a need or a particular want in rushing through the schooling system.

There was no reason to make a comment on how long she had been in the Academy. His silence should've been enough of an answer if she had actually been paying attention.

His next words were straight to the point with the faintest glimmers of a grin on his face. "You are." A pause. "An idiot anyway. You could've done it closer to the shore so that when you'd eventually get exhausted you wouldn't be trying to get out of the water... Oddly like a gull whose wings are too heavy to lift." Amusement was riddled all over his face as he made the comparison. He may have come across as cold at first, but he didn't want her to be mad at him, for whatever reason that was.

WC: 850

6Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Empty Re: Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:15 pm

Fuyona Aiko

Fuyona Aiko


The trek back to the shoreline was fairly short, especially so considering Aiko didn’t have to make the journey under her own power. As she sat there in the strangers arms her mind continued to wander. Each thought garnering a bit more self pity as well as embarrassment. She could only imagine what the young man thought of her, given he’d had to rescue her from a lake so frequently used by young shinobi. Despite his silence she felt like she could almost hear him laughing at her. Aiko set her gaze on the shoreline, turning her head away so that their eyes wouldn’t meet even accidentally for the time being.

A few moments later Yasutake had set her down at the tree he’d been sitting under prior. A chill ran down Aiko’s spin causing her to shiver slightly. Whether the stranger had noticed this or not was unclear, though he did suddenly offer his cloak with the command; “Wear this.” Aiko nodded as he wrapped the garment around her shoulders. Only now did the stranger have something to say; “You would’ve died if I hadn’t come to help you,” He started. Aiko hung her head in shame and nodded in agreement with that as well. He then proceeded further to confirm her feeling of being an idiot. Despite the mean choices of words his tone told that he wasn’t intending to be so. Even his little joke at the end seemed light spirited in light of it all. Aiko forced a bit of laughter out in response. His choice of comparison was funny, but Aiko just wasn’t the jocular type. Still, she’d managed to get some semblance of appreciation for the joke out.

“I’d wanted to force the need for the technique… wanted to have to control the flow of my chakra. I suppose I could have been more careful, but careful isn’t going to help me overcome… myself.” She said finally turning her head enough to look into Yasutake’s eyes. The moment their eyes met she’d find herself falling into a typical pattern of thought. She’d wonder what other wisdoms might be held within, what power she might garner from devouring them. Yet, she’d not act on these sadistic urges. Instead, she’d turn her head to look out over the lake. “It wouldn’t have mattered if I’d died though.” She said with a nod. “…again, thank you.” There was a brief pause before she spoke again as if she were considering her next words. “I’m Fuyona Aiko.” She didn’t often introduce herself by her whole given name, but figured that the man had earned the right to know what her entire name was. He’d saved her after all. “Mind if I ask your name? I’d like to know the name of my savior.” She smiled, it was crooked and awkward but genuine all the same.

7Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Empty Re: Days Past [Fuyona Aiko/Flashback] Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:56 pm



Yasutake shook his head at her words. It wasn't necessary to force a technique, it didn't work like that, not in his opinion. Of course the user controlled the flow of chakra, but to try and force it to work as if it was necessary was a foolish mistake. One that had almost resulted in her own death. She didn't need to use it so deep as he had said moments before. Closer to the shore would've saved her and more importantly him quite a bit of time if she had fallen into the water at a waist height for example. Unless she slipped and fell, she wouldn't have needed his help and the chance that he took note of her would've been slim.

"Putting yourself in the middle of a lake isn't going to help you graduate from the Academy either. Especially if you can't maintain the basic technique that got you out there in the first place." For the most part, in life Yasutake played things safely. It was part of why he had gotten himself out of the dangerous life she was trying to put herself into.

Then something unexpected came from her lips. It wouldn't have mattered if I died, he didn't have a dramatic response. All it brought from him was a shrug of his shoulders as he looked out over the water of the Lake. It would be getting dark soon he knew, and it was much warmer inside than out. Most knew that, but he'd wait to escort her home or whatever the right thing to do was. This situation had never crossed the mind of the sixteen year old who usually planned out his day accordingly.

Expect the unexpected, right?

He brushed a stray strand of hair from his eyes and back to the side of his face.

"Hattori Yasutake." He said in response to the seated girl. Clan name and his given name. For as long as he could remember his family had never had another name to go by, and had always gone by the name of their bloodline. Then again, despite his curiosity he was never one to pry into something that didn't directly affect him, even something that would tell him as to how he got to the place he was currently in. It was the past, and it could no longer affect him.

Wc: 412

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