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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Group 2 will meet in this thread. The arena is a large, excavated pit-type area dug into the ground. The walls are 6 feet high, enough to contain but not keep you from escaping if needed. The floor of the pit is mostly level; however there is a dip towards the center. The entire pit is roughly 45 feet in diameter, with the occasional boulder half buried in the floor and walls. Tree roots litter the walls, and a damp area near the far western edge signals a water source not far behind the wall. The earth itself is still soft and somewhat damp, which would tell anyone that the pit was only recently dug.

Anything goes in this fight. No restrictions, no special anything. The only rule is that you will be disqualified if you leave the pit before the exam is finished, so be ready for a long fight.

The start of the fight will be signaled by a whistle and the arrival of your opponent.

Fight: START!



Takao approached the excavated pit of an arena that he'd been instructed to go to at this time. It seemed he was a bit early, as Takao was the first to arrive. Seemed that way anyways. He didn't see anybody else yet, so he took the opportunity to set up a Kawarimi. Just in case, right? Being prepared is what could win the fight. Takao had a firm understanding of the rules, so he placed the Kawarimi on a decent sized rock at the bottom of the pit. That was a nice safety net to have, especially if he could keep it hidden for a while. He didn't see anybody around, so the chances of it going unnoticed were pretty high - or those were the odds Takao believed he hat.

He approached the dug out arena and examined where he'd be fighting. Not a lot of room, especially with such short walls, but it'd do. An Earth Jutsu user would have a field day down there... Takao's jutsu weren't exactly well suited for small areas that were enclosed such as this one either, which would make for an interesting fight. Takao's head turned to face the direction behind him. Did he hear another person approaching?

Chakra: 75/80:

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Turns out Takao was right. Someone was coming. Akimitsu was walking towards the arena. Aki's eye from the last match was healed, so he would have full use of it. Today he was wide awake as well. He knew a battle would unfold and that made his day so much more enjoyable. He got to the top of the wall and took a good look around. Nothing yet, but when he landed he noticed the ground was soft and wet. "One of my jutsu's shouldn't be a problem" He noticed that the ground was easy to kick up. Good distraction maybe? His mind was at work and he almost didn't notice another genin. From the looks of it, it was the person who slept when they all had the brawl in the grave yard. "Hey. Your name is... Tak... Takao right?"

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra made his way to the stage of the second round. He was feeling quite good and practically skipped all the way there. He had a lot of stuff to feel good about; his leg was back to normal, he had another chance to prove himself in the team part of the exam and overall it was a beautiful day. As Ezra neared his destination he looked out and saw two unfamiliar faces. “Hey!” Ezra waved to them as he came within a twenty foot distance. “Are you guys on the team too?” He added as he cupped his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice. He smiled, adjusted the senbon he carried between his lips and awaited their answers. He turned his head to the right looking at the pit that was soon to be their battle ground. His blood started pumping and his smile grew a little wider as he was now in front of his possible teammates and the arena.



Sero arrives like the silence before the Storm. His feet silently carry him around the perimeter of the pit as he surveys the lay out as if measuring in his mind where each rock and hill was in comparison to paces he moved around the wall. An estimate but still he seemed to be calculating. His silence was what made him appear as if a by stander at first before he hops down into the pit. landing in a walking motion like a phantom entering the grave. His grey eyes look around before settling on his new team. his expression blank as he silently observes them. He did not honestly know they're true abilities. But he was only partially concerned with that. It was 5 versus 1 in a pit taller then he and around 45 paces. Not much room to evade really. the only hope they had was to stay separate while timing combinations without knowing anything about each other or they're opponent. with this in mind he estimated a success rate of 10%



Giketsu arrived all excited. A team fight? Hell yeah! Once he he got to know this was a team fight he came rushing. Since he was last to arrive you could hear his foot steps slamming the ground. " Don't start without me!!! " he shouted as this time he wasn't quite sure whether he'll make it in time. Getting stitched up and stuff... You know the routine.

Eventually Giketsu reached the destination. A pit. Low space to dodge and flee, lots of rocks and tree roots... Can it get any better? Yes! You also get teammates! Joy could be seen in Giketsu's face as he finally timed his jump in side.' Last step by the very edge and then, I'll do double! No! Triple backflipsalto thingy! As Giketsu timed his left step he forgot a single aspect - the soil was moist, slippery and overall anti-Giketsu oriented. The last step did make contact with the edge, but as Giketsu intended to leap from it, the edge broke off and Giketsu ended up falling forth. Least he landed quite lightly... His face absorbed most of the damage. No biggie!



The members of his team seemed to be flooding in one by one. Akimitsu was the first to arrive, and he looked vaguely familiar. Takao couldn't really remember where, but it seemed like Akimitsu remembered him as well. "Yeah. Takao." he said as he crossed his arms and turned his head back to the pit. Another approached and yelled out to the two, which Takao ignored for the most part. His attention was directed towards Sero as he arrived, and his eyes narrowed towards him. Something seemed off, but Takao didn't say anything about it.

Finally, Giketsu arrived. His antics earned little more than an annoyed sigh from Takao. After he finished pinching the bridge of his nose, he jumped down in the hole. "Guess we should get some kind of strategy going while we've got the chance." Takao said as he walked towards the middle of the pit.

"We don't know who our opponent is or what kind of abilities he has. Try not to use many area of effect jutsu if you have any, since there isn't much room. If you're going to use one, try not to hit each other. Last thing we need is friendly fire."

"Also, how many of you guys can engage in close quarters combat?" he asked. The more people they had fighting up close compared to shooting all their jutsu at once could probably give them a better chance at winning. Probably.

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu took out his Kunai and twirled it in his hands. "I can hold my own at close range." He stopped spinning it and grabbed some of the dirt. It was moist, and in some parts it was close to mud. "This ground should be easy to kick up. A distraction maybe." He started to look at each one of them carefully. They all looked like they were reliable people. Except for one hooded person. Presumably from Kiri, because he had never seen that person before. "The only area of effect jutsu I have is more for tripping people, or getting them away. How bout you guys?"

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra threw his arms up behind his head as if he was relaxing. He watched as the last two genin arrived. ‘Look who it is.’ He thought recognizing the kiri ninja he had faced in the first round. Ezra then turned his attention to the sound of another genin screaming not to start without him. ‘That makes five.’ Ezra took a head count. He watched the last genin break an edge of the pit and fall in. “Haha.” Ezra laughed and looked to the others who did not seem to pay it any mind. He got serious when one of the first genin mentioned strategy. He then followed that same genin into the pit.

“Area Effect Jutsu huh? That makes sense. There are some area jutsu that wouldn’t outright be friendly fire but they still shouldn’t be used depending on the situation.” He looked to Sero not trying to put him on the spot. Ezra remembered back to one of Kiri’s specialties that he experienced first hand; The Hidden Mist Jutsu which was a bit hard to navigate through if you weren’t used to it or so Ezra thought not knowing the ins and outs of it.

“Excuse me. I’m Ezra and uh close quarters right here.” Ezra said holding his fist up. “I don’t know why I’m holding my fist up because I actually use a kicking style.” He added awkwardly. Ezra noted the comment about the mud and nodded no to the genin’s second question because he felt he had already spoke too much.



Sero pauses as the group begins discussing strategy. it was well and good. His grey eyes had gone to the late arrival that had fallen into the pit with a cold gaze. If they survived this it might require a lot of luck and luck was not his favorite part of strategy. Hopefully the boy was more useful in battle then in... walking.

Still he looks to the others and raises an eye brow. They where all here which meant at any moment the attack would begin. Sero did not expect the enemy to be kind enough to announce himself. Indeed his eyes begin scanning to see if perhaps the enemy was already hidden. He speaks finally while moving to make sure he could not be caught within a small blast radius with the others.

" The Majority of my Area of effect moves end with all of us dead. So I am afraid I wont be of much help other then perhaps some support force. Might I mention we are all here and the test Will begin with only a whistle. I personally prefer not to have this all end by us as one target to be hit before the whistle ends."



Giketsu slowly stood up. needles to say he was covered with mud and earth. Good for ye skin you know. Once Giketsu got up, he looked around to see who he was dealing with. They we're all discussing strategy. Giketsu was quite impulsive by nature so he left a lot space for improvisation. Wits over intelligence. Not much of a choice, if your brains had gone trough as much damage as his you'd go for wits too. Anyway, he felt obligated to mention the fact he was a close combat fighter too. " Yeah, I'm best up close, controlling my opponents. ". Knowing as he had no areal jutsu's and his opponent will probably be faster, stronger and no doubt smarter than him, he knew his job. " By any means, if I make an opening in our opponents defense or just manage to slow him down, strike without hesitation... But only if you know you'll actually hit the guy! Hitting just me would be plain stupid. "

Giketsu just stood there, trying to understand what going on. He tried to relax and prepare himself mentally, as he knew he couldn't physically. All this planning were probably working up everyone's nerves. Keeping cool was a priority.



Aaaaaalright; he figured they'd had enough time for some fun and plotting by now. He'd run into a few of them before, or else watch the previous matches; and the majority seemed smart enough to not turn this into a free for all cluster fuck. All the more fun; just smart enough to not instantly die; but not likely enough to figure out how to win this. Not the strongest offensive fighter; seriously, not an attacker, all his best stuff was meant to trap and shock; the close confines would help him to some degree. but swinging swords did no one any good if he clipped the sides. That ground was wet; he could see if from the tree branch he was hanging from a good 50 feet away from the pits. That easy to spot; yeah. Lesse... he was in the western pit; and it looked like the other guy hadn't appeared yet. Good, good.

Quick drop to the ground would do him; no need to fancy shit; yet. Save that for later; or for when he capped the pit. Which is what he did; releasing his barrier web and a cackle as he approached. This would create a cap to the pit; a trap, just like a spider would have; and as his jutsu looked like nothing more then a giant spider's web; the analogy held. "So kiddies, having fun yet?" He was peering down over the edge of the pit now; web extending from his feet to cover half the area; and eclipsing more with each step he took. Due to the nearly solid nature of the web, he could almost hover with it, in a way. So long as the edges touched solid ground, it would act like a supportive web and keep him from falling.

Course, the wasn't much fun. So when he'd walked over an empty area; web covering all but the farthest edges of the pit itself; he flipped himself upside down; now really hovering mid air for the giggles. "Ya'll about done? Kinda wanna get this over with, and I know you do too."



Something definitely felt off as Raijin approached. Takao turned his head to look off into the distance where he was approaching, then narrowed his eyes in that direction and returned his attention to the rest of the group. "Alright. You and you," Takao said as he pointed to Ezra and Giketsu. "You two will take the front. Try to distract the enemy while we all try to determine what his skills and abilities are. One of you should be on offense and the other should be supporting."
Takao then turned his attention towards Akimitsu. "You, try to back those two up using whatever you can. If you can trip up the enemy and give them a clear shot, we might have a chance."

Takao turned to Sero momentarily, but didn't say a word until after Raijin had arrived. His eyes narrowed again as he examined him, but his attention returned to the group. Takao seemed to be rather calm despite going into a potential death trap of a fight. "I'll stay back until one of you need a break. Most of my jutsu are destructive, but I do better in close quarters. I'll be able to give you support where I can, but for now, I hope you guys are ready." Takao said. Had he unintentionally taken the role as leader of the mismatched group of genin? Maybe, or maybe not. All Takao knew is that if they went in without some kind of direction, they were gonna have a bad time.

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

For some odd reason, the enemy seemed like a spider. Totally not because of the web above the arena. No hint there. "And so the spider takes in the surroundings before building his trap." He noticed Takao was taking the lead. It was all fine with Akimitsu. He was busy trying to find a way to hide. Not cause he was scared. More over, for a surprise attack. If Aki could land one of his jutsu's to stop the man, then the others could come in with a clear shot. He couldn't do much without seeing the first move of the man though. "This guy is supposed to be smart. Don't let your guard down, and for the love of god do NOT get cocky."

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

‘Ok. That guy is a bit creepy. I mean just look at him. He’s walking on a spider web.’ Ezra thought as he squinted, watching Raijin approach. Ezra shook his head and turned his attention toward Takao who pointed at him and Giketsu. Ezra nodded at Takao’s orders. Takao was the first to step up and lead but Ezra felt it was possible he jumped the gun a bit but he seemed to be off to a good start so Ezra decided to roll with it as long as the others weren’t opposed.

Ezra looked back at Raijin who seemed a bit impatient judging by his words. Ezra shook his head. He was a little worried about following Takao’s orders as he and Giketsu seemed to be going into the belly of the beast. It was necessary though because the group needed to extract information on the opponent before formulating a full proof battle plan. They had backup but still it always brought on a little fear to be charging an opponent head on, it was a bit of pressure and according to Akimitsu, Raijin was a smart one. Ezra took a deep breath, turned his attention to Giketsu and smiled. “I have a plan. It’s not full proof or anything but you game?” Ezra asked as if there ever was such a thing as a full proof plan.



Sero moves away from the group a little. At this point it was not so much to make himself less a target. Sometimes separating from a group meant suicide. However here he needed.. Maneuverability. His thoughts are distracted a moment as he feels a small current of electricity pass through him along the water he was standing in. His grey eyes look around then. They where in a trap where the opponent had high ground, Elemental , and terrain advantage. These people where dicks for designing this type of challenge. He smiles and moves out of the water to stand on a rock and watch for now. An observing eye to see how to poke at the bear and kill it. Kill everyone in the pit and walk away... now where had that thought come from. His fist tightens as he calmly watches. Prepared to dodge as best as possible while learning what it means to struggle.



First Giketsu was ordered to take the front line. No biggie. He pretty much already stated he would take the damage and hopefully delay the opponent. But then Raijin finally arrived... He was breaking the damn laws of physics. If Giketsu was smarter he'd just say screw you and take cover. But we should all be somewhat familiar with Giketsu. He just scratched the back of his head and make a dumb look towards Takao. Soon enough Ezra broke his glare and said something about plan and game... Giketsu was more focused on the glare, trying to make Takao uncomfortable and stuff, so didn't quite understand what Ezra told him, so he just responded as he understood. " No, sorry ,I forgot my deck of cards." Then he directed his head towards Raijin - " I don't think he'd be up for poker anyways. " This was going to be interesting. Everyone seemed to have a plan, except for Giketsu of course.

Giketsu then figured since, his opponent didn't go for an ambush, he shouldn't be to aggressive. Giketsu then just tried to approach Raijin as close as he could and, unless Raijin made a rash movement, he would try to reach his hand forth intending to connect a handshake.



Snorting lightly, the male just waited for the kid to get too close. Ah, unprepared, eh. Never approach a Tsukino like that; you're likely to get a naaaasty shock. Oh well, he'd learn soon enough. "So, this is the lot I got stuck with, neh? Fair 'nough. I can work with this." Anyone with half a brain would have noticed his lack of sword drawing; even with both strapped safely to his back. He didn't recognize anyone of these people; so there was no chance of favoritism happening. Good, good. If Skye had made it this far, he was off in the other pit. Poor bastard. Oh well, nothing doing by just standing there; even if it was keeping people from getting shocked harder by him standing on the damp ground. And with the blood rushing to his head, he was getting woozy.

There was an audible snap and crackle as the web broke, seeming to retract into his feet as he feel from the air and into a diving roll; leaping back to his feet a good 10 feet from the genin. "Well; I give this group about a... 50-50 chance 'a survivin', yeah. Maybe a little less, nah. Dunno; never was great with math." Cackling wildly, he lifted a half to about shoulder level; chakra charged to it and forming a ball of glowing energy in his hand. Showy, flashy, completely harmless. Seal: Searchlight. Just a pretty light show, even if he hit everyone of them, it would do nothing; as it took all five bullets for the stun effect to happen. For now... "So... Can ya'll dance?"

He threw the ball into the air; aiming for it to arc over their heads so it would burst in the right spot to peg every one of them with a single bullet; if they couldn't dodge properly.




The only response Takao had for Giketsu's antics were an irritated pinch of the nose to attempt to rid himself of the oncoming headache and a shake of the head to disregard the stupidity. The opponent didn't seem to launch any attacks or take advantage of the opportunity to harm Giketsu though, which was a good thing at the very least. He glanced around to the other exam contestants very briefly, only to make sure that they were alright, and then his attention returned to Raijin.
As the light was charged and tossed into the air, Takao prepared himself to dodge. His legs tensed up a bit as he prepared to move, and the dodged the incoming bullet of light with moderate difficulty. It wasn't moving that fast, but Takao wasn't going to take the chance of having his Kawarimi used up on something so miniscule.

"I didn't hear a whistle, but I'm guessing that means the fight's on." he said, looking towards Ezra and Giketsu. "Are we going to go on the offensive or defensive?" Takao asked. He really didn't want to take the role of leader, so consulting their strategy with the rest of the group seemed like a logical idea. Takao thought so anyways. He wouldn't attack just yet, he'd wait for the fight to pick up first.

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu sighed inwardly. The face falling genin was going to get them all killed. Sadly, them all dying was a very very real possibility. He saw the man charging up... something. Whatever it was it looked rather dangerous. Aki didn't wanna get hit. Nor would anyone for that matter. He rolled to the left, avoiding the bullet. As he rolled, he came to a revelation. He had heard a crack of thunder as the mans web thing vanished. He had to have some type of thunder jutsu at his disposal. He was standing in damp ground. Thats why the Kiri kid jumped to the dry side of the pit! Aki followed Sero's example and jumped to the dry side of the field. He could only hope the other genin would figure out the same thing he did.

As for an offensive strategy, Akimitsu could only figure one thing. His natural agility might help him, and it might not. Against a Genin it would be a noticable difference. Against a high rank like this man? Miniscule at best. Aki couldn't do much offensive until he saw what the man could do. "Stay on Defense! Gifure out his moves!" Aki told the other genin. It was up to them if they took the advice or not.

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra turned his attention to Sero who made his way to dry ground as Giketsu walked off toward Raijin after barely listening to a word Ezra had said. Sero had gone to dry ground because the earth was damp giving lightning based attacks an advantage in the conductibility of water. Ezra decided not to follow Sero’s example as he was charged with creating an opening and he agreed to that more or less.

Raijin talked a little more but it was of no real importance to Ezra. The only thing that stood with him was the sound of Raijin’s cackle as he lifted his arm. He created some sort of Chakra ball and threw it almost perfectly between the team of young ninja. Ezra readied his legs and shot backwards horizontally with very little vertical purchase as the lightning styled bullet darted his way. He managed to avoid the bullet that had his name on it.

“I guess it does.” Ezra took the senbon out of his mouth and placed it in his kunai holster as he responded to Takao. Ezra began weaving hand signs with his eyes on Raijin. Ezra began putting his plan in action. He finished weaving hand signs and hunched over basically vomiting a rock clone directly in front of him. Using him as a cover from his opponent’s eyes he back stepped and threw up another that would pose as him. Akimitsu then answered Takao for the group to go on defense. “You guys do that while I create an opening. Be ready to attack when I succeed.” Ezra said with a smile on his face and determination in his voice. Then using his two handsome clones as cover he sank at least 2 meters into the ground using his Hiding like a Mole Technique making sure to return the ground behind him back to its original state. Once that was done the first clone began to run to the right traveling in a circle around Raijin. The second clone then jumped to dry ground away from Ezra’s teammates giving off the appearance that he was the real Ezra and wanted to avoid being caught in a trap.


Last edited by Ezra Karisuma on Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total



Sero was curious to be honest as he watches the lightning fade. did this perhaps indicate that the nin could or would only use one jutsu at a time? Perhaps if they could force him to use more chakra. Unlikely. He watches the other and then Ezra creating rock clones. Safety in numbers perhaps? Sero watches the ball lift. The theme of today seemed to be electricity. and he had a theory that was bound to fail. He jumps off the ground just to catch some air and reaches out to let the bullet streaming at him hit his hand. He was testing to see if while not grounded the electricity would still damage him.



How rude of him! He just rejected a handshake... Before even getting mad he was distracted. This time Giketsu did listen to his teammates. Offensive or defensive? Where they kidding? They where dealing with a high ranked opponent. Going defensive would be pure stupid as they'd probably stand no chance against demolition the lightning-using-impolitely-mannered-awkwardly-cackling-man was capable of. They had to go for quantity over quality. They had to go offensive and get the opponent sweating or least guessing. If they hesitate they might just as well mark their foreheads red and yell out slogans... Giketsu wasn't sure whether his teammates thought the same so he just pulled out kunai and yelled out the only thing he could be fore looking up to realize it was about time to avoid the shiny thingy coming down on him. " Wazzaaa! " Giketsu then rolled aside to avoid his opponents jutsu. At the moment he wondered. Why divide this jutsu? If it was used against a sole contestant, avoiding by normal means would be pretty much impossible... Unless, he was dividing our ranks. Giketsu instantly reacted to Ezra's clone charging Raijin and followed them. Before starting to rush he did do something most wouldn't pay attention. He sort of ducked down before sprinting. From side it might of looked like start position of sprinting. Actually what Giketsu did was cross 2 kunais with their blades facing under his shirt. To keep them up he placed the handles behind his belt. Sort of a cross of kunai's on his chest. Nothing special, least nothing to notice or pay attention to. Giketsu rushed sideways towards his opponent, with his left shoulder forth and right arm held up in an arc. The kunai in his right hand pointed straight towards Raijin, signaling that this one was for him.



'Oh... oh really... they where... ' Raijin cackled at the reactions; some where smart enough to move out of the way of his shocks and blades, others where attacking. This was gunna be fuuuuuuuuuuuuun. Seriously... who rushed someone that was better armed and more powerful like that? The one kid dropped clones and then hit the dirt; so Earth user. Must be a digging jutsu, or Hiding in Earth. Hmmm... The other was just rushing him... with kunai. Right. Anyway. Let's see... what to do...

He cooould toss up a barrier; but the smell of burning flesh was not that appealing in tight confines. No breeze to clear it out. Ew. Anyway; lesse... Jutsu... clones... maybe G-Slash...

Pfft. No. Blade it up.

Arms where raised and blades where drawn in a split second; stance shifting to point Caladbolg directly at the rusher while leaving Brotherhood free to intercept the other when he appeared. It'd be easy enough; the rusher would see the move and move to avoid; the other was likely banking on that to throw him off and split his focus to where he'd miss the rising from the ground.

Or a clone rush. Either worked. Clones wouldn't last one hit from Caladbolg electricity, and if he really wanted to be cruel; he'd drop Barrier Web again and fuck up the kid in the ground. "Sooooo... Now we're starting? Huh, I was havin' fun play'an."



Seems like this fight wasn't turning out the way Takao had hoped, and so early on at that. He observed as Ezra created clones to make the first offensive advance towards Raijin, then disappeared underground. With how wet the soil was, and Raijin's rather potent Raiton affinity, it didn't seem like the smartest of ideas, but it was better than leaving himself completely exposed. Then there was Giketsu, who charged in head first. That was reckless... Takao sighed and took a few steps back, increasing the total distance from Raijin as his swords were drawn.

There wasn't much Takao could do in this situation. He could create his own clones and attempt to completely clusterfuck Raijin with the help of Ezra and Giketsu, but it would be naive to assume Raijin wasn't trained for taking on a large amount of shinobi at once. Genin level at that, they'd only be able to do so much. Swords and some strange jutsu huh..? That's what Raijin had to work with thus far, he had something to attack from a distance and defend himself at close range. Takao had very minimal training with fighting against an armed opponent, so attacking a much more skilled opponent who was armed would be pretty stupid.

So, Takao concluded his thoughts with the plan of sitting back. He still had his kawarimi set up in secrecy, or he believed it was still a secret anyways, so that was his safety net as it stood now. He'd continue to observe Raijin's abilities and form a much more intricate plan... Or daydream about naps, the two went hand in hand when it came to Takao's consciousness. Yeah, naps...

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