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1Escaped goat [d rank/private/nokill] Empty Escaped goat [d rank/private/nokill] Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:09 pm




One tentative foot after the other was placed on the mountain side using the supernatural walking jutsu to tie his feet to the rock. A wily goat had escaped from a farm and Fukai had been called to get the damned thing down. He sighed. Wrapping this up quickly couldn't mean getting in a few more hours of developing some techniques. Recently, he had been working on his footwork and dojutsu pairing. Just recently unlocking the first tier of his eyes of the netherworld a vertical black line had taken hold, stretching from the top of the iris to the bottom. He had discovered that he could now control and utilise the clan jutsu, namely affecting the emotional state of the people he made eye contact with. Fukai was in two minds about this power, the extra strength was nice but he didn't fancy the idea of manipulating people's inner most feelings. It seemed a little invasive. But then again, in a real fight it should probe useful.

These damned goats seemed to always be escaping, they could scale almost vertical walls the way ninja have to do with the use of chakra. The land of stone was the right place for breeding and raising goats, alright. The terrain often looked like something out of a road runner sketch. Fukai finally spotted the animal and it spotted him. The genin approached carefully, trying not to scare it away. The goat seemed to have a distrust of humans, it backed away from the approaching male. C'mere little goatie, just sit right there and wait for me won't you sweetheart? Fukai cooed at the animal. It blared back and rocketed up the mountain side. No wait. Ahh that bloody beast. Come back here! The genin made after the goat.

After a good hour of a mix of hide and seek and tag with an animal that was much too intelligent, Fukai finally closed in on it. He stretched out his scarf, pouring chakra into it and grabbed the goat. Now I have you, you little trouble maker. What an annoying little chore. Fukai made sure he wasn't hurting the goat as he lifted it into the air and balanced it above him using his technique. The genin sighed and started to make his way back down the mountain, keeping his feet secured with chakra. He made sure that the goat wouldn't slip from his grasp by coiling the scarf around its rump. For it to fall here would mean the death of it. Fukai let out another sigh, today was a bleak day indeed. Motivation was just one thing that wasn't coming to him.

When he reached the bottom, Fukai released the supernatural walking practice. Now time to get you back home, you little rascal. I hear you're a prized breeding goat. I'm surprised you wanted to run away from a life like that. The goat made a low key blare as if it was disapointed in itself and regretted his decision. The young man brought the goat down to eye level as they walked back to the farm. He then petted the poor stressed out thing and reassured it.

Here you are, your home. Fukai knocked on the door and entered. Oh thank goodness you are home Jangles. An elderly man came to receive his goaty package. You call him Jangles? No wonder he wanted to get away. Well here is your goat mister, just like it was promised. The man profusely thanked the young man. The genin left without another word. All in a days work he thought, brushing away the tear at the sight of the reunited pair.

mission complete
D rank jutsu please

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