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1Business and Pleasure (no killing) Empty Business and Pleasure (no killing) Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:18 pm

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

The hospital was hustling and bustling already, something that happened so often in the mornings like this. Tomoya had just left the morgue, and was drawing in his notebook as he walked. Today he had examined the lungs of the patient, and right now there was an open cadaver left in the morgue, the lungs left in a small dish on a table next to it. He smiled as he continued to sketch exactly how the lungs were laid out and how he'd be able to mimic it with a machine. A basic pump should suffice, but what kind of material would allow for enough oxygen diffusion to keep the patient alive? Maybe cloth... no, that was too delicate, that would fold quickly, and there would be no way to get it repaired without cutting the patient open again, that was something that would cause all sorts of complications. He sighed, this would be a difficult choice of what to do. If he did it too thin it would rip easily, and cause all sorts of problems, including horrible grueling death, but if he made it too hard then it would never let enough oxygen out... he'd need to come up with some sort of alloy that would do the job.

He walked through the halls, so enfixed upon his book and his work that he didn't seem to notice the strange looks he was getting from the other people in the hospital. Everyone already knew him as the guy who worked for the hospital making limbs and fingers for those who had lost them on the battlefield. The fact that he was clearly working on something, and working on it so much that he didn't notice the amount of people who were looking at him, was good news. Maybe he'd design a new kind of body armour that would protect everyone from losing their limbs in the first place, or maybe some kind of machine to help in complicated surgeries. Whatever it was, it couldn't be anything but good news

2Business and Pleasure (no killing) Empty Re: Business and Pleasure (no killing) Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:42 pm

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

Sake was walking through the hospital, examining cadavers. Gross as it may seem, Sake often used dead people as ways of designing his puppets. He thought about what he could stick where, and how certain parts were going to move, how the puppet would attack, defend and all of that good stuff. The actual contents of the dead people were not of interest to Sake, just the outside shell. During his time in the desert, all of his puppets were destroyed, and he was left to evolve a fighting style which a puppeteer could use, WITHOUT PUPPETS. As effective as it was, Sake's true style lies is puppets, and he was going to need a template to work with.

Sake came to a cadaver which had been sliced open, revealing most of its insides, presumably for the medical students. Sake walked to a nurse and asked if he could go look. After getting the strange look he had become accustomed to by the end of the day, and the nervous nod, Sake found himself peering into the dead body. After doing a thorough examination of the thing, Sake decided to try his luck in the Morgue. He walked to the doors of the morgue, daydreaming while he was at it, he didnt even realise he was on a collision course. Sake bumped right into someone, and they almost dropped everything they were carrying. Damn, they didnt even look like dropping what they where carrying, impressive. Sale wondered what he was doing around here, especially so close to the Morgue. Must be a medical student. No, he was wearing the forehead protector of Suna. Sake turned and asked the boy

"Hey, im Sake. You a medical nin?"

3Business and Pleasure (no killing) Empty Re: Business and Pleasure (no killing) Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:54 am

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

As tomoya continued to walk through the hospital he suddenly bumped into someone and tripped over and landed on his ass, still holding his research notes. His pencil had snapped in the fall, and he sighed with pain looking down at his ass. He had no idea how bad it would be, but he felt like he definitely had a bruise. Slowly getting to his feet and brushing his back down to get rid of the dirt and dust he turned and looked to the other person, a little annoyed but more surprised than anything. The man had asked if he was a medical ninja and Tomoya smiled slightly, slipping his notes into a pocket, before offering his hand with an automail finger on it to be shaken.

"You could say that...." he said teasingly, smiling gently and tilting his head slightly
"I'm the only medic in this whole hospital who doesn't have Ijutsu. I guess I want to protect the village as much as I want to save lives... If that makes any sense" he said gently, before he took a real look at the man's face. There was something familiar about it, and he rarely forgot a face but this time... he had no idea. He was sure he'd seen him somewhere before, which wouldn't have been impossible as he was clearly from Suna, but he thought like there was a reason that the man would be memorable to Tomoya, although right now there was no clear reason why that was. They seemed to be the same age, the same height aproximately, he just wondered what it was that made his face so recognizable
"What about you? I feel like I've seen you somewhere before."

4Business and Pleasure (no killing) Empty Re: Business and Pleasure (no killing) Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:50 pm

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

Sake looked at the man in front of him, he seemed so familiar. He must have met him somewhere before; but it had to be before Sake had been exiled, he didnt meet anyone out in the desert. He probably went to the academy with him or something. It didnt seem to significant to Sake at the moment, because it wasnt a distinct face, just one that seemed vaugely familiar. The man had some detailed notes on the lungs, and how they worked. He must be a medical nin, but he didnt have Ijutsu....strange. Sake shook the other persons hand, thankful that he hadnt pissed him off; he seemed much stronger than Sake right now.

Sake wasnt really sure what to do, he didnt know the person's name, or what he was up to; he couldnt just walk away. Plus the other person seemed to be under the impression that he had met Sake before. Not just a hunch, but a certainty. Sake wondered if the academy was the only thing that these two shared, or if they knew each other further. Also, the way the person smiled when he asked about the medical ninjutsu kind of creeped him out. He also seemed to have a few artificial body parts, he may be able to help Sake out. Sake was getting a nice feeling from this boy, his instincts were telling him friend; so Sake would be nice.
"I'm not sure...I kind of recognize you, nothing major. What is your name?"

5Business and Pleasure (no killing) Empty Re: Business and Pleasure (no killing) Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:10 am

Tomoya Katō

Tomoya Katō

Hmm... the familiarity thing was still giving him a nagging feeling. Where could it be? The academy? He failed the first year due to being away on training, so he'd have been with some slightly older kids the first time.... Damn, where DID he know him from. He sighed and looked at the man shrugging. Oh well, he'd work it out later. Right now he could probably just have a nice conversation without having to worry about anything else.
"Me? I'm Tomoya Katō of the Katō clan, north side. Pleasure to meet you."

What he didn't say, what he didn't think needed to be said, was that his clan had recently been destroyed. Or rather, his side of the clan had been destroyed. By a very intelligent man who knew how to trick them into doing it themselves. Tomoya's smile didn't waver even remotely, nothing would have given that little piece of information away, especially not that he knew who the culprit was, that he knew exactly how the culprit did it, and that it had felt good to do it. Oh, everyone had secrets. Besides, it wasn't murder, it was self-defence. He had to protect his brother and the Kazekage. Just... they weren't aware of it yet. Or rather, the Kazekage wasn't. The clan's death was public knowledge, but even the ANBU had had trouble finding who the culprit was. After all, the fire had scoured away all the fingerprints, and nobody seen anyone else enter the building.

"What about you? I don't think it's very polite to ask someone's name and not give one in return... Giving me a first name doesn't count by the way." he said, gently teasingly. He needed this, he wanted to find out if there was any chance they knew each other "besides, if I get your name I might remember where I know you from."

6Business and Pleasure (no killing) Empty Re: Business and Pleasure (no killing) Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:09 am

Sake Uisuki

Sake Uisuki

The other person seemed sure that he knew Sake, which was strange. Sake thought he seemed familiar, but nothing major. But maybe he did know him from somewhere? Sake didnt know, but the person seemed nice. Tomoya was his name. Wait. Now THAT name sounded familiar. Sake really wondered now. Well maybe if he gave Tomoya his name, Tomaya would know and they both would understand. But still, Tomoya, where did that name come from.
"Uisuki. The name's Sake Uisuki"

Sake made a gesture with his head to Tomaya, signalling that the two of them walked. Sake began walking slowly unaware if TOmoya was following. Walks usually help jog Sake's memory, so a walk he would take. He still felt stupid, the face wasnt really too familiar, but the name, Sake wasnt sure. Sake had walked halfway down the corridor before turning around to see if Tomoya was following...

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