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1First purchase Empty First purchase Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:25 pm



First purchase Zangetsu-Anime
Name: /
Type Of Weapon: Sword
Rank: B
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: /
Close/Long Range: Close
Appearance: The sword looks like an oversized elegant cleaver rather than a formal "katana". It has no tsuba and no proper hilt: what Kishaan holds is the cloth-wrapped tang. The sword is about as tall as Kishaan is and has a black blade with a silver edge. The cloth wrapping on the tang seems to react to his will, changing length to twining about the blade in an impromptu sheath. When in combat, the cloth falls away when necessary, shrinking back to a manageable size. The cloth can be used to bandage wounds, but this is done rarely. Kishaan can use the wide blade as a shield from incoming attacks, and for deflecting taijutsu attacks
History: This sword is a gift from Kishaan's friend, Iki Luca. It is a custom commision.

2First purchase Empty Re: First purchase Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:50 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

900 ryo. Take it or leave it. 8|

3First purchase Empty Re: First purchase Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:51 pm



Accepted. Deducting Ryo from Naota's account

4First purchase Empty Re: First purchase Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:41 pm



Deing that Kishaan was put up for adoption, I'm moving this weapon to another Character of mine

5First purchase Empty Re: First purchase Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:58 pm



This weapon has been given to Luca Iki. It has been renamed Satsujin no Ito.

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