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1Violence Hammer [C-rank] Empty Violence Hammer [C-rank] Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:45 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Violence Hammer [C-rank] Lg-hammer
Name: Violence Hammer
Type Of Weapon: Warhammer
Rank: C
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: It demolishes things. That's about it.
Close/Long Range: Close
Appearance: This is not a pretty weapon by any standards; obviously a cobbled together mass of death and destruction. Nothing more then bits and pieces of stuff he found laying around in the Construction Area one day while he was surveying the new buildings. It consists of a roughly 6 foot long metal pole shoved through a solid cinder block. The cinder block was then wrapped in several layers of various wires; which are themselves either part of the weapon, or used to hold more weapons to the head of the hammer. A layer of ninja wire hold 8 kunai to the head of the hammer; which stick out at various angles all over it. There is another layer of razor and a third layer of barbed wire covering the cinder block as well.
History: There's really not much history behind this weapon. Kenta was bored and having a shitacular day; so he decided to smash up a pile of loose debris that was littering one of the construction site. This is the result of boredom and a lot of excess material.

2Violence Hammer [C-rank] Empty Re: Violence Hammer [C-rank] Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:02 pm



Very nice. Approved 1/2

3Violence Hammer [C-rank] Empty Re: Violence Hammer [C-rank] Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:06 pm

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

I don't know why the Hokage would need such an uncivilized weapon but

Approved 2/2

4Violence Hammer [C-rank] Empty Re: Violence Hammer [C-rank] Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:53 pm



R.I.P the people who this is used against.

How's 350 ryo sound? I think it's gonna be about tree fiddy.

I appraise the item for 500.

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