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Fukai looked down at the parchment for a few minutes, just sitting there. Then he giggled. The giggle turned into a chuckle. He could not believe that there was another map. "What is it with that guy? Is this some sort of joke or is he a treasure hunt fanatic?" Either way, he was sure to be laughing in his grave. The young man was running out of patience. This adventure had gone on long enough. It had started this morning with him rifling through the deceased thief's belongings and had resulted in him dungeon crawling. Just a little mouse running around in a larger game. The genin gathered his thoughts and his gear and started back down the passage from where he had come from. Checking and checking the map again, he made sure that he was going the right way. He sighed. He would be embarrassed if he got lost again. Thankfully, he managed his way to the entrance without event.

He coughed up some tunnel dust and brushed the stuff off his clothes. He peeked at the third treasure map. The formations on the make sure did not look like another tunnel or cave.. He would have to consult someone on where this was. Fukai headed back in the direction of the administration office. This was going to be a long day.

"Hello, I am back" He called to the lady in the back office who had originally given him his mission.
"Oh good! What were you able to find?" She opened the door and ushered him to a seat and then started looking around, probably for a booty bag full of treasures.
"Ahh well, nothing yet" An immediate frown descended on the elderly woman. "First of all I went to Cave Neverendless like we talked about, I followed the map and it lead me to another map. That map in turn showed me the way to yet another map deep in the underground tunnels." The lady's mouth opened slightly. "Now this is the map I found here and I am not sure what it is of, I was hoping you could tell me." Fukai brought out and unrolled the old dusty parchment in front of her. She poured over it, drinking in the detail with amazement. He could tell that that the lady would be much more enthusiastic to go on this adventure than him.



She spoke after a while. "Well, it looks like an old map of rockhenge. Before a lot of the damage was done to the site, it used to look like this. By golly, this map must be fifty years old at least." She could barely contain her excitement, shoving Fukai in the direction of the door and not allowing him any chance for a breather. He complied without resistance and slowly made his way towards the historical site. Fukai started wondering if he would hide the lost artifacts there.

As he stepped towards the strange upright stone pillars, the genin felt a strange atmosphere. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, it felt like a light but eerie chakra haze. As he came closer he noticed a small male bent over the rock slab in the center, studying the markings on the side. Fukai chose not to disturb him and keep to the task at hand. He pulled out the map yet again and tried to compare where the X was on the map to the actual place on the site. As he pondered over it for a few minutes, the man behind him crept up and looked over his shoulder.
"What you got there?" He asked a little rudely, Fukai thought. The genin shrugged and decided to tell the man, he looked like he might know where the place was and be able to enlist his help.
"Well, what this is is an old map of Rockhenge, apparently before some damage was done to it or something? And I am trying to pinpoint the location of this place here. Do you know where that could be?" He had pointed to the X on the map and looked at the small man for any clues. The guy's eyes narrowed briefly and then widened again.
"Oh yeah, I know where that is.. It is just over here, follow me and I'll show you." Fukai gratefully followed the man. He was lead to a banked hilltop about 20 metres away. Fukai frowned as it definitely looked like the X was somewhere around the stone circle. "It should be on the under side of that bank over there. Just hold on to that tree branch and reach over."
The purple eyed genin agreed that the underside of the cliff would be a great hiding niche. He would have asked for some help from the make but he looked kinda weak and unable to offer much support. So he held on to the branch of an overhanging tree has he bent over the cliff face. The height surprised him at first, he realised he was up about fifteen to twenty metres. As he gazed down at the stone below, the other male reached up to the branch that he was holding on to and quickly cut straight through it with the knife that had suddenly appeared in his hand. Fukai fell.

Just as he was about to tumble to his death,he grabbed a root that was sticking out of the cliff. The deceitful character shouted over: "Oh woopsies! Oh well, now I will just have to keep the treasure." and then he disappeared. Not that Fukai had any care for the mission at the moment, his strenuous grasp on the thin root was his lifeline. The adrenaline of the motion had him heaving in breaths and his mind was racing. In this life and death moment, his thoughts went back to the incident and his mother. The scarf from around his neck extended towards the tree above and coiled around it. Fukai scrambled up it, arm over arm dragging himself up. As he got to the top, his mind went to the perpetrator. As he looked back over at the site, the trickster was pulling up a bag of what was surely the artifacts before making a run for it. Fukai gave chase and soon his superior speed and fitness had him close the gap and knock a dent in the guys head. With both the treasure and the perp in hand, he strolled back to the offices.

mission complete~~

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