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1Banishing Doubts [Tenzo/Private/No Kill] Empty Banishing Doubts [Tenzo/Private/No Kill] Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:39 pm



As Tenzo bowed and asked for her forgiveness, Shinako once again scanned the area for signs of other people. Seeing none, she decided to make the best of the situation. She had her doubts about this man already. Tenzo was a shinobi. He was highly ranked. He was injured. Small conversational cues were enough to move him to yelling. All of the evidence added up to her conclusion. This man was hardened, possibly damaged, and certainly dangerous. Now he stood before her, blocking her escape. However, he seemed calm enough for the moment, and Shinako decided that being direct about the situation would work best to her benefit.

"Please, Tenzo. We've only just met. Do not ask my forgiveness, because of course you already have it. If you need time to clear your head, I will gladly excuse you."

Listening to herself as she spoke, she thought that her introduction was good, and that her voice was soothing enough.

"I have not acquainted you well with see, despite my earlier outburst, I am generally a quiet girl, and you can surely see how a man as imposing as yourself might frighten someone with my...delicate constitution."

She cocked her head to the side with her last words, putting on her sweetest smile as she entreated him to remain calm. Perhaps a little bit of feminine guile would convince the raging beast within him to see it her way.

With her left hand Shinako gently patted the seat beside her once more, hoping that Tenzo would resume his former positon, so as to no longer be looming over her, his hair an almost impossibly dark halo against the background of the sky. For a moment she had even glimpsed the world-famous sharingan.

As this occured, Shinako's heart threatened to leap out of her chest. Her pulse must have been well over its normal resting rate to make the throbbing beneath her breast and behind her eyes so intense. This was how she felt sometimes when she sparred with a particularly dangerous opponent, though it was completely foreign territory for her within the normally docile confines of conversation. If someone were to ask her to be truthful about the ordeal later, she would have admitted somewhat shamefully that she had been scared.

The young woman continued to flash her most winning smile, the squinting at the corner of her eyes doubling as protection from the sun in case she had to react quickly, though she doubted that if Tenzo truly wanted to hurt her there was anything she could do but cry out for help. And so, Shinako waited patiently for a few moments before outstretching her left hand to take Tenzo's right hand, slipping it gracefully from the hem of her long sleeve in an attempt to guide him kindly back to his seat.


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

When Shinako began speaking, the Uchiha did not made any kind of eye contact and kept himself within that bowing position; however, those words of hers were like a calming melody against those sharp ears of his, as such, once she finished up speaking and mentioning the fact that she was a bit delicate, the raven-haired man chose to arose from the ground before gazing with those ebony eyes once more at her. “Perhaps, I should...” Tenzō uttered indecisively, but those words of hers began already doing what they were meant to, and that was to calm the beast down, the monster which was inside and not that visible outside. Slowly, but surely, those ebony eyes began moving towards the towards that empty spot on the bench at which Shinako chose to lightly tap as an invitation for the man to sit down. It seemed like the woman was interested in inviting the beast within her lair; and the reason which stood behind that invitation was unknown for the man.

There was no doubt that the man was a bit indecisive about the next action that was about to follow; however, the young woman decided to take that call for him by extending her left hand to grasp the Uchiha’s right so that she may guide him upon the bench. No resistance was showed from Tenzō, and without having the chance of giving any more thoughts within this manner, the man was gently guided back on the bench. Unlike the last time when he stood on the opposite side of the bench in order to not invade that much within her own personal space, the man had now chosen to land right next to her, leaving only a few inches as a gap between their own bodies. While making his way back to the bench, those scrawny fingers of his began entangling themselves around Shinako’s wrist in order to form a weak grip that was not meant to scare the young lady.

With his firm buttocks now resting upon the wooden bench, Tenzō let loose of those ebony and dull eyes which began descending on Shinako’s hand just so that he may have a take a much better glimpse against that fragile hand of hers. “Your skin is rather soft... and quite pleasant to the touch, Shinako. Delicate is indeed a word which represents a fine lady such as you.” the man stated calmly before letting go of her wrist. As soon as the grip was finally released, those ebony eyes began making their way against her own pair of dark brown eyes, looking for a direct contact so that they may lock against them for the following question. “I wonder Shinako, you seem like a kindhearted woman who is capable of receiving what she wants. So I’m rather curious, do you seek out something from me for insisting on keeping me around you, or you just enjoy me presence? Be honest with me.” the Uchiha inquired boldly without leaving any room for interpretation. Usually, the man wasn’t this straightforward when he needed to find something out; however, considering how Shinako chose to present herself to him, this was probably the best approach for the time being.

~ 543/543 of Total Words ~



As Tenzo grasped her wrist, Shinako's first instinct was to panic. Luckily, however, she was able to overcome that instinct and wait for the moment to play out. It dawned on her after a few moments that Tenzo was attempting to compliment her. She simply continued to smile and nodded her graceful acceptance of the remark about her skin. It was a matter of fact that she had taken great pains throughout her life in the pursuit of beauty, and proper skin-care had always been one of them. Though, looking down at her own hand as Tenzo did, Shinako noticed a few calluses beginning to form from her practice in Shinobi arts.

She also could not help but take acute notice of how close Tenzo had chosen to sit to her now. She was unsure, but part of her believed that in all of this--approaching her, mocking her tears, growing angry--there was some game afoot, designed to keep her off of her balance; some trick of smoke and mirrors to conceal the truth of what her new companion felt and thought. Tenzo certainly was not as polite, or as refined as the company that Shinako was accustomed to having. Thinking back, the young woman had been uncomfortable from their first moments of meeting. This was partially why Tenzo's question threw her for a loop.

"I? I mean to say..."

For the second time in the same day, Shinako was struck speechless. She was unsure what was meant by the question. What could she possibly want from this stranger? Was this another trick, or some form of paranoia expressing itself? She decided to half answer the question, and to be as honest with that answer as she could.

"You are, of course, free to leave. I do not mean to detain you here. I was simply entreating you to calm yourself. A girl with sensibilities such as mine can get nervous with a powerful man such as yourself standing in front of her."

Perhaps in Tenzo's time he had been tricked by a woman. Perhaps, in his experience, all women ever did was take and exploit for their own gains. Shinako's imagination flew to some far-off village, and to a beautiful brown-haired girl, gently caressing Tenzo's sharp, handsome features with one hand, and holding a knife behind her back with the other. It was another instance, of which she found many, in which she found herself failing to understand the man seated so close beside her.

It was more than just the suddenly intense sun that caused her face to flush with heat. In all of this, Shinako realized that her left leg had gone tense with the apprehension of brushing against Tenzo's right leg. With some amount of conscious effort, she managed to relax, though her eyes darted for just a moment to narrow space between the two of them on the bench, as though searching for an assurance that it was still there.


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Smile after smile was thrown against the Uchiha, against a man who probably did not deserve even half of them to begin with; each and every one of them was nothing more than a constant blow towards his own beliefs, making the man question his own deduction skills. The way in which she spoke was indeed hinting the fact that she probably was frighten due to her delicate constitution, and the young man sincerely did not wish to make things even worse between them. “You have an interesting personality, Shinako. And, I want to thank you for trying to calm me down, a thing which you have succeed.” the raven-haired man spoke a much more softer tone than before, regaining his own gentle side before throwing a slow nod with that head of his, to further thank the young woman for her kind efforts.

Those ebony eyes moved away from Shinako, relocating themselves once more against the blue sky as the man was now resting that head against the bench. “You don’t need to get nervous around me... although, I think it’s a bit too late to state that.” were the words which escaped between those two pale lips, and shortly after they were followed by a deep sigh which eased the stress that almost crumbled those shoulders against the ground. Hopefully it wasn’t rude that the Uchiha chose not comment anything on when Shinako stated that he was free to leave; without a doubt, the young woman was like a medicine for the current state in which he was in, and leaving was the last thing that went through his mind. Of course the man was capable of noticing that she avoided to answer the part which questioned the enjoyment of his own presence; however, it was probably for the best to leave that question behind and move on, since the man was now afraid of the answer which belonged to it.

“I think that the best I can do is to explain myself... I find it a bit hard to trust people, that’s why I have requested for your honesty earlier. I might look strong and aggressive, but you can’t really judge a book by its cover.” Tenzō stated on a calm tone while continuing to stare at the clouds which were almost covering up the sky entirely, hinting up that rain was most likely going to fall beneath. Without giving to many thoughts, the Uchiha began talking once again “I haven’t had the chance of meeting a person like you before, since most of the ones which I know usually place themselves above the rest. My dream is... to restore the Uchiha clan, and help everyone who is outside the village, if they need my help, since I was born in a poor family that inherited nothing besides debts. I know how it feels to be pushed aside from life.” on a nonchalant tone which slowly turned into something that had a bit of sorrow at its core.

~ 508/1051 of Total Words ~



It seemed that, for the first time, Tenzo was allowing some of his hardened façade to crumble. There were cracks in the exterior, but Shinako could still just barely see through them. The conversation now had a confessional tone about it. She had unveiled the problems of her day early on, and it appeared as though Tenzo now wanted to do the same. Shinako knew, from the textbooks, about the history of the famed Uchiha clan; about their struggle with the Senju, uneasy peace treaty, and ultimately their destruction at the hands of one of their own. Many lectures were given on the legendary shinobi Itachi Uchiha. He was a hero, but something of a cautionary tale; a man who stood too close to the fire for comfort at times. Perhaps Tenzo too could feel himself approaching the flames, and beginning to doubt his place in the world, as so many of his family had before him.

"Your usefulness is in more than your bloodline, and your worth as a person cannot be measured in your utility to others. Sometimes you just have to take a moment and enjoy life."

Shinako knew this simple truth from experience. It was difficult enough for her to find time to be alone, or to do the things that she wanted to do. Over-analyzing everything was her forté. People in Konohagakure's meritocracy could often forget that the Leaf's military superiority was not for its own sake, but for the sake of living fruitful and fulfilling lives. Shinako thought about Itachi Uchiha, and how easy it would be to get lost in the bowels of it all--the darkness that lay in the foundations beneath her feet.

The shinobi that she was could not be described as a great one. She had not even mastered her own clan's jutsu, let alone an element or the village's signature styles. Yet often she found herself, even as a genin, getting a glimpse into the absurd politics of it all. Just a few months ago a man had been jailed for attempting to infiltrate and learn the secrets of the Akimichi clan. The Yamanaka had been used to scrub his mind of any knowledge that he may have acquired.

Shinako began to frown as she also looked upward toward the gathering clouds. The life of the Shinobi was so often one of secrecy that deception permeated every aspect of it. She thought about her own secret techniques, and the clan guidelines for utilizing them; all of the precautions to keep them hidden away from the eyes of the world. Moreover, she thought about how such efforts extended even to her own identity. The Shinako that could be found around the dinner table, or at social events, or at academy training...each one was different from the next. In fact, these days, the only time she felt like herself was when she was alone, in her room, or out in the South Forest. The rest of the time she was an imposter. That thought was what made one of Tenzo's comments stick in her chest like a kunai knife.

"Tenzo-sama," she used the formal honorific so as to avoid offending again. Her voice was steady and rich, as though the natural flow of the conversation had been leading up to this question the entire time, "when you say that you haven't met a person like me before...what do you mean?"


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

While listening to every word that she spoke, the raven-haired man could not refrain himself from letting a heartily chuckle escape out, one which was a rather weak and not one which would indicate as if he was laughing in a rude manner. The thought of being told to enjoy life by a young woman such as Shinako was a bit amusing, considering the fact that she was basically stiff as a plank when standing next to him. “For once, there is no need to add honorifics to my name. We’re not on duty, and you can just call me Tenzō.” the man spoke on a cheerful tone while having those lips of his curled upwards within a smile. After letting out those couple of words, the young man would slightly tilt that head of his against his right shoulder, in order to gaze once more at Shinako so that he may prepare himself for the next action that he had in mind.

“Before I let you know about what I meant, I need to first make a remark at your words. You’re saying that I should take a moment and enjoy life, that’s what made me chuckle. Hearing something like that from a delicate person such as you, one who’s basically stiff as a board right now.” the young man stated and before having the chance of mentioning that she was stiff, the man attempted to poke the young woman three time against her ribcage, to probably cause a ticklish reaction if she was and to loosen up the tension between the two. The man believed firmly that this deduction was at least truthful due to the fact that she was a bit more relieved when he was standing on the other side of the bench, a hint which was given when she pulled out those feet from her own pair of sandals.

This was probably the first time the man was told that his own usefulness was much more than his own bloodline which flowed within those veins of his; it was quite surprising to hear that and it was a contrast as well to what he was being told lately by the ANBU captain herself. A few thoughts stormed within the Uchiha’s mind in the moment, confusing thoughts which did not existed there before and the young man was not capable of telling if they were good or bad. Perhaps, not all people were interested in accomplishing their own goals without really thinking about the consequences which their actions could create. Without really giving any more thoughts on this matter, Tenzō pushed those boggling thoughts aside to focus on them another time, since the man had not yet answered the question which she pose.

“Alright, now getting back to your question. At first, your beauty was the thing which brought me here, even with those tears... however, the thing which really makes you different is another one entirely.” the Uchiha stated calmly while peeking at the young woman with those ebony eyes, avoiding direct confrontation to perhaps make her feel a bit more relaxed and into her own comfort zone. “It’s quite a shock to me, to see someone as gentle and kind as you which does not act like that for her own benefit, and that’s not the only strange thing... but, you’ve actually managed to calm me down, and you also mentioned that I am something more than my bloodline, a thing which I did not hear before.” were the words which came out between that pair of numb lips. After gushing out those words, the young man smiled kindly again towards Shinako before cocking his own head against the sky once more, letting her think about the things which he had just revealed.

~ 638/1689 of Total Words ~



It was becoming increasingly clear to Shinako that Tenzo experienced the world mostly through tactile cues. As he poked her she leaned away, almost falling off of the bench, which distracted her from the next two pokes which landed cleanly on her lower ribs on her left-hand side. The young woman had to raise her arms to her sides like an acrobat to maintain her balance on her already narrow perch and avoid an unceremonious fall to the concrete. Once she regained her composure, she continued the slight frown that had come with her question, using both hands to reposition her hair behind her ears, as it had fallen across her face. However, seeing that Tenzo was laughing, she too forced a laugh, though there was little true mirth in it.

Tenzo had a point, though Shinako hated to admit it. She was stiff. Sometimes she felt like a zombie, just shuffling through the motions of her day, cursed to knowing that what the people around her saw was not truly her. Like Tenzo and his perception of her beauty, they all saw a cheap facsimile; something designedly thrown into the world, dropped to cover the trail of the girl who had often retreated so far inward that nobody could follow. So often, what they saw was her rejection of their looks.

One thing that she did not doubt was that Tenzo had been prized and valued for most of his life as what essentially amounted to a weapon. The Sharingan was one of the deadliest and least understood bloodline limits of the Hidden Leaf Village. Its name alone inspired fear in most enemies. Shinako imagined Tenzo as a shuriken in the hands of the village leadership, thrown with reckless abandon to strike out at an enemy, but always with a wire wire attached, so that it could be pulled back quickly to the hand. Her father had sometimes spoken about what essentially amounted to suicide missions in which shinobi were treated exactly that way. She wondered if that was the type of life that she was getting into.

"What courses and runs, leaping into the bright sky, is not the river..."

Shinako remembered the haiku that she had penned in one of her literature classes as an exercise. It revealed, without saying much, exactly how Shinako felt about herself and others in the town sometimes.

"It is true that kindness does not come as a difficult thing to me, but sometimes I am kind for all the wrong reasons, or when I do not wish to be. Kindness is best when it is given genuinely, not as a tax for remaining in someone's good graces."

She thought about how the other Nara women would have reacted to such antics such as Tenzo's horseplay and temper. Any one of them would have confronted him or stormed off by now. Her step-mother was the one exception, though there was nothing truly Nara in that woman. She was a distant cousin by marriage, and though the clan claimed her, she had not had doctors or shinobi in her family for generations before her. The woman was not even possessed of the most basic Inton skills, preferring bukijutsu and taijutsu to get accomplish her ends.

Yet, here Shinako sat, paralyzed with something that was not exactly fear, and not exactly desire to stay. It was loneliness that kept her, and her continued presence was her tax. Something melancholy had settled over her. Looking around her she saw a puppet town. In every building, of every compound, of every neighborhood in the entire village were wax or wooden figurines. It all felt like a museum with a pulse.

Suddenly, inexplicably, but undoubtedly, Shinako felt the need to escape.


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Uncertainty was beautiful and cruel at the same time, especially when both of these two beings were probably capable of sharing so much more than a single bench within a warm day such as this; perhaps, they had more in common than they could possibly imagine. Their laughter was not so different to begin with, but they way they chose to express themselves was contrasting, even though at their core they were just different shades of grey. Like Shinako, the Uchiha had more than a single mask as well, and after such a long amount of time, the man was no longer capable of discerning which of them all was the actual one that truly belonged to him. A faceless man with no significant identity nor background, a weapon used for the needs and pleasures of others; a simple shadow casted on the ground.

Tenzō narrowed both of those ebony and dull eyes, paying extreme attention to seek out even the slightest non-verbal cue when she began speaking, and after those words were spoken the search was considered pointless since the man ended up with nothing. “Those words are indeed truthful, Shinako. However, in my opinion. Kindness is a word which had long lost its worth, since it’s no longer used for its rightful purpose.” the Uchiha responded on a calm tone before letting out a deep sigh while those eyes quickly fixated against the ground in order to not betray those emotions of his; in that moment, Tenzō wanted her dead. It was an inner feeling which did no arose outside due to the fact that it was not fueled entirely by anger nor hatred, but mostly because this young woman portrayed everything which this wretched world took away from him.

A pure heart.

“There is a question which is now sitting upon my lips, one which I would normally refrain myself from questioning, but... my curiosity cannot be held at bay.” the raven-haired man stated on a serious tone while gazing with those eyes blankly at the pavement which stood beneath them. A small pause followed after which only took over for just a couple of seconds, in which the young man allowed the woman to add something if she wished or just to simply brace herself for what was about to come up next. Slowly the Uchiha twisted that head of his back at Shinako, letting his own dark and long hair crumble against those knees while the man sought out her own pair of brown orbs for another eye contact; preparing himself for her next reaction, one which may cause her downfall but not in the same manner which she might have had when the man chose to touch that fragile ribcage of hers.

Before any further words had the chance of leaving that vessel of his, the Uchiha’s own pair of pale lips began forming themselves within a sly smirk; expressing his own degree of satisfaction for this broken puzzle. “At first, you said that you’re a delicate person, which is not entirely true. I’m not saying that you’re lying, but your stiffness indicates something different. As such, my question is. Why do you prefer to hide beneath this armor that you created, and what are you so afraid of?” Tenzō asked on a curious tone while scattering those eyes all around the woman; it was a bit funny to think that the man actually asked two questions, instead of one as he mentioned first. Although, that was not the only thing funny about this situation, since the man was apparently forced to speak directly once again; there was no doubt that raven-haired man was being stripped down, piece by piece.

They were both poison for each other.

~ 631/2320 of Total Words ~



Shinako, too, looked at the ground in front of her for a long while, eyes going out of focus as they often do before drifting off to sleep. The entire conversation had a surreal and dream-like quality to it, the way it transitioned from mood to mood, distracting from any sort of deeper meaning it might have had. At any rate, they had circled around to Tenzo ferretting out her lie. She was not nearly so delicate as she often led people to believe, but people had seen her in that way for her entire life. For several long moments she let Tenzo's question hang in the air, unsure about how she wanted to answer it.

"I'm afraid of what it might do to other people..."

The answer that she finally settled on was as close to the truth as she could come without making herself out to be the weasel that she sometimes saw herself as. In an odd way, she was continuing to shield herself, even when presented with an opportunity to come clean.

"My father, my brothers, my clan; they all expect to see me a certain way whenever they look, and I couldn't bear to disappoint them. I always show them exactly what it is that they want to see. Without a tight leash on myself, what would I become? Would it frighten them?"

She thought about how, underneath everything else, there may have been a monster in her waiting to pounce, just as was the case with her step-mother. An alarm went of somewhere in the depths of the nearby hospital, drawing Shinako's attention to the closest door, through which she saw a gaggle of nurses rushing up a flight of stairs. She didn't lose her frown, but gestured with her head toward the women.

"It's so easy to forget, sometimes, how full the world is of people that are constantly misunderstood; misimagined. It's sometimes hard to understand others the way we understand ourselves. We imagine them as either gods or monsters, sometimes seldom more than animals. But that's not exactly the truth of it, is it?"

She looked for signs of recognition in Tenzo's expression, her eyes almost desperately asking him to understand. She thought about what he had said about her beauty, and it was almost enough to make her angry. Sometimes she fantasized about chopping off all of her hair, and the tip of her nose, disfiguring herself to become hideous so that when people saw her they would wonder about her story, and not about her availability.

"To want to be around someone because of their beauty...I've always found it so odd; almost like choosing which foods to eat by their color instead of their taste."

She reached down to the hem of her dress and removed the Senbon needle that was hidden there, holding it in the light so that Tenzo could clearly see it between her manicured and polished fingers. She thought in that moment that the red of her fingernails could have been mistaken for blood on such a weapon.

"When you first saw me, did you ever imagine that I would sew shinobi tools into my clothing?"


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Pale were the lips which were no longer capable of behaving even for a short amount of time, because once Shinako began answering the questions that sly smirk which once stood upon them slowly evoked a broad smile which eventually took shape. A smile which wasn’t there because of the satisfaction which the man received once he was capable of undressing only a small portion of the woman which stood beneath those ebony and dull eyes, but one that was caused by the words which she chose to give as an answer. In that moment, and all of those words which followed up next did not nothing more than start a flame inside the Uchiha, one which flickered with excitement as it grew larger with each passing second. However, it did not last for long since a buzzing noise boomed across the area before reaching those sharp ears which immediately forced the raven-haired man to redirect his attention against what appeared to be an alarm; insignificant was the word which stormed within the man’s head, while those eyes returned back at Shinako, she was indeed far more interesting.

With narrowed eyes the young man nodded a couple of times as a response once Shinako sought out the recognition, without really letting out any kind of words since that attention of his was fully dedicated to her; silence also offered him the certainty of not ruining up the moment. As such, the man remained like that for just a few more moments whilst those prying eyes followed down the woman’s skirt. What followed after was surprisingly interesting, but Tenzō chose to not show any kind of reaction towards the hidden weapon which almost seemed coated in blood due to the nail polish. Therefore, the man only peeked at it for a second or two before climbing up with those eyes back against her own body in order to reach that pair of brown eyes. “To be honest, Shinako, you have managed to impress me once more. That bright and red nail polish suits your beautiful features.” he spoke teasingly on a tone which was quite cocky at its core; hopefully, the young woman would not get offended by his attempt to joke around.

A faint chuckle followed as soon as those words were finished, to further back up the fact that the man was actually not being serious in that moment. “I must say that your words are really interesting, but we’re only capable of understanding each other towards a certain limit, one which is determined by how much we want to show.” Tenzō stated while turning with his own body against the woman, hoisting up that left leg of his just so that he may rest it on the other one. After the leg was finally placed above the other, the raven-haired man began slithering that left hand of his across it in a slow manner so that Shinako may be capable of witnessing his gesture, even when it chose to stop against his own kneecap. “Yes Shinako, you’re right. I did approach you because of your beauty, and I’m still looking at it. It’s a shame that you’re hiding this much, especially when you have been gifted with an appealing body. Perhaps, there are many things which I would want to do with it. Does that make me shallow?” the Uchiha stated while gazing ceaselessly at the woman, leaving a small question behind as the man braced himself in case she wished to attempt something irrational.

~ 597/2917 of Total Words ~



Shinako tucked the senbon needle into the lining of her long sleeve. Tenzo almost seemed to peer through her kimono as he stared at her in such a cavalier way. She thought back on the first man who had ever shown her such attention. She had been barely fifteen years old, and had taken on a womanly shape. The man had invited her to have sake and sweets with him one night. Before she knew it, he had wrapped an arm around her and begun to walk off. She had never been more terrified in her life before that moment, and wasn't sure that she had been since. Her father had rebuked the stranger and ushered her away, but Shinako never forgot the look that the man had had in his eye; as though he was hungry for something more than mortal food.

She was unclear if Tenzo was actually propositioning her, or if he was speaking in the hypothetical. It was also a mystery to her at the time which one was worse. Either way, she was slightly disappointed. She was far more than a body to be used for pleasure. Her etiquette teachers, and later her match-maker, before she became a shinobi had all believed and instilled in Shinako that for every conversation there was a perfect question. That question would set aside the need for further discussion, while two kindred spirits were content, for a time, to simply ponder the answer. Shinako was not yet sure if this conversation's question would reveal itself to either her or Tenzo. With a flat tone, so as not to betray her indignation, she asked:

"What would you like to do with my body, Tenzo-san?"

If he was brazen enough to make his prior statements about her body, then she would dare him to at least be thorough in his shamelessness enough to spell it all out. She had often seen this tactic used when her father disagreed with something that he had overheard one of her brothers say. It mostly embarrassed them so much that they either fell silent or recanted immediately. The man would never get to see it, it seemed, but Shinako became more and more like him every day, a thought that would have comforted her had she not been seated so close to the adventurous eyes of Tenzo Uchiha.

She looked down at his hand as it moved closer to her. In that moment she was sure that it was a hand that had killed. Someone's son, or daughter, or husband, or wife, or sister, or brother would not return home; there were arms that would never hold again, and lips that would never kiss. Their voices, if they ever spoke, dripped like so much blood into the ground. They returned in the sight of that hand, not as quiet whispers, or long-forgotten necessities, but as restless and unfulfilled years that burned, and burned.


Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

It was intriguing to witness that the young woman chose to hide that needle much closer towards her reach, instead of placing it back to its rightful place; maybe Shinako felt much safer if it was located there, even though the man would probably not hurt her. The game which started earlier had skipped a few levels and without a doubt it shifted at an intense level, and the Nara lady appeared to be bold enough to poise such a question on the line. Apparently, there was something special at her which allowed the woman to push forward, to venture forth within the flames and seek out how much was she capable of enduring before the fire was close enough to do the only thing which it knew, and that was to burn. In most of the cases, the earlier statement that was made by the raven-haired man was more than enough to bring out in the light whatever he was searching for; however, this person was different than most of them and the only thing that she did now was to shove the man next to his boundaries.

Nonetheless, a few seconds passed on in which the Uchiha was pondering on the finest answers that he could provide for such a question, even though there was none and probably the best thing was to remain silent or simply just change the subject to something else. Of course, this would have worked in a normal case for a person which was not the one in question, as such, twas now the perfect time to act and give no more thoughts within this manner. Without further ado, the Uchiha’s left hand began slithering once more like a snake but with the intention of departing from his own body and heading towards Shinako own kneecap, and if she would not attempt to show any kind of resistance for the man’s daring action, then that hand of his would slightly make its way upwards. As a first, Tenzō was not aiming to do something more than touch the woman’s kneecap and let those scrawny fingers spread wildly upon that skirt of hers, so that the man may climb with that hand all the way towards the upper thigh and leave it there with those fingers resting on the inner side of it.

While doing so, the Uchiha would also unleashed a few words “You probably guessed it by now, I want to strip you of your dress and be inside of you, to fuck you if you want me to be that blunt.” on a tone which was quite similar to the one that she chose for the inquiry, but those ebony eyes of his were different than before. Usually they have a dull and hollow expression which lingers upon them, but this time they were narrowed and expressed something which was quite close towards a lustful desire. Perhaps, the man was a bit too straightforward when he answered that question of hers, but there was no other way around it or at least that was the conclusion which he was capable of reaching. Imitating that tone of hers was also something that was done deliberately, since Tenzō was quite aware of what she wanted to find out with an inquiry such as that; however, things probably didn’t as she expected, since the man had to strings to keep him down, and thus he chose to lay down a double-edge answer.

~ 584/3501 of Total Words ~



As Tenzo's hand moved toward her thigh Shinako stood immediately from the bench, slipping off of the side of it and onto her feet. She gave a hard stare at the man. Deep inside, she curse herself for not simply cutting off his advances at the start of it all. Some crippled, broken thing inside of her was incapable of being rude to anyone, even the most reprehensible men in the world. Gathering her hair into a pony-tail, Shinako quickly looked around the area to make sure that she had not left anything on the ground in her haste to separate herself from the groping hand.

The kunoichi's cheeks were clearly flushing red, both in anger and embarrassment. To say that the situation had not gone as she had expected was an understatement. Her Kimono fell to well below her knee, but she almost reflexively stooped slightly and gave it a slight tug, making sure that it covered all of her. As she did so, a single silver tear escaped her eye and cascaded to the side-walk, barely touching her face as it departed.

Shinako cleared her throat as though she was about to speak, refusing to look back up at Tenzo; in fact, she was willing to look anywhere else. Feeling a lump rising in her throat, she pulled her collar higher as though she were cold, even though it was a very warm day. It seemed as though the clouds that had threatened earlier were there to stay, giving Shinako a proper excuse.

"If you will excuse me, Tenzo-san, I must be off in search of an umbrella. Thank you for our conversation. It has been...enlightening..."

With that, Shinako turned and began to walk away from Tenzo as quickly as she could without appearing undignified, or as though she were fleeing. She felt like she had swallowed a burning coal. How was it possible that she had read all of the signs so wrong? She had let her guard down for a moment and tried to show someone who she was outside of the context of her everyday struggle to be seen, screaming on the inside for release. She felt like she had crawled from the surf, only to be found drowning on dry land. She felt betrayed, not only by the wandering hands that she left behind on the bench, but by her innermost self for not forcing her to be more cautious.

As if a heavenly gift from the sky, a few rain-drops, too thin to even be seen cutting through the air, fell on Shinako's head and face. She hoped that with enough luck she could cry on the walk home and nobody would notice. The worst part was, even though the hand had not connected with her body, she could still feel it, as though it were crawling up inside of her, clutching with fingers that threatened to choke something precious, wringing the life out of it until it had nothing more to give.

As she rushed away, she tried to tell herself that life's silly drama did not limit her; that people on a path of purpose do not have time for drama, or tears. She was not sure that she would believe herself today.


Exit Thread


Last edited by Shinako on Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:06 pm; edited 4 times in total

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Even though the raven-haired man might have retracted his own hand slowly when Shinako chose to flee from the wooden bench, those ebony eyes of his never stopped from gazing as they continued tracking down every possible move that came after. A sour taste perturbed the Uchiha’s mouth, one that was forged from the disappointment which arose because of that misguided understanding and interpretation of how the young woman might have reacted towards that answer; nonetheless, it was a gamble that was taken in order to seek out the and bring forth the monster which might have laid dormant within Shinako, a gamble which did not turned out as expected. That lustful look which took over that pair of ebony and dull eyes had slowly faded away in order to make room for something that was a bit closer towards to the word foggy. There was no doubt that a slight amount of guilt had started forming in order to invade that fragile vessel which the man mistaken for a body, a feeling which seeded once Shinako’s own pair of puffy cheeks turned red as fire.

Just when Tenzō had started thinking that there was no possible way for this situation to aggravate itself, a tear came along and proved him that he was wrong once again as it feel from Shinako before dying on the warm pavement which stood beneath their own pair of feet. That was basically the last drop, and after it went away the young man suddenly jerked that head of his against his left shoulder since he could not bear to gaze at her anymore, or simply said to witness and endure what had blossomed beneath those eyes. In all honesty, there had to be some kind of issue behind that young woman which caused that reaction along with Tenzō’s words, despite the fact that they were not spoken on an insulting tone; perhaps, Shinako was a bit more emotional than most of the people which the man had a chance of talking to.

“Anytime, Lady Shinako. Farewell.” were the last words that were spoken by the Uchiha on a barely audible tone while gazing within nothingness, missing the opportunity to observe how she raised up that collar or how Shinako chose to depart from the area. The rattling sound which echoed from those footsteps as they went further and further away from the young man were more than enough to make him realize that she had no further interest in talking with him. Tenzō remained like that with his own head tilted around his left shoulder, until the footsteps were no longer hearable and the young woman was long gone from his sight. A long and deep breath was taken before a similar exhale followed up as the young lad tried to release the tension that had gathered above those shoulders; the sour taste was still there, and it did not had the intention of leaving anytime soon.

With no longer having the determination to even move a single inch forth, the raven-haired man chose to lean with that spine of his on the bench on a horizontal position; it was a long day and the man had was just released from the hospital. As such, without any kind of shame at all, Tenzō occupied the rest of the empty space while also readjusting that head of his upon those nearly folded arms which laid beneath. “Shiro... what am I becoming?” the man asked on a whispering and feeble tone while facing the cloudy sky, and those eyes that were black as the night slowly turned within blazing embers. Alone and hopeless, and the only answer that was returned was given by a drop of rain which kissed his own forehead; even in heaven the angels were weeping.

“Shiro...” Tenzō called out her name once again on the same fading tone, whilst clutching his own fist hardly enough to let those small nails pierce within his own flesh; without having the intention in mind, the Uchiha managed to ripple his own skin apart which caused a few drops of blood to get under those nails and around. Of course, the raven-haired man had nothing against Shinako, and all of the following emotions were directed only upon himself, more specifically on that weak and pathetic vessel that was incapable of protecting the ones he loved. Slowly but surely, those scrawny fingers began departing from each other, unraveling the clenched fist while a dark curtain descended upon those fiery eyes that were filled with a mixture of emotions such as anger, hatred and despise; Uchiha Tenzō had fallen asleep like a homeless bum on the bench, there was no doubt that he was tiered and the rain did not seem to bother him at all.

~ 805/4306 of Total Words ~

~ Thread Closed ~

~ Training Endurance from A0 to A2 | 4306 -  2150 = 2156 WC Remaining ~

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