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1Gotta go Fast! (Solo, Training) Empty Gotta go Fast! (Solo, Training) Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:17 pm

Jashin, Austin

Jashin, Austin

Austin was walking the streets of Suna, The village hidden in the sand. It was hot day, the sun was beating down on the land like it was made of fire. But Austin was accustomed to this, being born in the village and all he hardly needed water but today he brought 2 just incase. So as Austin went to the normal training grounds and he saw the dirt path that looked like it could go on for ages. Austin just smirked and started to run the path. As the hot beat down Austin knew he would have to master this new speed so he started to run fast, To the point that he was sprinting his legs out to the fullest of his leg muscles. Only a few minutes have gone by but Austin's legs were killing him they hurt so bad he just wanted to rip them off. See Austin was a big strong dude so running like this only hurt his legs more but eventually with his speed and strength he would be impossible to beat. As Austin kept going he was half way across. Ugh why is this so hard and the sun is making it worst. He said. But Austin knew if he gave up his parents and friends would look down on him and that would be unforgivable. As Austin kept running and pushing his limit he was starting to go faster. The training was starting to work and Austin was happy so he started to sprint some more but instantly lost breathe and he stopped. Austin looked ahead and saw the finish like 10 Meters ahead. He thought in his head So close must keep pushing! Austin kept running and he finally crossed the finish line and he let it all out with excitement but he quickly chugged the first water.

2Gotta go Fast! (Solo, Training) Empty Re: Gotta go Fast! (Solo, Training) Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:18 pm

Jashin, Austin

Jashin, Austin

WC: 308 Speed: E To D

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