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1Asura's Plot Empty Asura's Plot Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:27 pm

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura's Plot Tumblr_mvlmyaZXjH1skucrio1_500
Asura is one of the decendents of the Senju Clan, on his father's side. Asura was born in the Hidden Leaf Village where he spent most of his younger life training with his father, Nero Senju and his younger brother, Cero Senju. Asura's father's best friend was known to them as Zeou Kai, he traveled with Nero, learning and battling great foes however after his friend vanished, he decided to leave the life of traveling to the future generations, however once Asura was born he realized that being a Ninja wouldn't be the best course of action for his son. Once Asura reached five years of age he asked his father to train him in the art of the Ninja, his father refused however he begged and pleaded to his father, promising to bring honor to the family name, to be strong and protect all of his beloved friends. Nero submitted and gave his son permission, starting the training of the children, teaching them in the art of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. When Asura was six years of age, his little sister was born, Yuki Senju. Asura and his little brother kept training with their father, learning all sorts of techniques using the Wood Release, the two brothers made a deal with each other that they would keep each other alive, to save each other when danger would come around. As Asura grew, he found new ways to love life, however fighting was his favourite way. Be both loved and hated fighting, loving the thrill of battle, loving the weapons and techniques he had learned to wield over time. But he hated how some used fighting for evil, hated how innocent lives were taken, how no one really seemed to care, but he did, and that changed him, it made another side of him, a sadistic, unforgiving side that became potent as anger pumped through his veins, unleashing his wrath. Asura knew exactly the way to use this side of him, to use it when nothing else can be done, when it is a life or death situation. Cero, just a year younger then his brother decided to open a shop, selling books, while Asura joined up to become a Ninja, to follow his family's tradition. He is the first in his house hold to decide this, even his father wouldn't follow the path, but Asura chose to for more, to become stronger and faster to protect his family and what remains of his Clan.

Asura met Rippa at his brother's book store, they talked for a good deal of time before Rippa had to leave and Asura had to return to help his brother. Asura left the village of Konoha to attend the Chunnin Exams in hopes that he passes, he left the village by himself and has arrived in Kumo, on the look out for other Genin. (More to be added)

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  • Nanashi (Thread still has to be made!)

Asura's Plot Giphy

  • Draygglez Senju | Cousin
  • Misora, Ruesaito | Sibling Student

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Friends & Comrades

  • Rippa | Acquaintance, met once.

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  • Sasijimi Mitarashi
  • Joruri

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  • N/A

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(For Future) Students

  • N/A

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  • N/A

Asura's Plot Tumblr_nc4nv0qvgk1shqz6jo1_500
Main Events

  • Left the Village to visit Kumo, hoping to join the Chunnin Exams.
  • Pulled out of the Chunnin Exams and met Zennyo, who might know something about Asura's cousin, Dray.

Asura's Plot Giphy
Love Interests

  • N/A

Message below, PM me, or send me a message on Skype if you want to get involved in Asura's plot or want him to play a particular role in yours. All questions should be PMed/messaged to me. If want my Skype name, just ask, I'll be more then happy.

Last edited by Asura Senju on Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:22 pm; edited 6 times in total

2Asura's Plot Empty Re: Asura's Plot Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:22 pm

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Asura's Plot Tumblr_lurv19mHVY1ql5wzmo1_500

  • Asura to train with his mentor, to travel and meet new people, finding friends and rivals.
  • Asura will come across an enemy known as Yasha Henshin, part of the Starlight Anger Clan, he will bring Asura to his knees and show Asura what true Wrath can do.
  • Asura will learn Sage Mode!
  • More to be added!

3Asura's Plot Empty Re: Asura's Plot Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:35 pm

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Update of more topics.

4Asura's Plot Empty Re: Asura's Plot Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:34 am



After discussing it in the Chatbox,

Rue is Applying for the Role of Family Member as;
Close Friend / Unrelated Aunt / Sibling Student.

Due to Rue having a few years on Asura I think it'd be a perfect relationship for the two to establish and develop as Rue has no living Family to speak of and has always had a soft spot for Children, enemy and comrade alike. The thread we have at the moment as well shows the two would most like get along well, especially seeing as Rue is the ''first'' to find Asura ''cute''.

5Asura's Plot Empty Re: Asura's Plot Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:11 am

Asura Senju

Asura Senju

Rue wrote:After discussing it in the Chatbox,

Rue is Applying for the Role of Family Member as;
Close Friend / Unrelated Aunt / Sibling Student.

Due to Rue having a few years on Asura I think it'd be a perfect relationship for the two to establish and develop as Rue has no living Family to speak of and has always had a soft spot for Children, enemy and comrade alike. The thread we have at the moment as well shows the two would most like get along well, especially seeing as Rue is the ''first'' to find Asura ''cute''.

Added as "Misora, Ruesaito | Sibling Student" ^w^

6Asura's Plot Empty Re: Asura's Plot Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:10 pm



Hey, I'd like to throw my name in the hat for a potential teammate. We can discuss things over PM if you're interested.

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