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*Sigh* Fukai was rummaging through an old deceased man's belongings. He wasn't sure why he would be put on such a job, it was a sad job going through this junk. The remenants of a long life, a lonely life it seemed, for no family members were left to sort out his stuff. He didn't know what exactly he was looking for, was only told to 'see what you can find and report back anything suspicious'. The young man was too tired to wonder what that was about. Maybe he was tied to some sort of illegal activity. "Uggh" Fukai gave up for the moment and went to sit down in one of the old man's chairs. He had little patience and motivation for these sort of tasks anymore, Fukai felt he was able to cope with a larger amount of responsability, he was a big boy now and deserved a big boy job. He leaned back in the chair and looked up. Something caught his eye. He stood up and lifted the painting that was on the wall next to the chair. On the back of it was an old crusty map. Purple eyes searched the parchement for any clues as to what the map was for. He had no idea and it fit the bill for 'suspicious' so he gladly ended his task and marched back to the admin offices.

Walking into the office of an elderly female official, Fukai greeted her with a respectful bow and deposited the map onto the desk in front of her. She spoke. "What's this, did you find it?" Fukai was puzzled, she continued. "This here, Fukai is possibly a map to the location of the hidden stash of a notorious thief.
"You mean that old guy who died-"
"Yes, and this is a treasure map. I want you to follow it and see if you can find all of the artifacts that have been stolen by the thief over the years. It is in Cave Neverendless, I'll give you some other maps for reference."
Fukai was gobsmacked. A treasure map? And Cave Neverendless. He had never been in there but have heard tales of it's vastness.



After regaining his composure and sorting out the rest of the details, he traveled directly to the cave. By the time he arrived, he was totally pumped to go treasure hunting. It was something endemic for younger boys, the larger man still able to revell in the anventure. "Well, here it is." The young man rubbed the fine red material of his scarf inbetween his thumb and forefinger as he stared at the large gaping mouth of Mr Neverendless. "Don't mind me good sir, I'll just be wiggling around in your bowels for a little while."

The young man's steps started to make sound as he walked into the ambiotic chamber. Just a few metres into the cave and the temperature dropped several degrees, raising bumps on his upper arm and sending his body into a short involuntary shake. He pulled out the map to check it for the dozenth time, stopping his mind from making monsters out of the shadows. Flicking on the dim, poor escuse for a lampand holding it up to the map. The big red X was not too deep into the cave, thank goodness. Tight enclosed spaces had always creeped him out after the incident. Around that time his dreams had become filled with himself being trapped in a small dark place and the air changing into gas. He would then choke and splutter just like his childhood friends until he woke. He had gotten over that stuff, or so he thought. This cave brought dredged up the dread of the dead that he had lived with through adolescence, it was a dark place that he didn't want to return to. Despite this, he kept walking deeper into the darkness. All enthusiasm for adventure had been vanquished by this point, Fukai was really regretting bringing such a puny lamp. "Ahh come on, keep it together".



"So it should be just around here..." Fukai had now drawn his staff and was using it the way a blind man would use a cane, tapping it infront of him to discover any hidden foot traps. He was in the general area of the big X, and was now wondering what else he should next. "He would have hidden it somewhere in here.." Fukai smacked the side of the cavern with his staff. A chunck of rock came loose and tumbled down. "Hmm.. Wha-" The next second, the wall started crumbling and the floor gave way beneath his feet. He started tumbling down the debris to a second floor of the cave below. Quickly, he curled himself in a ball and ran chakra through his scarf, animating it. As he fell, he wrapped himself in it to protect himself as he flowed down with the shower of stones. It was only a 3 metre drop but the sudden shock was quite a surprise. Thankfully, the genin had reacted to it and managed to save himself any injury. The lamp had tumbled after him and he was suddenly very grateful for it being so big and robust, a finer tuned instrument would have shattered from the fall. Fukai peered up to where he had come from. "Ahh well, What the hell am I going to do now? Wait.. What is that?" He said to himself after noticing some oddly shaped object in amongst the rubble. He hurried and squatted over the debris. He started shovelling them out of the way with his large mits. Fukai unearthed a small metal crate. It's clasp was broken and inside, he found a map. Another map.

Fukai sat there in the darkness, holding up the poor light source to the parchement. Yes it was definitely another blasted map, it looked like a different set of tunnels that it led to this time. The young man just sat there in the darkness for a while.

Mission complete

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