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1The Academy Empty The Academy Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:53 pm



Koonta stood in the training grounds of the Academy. He was given a mission to give martial arts instruction to a group of Academy Students; this should be easy for him being a Taijutsu practitioner and all. His body was in a power stance as he was waiting for the Academy Students to enter his outside Dojo. He always loves to learn but now we can find out if he loves to teach. A small group of Academy Students walked in, this was a tutoring session so he was not going to get many children nor was he going to get the 'good' ones, the ones who behave in class and do what they are supposed to do.

Four Academy Students followed in line to stand in front of Koonta. The genin examined the students, his students; this is what a sensei feels like. As he was embracing the moment, an Academy Student broke the silence, " You are our teacher? " He asked as he broke out into laughter. The other students giggled along. ' Well then....' He thought awkwardly before affirming his position. " I am going to be instructing you. My name is Koonta and you all are here for a reason. You know why. " He knew the blunt truth of the students in front of him, he knew that the four students standing in front of him were likely to fail as shinobi, perhaps go missing or die unnecessarily on the battlefield. However, he will not give up on these students, at least he hoped he would not.

" Now, if you want to become a shinobi you need to learn how to fight. "
The same snot nosed kid broke out. " I know how to fight! " A smirk appeared on the genin, it was obviously a lie. " What is your name? " The student puffed out his chest and yelled, " My name is Shigo. " Koonta got into a simple fighting stance with his right foot forward and jaw tucked. " If you know how to fight, then defeat me. If you win I wi..." The student blitzed forward in an attempt to catch Koonta off guard. The sensei chuckled as the student lead with a haymaker. A simple side step and trip was enough to have the student fall on his face. " You cannot be so predictable. " He said looking down towards the embarrassed Shigo. The genin then looked towards the other students to see if they understood what was happening...

Crunch! Shigo took the liberty of attacking an unaware enemy by crushing his shin between his teeth. Koonta's eyebrow rose on a 'what are you doing?' notion and shook off the student who was biting into a shin guard. 'Is this really what I am going to deal with?'

2The Academy Empty Re: The Academy Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:29 pm



After establishing proper authority with his new pupils, he would have them learn the basics. One issue is that he was certain that each pupil were on different pages and had different issues. It would be difficult for them to work on separate pages so he figured he would just reread the book. Typically, he will fight in a Southpaw stance but he took an orthodox stance to make it simple for the children. “ Remember to keep your jaw tucked and keep your eyes at their chest. You will be able to read body movements much easier. “ The four students attempted to shadow box as Koonta observed and corrected their technique and footwork. Koonta has always been a skeptic but always came in with a positive attitude to change lives. Hopefully, these children will be the full shinobi within them. After demonstrating and practicing a few combos, Koonta showed a kick, a simple head kick that could have devastating effects. Unfortunately, Shigo had a problem with it.

“ That is not a real kick! “ He exclaimed. He leapt into the air to attempt a spinning wheel kick but swiftly managed to fall onto his back. The other three students chuckled and giggled; Koonta himself cracked a smirk. It appeared that Shigo was being serious despite his tomfoolery. He jumped back to his feet with anger and before he could say anything Koonta interrupted. “ Shigo…Being a shinobi is more about having flashy moves. You will need to learn to control your emotions and impulses. “ The words must have been voided from existence because Shigo had no reaction. “ The life of the shinobi will be short for you if you do not tighten up. “ The other three students had stopped laughing by now and were uncomfortable, they all knew that Koonta was also speaking to them. Koonta never asked to be the parent here but what he had to say was important, regardless if they wanted to hear it or not. “ You are hardly making it in class, how can you survive during a mission? “ Koonta seemed like he was speaking from experience but little did the three other shinobi know that this was his very first mission.

Shigo got back in line as Koonta led the class in performing kicks. The tutoring session would last much longer since they had so many basics to go over. Koonta even wanted to tackle grappling because it is can be essential in close quarters and even non-lethal combat. There was no way he was going to teach these children how to throw elbows and knees because they could go around terrorizing the Academy. “ Please, remember that being a shinobi is a life of responsibility and discipline. “ It was funny because Koonta often would take Academy tutoring sessions and completely ignores what the genin instructor had to say. Life sure is interesting from different perspectives. He knew that the only way to make a positive impact on these shinobi past taijutsu would be to come back again. Perhaps, it was something he needed to do. The group had another shadow boxing session where he could see how innovative the children really were. The way they tried to set up combos and how they tried to implement the kicks with punches. Shigo was there shadow boxing trying to spar the other students. “ No, no sparing just yet. “ Koonta smiled as if he might let it slide next time. “ You have to have impeccable technique before you spar. “ A young girl whispered “ Impeccable? What does that mean? “ Her voice was so soft that he could hardly hear her.

“ Perfect! It means perfect so get to work! “


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