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1Osada's Stat Training Empty Osada's Stat Training Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:33 pm




データ {STAT} {TIER}ランク {RANK}ボーナス {BONUS}
StrengthTier 0C-rank+0
EnduranceTier 0C-rank+1
SpeedTier 3S-rank+0
PerceptionTier 1D-rank+0
Reaction TimingTier 2C-rank+1

Bonus Stats Listing

  • +1 Tier on Endurance - Positive Characteristic Stamina
  • +1 Tier on Reaction Time - Positive Characteristic Reflexes

{ D ~> C }
{ C ~> B }
{ B ~> A }
{ A ~> S }
{ S ~> SS }
{ SS ~> SS-3 }

Last edited by Jurou on Sun May 17, 2015 4:46 am; edited 4 times in total

2Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:40 pm



Jurou wrote:Training Part ONE

A simple talk

Perception from E-0 to D-0

Let's Get Down to Business

Strength from E-0 to E-3

3Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:21 pm



Jurou wrote:
Jurou wrote:Training Part ONE

A simple talk

Perception from E-0 to D-0

Let's Get Down to Business

Strength from E-0 to E-3

For the record please only turn in finished threads or threads that can no longer be posted in. If this is the case with these then consider this information for the future

Osada's Stat Training Approval_zpsd37c5620

4Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:20 am



Training Part ONE

A simple talk

Word Count: 2565

Endurance from E-0 to E-1 75 words (WC: 2490)
E-1 to E-2 150 words (WC: 2340)
E-2 to E-3 225 words (WC: 2115)
E-3 to D 300 words (WC: 1815)

D to D-1 325 words (WC: 1490) ~> 25 ryo
D-1 to D-2 400 words (WC: 1090) ~> 50 ryo
D-2 to D-3 450 words (WC: 640)~> 75 ryo
D-3 to C 525 words (WC: 115)~> 100 ryo

WC: 115 and 1430 ryo - 250 ryo = 1180 ryo in total.
WC: 115 and 1180 ryo altogether.

Endurance E0 to C

5Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:56 am



I need you to label in the thread what your training. Preferably on your final post. As well as not in tiny little letters I can't read without pressing my face to the monitor.

6Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:34 am



Thread edited.

7Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:48 am



Looks good.

Osada's Stat Training RjL7O2M


8Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Sat May 16, 2015 4:54 am



Training part TWO

Only those with Dedication come far in Perfection

Word Count: 2803

Strength from E-0 to E-1 75 words (WC: 2728)
E-1 to E-2 150 words (WC: 2578)
E-2 to E-3 225 words (WC: 2353)
E-3 to D 300 words (WC: 2053)

D to D-1 325 words (WC: 1728) ~> 25 ryo
D-1 to D-2 400 words (WC: 1328) ~> 50 ryo
D-2 to D-3 450 words (WC: 878)~> 75 ryo
D-3 to C 525 words (WC: 353)~> 100 ryo

WC: 353 and 250 ryo

Strength E0 to C

Last edited by Jurou on Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

9Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Sat May 16, 2015 9:19 pm



Training part THREE

Nukenin Season

Word Count: 1371

Perception from E-0 to E-1 75 words (WC: 1296)
E-1 to E-2 150 words (WC: 1146)
E-2 to E-3 225 words (WC: 921)
E-3 to D 300 words (WC: 621)

D to D-1 325 words (WC: 296) ~> 25 ryo

WC: 296 and 25 ryo

Perception E0 to D-1

Last edited by Jurou on Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

10Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Tue May 19, 2015 2:02 am



I need you to label in the threads what level of the stat your are training to what level you intend to train it. Stating I am training X stat with no parameters is too open.

11Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Tue May 19, 2015 2:24 am



Edits made.

12Osada's Stat Training Empty Re: Osada's Stat Training Wed May 20, 2015 3:01 pm



Osada's Stat Training RjL7O2M

You didn't specify the total WC used in the training in the last post... But I checked The WC and it came out within 3 of your WC, which isn't worth any fuss, and you were covered for it anyway. Nothing worth holding approval back, not by a long shot. You know what to do to pay the ryo costs.

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