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Masami has been waiting for this day for some time now. The feeling of boredom surrounded her, and it felt to her like it's almost too much for her - she needed to do something with herself; anything. The sun didn't feel warm to her anymore, the rain didn't feel cold to her anymore - she felt nothing. It might be because she hasn't done anything important for quite some time now, and it drove her crazy.

She thought about it for quite some time now. The reason for this feeling - and she finally understood it.
She was a shinobi. And on top of all of that, she had an addiction for adrenaline. She didn't lie to herself about it, she didn't deny it. Not even for a mere moment.
She decided to do something. Anything. She just knew she can't stay doing nothing - she couldn't let that happen.

And then.. An idea came up in her mind. Why wouldn't she spend her time on training? She could always use some training, she was a fine shinobi - but still, not the best. She wasn't close for being the shinobi that she wanted to be.
And so, the earliest hours of the morning passed; with them, a brief breakfast that was being made in the shinobi's house passed as well.

She was on her way now. Where to?
To the training grounds of her village, Kirigakure. She was going to start her training today, alone, all by herself.

Word count: 256

Training Speed from E to E-1: 75/75
Training Speed from E-1 to E-2: 150/150
Training Speed from E-2 to E-3: 31/225

Last edited by Masami on Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:54 am; edited 2 times in total



A short amount of time passed since Masami started walking towards the training ground - her goal for today. She couldn't wait any longer. She felt it in her body, every single detail of her - even her skin, it felt different.. Now that she knows that she won't be wasting her time today. Her very own training session.. It has been a while since she got some time to herself, and dedicated it to training; and only training.

A deep inhale was being taken into the female's body; slowly filling it with fresh air. This look - this thing that she loved so much to see was perfect. She has been in those forests so many times, and still, it never got old. Everytime she came here, it felt like her first time all over again.
One of Masami's palms was being raised - slowly sliding it to the back side of her body; to rub her nape.. Just a bit. She already felt the urge to start her training - but she wanted this moment to last, she didn't want it to end so quickly.

Another deep inhale. And she was already next to a tree - piercing it with her hazel orbs of sight. One of her legs was immediately being raised into the air; now kicking the tree forcefully with all of the young female's power. She had a petite body, a slender build of it, too.. But it didn't make her weak. It only made her feel like she should try harder; and train harder.
She hits it a moment after with one of her clenched fist; almost if like it was a reflex of her body.. And it did feel like that. She was ready, after years of being a shinobi, of training; she was ready. She was ready to become the great shinobi that she always wanted to be.

After a few more fists and kicks that were being thrown at the tree, hitting it with the capacity of her physical power, she decided to do something else. She was going to train her speed.
As a shinobi, and on top of all of that, a shinobi who uses elemental ninjutsu she doesn't need to be fast. She has to be fast - for her own sake. Masami was well aware of the fact that she needed to train her speed, and why not now? She had enough free time, and she was serious about this training session. She was going to start it today, and she would probably keep training her speed later - better now than never, right?

And so, just like that, she started doing it.
Her feet accelerated by her mind's command, starting to sprint towards some path to an unknown destination. It didn't matter to her, she didn't care about where and how she would run - she just needed to run, to train her stamina and her agility.

A few hours passed, two to be exact.
Two hours that were being dedicated to her agility's training session. She didn't seem to be tired at the first hour of the run that she did, but the other part.. Well, that did make her exhausted. It was evident and easy to notice.
After she finished it, and got back to exact same place, she decided to end this training session for today. It was enough, it felt like it was enough. And so, a few more minutes passed before Masami was already on her way to her home; leaving no trail of evidences that she was even in that forest.

End Thread.

Word count: 605
Total word count: 861

Training Speed from E to E-1: 75/75
Training Speed from E-1 to E-2: 150/150
Training Speed from E-2 to E-3: 225/225
Training Speed from E-3 to D: 300/300
Training Reaction Time from E to E-1: 75/75

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