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16Crazy train( anyone going to konoha is welcome) {konoha chunin exam travel thread} - Page 2 Empty word count 560 Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:31 pm

Razor Namizake

Razor Namizake

"yeah i think hes a chikamatsu i just meet him when we were leaving though so far hes kept me entertained. But that puppet of his makes me a little uneasy don't get me wrong i like the puppet arts. its just that puppets a little strange is all." As they traveled he noticed that they had crossed into the land of rain. "kind of ironic huh it rains all year here but back home it never rains. Overall norahike seems nice...strange but nice". he then saw trees don't get me wrong there trees in suna but not like these these were huge. he saw norahike move a little faster. "We need to speed up a little norahikes leaving us." They speed up a little and norahike said" were here the city of big heads and red eyes."

Then they saw it the village hidden in the leaves it was very big and the smell of BBQ and ramen filled the air. "wow that ramen smells great ill have to get some before we leave to go back to suna. Ezra said" I am going to sign in showing i am here and ready. you coming with?" Razor replied with" i am not competing this time but ill come with you. even if i am not competing i am still representing suna. So ill go with you to register. To show them what they can look forward to next time.


Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

"Awesome." Ezra said to Razor. "I can't wait to be the one cheering you on." He added as he took a step in the direction of the building he guessed to be the administrative building. "This place is pretty different from Suna." Ezra said interested in Razor's thoughts on the subject.

Ezra realized something that he should've sooner. He could check Konoha off of his list of the villages and countries he wanted to visit. "My first step on the way to fulfilling my goal." He whispered to himself not meaning for it to come out at all.

-Exit Thread-



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