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1I'm a Dragon? [Suutei/Training/NK] Empty I'm a Dragon? [Suutei/Training/NK] Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:20 pm



Sky blue eyes glared venomously at the white walls, hoping that she could get clearance to have the okay to get out of here. Rubbing her arm she winced slightly as a sudden jolt of pain ran through her like a hot kunai. While she wasn't necessarily mad at her new training partner she was mad at herself for getting her ass handed to her despite knowing that she had no chance in hell of beating the fucking shikiyo into the ground. Minutes passed and the clock ticked on and with it so did her anger. She slightly grinded her teeth annoyed wondering where the fuck was that bitch of a doctor was. Taking a deep breath she tensed a bit when the door creaked open till it done in the fullest and opened her mouth to curse the woman out but she stopped herself trying to remember the progress she has been making lately. That was until the woman started lecturing her the most nasally voice ever. Okay fuck this...

An hour and a half later...

For some odd reason a slightly intoxicated Aimi was sitting at the bar of the Dragon's Tongue with a very drunk scantily dressed blonde doctor latching on her shoulder. It took a couple minutes till she realized that she was no longer in her hospital robes but rather white long selves shirt, a sleeveless red jacket left unzipped, black short with matching thigh high stockings and red combat boots. Her forehead protector and necklace loosely thrown over her neck, gloves on each hand, her bandanna which held her shuriken on her right wrist, her kunai in her left boot and a small bottle of her family's own signature chakra sensitive ink in her right hand with a cosmo in the other. The blonde giggled at something random the bartender said and pressed her assets against her arm taking Aimi by surprise till she noticed a few light red marks on her body but slowly and surely she connected the dots.....why the hell did she agree to take this chick out!


2I'm a Dragon? [Suutei/Training/NK] Empty Re: I'm a Dragon? [Suutei/Training/NK] Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:03 pm



Suutei awoke and bright and earlier within the Village Hidden in the Sand.  These were his last couple of days and he'd met a few interesting people, the little boy Noel who was literally an angel.  Akarui another interesting boy, yet he'd not seen much of him while in the village.  A run in with a thief on a mission given to him one day, nothing too strange for him.  After all he was from Konohagakure were strange is the norm.  It had been awhile since he'd been out to train, he heard the Tsumi Sand Grounds were perfect for such.  Suutei prepared himself for the trip to the Sand Grounds only packing his ninja tools, he left the small hotel suite with Chopper still asleep.  By the time he'd reach the lobby he realized he was shirtless, mainly due to the 3 girls snickering at him located in the Foyer.

Suutei blushed slightly and rushed out of the Lobby and outside, double checking his equipment within his backpack.  Everything was there including his headband, and a few other trinkets that belonged to Chopper.  Suutei walked around the village searching for the Tsumi Sand Grounds, but they were not to far away when he read a sign that depicted he was going in the wrong direction.  Suutei sighed and turned around making a left in the correct direction, headed for the Sand Grounds.  Actually anxious to get in some last minute training, it had been quite awhile since he stretched out the old muscles.  Maybe practice some Taijutsu techniques, he'd finally been considered a master in the art of Taijutsu given that he was only 16.

Reaching his designated area he'd spoken to the grounds keeper who stated that if he broke anything that Suutei would be the one paying for, or fixing it.  Suutei accepted the responsibility of taking care of his designated area within the Training Grounds, to ensure nothing would be destroyed the grounds keeper requested that Suutei give him his headband.  Without much choice he did as such.

Suutei was satisfied getting the full benefits of training within the Sand Grounds, and suddenly became a bit cocky.  Suutei snatched away his headband from the grounds keeper, ”I told you I wasn't gonna break anything you old geezer.  Say gramps where can I find a good place to eat, I don't suppose Ichiraku's went national.”  Suutei packed his things away as the elderly man spoke to him, ”I would suggest the Dragon's Tongue, you seem like the spicy kind of kid.”  Suutei sat up and smirked to the old man, ”You know it!”

Returning to his hotel room he cleansed himself with a nice warm shower, speaking to Chopper outside.  ”Hey Chopper you wanna get a bite to eat tonight, I heard about a place called the Dragon's Tongue. We should check it out.”  Chopper scampered around searching for Suuei's night out clothes.  Clearly having a hard time, because he'd never seen Suutei wear anything but his combat or training gear.  Chopper was able to find the outfit; a simple black t-shirt, black joggers, and a pair of black boots.  This wasn't much of a going out kind of attire, but then again Chopper was the one who usually dressed him.  Suutei finally stepped out of the shower, dressing himself in the clothes Chopper found for him.  ”Suutei you do remember I mention the Dragon's Tongue, when we first arrived in Sunagakure right?  Where else did you hear about it?  Hunching his shoulders, Suutei opened the door for Chopper to exit out and Suutei would follow.

Arriving at the restaurant the two were preparing to chow down on a bunch of spicy dishes, as many as they could throw at them.  Standing at the entrance Suutei noticed a girl at the bar stand, with long red hair and boots to match, strange enough there was another girl rested on her shoulder, probably to drunk to sit up on her own.  Suutei and Chopper were seated and placed their orders, as soon as their waitress left Suutei got the urge to speak to the two woman.  Suutei approached the two in a suave manner, ”Hey how's it going.  My name is Suutei and your's.”  Suutei then noticed the forehead protector she was wearing, depicting that she was also Konohagakure.


3I'm a Dragon? [Suutei/Training/NK] Empty Re: I'm a Dragon? [Suutei/Training/NK] Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:29 pm



Aimi sipped her drink casually as if she didn't have some blonde bimbo breathing down her neck. Speaking of the blonde bimbo, why the hell does the damn bartender keep supplying her with drinks cause Aimi sure as hell ain't going to pay for them. The woman was on her 8th shot for Pain's sake! The bartender was either one or more of two things: 1) He was new at this or just a flat out idiot who didn't know jack shit 2) He was a greedy son of a bitch (most likely) and didn't care whom got hurt while intoxicated as long as he got his money or lastly 3) He was a pervert and his main objective was to get pretty women drunk then fuck them senseless before dumping them as they would be so disoriented that they would remember the incident at all; thus he would get off free of consequences. Upon closer examination of said bartender, she noticed he continuously sneak glances at them with suppressed lust and kept biting the inside of his cheek though both actions went pretty much noticed. Peculiar...every move he took there wasn't a wasted movement, as each served its purpose. He lack any anxiety and did not perspire, at least not that she can tell, which showed this was regular routine. Besides the hint of lust his eyes were worn but alert, very alert yet relax. And these signs pointed to one thing.....shinobi! Or at least a former one. Her gut told her he was a chuunin who failed to make spec jounin, a woman's intuition was usually right. And from her peripheral vision as she sipped her drink, he had a slight limp on his left leg, possibly an injury that ended his career.

Just as she was about to say something, someone new entered the picture. Aimi rolled her eyes disgusted but not surprised; who wouldn't try to take advantage of two intoxicated women who seemingly were unarmed. She shifted and instantly her eyes raked over him, certainly not impressed and by his aura it did not leave a better impression than previously "My name is out of your language so take a hint and bug off or you will know pain" she sneered, her eyes piercing into Suutei's and instinctively she swatted the new beer away from the doctor who whined as the glass hit the floor, upset that her poison was withheld from her but was quickly shut up by a glare from Aimi "Shut it or I'll show you why art is a bang brat"


4I'm a Dragon? [Suutei/Training/NK] Empty Re: I'm a Dragon? [Suutei/Training/NK] Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:46 am



Suutei anticipated a positive reply from the girl, and hoped for conversation on the girls endeavor to the village hidden in the sand.  Suutei knew right off the bat, as the girl rolled her eyes obviously not impressed by Suutei's appearance.  She replied worse than her glance at him, a pretty rude gal he'd say.  Noticing her companion was way over the the title of intoxicated, she was flat out fucked up.  Suutei saw the girl lose her balance on the stool, Suutei quickly caught her before she could hit the ground.  

”Woah there.  You okay?  Up we go.

He helped the woman back onto the bar stool and her head hit the table hard, and shook most of the glasses on the counter.  As her head collided with the counter her pink haired companion snapped on her, apparently she had a bit of a thing for art.  Though he was slightly curious on what she meant by 'art is a bang' usually when the word 'bang' comes to mind, Suutei thinks of many explosions like at a Fireworks show.  Suutei looked over at the bartender who was giving the two girls a rather creepy and perverted look.  This could not help on running through the motives of this man, seeing as a conversation of good tidings was out of the question.  Suutei decided to help the two girls out.

”Well uhmmm.  Yeah, I couldn't help but noticed that your friend is fucked.  Do you two need any help, honestly just don't feel safe with two girls under the influence out there on their own.  This village is pretty rough once it reaches nightfall, if you do want my help I'll be over...

Suutei eyed the bartender now realizing that he had a bit of a height advantage over them, and a slight limp in his walk.  Maybe he was jumping the gun maybe it was just a hunch, but most of the time his guesses were spot on...most of the time.  The bartender began walking over to the two girls and Suutei, eyeing him with the look of hatred.

”Hey kid why don't you beat.  You look kind of young for a drink.  So little boy scout why don't you go back over there with your stuffed animal, and I'll send out one of the waitresses with a couple of crayons and coloring menus.”

The bartender patted Suutei's head, absolutely disrespecting the young Konoha Chunnin.  Suutei cringed as the man insulted him in the cruelest manner possible, and his comments caused the young Chunnin to gain a slight eye twitch as the man touched him.  Unusual for Suutei say the least, and this was the first time someone outside of Konoha who managed to tick him off.  Balling his hands into a fist Suutei looked up to the man in his eyes, surveying him without taking his eyes off the male.  Though he was at a slight disadvantage at the time, and did not bring any of his ninja tools with him.

”You wanna hear a joke...”

The bartender raised an eyebrow at the Indigo haired teen, puzzled by what he was speaking about.  Instantly, Suutei's chakra began to flare much higher than he allowed since he was in a populated place he wished to keep his chakra low.  Suutei swung his fist targeting the left side of the bartenders face, hoping to knock him into the bottles of alcohol he served to others.


1000/1000 Wind Release: Air Bullets

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