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1Someone to beware of walks in[private/Gin] Empty Someone to beware of walks in[private/Gin] Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:23 am



After being kindly dropped of at the borders of kirigakure no sato by the boat man, dray could feel the slight chills in the atmosphere. It ran down his frigid spine though he was not the least bit afraid of being in another village. The mist was very visible and his trained nose gave him a faint smell of blood. He had made sure to bring along a green hood that he attached to the collar of his kimono armour and wore over his head. He inserted his arms into the sleeves of each other as he proceeded to enter the village. The watched as the water washed upon the shore and the little warmth of the sun was unsatisfying.
At the village gates, dray could see few shinobis with kirigakure headbands stationed their. One of them stopped dray and asked.. Who are you, where are you from and what do you want in kirigakure no sato?.. Dray politely responded to the shinobi's question.
I am draygglez senju. A shinobi of the leaf. I received permission from the hokage to travel to kirigakure so as to augment my skills with the fine shinobis that dwell within the village covered in the mist.. Hearing the beautiful response as the shinobi smiled for the fact that dray had praised kirigakure,You are welcome he said as he let dray come into the village..
With a smile on his face, dray entered into the village.

The village was more colder than the outsides were. It was like the village gates were somehow conserving the cold within the village and preventing it from getting out. Never had konohagakure no sato been this cold. At least, onno occasion which dray could remember but considering the fact that it was the cold season where snows do fall, dray had no problem with the weather. He was on who adjusted to various situations easily. Still with the green hood over his head and his hands in his sleeves, dray kept walking as he became a centre of attraction to the passer- bys.
Was green clothing an odd material or was green itself an unusual color in this village? The more he kept walking, the more eyes that glued to him. Only his walks seemed to fascinate this people. He wondered if all hell would break loose by the time he settled in the village.



Foreigners - especially those from Konoha - really had to learn how to keep from sticking out like a sore thumb. Gin understood wanting to show pride for one's village and its colors to some extent, but wearing green from head to toe was a little bit... Too much. Of course people were staring. Tourists or visitors weren't necessarily rare in the Village Hidden in The Mist, but they mostly got people from neighboring countries. For instance, people from Suna like Gin herself weren't all that rare.

People from Konoha and Kumo on the other hand, were rarely something people saw. Shit, this kid even had green hair. Oh well. She had been assigned as a sort of welcoming committee for the day. How that had happened, she still didn't know. This was the kind of job that was assigned to Genin or Chuunin, not a member of the Legendary Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. The young woman was mumbling under her breath as she approached the boy. "Good day and welcome to Kirigakure, land of dreams and many wonders, where adventure awaits in every - who the hell wrote this crap?!" Gin said, reading dryly and monotonously from a piece of paper that now lay on the ground, torn in half.

Gin sighed and shook her head. "Kuroka Gin" she said her name, introducing herself simply. "I'm supposed to be some sort of tour guide or whatever for tourists coming in today. You seem to be the only one, so I'm stuck taking you to wherever the hell it is you want to go see or do," she said unenthusiastically, running a hand through the silver locks of her hair.

Of course, the part of the job that was left unsaid was to judge the kid, to see whether or not he was a threat to the village or a potential spy. It had become a standard protocol, really. Ever since the Seven Bells fiasco, the village couldn't afford to let its guard down again. So no matter where people came from, what they claimed to be or what they looked like, there was always paperwork being filed in the back that let the higher ups - mainly the Mizukage - know what each of these newcomers was up to. It was now Gin's job to approve or deny this boy's entry and to kick him out herself if need be. She highly doubted that this would be the case, however.




As dray continued through the village, his green attire gave him a feeling of konoha. Not only was he on green due to him being from konoha but for the fact that a person like him was rare. Apart from his clan's ability to control wood, from childhood, he had personally developed an affinity to the forest which pushed him onto learning how to control plants.
The village was impressive as most of the buildings were luxurious. Hardly could a 1- star building be found up to the extent that even the shops, stalls are little kiosks were elegantly decorated like it was still a festive season.

Overwhelmed was he by this sights that he paid little attention to the female who came by him. She was a beauty to behold. The one noticeable thing about her was her silvery hair and her little body builds though she still perfectly fitted the description of a lady.
She proceeded as dray looked at the paper she was reading from.. She welcomed dray to kirigakure no sato describing it as a village of dreams and wonders, a place where adventure awaits.. before she stopped and strained her eyes to clearly see what was written thete..
Giving up on the speech which was definetly not written by her, she shook her head as she intoduced herself as Kuroka Gin. A sporty name.. dray thought. She explained that she is to be dray's guide on his tour round the village or wherever he wants to go.

Looking downwards, dray laughed within himself... He was far from being a tourist. Though he could accept the word newcomer as this was his first time in kiri. He was here to stay for a long time to do his findings on claymore and also to hone his skills and get better though he prayed that kiri had shinobis ready to take on the challenge.. He looked back up before speaking..
Thank You for the..should I say practiced welcome.. I am Dray Senju. Konoha's green leaf. A self-given title, I would admit but acknowledge by few respectables. I really dont know where to go from here neither do I know where to lay my head when night comes but that is the least of my worries at the moment. Concerning you being my guide, how bout we go watch a sparring site or rather, you could interest me with your exceptional skills as I can sense that you are a shinobi too.



Dray Senju... odd name, but Gin wasn't one to judge that. Also... Senju... She wondered how he would react if he knew that she had pretty much single handedly destroyed his clan's compound and had almost murdered the clan leader and subsequent Hokage. Woops. To be fair, though, he had sort of started it. Sure, Gin had assassinated a family in cold blood, but only because she was hired to do so. He was the one that had attacked her and demanded her head. She had only defended herself... Right? Well, deep down, the silver haired woman knew that she had deserved that. In any case, no one had traced that event back to her and she had been sure to eliminate any clue that could lead anyone in the right direction.

He also had a self given title, huh? That wasn't unheard of, though most people didn't admit to assigning themselves a cool sounding moniker. "The Leaf's Green Leaf, huh? People sometimes refer to me as the Angel of Death, but they tend to exaggerate. My body count isn't nearly as high as they say it is," she said offhandedly. She was, of course, one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and the former Kazekage. Of course she had a pretty good range of experience and had earned her place thanks to her brute strength. The fact that he had to point out that she was a shinobi - almost asking if she was one - made her stomach sink a little.

Oh how the mighty fall... Once she led a nation, now she was relegated to babysitting this little brat who didn't even recognize her name. Gin sighed loudly. She didn't blame him. it had become a common occurrence as of late.  "Sure, kid, I'll take you to the training grounds," she said, immediately moving through the rooftops of the village until she reached some of the outskirts, a little before reaching the Swamp of Sorrows. There were several people occupying several of them, but Gin found one of the fields that they could use for their own comfortably. "Not much to look at if you ask me, but it does the trick. So, what do you want to work on? Want to learn something? Anything in particular? I'm good a weapons, ninjutsu, taijutsu and sealing. If I feel like it, I can even teach you one of my techniques. That work for you?" she asked simply.

[Training Gale Sword Style – Pride: 849/1500]



Dray waited for the lady's response. He had no other feelings. Not other intents. No just yet. He just felt he had not honed his skills in a while.
While at the village of the leaf, he always felt a sense of strength but all that would be determined now should the lady grant his request.
"The angel of death".. She said.. Dray was amused. He could not wait to get started.. If what she said concerning the name was true, then she was truly someone. Something of a figure not to be tempered with.

She accepted dray offered saying she would take him to kirigakure's training grounds.. What was it like, dray wondered. Was it pure solid grounds like the training fields in the leaf or was it more of konoha's dense forest.. Dray was soon to find out.
In a twinkle of an eye, she sprang upwards, moving
through the rooftops of the kirigakure no sato. Nice reflexes, dray thought. Following behind her calmy, they now she reached some somewhere quite different from the main village itself, up ahead, there was something more like a swamp and on there current location, there were several people occupying
several of them training grounds?..dray though, but Gin soon found one of the fields that they could use for their stuff comfortably. "Not much to look at if you ask me, but it does the trick. So, what do you want to work on? Want to learn something? Anything in particular? I'm good a weapons, ninjutsu, taijutsu and sealing. If I feel like it, I can even teach you one of my techniques. That work for you?" she
asked brightly.
Dray was amused with the way she spoke confidently. How she knew all this skills was mind blowing.. and here she was, willing to teach dray even one of her techniques. Maybe kirigakure was not as bad as people said to to be.. Dray thought.
"well, I'lld have to commend you if you truly have those skills as you've said. I specialize in ninjutsu and sword things but I hope you could teach me the ways of staff- wielding if you can or broad sword handling too.. dray would said calmly..



He specialized in swords, huh? Well, at least they had that in common. As for her not living up to the reputation that she had just described... well, he would see in a little bit. She scouted the area. It was wide enough so that she didn't have to worry about either accidentally attacking someone that had nothing to do with this or setting the place on fire. Both would be a possibility in a confined space. However, this would more than likely do. She drew Sabaku no Bara  - a normal katana for all intents and purposes - from its scabbard and got into a basic fighting stance.

Gin shook her head slightly from left to right. "Sorry kid, no can do. Don't know how to use either of them. Just classic swords, bows and unconventional weapons. Anything other than that hasn't really caught my eye or been worth my time," she said. She was speaking honestly. She liked bows for the distance they allowed her, swords because of their flexibility and practicality and unconventional weapons because they could fill any other gap in between. Having that, why would she ever have a need for staves? None that she saw at the moment, really. Maybe her opinion would change sometime later on.

For now, this was what she knew best - one on one combat with a sword in hand. Hand to hand combat was fun, as was using seals or ninjutsu, but this is where Gin's true passion was. She wondered what this kid was capable of. She was filled with a sense of momentary curiosity mixed with mischief. There was always something sly and cunning about Gin, after all. She tilted her head to the side for a moment, signaling him to begin whenever he wanted to. She hoped that this would be fun.

[Training Gale Sword Style – Pride: 1157/1500]



Dray waited for the response the lady would give. If she would agree to teach him what he asked, he wondered exactly how the training process would be. He had never had anyone to train him neither had he trained someone. The only real fights he had had was with his sensei and due to his sensei's late arrival, dray had to leave konoha for kirigakure no sato though he left a message for his sensei saying he had gone to the land of water.
Once again, dray looked at the area, the training ground to be more precise. There were bodies of water visible and little vegetations too but of course, both dray and gin were on solid ground. Dray wondered what kirigakure had in stock for him. He needed to get better or he would not have the least strength to avenge his family, to kill claymore.

With his right and left hand still folded in the sleeves of each other, dray watched as the girl drew a katana from it's scabbard and jumped in a fighting posture.
Dray had quite a skill in bukijutsu but he wondered if this was just an ordinary katana or something more. He thought of his way of defence if the lady should come at him. He had no swords neither did he have any large weapons but he still felt safe with a ninja's most helpful weapons. Kunais, shurikens and senbons. So deadly, depending on the way they are used.
Dray focused on the lady that shook her head from left to right. A No, he guessed as she proceeded forth with her words..""Sorry kid, no can do. Don't know how to use either of them. Just classic swords, bows and unconventional weapons. Anything other than that hasn't really caught my eye or been worth my time"... Dray had guessed right. It was a no..but she talked of bows, dray thought it as a good idea. He thought of their range, they were very brilliant weapons though just little thought of their efficiency.
Perhaps, dray could learn the way of the bow and those unconventional weapons she talked of, whatever that meant.
The lady tilted her head to the side, signalling dray to come at her.. She was really good, ordering dray to come at her but maybe it was confidence or carelessness.. In every fight, dray knew when he had won, not when his opponent had given up or when he had killed or immobilized his target. He had a sense of victory when he knew he had done something to question his opponent's strength. He remembered when he blew out a flying opponent from the sky, his sensei was pleased even though he was not there, now, it was another time to announce his arrival at kirigakure no sato.
Dray calculated the distance between he and the girl and she was about ten metres from him. Dray would spread his legs as he would lower his head to face the ground and speak so that the female would hear him..
an honour you would do me to allow me start this spar. I claim to be a bukijutsu specialist yet I have no visible weapons under that category. A shame on my part that would be but still, I have some jutsus to compensate my handicapped bukijutsu situation and a few projectiles too.. You wouldn't mind if I renovated this arena, would you.. Just overlook whatever happens as a welcome gift to me.. dray would conclude as he would raise his head and withdraw five shurikens and five senbons from his clothing and launch them at the female. The first five senbons were headed at her upper body, mainly, the veins in her neck, her ears, and lung areas while the rest shurikens were the lower body to hit her thighs, knees, abdomen,etc. Dray was well aware that the katana in her hand was not for fancy so his attack would not pose the least threat at her. He just felt like attacking bluntly. Trying the give the opponent an idea that he himself was very blunt.
Following up this attack, dray would run in an arc to the right hoping to intercept her from the right with two kunais in his hands.

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