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1Training Rose Summon Jutsu Empty Training Rose Summon Jutsu Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:15 am

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

Sake brought his head off the bench, another night spent in a place he didn’t know on a bench that killed his back. He was used to it, after living in the desert for so long; but it didn’t change the fact that every morning his back had a major cramp. Sake set off on his morning walk through the village, and getting his usual looks: Angry looks from old people who still consider him a criminal, and awed looks from children who consider him a hero. Sake hadn’t found a nice spot for breakfast in a while, and he was pretty desperate to, seeing as he had been eating flowers and drinking cactus water for nearly five years; one couldn’t blame him for wanting to eat a nice breakfast just once or twice a week. Sake continued walking, taking in the aromas of all of the food that was being cooked. Some smelled too salty; some smelled too sweet, other smelled just plain nasty. Sake was pretty desperate to find a place, and he couldn’t ask much people because a lot of people in Sunagakure still hated him. Just as Sake was giving up hope on nice dining in Sunagakure; he smelled it. That smell, wow how nice it smelled. He followed the scent like a dog, his nose high in the air, running at times to get there soon. He came to a stop at an unnamed market stall, not too fancy but it smelled delicious. Sake sat down and ate his breakfast; but one thing had truly caught his mind. The rose on the counter, beautiful, but the thorns can be deadly. Sake thought of a few other things that can be implemented in a rose before the big idea finally hit him. A rose summon! A Giant rose summon!

Sake must have spent hours in his room thinking up ideas. It wasn’t because he was short on ideas for his rose summon, it was because he had too many. He wasn’t sure what to pick, how dangerous this rose could be or even how to do it. His first concrete idea that he got down was the thorns, the giant thorns which can be fired out of the stem of the rose at high speed. He didn’t quite have the power to make them deadly, but they would still hurt like hell. That was after an hour’s work. More ideas, lots of them just flowing through his head, he wasn’t even sure what to pick! Another idea, concrete, had to be included! The vines of the rose, he could use his chakra to control them, whipping people, grappling people, striking people so much things to do. He didn’t quite have the chakra to harden them yet, so they could easily be broken with a few hacks of a kunai, or any sharp object for that matter. The rose would be twenty feet high, yes! That was a good height for a deadly plant. Sake needed to think of some sort of defence mechanism, some sort of protection; he would be so open on top of a huge plant. Petals! The petals would open and he could hide inside! Yes! They would be harder than usual petals, so the protection would be much better, but more! The petals would fire out spores, which release an odour similar to tear gas, burning the eyes of the victims, temporarily blinding them. That was it! All of the ideas that Sake was sure he was going to implement in the Giant Rose Summon were ready, he could go down to the training grounds and practice.
Sake hated the walk to the training grounds, it was quite a long way away from the bench that he stayed at and despite his enthusiasm, the walk just bugged him. He soldiered on anyway, feeling like a martyr for his cause. His legs weren’t really tired, he just hated long walks. Sake loved short walks, or even medium length ones, but this one he couldn’t handle. After what felt like a year of walking Sake had reached the training grounds. A lot of genin usually train there, but it seemed to be awfully quiet today, no matter.

Ok, the time was now, Sake needed to do this rose summon. If ever he’d had an idea that he really wanted implement, now was that time. He dropped all of his gear in his secret hiding place and sat down, beginning his meditation before training. The meditation was important for kuchiyose, he needed his chakra to flow just right, so that he could summon whatever he needed to summon. He began to feel it, his chakra flowing just the right way; good. Sake stood up and dusted himself down, feeling good after a successful meditation. He stood up and began to draw chakra, ready to try his summon for the first time, he was aiming high, to try and get it right for the first time. He bit his thumb on the tip, drawing blood. Made a few hand signs and drew a rose on his hand. “Flower Art! Rose Summon Jutsu!” Sake thrust his hand into the ground tried to bring forth the plant. It felt good, it felt amazing. Sake was sure that he had got it right, the giant rose was coming, and he could feel it! He saw the ground and then it rose. A limp dandelion, not exactly what Sake was looking for…

Different, Sake needed to do something different if he was to summon this damn plant. He thought for a while, a long while before he decided what to change, but he was sure he was going to do it right this time, yes, definitely this time. He bit his thumb once again, performing the same hand signs and drawing the rose slightly differently. Once again he thrust his hand into the ground and shouted it. “Flower Art! Rose Summon Jutsu!” Then it came! Yes It came out of the ground! A 20 foot rose, with all of the features that Sake had planned, he was so impressed with it! He tested it, yes, the thorns fired correctly. The vines were working perfectly. But what about the Rose’s trump card, the petals. They opened well, the tear gas spores. OUCH! They released alright, yeah, and they worked too. Sake’s eyes burned, and he fell off the rose splatting on the ground. He climbed back up the rose and sat down on it, feeling like a king, although most would call him a queen for his roses. No matter, Sake had learned his rose summon.

Word Count [1111/1000]

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