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1Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Empty Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:47 pm



The early morning sunrise glistened beautifully off the waves of the stretching sea. Kiritou sat near the water, not to near where the water could reach him however. The sand beneath him was soft but not yet warmed by the sun so the sand itself was also fairly cool. He often came here to clear his thoughts as this place offered a calm and quiet atmosphere. He had heard that many shinobi come here to train in the ways of water style ninjutsu though this was not the case for Kiritou as he used wind style and lightning style jutsu as opposed to the latter.

As he watched the sunrise clearly, he wondered what the sun must be thinking, as if it was a living being. It rises and sets in the same way each morning and each night. Following a constant routine that it almost never shies away from even slightly. Its magnificent beauty and power were visible and easily felt even from the many many miles it sat away from the earth. Kiritou admired the sun greatly, even during the night when it was no longer visible.

2Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Empty Re: Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:38 pm

Fuyona Aiko

Fuyona Aiko

Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) 2qxte1i

Arc One: Mnemosyne
Episode One: Lost

Black and red fabric swayed with the breeze that danced across the coastline. The flowers that decorated the hem of Aiko’s oversized sleeves, might have seemed almost natural in their sway — as if they were living things. Pale legs were revealed to the open air via the kimono’s shortened front portion. Her steps were careful, calculated, and most of all graceful. She might have seemed a spider on the water as she stepped barefoot across the still cool sand. Eyes of ebony and crimson gazed lazily out toward the ocean that seemed to stretch well beyond the horizon. It was a serene sight to behold, one she enjoyed very much. Watching the sunrise over the water was among the few good memories she had of her late mother, may her wicked soul rest in peace. 

Aiko scoffed at her mothers ability to invade her life even from the grave. She’d not have that wretched woman souring even this most holy of holy places. It was enough that other shinobi so often frequented the area and disturbed the young woman’s peace, no need for ghosts to do the same. Aiko drew in a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. She’d finally come to a stop at the waters edge, it barely lapping at her toes. Another deep breath and long exhale preceded the folding of her arms beneath her breasts. She was going to let it go, all of it. Let all those memories be lost to the wind, some how. She didn't need nor want her mother in life, she for damn sure had no inkling to change that now that she was dead.

A twist of her head to crack her neck offered the chance to notice the young man sitting not far from her. When had he gotten there? For the majority of her walk up the beach she’d not seen a soul. This was the fortune of having arrived so early. She wondered for a moment if he might be here for the same reasons; to throw memories into the ocean to be lost for all eternity. The young woman shook her head, shaking the thought free. It wasn't any of her business why he was here. 

Yet, still… it had been nearly a week since she’d last spoken to another human being. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to get out of her own head, even if only for a few minutes. The woman took a step in Kiritou’s direction, but hesitated. The recollection of how poorly social situations went in the past had put the pause in her. Though after a few moments of debating she decided it best to at least try her hand at striking up a conversation. If anything he’d provide a few moments of thoughtlessness, a few moments to forget her horrible mother, to forget how much she missed her brother.

Once she was close enough for him to hear her, Aiko spoke her greeting, or at least what she was going to pass off as a greeting. “Do you think it gazes back at us, wondering why we do the things we do?” She asked, her head turned to look at the sun which the young man seemed to be captivated by. “I’d bet we all look silly down here to it.” She continued, finally turning her gaze back on him. 

3Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Empty Re: Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:10 pm



As he continued watching and admiring the beauty of the fireball in the sky called the sun, memories of his past fluttered into his mind. These memories were ones he wished he could easily forget however parting ways with these memories seemed impossible. The first memory to poison his mind was that of his father. An abusive and seemingly heartless man in life. Kiritou had, as well as his mother, suffered years of physical and mental torture by this man. This man was also to blame for causing Kiritou to awaken the dead bone pulse bloodline and turn him into a freak of nature. The memory of the day Kiritou had finally put up with enough, never let his mind have peace. During a training session his father had attempted to savagery beat him once more and in a fit of rage multiple bone portrusions painfully erupted from his body skewering his father fatally. His father had eventually succumb to his wounds and passed away.

The second memory was that of his mother, whom to this day he knew little about. She had left early on in Kiritous life due to the abuse by Kiritous father. He wished he knew more about her, even if he simply learned what she looked like. He did not know her name, what she looks like, or really anything about her at all. This memory was much more depressing to him than any memory of his father or the abuse he had suffered to him. He shut this memory out before it could fully grab him and cause him to become emotional, and just in time to as someone he had not yet noticed spoke near him. “Do you think it gazes back at us, wondering why we do the things we do?”

Kiritou slowly turned to look at the newcomer and was not surprised to see a woman he did not recognize. Considering he was pretty anti-social for the most part, he did not associate with very many other individuals around the village. After he had sized he up for a second or two, noting the kimono she wore he turned his gaze back to the sun. "We probably seem so small, insignificant even. Helpless without the light and warmth provided by it's constant watch." Kiritou stood as he talked and spoke in a way that made him sound almost philosophical. Ruffling his hair with his hand before turning to face the woman that had approached him. Normally he would avoid social interactions such as this, however, with everything that was on his mind recently, talking with another person may allow him to take his mind off of the things that haunted him.

"I'm not very social so I may not be very good at this so I apologize in advance but nice to meet you, Kiritou Kaguya at your service." As he spoke, his face held no emotion whatsoever, he tried to seem as inviting as possible as he spoke in hopes of not scaring off the lady. Expecting her to introduce herself as Kiritou himself had just done, he stood awaiting her response. Using a big portion of his willpower to keep the memories of both his mother and his father out of his mind for the time being. There was a time and a place for everything but now was not the time nor the place for said memories to invade him.

4Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Empty Re: Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:50 pm

Fuyona Aiko

Fuyona Aiko


His attention was her’s. Aiko flashed her best attempt at a friendly smile, though the thing more than likely seemed awkward and disjointed when set against her otherwise stoic facade of alabaster skin. She nodded at the young mans initial response and her face fell into it’s more usual straightness afterwards. “Maybe… or maybe it envies us as much as we envy it.” She said turning her gaze back to the sun for the briefest of moments. “Wouldn’t that be ironic?” She didn't bother with adding a forced smile to her statement, despite feeling that it should have had one.

Aiko’s right hand ran through the deep black locks she'd left free of her wild pony tail and brushed them from her face. She then bowed forward slightly in greeting to the young man, a more proper greeting. “I’m Fuyōna.” She said flatly. The name itself was truly nothing more than a title her mother had given her when they left Tōkaiten Nikiri nearly 10 years ago. She'd said that it was to severe ties with the people who hated them so, to make a new name for themselves. That was the lie she’d told her children when they were young. Yet, now... knowing that the woman loved that god forsaken village enough to command that her children return her ashes there it was painfully clear. The old hag had always seen her children for what she'd named them; Unwanted. Yet, Aiko had long ago taken the name as her own. Her mother be damned.

“Have you come here to train?” She skipped over his admitted poor social skills. She had her own to worry about and thought it best to simply pretend he’d not said that bit. If anything it might help the both of them if she simply accepted their meeting as is. With her first question asked Aiko slowly sat down. Her walk had exhausted her, though she didn't want to admit that to herself. As far as she was concerned she wasn’t ill at all. Disease was not the cause of her ails, nope. She was like everyone else, she’d just come in an alternative flavor.

Her question admittedly wasn’t the best conversation starter, but it was a start. Besides, the goal was to engage in conversation that would require as little thought as possible, at least for the moment. At least until she was feeling a little more human and less like the demon the villagers of Tōkaiten Nikiri had accused her of being. Aiko drew her knees up into her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She then rested her chin on her knees and stared out across the horizon.

5Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Empty Re: Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:05 pm



Staring back at the sun as the young lady spoke, her words had peeked Kiritous interest. Perhaps she made a valid point, perhaps the sun did envy the people of the earth. It sat so far away from anything, alone at the center of the solar system. It provided light, warmth, and life to all that its rays could reach and received nothing in return for its service. As she continued on Kiritou's gaze had not left the sun, even when her question reached his ears. He simply nodded when she asked it, his nod showing a sign of agreement.

As she stated her name, he ran it through his mind a couple of times, he last thing he wanted to be sure to avoid an awkward situation where he pronounced her name incorrectly. Fuyōna. Fuyōna. An interesting name, one that Kiritou was sure was not commonly used though in no way was this a negative thing. After a few moments had passed, she took a seat near where Kiritou had once sat, and though he had only recently stood up, he also resumed a sitting position sitting on the ground with his legs outstretched and resting his wait on his palms which dug into the sand from it. As he watched the sun, he heard her voice speak yet again, this time a question as to if he was here for training purposes.

"Originally no, I did not come her intending to do training, during the early morning hours I frequently come here to be alone and in the company of no one but the sun. Except for today, however, as I am graced with not only the suns presence but your own as well." He did not intend to imply that she was intruding as her being here as she was in no way an intruder.  Unlike most people, her attendance calmed Kiritou's haunting thoughts, something he had been unable to run or hide from in years.

As they both now sat upon the sandy shores of the beach, Kiritou wondered what he could say to keep the conversation alive. He needed to say something, anything, though when it came to things like this his mind drew a blank on what to say. Finally thinking of something to say, even if it wasn't much at all he decided that in this situation something was better than nothing. "What about you Fuyōna, what brings you out here to the beach at this time." As he spoke he turned to once again catch a glimpse of her appearance, from her kimono to her long black hair.

6Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Empty Re: Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:56 pm

Fuyona Aiko

Fuyona Aiko


“Mm, I understand.” Aiko started, assuring him that he’d not offended her with the truth. It was actually relieving to hear that they come for mostly the same reason, as far as she could tell. “It’s peaceful here in the morning. You can hear yourself think.” Aiko giggled, a short lived and yet actually genuine thing. “Maybe we should stop coming here, hm? It might not be healthy to hear your own thoughts too often.” She smiled to indicate that she was joking, but unfortunately she couldn’t be sure that she actually was.

Aiko tilted her head to the side, laying it against her knees so that she could see Kiritou. Though hindering that were thick black locks, which she quickly brushed aside and over the back of her neck. “You’ll burn your eyeballs out if you look at it too long, that’s what mom used to say.” She chimed. The look in her eyes might have suggested that her own eyes had been burned out as a result of not listening to mother. “Why the sun?” She asked regardless of Kiritou’s response to her first statement. “What is it about it that fascinates you?” She asked, genuinely interested.

Aiko’s own obsession could be found on the beach as well, but it did not reside in the sky. Her eyes searched Kiritou’s face, almost begging that he turn to look at her. Not in some sense of vanity, or need for his attention but so that she could see his eyes more clearly. These were her deities. Her door to the otherworldly through which she lost herself completely. She’d often wondered when her worship had begun. Perhaps it was nothing more than her own envy; a desire to be normal like everyone else. Whatever the case these gods that sat so haughtily in the skulls of every creature, recording their lives to share with greater gods who would store these in the great book of all stories, had won her patronage.

Whether Kiritou looked at her or not, she’d gaze as best she could into his eyes attempting to gauge what was behind them. Or rather, what was within them. She found herself contemplating  what taste and wisdom they might contain. Her tongue slipped from her mouth and danced across her lips at the thought.

7Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Empty Re: Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:05 pm



Sitting on the soft, cool sand he stared into the horizon. He wasn't looking at the sun alone anymore but at the water to. The way the sun reflected off of it, displayed perfectly the inner beauty held within it. Snapped back to reality by Aiko's words, he turned to face her for a single moment, acknowledging that he was listening to what she had to say. Her words, containing a sense of wisdom, “It’s peaceful here in the morning. You can hear yourself think." Afterwards, she followed up with a giggle, for some reason a small smile also appeared on Kiritous face even if only for a second. Such a surreal feeling, happiness was an unfamiliar emotion to Kiritou but he didn't think of it negatively, in actuality, he kind of liked it. “Maybe we should stop coming here, hm? It might not be healthy to hear your own thoughts too often.” Another statement filled with wisdom came from Aiko's words, though he could tell she was most liekly joking, he still deeply thought of her words and what they meant.

Out of the corner of his vision, Kiritou could see Aiko looking at him, as she did so he too turned to face her. Her mother had told her that staring into the sun would burn your eyes out if the sight was focused on for too long. Her next question as to what about the sun fascinated Kiritou so much wasn't unexpected and Kiritou had a truthful answer to give. "Think about it, it follows the same routine to the letter. Rising and setting nearly the same exact way each and every morning then each and every night. It provides warmth, light, and life to us from such a distance and even though we offer almost nothing to it in return it still rises every morning."

Looking back to the sun as he spoke and then back to Aiko as he finished, he searched her eyes as she searched hers. They were so much like his own that they almost reminded him of himself, both his past self and his present self. Eyes that have seen pain and loneliness, seen the world for what it really is. Much like the sun, they captivated him for a moment. He found himself, for a few moments, staring blankly into them as if he was lost. Taking him about a minute or so to snap back to reality he looked away for a moment, reclaiming his thoughts before he spoke again.

"Your eyes, they almost remind me of my own. I can tell just by looking into them that in your heart, you don't hide from yourself the horrors that we sometimes face in this world. You come off to me as the kind of person who faces the things that stand before her head on in order to overcome the darkness and prevail over weakness." After he finished his little speech he drew silent, figuring he might be talking too much. Funny... the last person to ever be accused of talking to much, Kiritou assumed would be himself. In this situation however, with Aiko here, he almost felt that he could speak freely and for once, be understood.

8Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Empty Re: Peaceful waters (Nk/Open) Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:44 pm

Fuyona Aiko

Fuyona Aiko


There. He’d turned to look at her, giving her full view of his eyes. They seemed almost yellow, bright like the sun, in start contrast to the ebony and crimson of her own. He thought for a moment that this was the irony of their meeting, he the sun and she the darkness ever seeking to consume it. Of course, she’d not yet decided on a true desire to pluck the young man’s eyes from his skull and have them for breakfast, but the thought had crossed her mind. However, doing so would naturally bring repercussions she certainly did not want. Kirigakure was her home, after all, and the idea of being forced to leave because she’d done some unspeakable thing to one of her fellow villagers didn’t sit well with her.

She listened as he gave his explanation as to why he loved the sun so much. She searched his words for some deeper meaning that might reveal something about the man that had spoken them. She found herself assuming that he was a person of routine himself, perhaps even selfless as he’d described the sun. She wondered if he admired it because it reminded him of himself in some way. She’d not ask that out loud, however. Her answers would come soon enough through their continued conversation. “Mm. It is reliably selfless isn’t it?”

Even when Kiritou turned his gaze back out over the ocean which stretched on as far as the eye could see, Aiko left her gaze settled on him. He’d look at her again, soon enough, she was sure. She’d not want to miss another chance to stare at his eyes, to be captivated by her gods once more. During that period of waiting both had fallen silent. Perhaps victims of their own introversion, lost in thoughts they wouldn’t share with one another. Though as expected Kiritou had turned his gaze back on the young woman. Thus adding to the awkwardness of their silence, or at least it would have added to it were they not both so vigorously engaged in one another’s eyes.

Almost as if she might have been embarrassed by Kiritou’s comments about her eyes, Aiko turned her head and rested her chin against her knees; this set her gaze on the water world out ahead of them. “I suppose that’s true.” She answered after a brief pause. It was, she’d overcome her very biology and managed to become a shinobi. She’d over come her abusive mother and turned out… well, she wasn’t certain if she’d turned out okay. Only time could answer that question, but one could assume that things weren’t looking good thus far — considering the girls desire to eat eyes and drink blood. Maybe, just maybe she wasn’t okay at all.

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