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1Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:46 pm



It had been a while since Takao's decision to take a walk, one with no destination in mind. It had lead him to the graveyard, which wasn't exactly an ideal place for a walk at two in the morning, but it sufficed for the moment. Quiet, secluded, empty... or, well, that's what Takao thought. As it turned out, the graveyard was apparently a hotspot for genin. He met a few different people there. Ryuji, an Uchiha visiting a deceased relative. Probably the only genin out of them all with a justified reason for being there. Axel, who was out for training.. Funny how he ended up getting everybody else to go along with him. Kenta was coming along for the ride too, as well as a Nekonote who wielded a Yo-yo? What a strange bunch.

The sun hadn't quite come up yet however, and the darkness of night still shrouded the "closed" training area. The main source of light came from the nearby street lamp and the moon, which was in one of it's crescent phases. Not exactly the most efficient sources, but they would do.

"So," he said, clearing his throat immediately after. He turned his head around and looked at the others that had gathered there with him. "Everybody here?"

Last edited by Takao on Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:29 am; edited 1 time in total

2Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:47 pm



Entering the small forest, not long after Takao, Kenta couldn't help but frown at the area. It was closed so not much room for alot of movement in regards to free space but there was alot of cover from the trunks of the trees and the bush of the top of the trees.
It was a strange group of characters that was for sure but he wasn't about to underestimate them, to be honest Kenta had no right to, not after his ninjutsu training where he was owned by his own clones which was bad enough while having bad moments during missions.

Walking up next to Tako, just a few feet away from him, he had his back on the approaching few from before. Things were about to get fun, a faint gust of wind surrounded Kenta as his hair and scarves floated with ease in the air.
"Since there is an uneven number of us here, how do you propose we go about this?" He said in a monotone voice, his eyes drifted lazily to the left as he felt the presence of the rest get closer.

3Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:55 pm

Ryuji Uchiha

Ryuji Uchiha

It was Ryūji's turn to emerge, and he did so with a nervous grin. It was quite the mad predicament he had gotten himself in. On the way from the graveyard he had realized that he had no protection or weapons for the fight, a mistake which could cost him gravely. Normally when the Uchiha fought he always wore a small breastplate and a shoulder guard, but when he had stepped out of his house that night he had only been expecting a quick visit to the graveyard.

Looking around the young Genin noticed the trees which surrounded him. "Good for cover, but if anyone used a fire Jutsu it could be disastrous," he reminded himself, trying to stop a small shudder from being noticed, hopefully the others would think he was shivering from the cold.

The other Shinobi arrived just after Ryūji, and then Takao began to speak. The Uchiho answered with a small nod. He could clearly feel the night air now, and he hoped it would soon get warmer - or that they would start sparring. Ryūji had only the answer of silence to Kenta's question, not entirely sure what to do himself. It would be easier to plan this if one of the Genin was clearly stronger than the others.

4Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:01 pm

Axel Nekonote

Axel Nekonote

Axel looked at his group of genin and grinned. He never expected so many people wanting to train this early in the morning. Listening to a bit of the idle talking, he decided to lay down how the training/fights should go. "Alright, here's how we should do it. We'll all write our names down on some paper, then I'll pick two at random, and that's how we'll find out who fights who. Not full on fights though, just quick duels..." Pulling out some scrap paper he had for his personal training, he handed it out, along with a few pieces of charcoal for writing. He had to stop and think for a moment. "How about first to get knocked out of a boundary? I can easily draw one up in the dirt." He pulled his sword off his back and made a large circle surrounding the group. "Like this." Axel grinned and looked down at his circle. It wasn't perfect, but it definitely gave others an idea of how to do this.

5Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:28 pm

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Boundaries? That shouldn't be to hard. He might be able to beat them fairly quickly if it came to just boundaries. He took the charcoal and wrote his name on the paper, then gave it back to Axel. He had a question on his mind though. It would be important for his battle, considering he didn't carry his water bottle with him. "Has it rained here recently?" If the answer was yes, then it would be easier to use his jutsu in battle. If no, then He would really have to focus and try hard if he wanted to get his jutsu to work. "Who's going first by the way?

(Hey, how is the posting order going to go when the two people start to duel? Will it be just them, or will we all still post?)

6Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:16 pm



Takao looked around at the other genin and sighed. Maybe it had been a bit of a mistake on his part to rally everybody up for training in the middle of the night? An error of judgement on his part, no doubt, especially now that the drowsiness he was hoping to experience earlier had begun to set in. He sat himself down on a log while he listened to the other genin converse and found himself nearly nodding off every so often.

"Nyeh.. I'm not cut out for this early morning training. You guys can go ahead with whatever you decide on." he said, a yawn escaping from his lips soon after. "That'll even out the numbers too, so you guys will have an even match either way." Takao finished saying as he stretched his arms out above him. Takao leaned backwards on the log, subconsciously thinking that he would be stopped as if he was sitting on a chair, but instead fell over the log and onto his back. He would've been surprised and got back up if he hadn't fell into a nice comfortable patch of grass. Good enough, right?

7Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:26 am



Kenny couldn't help but turn and stare at the genin named Takao, suddenly backing off from the challenge ahead of him. Strange; and here Kenny was hoping for a good fight. Then again, someone could still be better. Someone in this group. He watched as Takao failed at leaning against the log, falling over it and his legs now dangling over the top of it. It was slightly amusing to Kenny but now back to the matter at hand. Now there was an even number of them to fight so now things could get back on track. Stepping to the side, Kenny flicked his hair and brooded for awhile before picking his lower lip and then turning to the rest.
"So, now that it's even. Who goes into what group?" He asked them, his voice slightly strained as he fought back a yawn. Maybe fighting this early in the morning wasn't the done thing but every ninja has to face an obstacle. Kenny's happened to be his tiredness.
"Do we fight as a team or just one on one...? Personally, team battles seem much more 'fun' to me but everyone's different."

8Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:08 pm

Ryuji Uchiha

Ryuji Uchiha

It seemed strange to Ryūji that Takao would opt out of the brawl, especially since he had led them to this particular training area. "Although..." he started to think to himeself "Maybe he wants to get an upper-hand by watching the rest of us fight, then we don't get to see his technique." The idea crossed his mind briefly but he decided to ignore it, he didn't think it'd be too good to cast doubt on his fellow Genin.

Ryūji no longer felt tired, and he listened to Kenta with a smile on his face. He had passed the point where he was sleepy and had burst through the other side, and had now become weirdly full of glee. Although he could see himself crashing some time soon. "I agree, I think a team battle would be much better." he answered. Having a bunch of people sitting around watching two people fight didn't seem too interesting to Ryūji.

9Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:47 pm

Axel Nekonote

Axel Nekonote

Axel looked at the others and thought to himself for a moment before giving his plan. "Alright then... Since Takao wants to sit out, the best option here would be to have teams of two. I guess... Kenta and I on a team? Ryuji and I on a team? Or Nekonotes on a team?" He couldn't quite decide on which person he should be paired with. There wasn't too big of a difference in team strengths, but he didn't want to shoot down any other idea that might trump his own. "I'm going to leave this up to you guys... But if we can't find an agreement, Takao can decide since he's sitting out." Having Takao be a final vote was a good idea since none of them really knew each other. With the exception of Akimitsu and Axel's clan relation.

10Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:55 pm

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

He looked at Takao who decided to sit out. Aki would be lying if he told someone he didn't want to sleep a bit. With Takao out of the picture though, he had to stay in. Who should he partner up with though? No one seemed weaker, or stronger, then the other genin. "The smartest thing would be letting Takao decide." The only thing he could see as a small advantage was to be teamed up with Axel. The only thing going for that was the fact that they were in the same clan. Aki never really payed attention to the others.

11Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:22 am



Takao lifted himself into an upright position and held himself there using his arms. He looked around at the other genin in their stalemated decision and released a yawn. He'd not yet fallen asleep, so he had heard the conversation up to this point. "How's about.." he said while thinking. Takao pointed to Ryuji and Akimitsu, "You and you on a team,".
Takao then pointed to Kenta and Axel, "And then you two on the other team. Sound good?" he asked before sitting himself back up on the log. He couldn't help but release a second yawn when he stretched his left arm up into the air. Takao hadn't actually put much of any thought into picking the teams, he just pointed at random. Good enough, right?

12Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:31 pm



Kenta shrugged. He really had no objection to the pickings of the teams. He didn't mind being put with Axel, the only thing he was unsure of is that, could he trust him? Kenny was always sceptical with new people and as such, always acted... strangely around new people whom he didn't know. He'd either become a cold son of a bitch or a really quiet person.
"Sure. I don't see any objection to that. Do you Axel?" He turned his head, looking into Axel's eyes.

The temperature was dropping and it was getting cold. If they were going to do this, they'd better hurry it up! Kenny flicked out a shuriken from his sleeve and snatched it from the air, pulling the projectile in front of his face. Time things got on track!

13Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Empty Re: Genin Brawl! (Dead/Closed) Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:33 pm

Ryuji Uchiha

Ryuji Uchiha

(Sorry about the late reply, I went to a small country town for a couple of days and I thought that I'd be able to reply. But unfortunately the internet there was extremely limited. I am back now and will be posting regularly.)

Ryūji agreed with the rest, allowing Takao to decide was a smart decision and got rid of any potential bias. He nodded his head in agreement. The Uchiha was also glad that Takao had picked the two Nekonotes to be on different teams, that way there wouldn't be any unfair tactics flying about. "Looks like we're gonna be fighting these guys." He turned to Akimitsu and attempted some conversation, trying to appear best to not appear too nervous.

He took a few steps back, eager to begin the training. Kenta had already started to throw around his Shuriken, it appeared to Ryūji that at least some - if not all - of the other Genin were itching for a fight. He turned to the other two he was gonna be fighting against. "Good luck." the Uchiha said, trying to not offend anyone.

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