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1Silas' Evolution Empty Silas' Evolution Mon May 25, 2015 5:48 am





  • Missions (0/3)

    • D-Rank (0/1)

      • 0/600 Words

    • C-Rank (0/2)

      • 0/2000 Words

  • Jutsu (0/3)

    • D-Rank (0/1)

      • 0/675 Words
      • 0/80 Ryo

    • C-Rank (0/2)

      • 0/1800 Words
      • 0/300 Ryo

  • Stats (0/3)

    • Speed (E→D-3)

      • 0/1925 Words
      • 0/150 Ryo

    • Reaction Time (E→D-3)

      • 0/1925 Words
      • 0/150 Ryo

    • Perception (E→D-3)

      • 0/1925 Words
      • 0/150 Ryo

    • Strength (E→D-3)

      • 0/1925 Words
      • 0/150 Ryo

    • Endurance (E→D-3)

      • 0/1925 Words
      • 0/150 Ryo

  • Threads (0/6)

    • Non-mission
    • 1 Character other than my own
    • 2000 Words at least per person
    • 3 posts per person


  • Missions

    • Total: 2600 Words

  • Jutsu

    • Total: 2475 Words + 380 Ryo

  • Stats

    • Total: 9625 Words + 600 Ryo

  • Socials

    • Total: 12,000 Words, assuming the stat trainings aren't used

26,700 Words + 980 Ryo

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