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Mission Briefing:

"What do you mean fill in waiter?!" Katsurou was incredulous. The mission briefing he had received crinkled between his shaking hands as he looked down on it with disbelief, Katsurou's twitching eyes burning in such a way as though he were looking through it. He had thought that finally graduating from the ninja academy in Suna had freed him from menial service jobs, but it seemed now that theory was far from the truth. Instead of being free to live life as a heroic, famous shinobi, his first step on his way of the ninja was backwards. Begrudgingly, Katsurou made his way from the mission board towards the address printed on the his mission briefing. As he trudged down the streets of Suna and the buildings changed from the stark military appearance of ninja barracks to the flashy lights of downtown, Katsurou grumbled to himself. He generally did not give the future a positive outlook, and this was no exception. All he could do was complain to himself about what a horrible time he would have until he could not accept things going any other way. Even though he recognized this fault in himself frequently, that knowledge did not stop him from living in such a way. It was simply part of his character which he had either decided not to correct or at least had not gotten to correcting as of yet.

Finally, after trudging through his angst for quite some time, Katsurou came upon a pristine white brick building complete with stained glass windows showing off all of the colors of the rainbow as well as little garden boxes outside the windows which were filled with a variety of colored flowers that Katsurou could not have named even if he tried. Even just looking through the windows, Katsurou could tell this place had class. Just inside the restaurant, in fact, behind each of the perfectly symetrical sunburst stained glass windows hung the softest drapes Katsurou had ever seen. From what he could tell through the dazzling refracted light of the colorful stained glass windows, the drapes seemed to be a light baby blue color, decorated with tiny star shaped stitchings in white. Looking up through the windows, Katsurou saw that the cascading fabric seemed to be held by an ornate brass bar whose decoration came from its twisted and coiled nature which made it seem as though the metal wrapped around itself. That did not seem to be enough to satisfy the bar's dignity, however, as the ends rapidly flared and then tapered out into ornately embossed wings. Katsurou simply whistled, thoroughly impressed as his eyes drifted downwards into the interior of the establishment. The young man's eyes lit up as before him rose table after table in a pattern of concentric circles. The tables themselves, which were circular as well, were all adorned with pristine white tablecloths and topped with identical three pronged brass candelabras. The tables almost seemed to dance across the marbled tile floor of the restaurant as servers waded between them with large silver platters each holding only a single pastry. Katsurou did not yet know it, but these outfits would define his life for the next several hours. The female restaurant employees were decked in crisp french maid outfits, as was customary for this type of restaurant. They were nothing too special; sure to be humiliating for any woman who was not used to showing off her figure, of course, but it was what was expected of an outfit like this, and it seemed that all the employees where quite professional and proper about it anyhow. What struck him as odd, however, was the fact that even the male employees uniforms were tailor made for aesthetic tastes with crisp vests and custom pants and shirts which hugged their figures. Katsurou cringed, contorting his face into a look of regret as he adjusted his coat. Soon I'll have to deal with all that. Finally, the young man removed his nose from the glass and made his way to the front door. Katsurou flipped his hair to the side in a last ditch attempt to look cool as he went in, just now noticing the sign above the double mahogany doors. Pallav's Pristine Pastry Palace, huh? Here goes nothing.

Mission: [600/600] Complete!
Perception: E -> E-1 [75/75] Complete!
Perception: E-1 -> E-2 [44/150]



Smell after smell forced its way into Katsurou's nose from the very moment he cracked open the door to the restaurant. First it was the cinnamon filled scent of apple strudel, followed close behind by freshly backed baklava. Soon after came the soft, sweet smell of profiterole and cannoli. For whatever reason Katsurou even smelled an éclair, which had the very specific aroma of a bread with sweet filling. He would have thought that pastries had temptations and abstract aromas, but for some specific extra dimensional reason it very specifically smelled to him like a bread with sweet filling, as though that were somehow a scent. Even the candles seemed to be scented in some way, as Katsurou sniffed in the faint aroma of lilac, which he had not seen in the flower boxes outside. Taking in the scene, the young man also soon discovered why he could not determine the color of the marbled tiles which made up the restaurants flooring; they were all white. Katsurou merely grumbled as he paced across the flooring, his shinobi sandals clicking and clacking across the tiles as he buried his hands into his pockets. He was not used to this kind of decorum and he certainly was not comfortable in these surroundings. Katsurou was accustomed to a certain level of casuality, and this was perhaps as far off as he could get from that. In an odd way, this mission seemed as though it could be far more challenging than any fight he might have gotten himself into on another mission. Katsurou sighed to himself, brushing back his hair with one of his hands. This was what he had wanted, was it not? It was a challenge to test his skills. Either way, there was not much choice. He imagined he wouln't get any good missions in the future if he failed to complete this one. The young man finally sucked up his stubborn pride and approached the glass podium just before the enterance. Before him stood a pale young man with wavy blonde hair in a crisp waiter's uniform along with a dark skinned young woman in a maid's outfit. Both stood prim and proper, hands clasped before them in such a dignified manner that it almost sickened Katsurou.

"Welcome to Professor Pallav's Pristine Pastry Palace." The young man started, offering a glowing smile with a side of good service. "A table for one or are you here on a date?" The girl added as she retrieved a leather bound menu seemingly from nowhere at all. "Pardon our rudeness." The blonde boy continued. "My name is Christella." The girl added. "And mine is Thomas." The boy added. "And we'll be your tour guides on your taste vacation today!" They let out in perfect unison, said in such tones as though it were prepared by a barber shop quartet. Katsurou smiled sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. "Oh no, I'm just here to help out." He retrieved the mission briefing from his coat pocket and offered the half crumpled sheet of paper to the waiters, who looked down on it in perfect unison. "I was told to come here for a mission. Food service, as fate would have it." The pair simply nodded, each hooking an arm around one of Katsurou's and beginning to half-drag half-guide him towards the back of the restaruant. "You'll need to get a uniform!" The boy said. "And learn some proper etiquette while you're at it!" The girl added. Katsurou merely lowered his head in shame, his feet sliding along the floor as he was dragged off to his perceived forced labor.

I really wish I were fighting a giant scorpion right now. It would probably be easier than going through this hell.


Perception: E-1 -> E-2 [44 + 106/150] Complete!
Perception: E-2 -> E-3 [225/225] Complete!
Perception: E-3 -> D [300/300] Complete!

10 words remaining

641 + 719 = 1360 total

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