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1Itsuki Senju [Stats] Empty Itsuki Senju [Stats] Wed May 20, 2015 2:49 pm



Itsuki's Stats!

Strength:: E-0
Speed:: D-0
Endurance:: E-0
Perception:: E-0
Reaction Time:: E-2

Last edited by Itsuki on Fri May 22, 2015 4:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Itsuki Senju [Stats] Empty Re: Itsuki Senju [Stats] Wed May 20, 2015 3:54 pm



E ~ E1 for Speed
E ~ E1 for Strength
E ~ E1 for Endurance
E ~ E1 for Perception
E ~ E1 for Reaction time

All from this thread of 617 words located here

3Itsuki Senju [Stats] Empty Re: Itsuki Senju [Stats] Fri May 22, 2015 1:16 am



E1 Speed ~ E2 Speed
E1 Endurance ~ E2 Endurance
E1 Reaction Time ~ E2 Reaction Time

from this post of 537 words located here

4Itsuki Senju [Stats] Empty Re: Itsuki Senju [Stats] Fri May 22, 2015 1:23 am



Please keep a total word count in your topics.

Next E0 to E1 is 75 WC 0 ryo. 75x5=375

So all stats to E1 is only 375 WC.

E1 to E2 is 150 WC and 0 ryo.

150×3=450 WC. Your math is off? You have enough WC to boost them more.

5Itsuki Senju [Stats] Empty Re: Itsuki Senju [Stats] Fri May 22, 2015 1:40 am



OK now that i've come to an understanding of ranking up, I got this.
E0 Speed stat ~ D0 Speed Stat. 750 Words from total word count found in this thread here

E0 to D0: 1154 - 750 = 404

So then I'll rank up Reaction time
E0 Reaction Time ~ E2 Reaction Time from the remaining word count on that thread, meaning:
E0 to E2: 404 - 225 = 179

6Itsuki Senju [Stats] Empty Re: Itsuki Senju [Stats] Fri May 22, 2015 4:16 pm



Itsuki Senju [Stats] RjL7O2M

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