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1Help Around the Academy [D-rank] Empty Help Around the Academy [D-rank] Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:14 am



Mission name: Help Around the Academy[Repeatable]
Mission rank: D
Objective: To help around the academy.
Location: Kirigakure
Reward: 50 ryo
Mission description: The academy has asked us to give them a helping hand around the academy. This can vary from tasks to watching over the class while a teacher goes off to get something or clearing the halls,making sure those who are sent into detention actually get there and that there is no graffiti being tagged on the wonderful academy.
Mission details: Honestly you can choose what you want to do for this,as long as your helping around the academy. Link back here when done and make sure you write 700 Words. Good luck

2Help Around the Academy [D-rank] Empty Re: Help Around the Academy [D-rank] Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:13 pm

Calais Nekonote

Calais Nekonote

Approved for my part. You either need a mod or two more jr. mods to finish it.

3Help Around the Academy [D-rank] Empty Re: Help Around the Academy [D-rank] Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:05 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Good enough. I'll post this in Kiri's board for them.

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