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1Fairly Loyal [Private/Sora/Silas] Empty Fairly Loyal [Private/Sora/Silas] Fri May 29, 2015 7:18 pm

Uiharu Jun

Uiharu Jun

It was a rather warm day within the village of Konoha, scarcely a cloud graced the azure sky with its presence. The air was still and dry, filled with the sound of summer insects issuing their cries. This place within Konoha was a small bridge, spanning a gentle stream. On the far side lay a forested area commonly used by academy students and recent graduates as an unofficial training grounds. A few trees dotted the grassy area on the near side of the bridge, lining the sides of a dirt path leading into a residential area of the village. This area by the lonely dirt path was quiet, yet bustling with the lives of the birds and occasional squirrel living in the trees. It was here, in the shade of one of those trees, that a pale Genin sat quietly, dressed in clothing that seemed a bit unseasonable.

"How did I even end up here?" Uiharu Jun thought to himself, questioning the decisions that led him to where he was now, both emotionally and geographically. The young Genin felt trapped, probably because it was so hot and sunny and he didn't want to leave the shade of his new favorite tree. He had originally gone out to train in the forest, nothing special to him. The struggle began when he tried to return home; after only walking the short distance to leave the forest and cross the small, wooden bridge, he felt as though his skin was aflame and his flesh was melting. This, of course, was a bit of an exaggeration, but Jun was truly a coward when it came to hot weather. He ducked under a tree and into the shade just a short few meters after making it across the bridge.

It was here that Uiharu Jun remained, sitting idly and waiting for the sun to go down. It wasn't a very efficient plan, nor was it good at all; but in his mind, Jun would prefer to sit here wasting his time all day rather than have his incredibly fair skin get an annoying burn. The Genin drifted off into thought as he heard the sounds of voices echoing from the marketplace in the residential area not terribly far from where he sat.

WC: 379
TWC: 379

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